Without hesitation, the pilots leaped into their fighters, each machine a marvel of brass and steel, powered by the force of countless gears and pistons. The engines roared to life, sending tremors through the floor beneath them. Aria gripped the control stick tighter, her knuckles turning white as her eyes locked onto the looming threat above.
Hey! I'm Drummer. I'm as active as possible here on the forums, and try to be as free and easy as can be. This is a new campaign idea of mine, one I've wanted to do for a while. This thread is just a place for me to get as many details down as possible, answer any questions, and for people to apply. Sorry if the formating is a little over the place lmao. I promise you I'm an experienced DM, its just been a long day.
Going to quickly get down all the details, so you can tell whether this will work for you, and then we can get into what the play by post is about. Campaign Details:
Starting level: Level 2
Class restrictions: No full casters (half casters are allowed)
Ability scores: Please use standard array or point buy.
Age rating: This campaign is 16+, but only because of the swearing (keep that to a minimum please) and some of the topics that may be briefly mentioned, like, well, the evils of politics. If you have any triggers, please say, and I’ll try to stay away from those where possible. There will be strictly nothing nsfw, and everyone should be nice to each other. (At least, OOC).
Homebrew: Talk to me about it! I may let you have it, depending on what it does. Bonus points if its steampunky.
Experience: We’ll be using milestone levelling up. As for player experience, this play by post is open to players who are new to dnd. You will need to be at least partially experienced with roleplay though, and be able to write awesome things like character interactions, character actions, and your backstory.
Other requirements: Players should try to post once a day, as long as there’s something to respond to. If at any point you aren’t going to be able to respond for more than 2 days, please let me know.
There will be guns in this world, but they’ll be steampunk ones, so I’ll give details on them later.
I’ll be using a few custom rules, as this kind of campaign calls for them, but it won’t really affect game play. The most notable is that weapons will be more impactful. The bleeding condition will most likely be more common, and crits with any items that count as weapons or a damaging spell will result in an immediate drop to 0hp. Getting hit by a crit gun shot and being fine doesn’t quite ring true, not in a steampunk world anyway.
Roleplay between players is always encouraged, feel free to do that whenever possible!
Alright, next up, I've got some lore for the world.
Campaign lore:
Aveanor counts as a city, a nation, and a people. Sprawling out across the land beneath it, its home to thousands, even millions of citizens at this point, of all races and backgrounds. It stands as one of the forefronts for innovation and industrialisation, a place where people can thrive on creating something wonderful, whether it be an invention, concept, or community. Even if most people are hell bent on using their talents to become rich in the vast economy, Aveanor is still an engineer’s playground.
Knife crime? Yeah, there’s a bit, not everyone’s inventions go towards the greater good. Capitalism? Yeah, it has its faults. The government? I mean, its alright… The people seem happy with them usually, the only problem the politicians seem to have is with each other. If you ask the people? They say Aveanor is a magical place, full of freedom and opportunity. I mean, they must know best, right?
As for your character, well, I guess it’s up to them what they think. How the world has treated them so far. Whether you grew up in the heart of Aveanor, or on the outskirts near the coast, everyone’s a city member here.
The future of all this isn’t looking particularly bright as it stands. Across the channel, there lies another, more vast continent. The news would often celebrate explorer’s journeys across it, and pictures of the new infrastructure would be shared around most dinner tables. One day, one day people were going to be able to go over and live there. It gets a little repetitive at times, even looks like they’re just sending out the same pictures and articles some days, but who really cares about that, right? They must be doing something good over on this new continent.
The date is the 16 of March, 500. That’s 500 years since Aveanor was founded, just a small village back then. Your character has received a letter, a first class one too. It’s a high-quality envelope, sealed with the emblem of Aveanor, an intricate representation of the clocktower that stands at the heart of the city. Inside, they find the following message.
Dear reader. I hope this letter finds you in good health.
The military office is calling up able bodied men and women to work for the Edinbrail company, for services on a concept devised to aid work across the channel. More details will be provided on your arrival. Compliance will result in free living quarters, food, pay, and entrance into the company, where I’m sure you’ll meet many like minded folk. You’ve been sent this after the office reviewed your talents and interests, that fit well with what we are looking for.
If this interests you, we will see you at noon on the 21 of March, at the military depot, city centre. No sooner, no later. We have sent 5 gold pieces with this letter, which will hopefully pay for your travels. If you are not interested in this, you can forget about this letter and continue as normal. The choice is yours.
