Buckeran looks nervous at the casual handling of his shiny things, but decides this to be fair and shrugs.
"My resources are at your service. But I have terms as well. I'm no longer fit for combat. The years, and..." he curls his digits into fists, "certain bad choices, have seen to that. So I will only serve as loremaster and guide. But I insist on an equal share of the treasure on any quest in which I am in your company. And if you wish to borrow my supplies on quests you take without me, then I also require on a deposit of collateral. Coin or trinket doesn't matter, but it should be something I believe you'll want to come back for."
If those terms are acceptable, he sees you out with a giddy energy and heads back in to close up the Archives for the night.
If anyone has any last minute passive activities they need to declare, i.e. study a language, train a skill, pray, craft an item, whatever, now's your chance before I post the new day. Also, please subtract one day's rations from your supplies. When/if you run out of rations, you also run out of water, unless you know a wily Harengon who just stocked up on beer.
Albert will go to a communal temple, find an empty spot and draw an infinity symbol with charcoal on wall. Also will write a simple fertility prayer below it
"Eh, this will do it for start"
After that he will go, have some drinks, listen to rumors maybe (18 perception) and go to sleep.
Darian, intrigued by Buckeran‘s theories about the cause of drought, remains behind at the archive. He spends the evening discussing with Buckeran and reading any additional texts the Kender recommends on the topic.
When Buckeran finally kicks him out for the night, he will return to his room and care for his gear before bed, sharpening and maintaining all his weapons.
((downtime activity is Research and he’s willing to return nightly if he believes he’s finding a way to heal the land))
Nare, after leaving the Archieves, wanders the streets a bit. The nighttime air feels so good against his fur. Lennie seems to recognize it too as he scurries this way and that making Nare run clumsy circles after him. He gives up minutes through. The chase wasn't worth it. Lennie looked so much more alive anyways. That mouse had been cooped up for days in his clothes to not much make a sound. It was good for the little guy to get some exercise. Him too he supposed. (As if he hadn't spent days walking). Ne'haredowell sighs.
Checking around the marketplace it seems no stores were open for the night. Or maybe it was because he hadn't really bothered to check. Lights were off and so was his. Any flicker of an idea had gone out in whatever candle was in his brain. He trudges across the sand like a walking zombie. 'Hah. Good one'He thinks to himself bitterly. Heavy footfalls make their way home. Upon collapsing on top of the bed (and making sure Lennie wasn't in the way. It looks like, with a defiant squeak, he almost squished him. "Sorry, buddy."), the harengon whips out the Yipyak book from earlier and starts flipping through it. He had left some two gold coins there in the office for Buckeran to take but didn't tell him he was taking the book. Force of habit, he supposed.
((Intelligence: 17 for him to just be able to study I guess sorry idk if this was needed))
He spends a little while there, eyes on the (same) page, before he formally passes out with the candle lit still on his desk. Lennie goes and blows it out for him. Such a good mouse. He'll have to thank him in the morning.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
_Miglasezis_ Albert's prayers are heard. The charcoal infinity symbol seems to glow faintly, or it is a trick of the moon. Either way, you awaken the next morning refreshed and inspired. And you feel a call to build a shrine on the sacred polytheist grounds to her so that you and other acolytes may perform sacred rites.
Albert gains 1 Inspiration from Mishakal for beginning to spread her influence to Santekh.
Albert finds that by the time he gets back to the Dance Hall, the bar is closed for the night. But the remaining refugees at the camp who are still waiting to be housed are huddled together around crackling fires sipping tea, which they graciously share. There you find friends you have made throughout the week you spent travelling.
I used Alberts roll with your Persuasion Bonus instead in order to Carouse with the Lower Class. You have befriended one Verdan Commoner (LN, Nonbinary) named Sky. And you have befriended one Kobold Archmage (NE, Male) named Sagun. These allies are willing to provide one favor that doesn't put themselves at risk. Carousing usually takes a week, but I'm basing your success on the fact that you marched for a week with these people during the setup of the story.
