For the past several days, you have been traveling a road that winds lazily across the rolling grasslands of the Greenfields. Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the town of Greenest just a few short miles away. But instead of the pleasant, welcoming town you expected, you see columns of black smoke rising from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of the town. Greenest is being attacked by a dragon!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
OOC DM - You have all been traveling together for a few days now, so you are familiar with each other at least a little bit.
IC - Venfaen upon seeing the town says, "Aye friend Paxiros. I've got a friend Talis who was captured by the Cultist recently so let's get there and see what we can do to help out."
Ven takes off at a steady pace the others can keep up with. "Let's go lads."
Current time when as you get to the town proper outskirts is 9:00 pm
Pax keeps up with the set pace. Also he is looking around trying to see if the dragon is attacking any particular part of the town and if there is a dragon rider and if any foot soldiers also attacking or is dragon seemingly attacking alone.
additionally trys to see what type of defense any of the locals are putting up against the dragon.
IC “Assume we’re headed to that big keep over there, but maybe there is a better place to go - Ven do you know where Talis’ house is? Or do you think he is defending the keep?”
Piotr is a bit slower than the others but manages to stay near his companions. "Drat these stubby legs. They were meant to be swinging from a tree in a forest with a deer down the sights of my arrow, not running down a country road towards an angry dragon cooking a town." He sighs, or maybe he takes a deep breath. Regardless, he keeps moving with his cloak billowing behind him. He has his longbow in his hands, and while he is confident he could hit the dragon he is doubtful that his arrows would make much of an impact on the beast.
Pax keeps up with the set pace. Also he is looking around trying to see if the dragon is attacking any particular part of the town and if there is a dragon rider and if any foot soldiers also attacking or is dragon seemingly attacking alone.
additionally trys to see what type of defense any of the locals are putting up against the dragon.
IC “Assume we’re headed to that big keep over there, but maybe there is a better place to go - Ven do you know where Talis’ house is? Or do you think he is defending the keep?”
We are traveling from the West heading East into town.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
As you move down the main road into Greenest from the west the Dragon seems to be focusing on the Keep.
There are cultist and kobolds everywhere throughout the town as you get closer you can see it is very chaotic situation.
Time stamp 9:00 pm
You just get into the town proper with a few buildings on each side of the street. Without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Seven kobolds stream out of the alley on the family’s heels and fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible.
Roll for initiative:
If you have some prior actions as you start to get closer to the town add them in with your init rolls please.
Piotr moves in to assist the woman trying to fend off the large number of Kobolds 15ft away, to give her injured husband and kids a chance to get away.
The arrow flies towards the first kobold advancing and clearly strikes true right through the left eye of the kobold dropping it in it's tracks.
OOC - Ranged Attacks in Close Combat Just information
Aiming a ranged attack is more difficult when a foe is next to you. When you make a ranged attack with a weapon, a spell, or some other means, you have disadvantage on the attack roll if you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature who can see you and who isn’t incapacitated.
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #20 Pax
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Pax moves in taking a stance in front of the injured man and sends an eldritch bolt at the next kobold chasing the family.
The bolt hits the kobold square in the chest forcing air and blood out of the creature's mouth dropping if face down. Hearing Pax speak to them in their native tongue passes them for a brief moment and then 2 advance on Piotr and one uses a sling at Pax. 2 more kobolds are just a bit behind them.
MOVE:Venfaen moves up to 30 ft to engage Kobold E with advantage and surprise; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger: 11 Damage: 1 (Piercing) ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 : 26 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing)
Damage: 3 (Sneak attack Piercing) Applied to any attack that hits.
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Hey, that wasn’t cool,” yells Piotr at the kobold that stabbed him. He swings at the kobold in the hope that the blade is more biting than his words. Attack 11+7=18
damage 5+5=10
Ge then positions himself between the woman and the other nearby kobold.
Pax in draconian - “why are you attacking this village? Who gave the order? “
cast Eldritch blast at the kobold who the woman attacked and didn’t kill to hit 6+6= 12 and 7 damage (1from hex)
looks around to ensure the father and kids are still (relatively safe) I’m anticipating something jumping out at them so move in center of them and keep pace Tell the man we will help them
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The kobold replies in draconic, "The Cult of the Dragon and our allies are taking what we need. This is bigger than you or I. You shall perish even if I die tonight. You doom will be assured. hahhahahahahah"
Pax sends an eldritch blast at the kobold striking it with force damage completing the job the woman started. All that is left is the two fighting Ven Kobold D and G.