I've been deliberately secretive on a few aspects of this, as its more fun for all of us that way.
Character backstory requirements:
They must have lived in Aveanor for as long as they can remember.
They must have a love for either machinery, planes, the sky, exploration, or war, if that’s what you’re going for. Can love more than one of these.
I’d rather them not be really old, but they don’t have to be young either if you don’t want. Over 18 though please.
Please have the backstory end with them getting the letter mentioned in the campaign lore, and how they act upon it.
Feel free to assume certain things, like simple inventions in your backstory and any landmarks. I’ll always correct you if something doesn’t work, so go for it! Backstories don’t have to be super long, but I’ll be choosing which I think will work the best/have the most effort put into them, along with the rest of the character design. We may start with as many players as we can get, but will hopefully work up to five.
If you’re interested, feel free to apply on this thread! I will be choosing 5 applicants based on the quality of their characters, their availability to play, any awesome/niche aspects to their character, and how well I think it would work in the campaign. Use the following format when applying:
Link to character sheet (ddb or otherwise)
Character art Fears Hobbies Voice claim/description Any extra details you want to add
Final notes:
If you plan on being a Paladin, or any other religious character, ask me and we can talk about pantheons and how religion works in this world.
I have Tasha’s and Monsters of the multiverse, so if you wanted to use anything from them, just ask :).
Please use the inbuilt dice roller for checks and such. If it says its manipulated, feel free to roll again.
Map, for reference:
If you have any questions, just ask! I can't wait to DM this, and see all your awesome characters.
Oh and crit gunshot wound should maybe drop you to 1 health and prone?, it doesn’t make sense to have a level 20 party and a bandit that’s cr 3 shoots you in the leg and you fall over dead.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Oh and crit gunshot wound should maybe drop you to 1 health and prone?, it doesn’t make sense to have a level 20 party and a bandit that’s cr 3 shoots you in the leg and you fall over dead.
Its not a level 20 party, so I'm keeping the rule as knocking you to 0, onto death saves. Thanks for the input though :)
Oh and crit gunshot wound should maybe drop you to 1 health and prone?, it doesn’t make sense to have a level 20 party and a bandit that’s cr 3 shoots you in the leg and you fall over dead.
Its not a level 20 party, so I'm keeping the rule as knocking you to 0, onto death saves. Thanks for the input though :)
Yw, just meant when we level up to that point, unless it doesn’t go that high then death saves makes sense. Ps do you have the artificer class?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Backstory: Ella lived a pretty normal life, she never knew her father, and while that kind of sucked for her, it didn't impact her too much. She's middle class, but goes to junkyards and other similar places to get parts for a eagle automaton she's been working on. (Her beastmaster companion, currently unfinished, will be done by 3rd level when she picks up beast master conclave) She's 19, and has always lived in Aveanor, she currently lives in a small apartment decorated with clocks and other things she's made. She's been an artist her whole life, building small things, but she's started adventuring recently and uses these to her advantage now. Her mother used to tell stories of her father, that he was a pilot, and when she was a child she dreamed of exploration and flight, and learned to build things by trying to put together a makeshift plane, but despite failing at that, her skills have grown since then. Being an artist, she doesn't have a lot of money, and can barely live where she does. This is the main reason she'd accept that letter, for the lodging, food and payment. She believes that engineering is an art though, and tends to dislike anyone who does it solely to get rich, but can still work with them. (Ella does not actually possess magic, her spells are more like her using her abilities to a great extent, her only spells currently are cure wounds, and alarm. Alarm is of course just setting up a little trap, and cure wounds is her doing something like ripping a piece of fabric from her sleeve and wrapping up someone's wounds, or using the closest first aid kit really well, this also makes sense because the medicine skill uses a WIS modifier, and so does a ranger's spellcasting.)
Ella was quite surprised, though excited, when the letter came in the mail, she isn't too above average in physique or strength, she's a bit more resilliant actually, but also definitely not strong, so she isn't the most able-bodied of anyone, but she knew what they wanted: her abilities in building, she knew she had made it in life when she got this letter, as it meant that she was known for her abilities, that she really did have skill. She didn't want her creations to be used for destruction, but she needed the money, and assumed that they would be used for good. She also wanted to become a pilot, and hoped that they would allow her to be one, using both the research she has done on how to fly, and that they would teach her how to fly even better. She can't wait, and is ready to go as soon as possible. She currently, and always has, lived on the outskirts, as it costs too much to live in the center city, so she'll probably have to use all 5 gold, and leave soon so she can make it on time.