Backstabitha Darian's evening with Buckeran is short, but promising. Uncovering lore about the dragon that may have lived under a nearby oasis led to other tangential studies that could help restore the land and eliminate the curse. But nothing concrete has been discovered. Buckeran agrees to help you see this through, and will attempt to curate some helpful materials for you to study when next you return.
Darian has chosen to research solutions to making the crops fertile and the livestock thriving again. Please add a Day 1 of 7 tracker to your research.
SunDial365 Ne'haredowell's studies are minimally productive, due to his overwhelming fatigue and slight drunkenness. But the language guide is pretty thorough as Yipyak language guides go, and you think you will have the language fully mastered in 10 weeks.
You have chosen to train for your downtime, which takes 10 weeks minus your INT modifier. I know Darian can already roll to muddle through some buzz words and phrases, but that's due to his backstory as a member of the Hachakee tribe who often trade with kobolds in the region. As a Texan, I can get around with a smattering of Spanish because of how many businesses, coworkers, friends, and acquaintances I've known who speak Spanish as their primary language. I'm hardly fluent, but I can get by. Nare, on the other hand, is going to have to put in the time. But when you're done, you can consider yourself fully fluent with the language, which will also grant you knowledge of the Draconic Alphabet, meaning with an INT check, you can understand some written Draconic in a pinch. Anyway, add a counter to your character sheet for 1 day of 70 completed in training to learn Yipyak.
When you awaken in the morning, your throats are dry and your feet are sore, but the dawning sun is bright enough that no shadows remain to escape its invasive light. Although water is in short supply, you find a decanter of vinegar in your room for drinking and washrags next to bowls of scented oils to clean yourself. When you're ready, you'll find Glynnis outside with the mules and carts. She's checking the connections, and equipment while talking to herself or to the mules in Dwarvish. She's busy with your work and doesn't notice you arriving.
Arvos heads out to meet Glynnis smelling of scented oils. "Well met again Glynnis. I can tell the carts and mules have been well taken care of. Hopefully our search will bear fruit." He himself does not know much about land vehicles so he moves to the mules to give them an affectionate pet.
He is ready to leave and waits for everyone to arrive.
Brans comes down after a long rest and is keen to go. The smells of breakfast makes him smile (which doesn't happen very often) hearing carts and mules are getting ready he goes outside and greets Arvose; "Greetings Arvose, hope you are well? Apologies for not meeting you the other night!"
Seeing Glynnis Bran is still a bit raw post the effect he created in her business space. Understandably she is hesitant to meet his gaze. Bran nods to her and prepares to wait for the rest of the Golden Company to arrive. "No regrets he says quietly to himself".
Bran has left 20 gold pieces in a small handmade elven pouch with an 'elven symbol of prosperity' stitched upon it {thats what he did last night!} - hidden behind the Bar for Glynnis. [Bran removes 20 gold from character sheet leave 80 remaining]
Darian arrives and immediately approaches Glynis attempting to help her get the mules ready.
Animal Handling 10
”We will… keep them safe. No fighting today.” he says with a smile. Switching to Khur he adds, “Do you need anything else while we are out? Kobolds often have much to trade.”
((me taking years to even slightly understand Spanish: wow Nare is doing better than me))
Nare awoke to the smell of vinegar, twitching at his nose. He takes to the vinegar like a cat to water. He steps enough away to avoided it. Maybe he will pickle something in it later... if he can find something that is. He takes to the scented oils instead. And drinks it. If anyone asked why his breath smelled at least he knew it would be about it smelling good. Stretching, he thumps his foot a little and rubs his crusty eyes before heading his way towards Glynnis and the others.
"Good morn, everybody." He yawns and his shoulders slump. The poor mouse is again tucked within his clothes.
((Investigation = 17 on Glynnis just for fun haha))
Twiddling his thumbs, unsure what to do, "Anyone wants a swig?" he offers, holding up his waterskin.
Albert says goodbye to his new refugee friends and is eager to continue the day. He goes to his new shrine to say the morning prayer. After that he joins the mules
Glynnis is startled by the announcement of your arrival and her limbs flail as she makes a "wuh-uh-uh!" sound.