Fears: Loss/Abandonment, not being able to build things anymore, spiders Hobbies: Piloting, building Voice claim/description: Pretty high pitched, Boston accent, soft, Other: She carries a large book with her, filled with schematics, sketches, blueprints, ideas, and many other related things inside, some of the things in the workshop include the blueprints and schematics for her eagle, and a couple sketches of planes and a huge blimp. They're very skillfully made, and the farther you go on through the book, the more detailed and ambitious they are.
Edit: Can I replace her bow with a pistol or other gun? It could also just be a reskin/reflavor, acting as a bow, appearing as a gun.
First, I would like to play a Paladin, so I'll need help with that.
Second, I would like to have a character that does not "love" any of the mentioned things. By that I mean they aren't any sort of war enthusiast or machine geek.
Backstory: Astra is the only child of elven Captain Bindi Andasca and human Doctor Astrid Lostastre. The father continues to serve as a captain in the Rangers, while the mother’s scientific endeavors have always been classified as top secret. They are a military family, and service was always expected of Astra, from a young age.
Lieutenant Andasca studied Aerial Cartography and Navigation at the Air Force Academy, after which she was selected for further training, with an Intelligence unit. She served aboard a dirigible for an extended border reconnaissance tour, and various other aircraft, for a number of shorter intelligence objectives.
Following her requisite service commitment, Astra continued to pursue her passions for flight and exploration, adventuring with renowned archaeologist Larena Zombit. Astra’s parents took her departure from military service surprisingly well, but then they probably knew that intelligence officers never really get out…
Together with Larena and her crew, Astra was hunting down the ruined remnants of a forgotten civilization. They were on the cusp of a great find, a find that could profoundly impact all of Aveanor, she could just feel it- when, much to her surprise, her recall to active duty arrived. At her current dig site, which was very much in the middle of nowhere, without fanfare. She had not been in hiding, exactly- but it could not have been easy to locate her in the field. Duty calls, and she knows it is not a request, but an order.
Fears: Under extreme duress, Astra has experienced vertigo, and it terrifies her. While the symptoms are generally absent, and typically mild when they do manifest- the fear that this condition might someday worsen, or be recognized by others, always lurks in the recesses of her mind; detracting from the pure joy, the elation of flying. Being diagnosed would surely be a career-ender, and truly, her greatest fear is being grounded.
Hobbies: More than a hobby really, Astra has enjoyed some success as an amateur Archaeologist, prior to her recall to active duty. She has become adept at scouting potential sites from above, transferring her reconnaissance training to a peacetime pursuit. Would that the peace would last…
At academy, she was on the fencing team, and distinguished herself with the saber. She continues to duel recreationally, though off-piste, blood sports have been officially banned… Though trained in small arms, she never involved herself in dueling with pistols.
Voice/ Details: Astra’s voice is a touch deeper than one might expect, from her appearance, and carries quite well. Not exactly commanding, but she tends to be heard. She has inherited her human mother’s ruddy cheeks, but her father’s delicate elven features, though her ears are more rounded than not.
She stands relatively tall at 5’ 9”, with somewhat broad shoulders tapering to an otherwise slim, athletic build. A dueling scar mars her right breast, an angry purple mark that had been discreetly and inexpertly stitched. Her posture is decidedly military in bearing, erect, never slouching.
May I ask about the gods of this world? I'm not planning on being a paladin, but she may be religious, and I'd also like to better understand the world.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
Have you had any applicants yet that didn't ask for an exception to the character creation guidelines? I mean other than the one that argued against the house rule on crits.
Really rude everyone. DMs work hard on their content and then are kind enough to invite you to come play in their world. If you don't like the way they want to do it, please, apply to a different game instead.
Also Drum how do you do deathsaves, I never learnt so I just do Constitution saves for them when people get low in my campaigns, is it a straight roll?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Steampunk Skies
Without hesitation, the pilots leaped into their fighters, each machine a marvel of brass and steel, powered by the force of countless gears and pistons. The engines roared to life, sending tremors through the floor beneath them. Aria gripped the control stick tighter, her knuckles turning white as her eyes locked onto the looming threat above.
Hey! I'm Drummer. I'm as active as possible here on the forums, and try to be as free and easy as can be. This is a new campaign idea of mine, one I've wanted to do for a while. This thread is just a place for me to get as many details down as possible, answer any questions, and for people to apply. Sorry if the formating is a little over the place lmao. I promise you I'm an experienced DM, its just been a long day.
Going to quickly get down all the details, so you can tell whether this will work for you, and then we can get into what the play by post is about.
Campaign Details:
Starting level: Level 2
Class restrictions: No full casters (half casters are allowed)
Races: Human (Standard, Variant) Elf (Wood, High) Dwarf (Hill, Mountain) Half Elf, Half Orc.
Ability scores: Please use standard array or point buy.
Age rating: This campaign is 16+, but only because of the swearing (keep that to a minimum please) and some of the topics that may be briefly mentioned, like, well, the evils of politics. If you have any triggers, please say, and I’ll try to stay away from those where possible. There will be strictly nothing nsfw, and everyone should be nice to each other. (At least, OOC).
Homebrew: Talk to me about it! I may let you have it, depending on what it does. Bonus points if its steampunky.
Experience: We’ll be using milestone levelling up. As for player experience, this play by post is open to players who are new to dnd. You will need to be at least partially experienced with roleplay though, and be able to write awesome things like character interactions, character actions, and your backstory.
Other requirements: Players should try to post once a day, as long as there’s something to respond to. If at any point you aren’t going to be able to respond for more than 2 days, please let me know.
There will be guns in this world, but they’ll be steampunk ones, so I’ll give details on them later.
I’ll be using a few custom rules, as this kind of campaign calls for them, but it won’t really affect game play. The most notable is that weapons will be more impactful. The bleeding condition will most likely be more common, and crits with any items that count as weapons or a damaging spell will result in an immediate drop to 0hp. Getting hit by a crit gun shot and being fine doesn’t quite ring true, not in a steampunk world anyway.
Roleplay between players is always encouraged, feel free to do that whenever possible!
Alright, next up, I've got some lore for the world.
Campaign lore:
Aveanor counts as a city, a nation, and a people. Sprawling out across the land beneath it, its home to thousands, even millions of citizens at this point, of all races and backgrounds. It stands as one of the forefronts for innovation and industrialisation, a place where people can thrive on creating something wonderful, whether it be an invention, concept, or community. Even if most people are hell bent on using their talents to become rich in the vast economy, Aveanor is still an engineer’s playground.
Knife crime? Yeah, there’s a bit, not everyone’s inventions go towards the greater good. Capitalism? Yeah, it has its faults. The government? I mean, its alright… The people seem happy with them usually, the only problem the politicians seem to have is with each other. If you ask the people? They say Aveanor is a magical place, full of freedom and opportunity. I mean, they must know best, right?
As for your character, well, I guess it’s up to them what they think. How the world has treated them so far. Whether you grew up in the heart of Aveanor, or on the outskirts near the coast, everyone’s a city member here.
The future of all this isn’t looking particularly bright as it stands. Across the channel, there lies another, more vast continent. The news would often celebrate explorer’s journeys across it, and pictures of the new infrastructure would be shared around most dinner tables. One day, one day people were going to be able to go over and live there. It gets a little repetitive at times, even looks like they’re just sending out the same pictures and articles some days, but who really cares about that, right? They must be doing something good over on this new continent.
The date is the 16 of March, 500. That’s 500 years since Aveanor was founded, just a small village back then. Your character has received a letter, a first class one too. It’s a high-quality envelope, sealed with the emblem of Aveanor, an intricate representation of the clocktower that stands at the heart of the city. Inside, they find the following message.
Dear reader. I hope this letter finds you in good health.
The military office is calling up able bodied men and women to work for the Edinbrail company, for services on a concept devised to aid work across the channel. More details will be provided on your arrival. Compliance will result in free living quarters, food, pay, and entrance into the company, where I’m sure you’ll meet many like minded folk. You’ve been sent this after the office reviewed your talents and interests, that fit well with what we are looking for.
If this interests you, we will see you at noon on the 21 of March, at the military depot, city centre. No sooner, no later. We have sent 5 gold pieces with this letter, which will hopefully pay for your travels. If you are not interested in this, you can forget about this letter and continue as normal. The choice is yours.
I've been deliberately secretive on a few aspects of this, as its more fun for all of us that way.
Character backstory requirements:
They must have lived in Aveanor for as long as they can remember.
They must have a love for either machinery, planes, the sky, exploration, or war, if that’s what you’re going for. Can love more than one of these.
I’d rather them not be really old, but they don’t have to be young either if you don’t want. Over 18 though please.
Please have the backstory end with them getting the letter mentioned in the campaign lore, and how they act upon it.