After she collects herself and takes a deep breath, she hands Arvos the reigns. "Ah, well, there's enough food n water fer the mules fer 6 days travel. That's enough ta get there an' back provided nothing goes wrong, n' if I'm honest wit ye, it's already more'n I can spare. I gave 'em to ye' alive an' well. Please return 'em the same."
Glynnis looks over to Bran as he approaches Arvos. "Mornin' to ye. An' thanks fer the generous tip. S'pose that'll go to repairin' the bar." She offers a straight-lipped smile and a polite nod.
Glynnis smiles at Darian, and clasps his hand in friendship. Replying in Khur, she sighs, "صادقانه بگویم، اگر بتوانید منابع ما را به صورت مسالمت آمیز بازگردانید تا بتوانیم به تجارت خود ادامه دهیم، پیشاپیش به شما مدیون هستم. (Rough Translation: Save peace. Return supplies.)
Honestly, I owe you one if you can get our resources back peacefully so we can continue doing business.
"But if'n the trade routes remain secure, then I'll give ye' preferential prices on room n' board fer yer lot until ye' can get yer own housing here."
Once everyone has gathered, Glynnis offers you a warning...
"Watch yer back, boys. That Sargonnas cult is after ye. Duncan says ye were travelin' with a human monk by the name o' Agish. He were found dead last night. Body mangled up real bad. Our doctors'r inspectin' his body an' the one't came after ye last night. We'll have more answers for ye' when ye return. Any luck, we'll even have 'em all rounded up an' arrested by the time ye get back."
Clearly worried about the whole thing, she furrows her brow and bites off a dirty fingernail, then spits it onto the dirt below. "Dark times keep gettin' darker... Anyways, get goin'. Time's against ye fer getting those supplies before the crates'r all used up."
At a normal pace, it's a three-day ride by mule to where Darian believes the safest place to enter the mountain lair is. But you could cut the time in half if needed. It will be a strenuous pace, and you'll arrive with Level 1 Exhaustion and so will your mules.
Albert sits close to front to offer guidance to the ally who will be helming this journey. "Oh, my senses are not as sharp as for some of you my friends, but I can provide quite a lot of insight in such travels as I've been doing it for longer than some of you've been alive hehe."
Rolled a 4 in my char sheet, so the one who makes survival/perception check can add it!
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Bran suggests we stick to a three day plan.
"Company I am not sure it's wise to push and be so exhausted we cannot defend ourselves adequately in the advent of an attack and therefore defeated before we have even begun!"
The harengon puts away his waterskin when no one offered to take it. He puts it back into his backpack along with his mushrooms which he brought for the ride. Upon hearing that Agish had died, his heart sinks. Life and Death they were all so common here. It is like one after the other. Too much- too much like home. The refugees live. Attacker dies. They survive the night. The monk doesn't. Nare takes off his antelope skull helmet and places it by his chest.
"I am sorry to hear of his passing."He, in his head, murmurs a prayer to the gods of his ancestry. 'To Agish's soul: beware the Passing Fox.' If he believed in his own thoughts was yet to be answered. Questions about the death ran throughout his mind. The darkness in his eyes swirled so much that he had to close them. To steady his hands he marks a symbol of the moon on his skull from prestidigitation before putting it on again. The skull mask felt heavy upon his head. He breathes.
"That is true." He knew of the fable of the tortoise and the hare, and, though his foot was thumping, he didn't want to end up on the losing stick of it. "Let us walk."He looks over at them with a hopeful smile. "We've been doing it for this long. How bad can it possibly be?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Once everyone is ready, Darian takes the lead, guiding the group as they set off. The mules are loaded and the journey begins, the weight of their task pressing on them as they push forward.
Survival Nat 20 - 26 with Favored Terrain - 30 with Albert’s Guidance
Buckeran looks nervous at the casual handling of his shiny things, but decides this to be fair and shrugs.
"My resources are at your service. But I have terms as well. I'm no longer fit for combat. The years, and..." he curls his digits into fists, "certain bad choices, have seen to that. So I will only serve as loremaster and guide. But I insist on an equal share of the treasure on any quest in which I am in your company. And if you wish to borrow my supplies on quests you take without me, then I also require on a deposit of collateral. Coin or trinket doesn't matter, but it should be something I believe you'll want to come back for."
If those terms are acceptable, he sees you out with a giddy energy and heads back in to close up the Archives for the night.
If anyone has any last minute passive activities they need to declare, i.e. study a language, train a skill, pray, craft an item, whatever, now's your chance before I post the new day. Also, please subtract one day's rations from your supplies. When/if you run out of rations, you also run out of water, unless you know a wily Harengon who just stocked up on beer.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Albert will go to a communal temple, find an empty spot and draw an infinity symbol with charcoal on wall. Also will write a simple fertility prayer below it
"Eh, this will do it for start"
After that he will go, have some drinks, listen to rumors maybe (18 perception) and go to sleep.
Darian, intrigued by Buckeran‘s theories about the cause of drought, remains behind at the archive. He spends the evening discussing with Buckeran and reading any additional texts the Kender recommends on the topic.
When Buckeran finally kicks him out for the night, he will return to his room and care for his gear before bed, sharpening and maintaining all his weapons.
((downtime activity is Research and he’s willing to return nightly if he believes he’s finding a way to heal the land))
Nare, after leaving the Archieves, wanders the streets a bit. The nighttime air feels so good against his fur. Lennie seems to recognize it too as he scurries this way and that making Nare run clumsy circles after him. He gives up minutes through. The chase wasn't worth it. Lennie looked so much more alive anyways. That mouse had been cooped up for days in his clothes to not much make a sound. It was good for the little guy to get some exercise. Him too he supposed. (As if he hadn't spent days walking). Ne'haredowell sighs.
Checking around the marketplace it seems no stores were open for the night. Or maybe it was because he hadn't really bothered to check. Lights were off and so was his. Any flicker of an idea had gone out in whatever candle was in his brain. He trudges across the sand like a walking zombie. 'Hah. Good one' He thinks to himself bitterly. Heavy footfalls make their way home. Upon collapsing on top of the bed (and making sure Lennie wasn't in the way. It looks like, with a defiant squeak, he almost squished him. "Sorry, buddy."), the harengon whips out the Yipyak book from earlier and starts flipping through it. He had left some two gold coins there in the office for Buckeran to take but didn't tell him he was taking the book. Force of habit, he supposed.
((Intelligence: 17 for him to just be able to study I guess sorry idk if this was needed))
He spends a little while there, eyes on the (same) page, before he formally passes out with the candle lit still on his desk. Lennie goes and blows it out for him. Such a good mouse. He'll have to thank him in the morning.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
_Miglasezis_ Albert's prayers are heard. The charcoal infinity symbol seems to glow faintly, or it is a trick of the moon. Either way, you awaken the next morning refreshed and inspired. And you feel a call to build a shrine on the sacred polytheist grounds to her so that you and other acolytes may perform sacred rites.
Albert gains 1 Inspiration from Mishakal for beginning to spread her influence to Santekh.
Albert finds that by the time he gets back to the Dance Hall, the bar is closed for the night. But the remaining refugees at the camp who are still waiting to be housed are huddled together around crackling fires sipping tea, which they graciously share. There you find friends you have made throughout the week you spent travelling.
I used Alberts roll with your Persuasion Bonus instead in order to Carouse with the Lower Class. You have befriended one Verdan Commoner (LN, Nonbinary) named Sky. And you have befriended one Kobold Archmage (NE, Male) named Sagun. These allies are willing to provide one favor that doesn't put themselves at risk. Carousing usually takes a week, but I'm basing your success on the fact that you marched for a week with these people during the setup of the story.
Backstabitha Darian's evening with Buckeran is short, but promising. Uncovering lore about the dragon that may have lived under a nearby oasis led to other tangential studies that could help restore the land and eliminate the curse. But nothing concrete has been discovered. Buckeran agrees to help you see this through, and will attempt to curate some helpful materials for you to study when next you return.