Feel free to assume certain things, like simple inventions in your backstory and any landmarks. I’ll always correct you if something doesn’t work, so go for it! Backstories don’t have to be super long, but I’ll be choosing which I think will work the best/have the most effort put into them, along with the rest of the character design. We may start with as many players as we can get, but will hopefully work up to five.
If you’re interested, feel free to apply on this thread! I will be choosing 5 applicants based on the quality of their characters, their availability to play, any awesome/niche aspects to their character, and how well I think it would work in the campaign. Use the following format when applying:
Link to character sheet (ddb or otherwise)
Character art
Voice claim/description
Any extra details you want to add
Final notes:
If you plan on being a Paladin, or any other religious character, ask me and we can talk about pantheons and how religion works in this world.
I have Tasha’s and Monsters of the multiverse, so if you wanted to use anything from them, just ask :).
Please use the inbuilt dice roller for checks and such. If it says its manipulated, feel free to roll again.
Map, for reference:
If you have any questions, just ask! I can't wait to DM this, and see all your awesome characters.
Back for the sleepover!!!
Count me in just one problem, I’m below 16
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
I don't mind, the 16+ is just there as a warning so people know what to look out for.
Back for the sleepover!!!
Oh and crit gunshot wound should maybe drop you to 1 health and prone?, it doesn’t make sense to have a level 20 party and a bandit that’s cr 3 shoots you in the leg and you fall over dead.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Nice, I’ll make a character :)
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Its not a level 20 party, so I'm keeping the rule as knocking you to 0, onto death saves. Thanks for the input though :)
Back for the sleepover!!!
Yw, just meant when we level up to that point, unless it doesn’t go that high then death saves makes sense. Ps do you have the artificer class?
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Name: Ella Verity
Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Ranger
Background: Guild Artisan
Backstory: Ella lived a pretty normal life, she never knew her father, and while that kind of sucked for her, it didn't impact her too much. She's middle class, but goes to junkyards and other similar places to get parts for a eagle automaton she's been working on. (Her beastmaster companion, currently unfinished, will be done by 3rd level when she picks up beast master conclave) She's 19, and has always lived in Aveanor, she currently lives in a small apartment decorated with clocks and other things she's made. She's been an artist her whole life, building small things, but she's started adventuring recently and uses these to her advantage now. Her mother used to tell stories of her father, that he was a pilot, and when she was a child she dreamed of exploration and flight, and learned to build things by trying to put together a makeshift plane, but despite failing at that, her skills have grown since then. Being an artist, she doesn't have a lot of money, and can barely live where she does. This is the main reason she'd accept that letter, for the lodging, food and payment. She believes that engineering is an art though, and tends to dislike anyone who does it solely to get rich, but can still work with them. (Ella does not actually possess magic, her spells are more like her using her abilities to a great extent, her only spells currently are cure wounds, and alarm. Alarm is of course just setting up a little trap, and cure wounds is her doing something like ripping a piece of fabric from her sleeve and wrapping up someone's wounds, or using the closest first aid kit really well, this also makes sense because the medicine skill uses a WIS modifier, and so does a ranger's spellcasting.)
Ella was quite surprised, though excited, when the letter came in the mail, she isn't too above average in physique or strength, she's a bit more resilliant actually, but also definitely not strong, so she isn't the most able-bodied of anyone, but she knew what they wanted: her abilities in building, she knew she had made it in life when she got this letter, as it meant that she was known for her abilities, that she really did have skill. She didn't want her creations to be used for destruction, but she needed the money, and assumed that they would be used for good. She also wanted to become a pilot, and hoped that they would allow her to be one, using both the research she has done on how to fly, and that they would teach her how to fly even better. She can't wait, and is ready to go as soon as possible. She currently, and always has, lived on the outskirts, as it costs too much to live in the center city, so she'll probably have to use all 5 gold, and leave soon so she can make it on time.
Link to character sheet: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/111121601
Character art: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=514093048/
Fears: Loss/Abandonment, not being able to build things anymore, spiders
Hobbies: Piloting, building
Voice claim/description: Pretty high pitched, Boston accent, soft,
Other: She carries a large book with her, filled with schematics, sketches, blueprints, ideas, and many other related things inside, some of the things in the workshop include the blueprints and schematics for her eagle, and a couple sketches of planes and a huge blimp. They're very skillfully made, and the farther you go on through the book, the more detailed and ambitious they are.