Darian has chosen to research solutions to making the crops fertile and the livestock thriving again. Please add a Day 1 of 7 tracker to your research.
SunDial365 Ne'haredowell's studies are minimally productive, due to his overwhelming fatigue and slight drunkenness. But the language guide is pretty thorough as Yipyak language guides go, and you think you will have the language fully mastered in 10 weeks.
You have chosen to train for your downtime, which takes 10 weeks minus your INT modifier. I know Darian can already roll to muddle through some buzz words and phrases, but that's due to his backstory as a member of the Hachakee tribe who often trade with kobolds in the region. As a Texan, I can get around with a smattering of Spanish because of how many businesses, coworkers, friends, and acquaintances I've known who speak Spanish as their primary language. I'm hardly fluent, but I can get by. Nare, on the other hand, is going to have to put in the time. But when you're done, you can consider yourself fully fluent with the language, which will also grant you knowledge of the Draconic Alphabet, meaning with an INT check, you can understand some written Draconic in a pinch. Anyway, add a counter to your character sheet for 1 day of 70 completed in training to learn Yipyak.
When you awaken in the morning, your throats are dry and your feet are sore, but the dawning sun is bright enough that no shadows remain to escape its invasive light. Although water is in short supply, you find a decanter of vinegar in your room for drinking and washrags next to bowls of scented oils to clean yourself. When you're ready, you'll find Glynnis outside with the mules and carts. She's checking the connections, and equipment while talking to herself or to the mules in Dwarvish. She's busy with your work and doesn't notice you arriving.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Arvos heads out to meet Glynnis smelling of scented oils. "Well met again Glynnis. I can tell the carts and mules have been well taken care of. Hopefully our search will bear fruit." He himself does not know much about land vehicles so he moves to the mules to give them an affectionate pet.
He is ready to leave and waits for everyone to arrive.
Brans comes down after a long rest and is keen to go. The smells of breakfast makes him smile (which doesn't happen very often) hearing carts and mules are getting ready he goes outside and greets Arvose; "Greetings Arvose, hope you are well? Apologies for not meeting you the other night!"
Seeing Glynnis Bran is still a bit raw post the effect he created in her business space. Understandably she is hesitant to meet his gaze. Bran nods to her and prepares to wait for the rest of the Golden Company to arrive. "No regrets he says quietly to himself".
Bran has left 20 gold pieces in a small handmade elven pouch with an 'elven symbol of prosperity' stitched upon it {thats what he did last night!} - hidden behind the Bar for Glynnis. [Bran removes 20 gold from character sheet leave 80 remaining]
"Indeed, I am well rested and ready to head out." says Arvos giving Bran a friendly wave.
Darian arrives and immediately approaches Glynis attempting to help her get the mules ready.
Animal Handling 10
”We will… keep them safe. No fighting today.” he says with a smile. Switching to Khur he adds, “Do you need anything else while we are out? Kobolds often have much to trade.”
((me taking years to even slightly understand Spanish: wow Nare is doing better than me))
Nare awoke to the smell of vinegar, twitching at his nose. He takes to the vinegar like a cat to water. He steps enough away to avoided it. Maybe he will pickle something in it later... if he can find something that is. He takes to the scented oils instead. And drinks it. If anyone asked why his breath smelled at least he knew it would be about it smelling good. Stretching, he thumps his foot a little and rubs his crusty eyes before heading his way towards Glynnis and the others.
"Good morn, everybody." He yawns and his shoulders slump. The poor mouse is again tucked within his clothes.
((Investigation = 17 on Glynnis just for fun haha))
Twiddling his thumbs, unsure what to do, "Anyone wants a swig?" he offers, holding up his waterskin.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Albert says goodbye to his new refugee friends and is eager to continue the day. He goes to his new shrine to say the morning prayer. After that he joins the mules
Glynnis is startled by the announcement of your arrival and her limbs flail as she makes a "wuh-uh-uh!" sound.
After she collects herself and takes a deep breath, she hands Arvos the reigns. "Ah, well, there's enough food n water fer the mules fer 6 days travel. That's enough ta get there an' back provided nothing goes wrong, n' if I'm honest wit ye, it's already more'n I can spare. I gave 'em to ye' alive an' well. Please return 'em the same."
Glynnis looks over to Bran as he approaches Arvos. "Mornin' to ye. An' thanks fer the generous tip. S'pose that'll go to repairin' the bar." She offers a straight-lipped smile and a polite nod.
Glynnis smiles at Darian, and clasps his hand in friendship. Replying in Khur, she sighs, "صادقانه بگویم، اگر بتوانید منابع ما را به صورت مسالمت آمیز بازگردانید تا بتوانیم به تجارت خود ادامه دهیم، پیشاپیش به شما مدیون هستم. (Rough Translation: Save peace. Return supplies.)
Honestly, I owe you one if you can get our resources back peacefully so we can continue doing business.
"But if'n the trade routes remain secure, then I'll give ye' preferential prices on room n' board fer yer lot until ye' can get yer own housing here."
Once everyone has gathered, Glynnis offers you a warning...
"Watch yer back, boys. That Sargonnas cult is after ye. Duncan says ye were travelin' with a human monk by the name o' Agish. He were found dead last night. Body mangled up real bad. Our doctors'r inspectin' his body an' the one't came after ye last night. We'll have more answers for ye' when ye return. Any luck, we'll even have 'em all rounded up an' arrested by the time ye get back."
Clearly worried about the whole thing, she furrows her brow and bites off a dirty fingernail, then spits it onto the dirt below. "Dark times keep gettin' darker... Anyways, get goin'. Time's against ye fer getting those supplies before the crates'r all used up."
At a normal pace, it's a three-day ride by mule to where Darian believes the safest place to enter the mountain lair is. But you could cut the time in half if needed. It will be a strenuous pace, and you'll arrive with Level 1 Exhaustion and so will your mules.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Albert sits close to front to offer guidance to the ally who will be helming this journey. "Oh, my senses are not as sharp as for some of you my friends, but I can provide quite a lot of insight in such travels as I've been doing it for longer than some of you've been alive hehe."
Rolled a 4 in my char sheet, so the one who makes survival/perception check can add it!
Bran suggests we stick to a three day plan.
"Company I am not sure it's wise to push and be so exhausted we cannot defend ourselves adequately in the advent of an attack and therefore defeated before we have even begun!"
Albert adds: "I rarely agree with military types, but as one wise colonel once said - why run, when you can walk."
The harengon puts away his waterskin when no one offered to take it. He puts it back into his backpack along with his mushrooms which he brought for the ride. Upon hearing that Agish had died, his heart sinks. Life and Death they were all so common here. It is like one after the other. Too much- too much like home. The refugees live. Attacker dies. They survive the night. The monk doesn't. Nare takes off his antelope skull helmet and places it by his chest.
"I am sorry to hear of his passing." He, in his head, murmurs a prayer to the gods of his ancestry. 'To Agish's soul: beware the Passing Fox.' If he believed in his own thoughts was yet to be answered. Questions about the death ran throughout his mind. The darkness in his eyes swirled so much that he had to close them. To steady his hands he marks a symbol of the moon on his skull from prestidigitation before putting it on again. The skull mask felt heavy upon his head. He breathes.
"That is true." He knew of the fable of the tortoise and the hare, and, though his foot was thumping, he didn't want to end up on the losing stick of it. "Let us walk." He looks over at them with a hopeful smile. "We've been doing it for this long. How bad can it possibly be?"
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Albert chuckles: "Oh the famous last words"
Ne'haredowell looks up at the older man a bit sheepish. His ears go flattening against his head and his eyes widen. "Oh no." He whispers.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Once everyone is ready, Darian takes the lead, guiding the group as they set off. The mules are loaded and the journey begins, the weight of their task pressing on them as they push forward.
Survival Nat 20 - 26 with Favored Terrain - 30 with Albert’s Guidance
Arvos rides in the cart "I agree we need not rush to our own detriment. A 3-day journey is fine with me."
As they journey, he keeps his eyes peeled for dangers
14 rolled in game log.