Edit: Can I replace her bow with a pistol or other gun? It could also just be a reskin/reflavor, acting as a bow, appearing as a gun.
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
First, I would like to play a Paladin, so I'll need help with that.
Second, I would like to have a character that does not "love" any of the mentioned things. By that I mean they aren't any sort of war enthusiast or machine geek.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I am keen to give this one a go! I love steampunk so this is right up my alley. I will get working on my character and we can see where it lands 😊
Hey Drummer,
I know it's a weird question and it's fine if you don't wanna allow it, but
Could I submit a character as a tortle?
second question lol: do they have to be from the main city itself or can they be from the surrounding area?
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
Do you count alchemy as steampunk? I'm thinking of going with an alchemist artificer. If not, I can go with artillerist as well.
Dam I was going to be artillerist, I can settle with armourer if not artillerist.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Name: Lieutenant Astra Andasca
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rogue
Background: Sage
Backstory: Astra is the only child of elven Captain Bindi Andasca and human Doctor Astrid Lostastre. The father continues to serve as a captain in the Rangers, while the mother’s scientific endeavors have always been classified as top secret. They are a military family, and service was always expected of Astra, from a young age.
Lieutenant Andasca studied Aerial Cartography and Navigation at the Air Force Academy, after which she was selected for further training, with an Intelligence unit. She served aboard a dirigible for an extended border reconnaissance tour, and various other aircraft, for a number of shorter intelligence objectives.
Following her requisite service commitment, Astra continued to pursue her passions for flight and exploration, adventuring with renowned archaeologist Larena Zombit. Astra’s parents took her departure from military service surprisingly well, but then they probably knew that intelligence officers never really get out…
Together with Larena and her crew, Astra was hunting down the ruined remnants of a forgotten civilization. They were on the cusp of a great find, a find that could profoundly impact all of Aveanor, she could just feel it- when, much to her surprise, her recall to active duty arrived. At her current dig site, which was very much in the middle of nowhere, without fanfare. She had not been in hiding, exactly- but it could not have been easy to locate her in the field. Duty calls, and she knows it is not a request, but an order.
Link: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/111199781/OOfBSv
Character Art:
Fears: Under extreme duress, Astra has experienced vertigo, and it terrifies her. While the symptoms are generally absent, and typically mild when they do manifest- the fear that this condition might someday worsen, or be recognized by others, always lurks in the recesses of her mind; detracting from the pure joy, the elation of flying. Being diagnosed would surely be a career-ender, and truly, her greatest fear is being grounded.
Hobbies: More than a hobby really, Astra has enjoyed some success as an amateur Archaeologist, prior to her recall to active duty. She has become adept at scouting potential sites from above, transferring her reconnaissance training to a peacetime pursuit. Would that the peace would last…
At academy, she was on the fencing team, and distinguished herself with the saber. She continues to duel recreationally, though off-piste, blood sports have been officially banned… Though trained in small arms, she never involved herself in dueling with pistols.
Voice/ Details: Astra’s voice is a touch deeper than one might expect, from her appearance, and carries quite well. Not exactly commanding, but she tends to be heard. She has inherited her human mother’s ruddy cheeks, but her father’s delicate elven features, though her ears are more rounded than not.
She stands relatively tall at 5’ 9”, with somewhat broad shoulders tapering to an otherwise slim, athletic build. A dueling scar mars her right breast, an angry purple mark that had been discreetly and inexpertly stitched. Her posture is decidedly military in bearing, erect, never slouching.
Posting to hopefully have a spot here after I'm able to read everything. Give me a bit...
⌜╔═════════════ The Board ══════════════╗⌝
...took me in, showed compassion, and prepared me...
⌞╚════════════ Extended Signature ════════════╝⌟
May I ask about the gods of this world? I'm not planning on being a paladin, but she may be religious, and I'd also like to better understand the world.
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
Wow...just wow...
Have you had any applicants yet that didn't ask for an exception to the character creation guidelines? I mean other than the one that argued against the house rule on crits.
Really rude everyone. DMs work hard on their content and then are kind enough to invite you to come play in their world. If you don't like the way they want to do it, please, apply to a different game instead.
It was a suggestion not a demand, maybe you should reread what I posted?
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Also Drum how do you do deathsaves, I never learnt so I just do Constitution saves for them when people get low in my campaigns, is it a straight roll?
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
I said argued not demanded. Ironic that you want me to reread you post based on the fact that you misread mine.
Either way, my basic point still stands. When you go into someone's home, be polite and respect the house rules.