MOVE:Venfaen moves 0 ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS:Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger Kobold G or D if G is dead: 25 Damage: 2 (Piercing) ACTION:Attack Rapier+1 Kobold G : 10 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing)
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
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For the past several days, you have been traveling a road that winds lazily across the rolling grasslands of the Greenfields. Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the town of Greenest just a few short miles away. But instead of the pleasant, welcoming town you expected, you see columns of black smoke rising from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of the town. Greenest is being attacked by a dragon!
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This isn’t good for the town.
OOC DM - You have all been traveling together for a few days now, so you are familiar with each other at least a little bit.
IC - Venfaen upon seeing the town says, "Aye friend Paxiros. I've got a friend Talis who was captured by the Cultist recently so let's get there and see what we can do to help out."
Ven takes off at a steady pace the others can keep up with. "Let's go lads."
Current time when as you get to the town proper outskirts is 9:00 pm
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax keeps up with the set pace. Also he is looking around trying to see if the dragon is attacking any particular part of the town and if there is a dragon rider and if any foot soldiers also attacking or is dragon seemingly attacking alone.
additionally trys to see what type of defense any of the locals are putting up against the dragon.
IC “Assume we’re headed to that big keep over there, but maybe there is a better place to go - Ven do you know where Talis’ house is? Or do you think he is defending the keep?”
Piotr is a bit slower than the others but manages to stay near his companions. "Drat these stubby legs. They were meant to be swinging from a tree in a forest with a deer down the sights of my arrow, not running down a country road towards an angry dragon cooking a town." He sighs, or maybe he takes a deep breath. Regardless, he keeps moving with his cloak billowing behind him. He has his longbow in his hands, and while he is confident he could hit the dragon he is doubtful that his arrows would make much of an impact on the beast.
We are traveling from the West heading East into town.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
As you move down the main road into Greenest from the west the Dragon seems to be focusing on the Keep.
There are cultist and kobolds everywhere throughout the town as you get closer you can see it is very chaotic situation.
Time stamp 9:00 pm
You just get into the town proper with a few buildings on each side of the street. Without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Seven kobolds stream out of the alley on the family’s heels and fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible.
Roll for initiative:
If you have some prior actions as you start to get closer to the town add them in with your init rolls please.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven says, "If the monster eats you whole, take solace in knowing it will most likely die trying to shit your sword." Bardic phrase
Ven gives Piotr and Pax a bardic dice just as they get into the town edge.
Ven begins to hide using the buildings shadows to provide some areas to hide on the South/right side of the street.
Ven says, "This town is under assault big time folks. Get yourselves ready. Holy crap there's a family that's in trouble."
Ven Stealth: 17
Ven Initiative: 10
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
As we get closer to town and in anticipation of combat cast hex one hour duration. Assume it has the same time stamp of 9pm
Pax moves to close distance and place myself- if possible- between the kobolds and the limping man.
pax says to the woman “we’ll try to help you and your friends get to safety “
Init 20 and have hex cast .
(Ooc really need to figure out colors on iPhone)
Pax / int 20/ Hex started 9:00pm duration 1hr (Concentration)/ Passive info PP 19 / PI 11/ PIN 14
Initiative 20+10 =30
Piotr quickly makes the obvious decision that the humans need help so shoots at the kobold nearest the woman.
Attack 15+9=24
damage 8+7=15
Ooc: I hope I save some good rolls for the BBEG. LOL.
Time stamp 9 pm
conditions moon light small fires = dimly lit
PP = Passive perception, PI = Passive Investigation, PIN = Passive Insight
Piotr / Init 30 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14
Pax / int 20 / Hex started 9:00pm duration 1hr (Concentration)/ Passive info PP 19 / PI 11/ PIN 14
Kobold C / Init 19 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Kobold B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Kobold F / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Kobold E / Init 14 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Kobold A / Init 10 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Venfaen / Init 10 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12
Commoner Husband / Init 9/ Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN
Kobold G / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Kobold D / Init 5 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Linan / Init 4 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #30
Piotr moves in to assist the woman trying to fend off the large number of Kobolds 15ft away, to give her injured husband and kids a chance to get away.
The arrow flies towards the first kobold advancing and clearly strikes true right through the left eye of the kobold dropping it in it's tracks.
OOC - Ranged Attacks in Close Combat Just information
Aiming a ranged attack is more difficult when a foe is next to you. When you make a ranged attack with a weapon, a spell, or some other means, you have disadvantage on the attack roll if you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature who can see you and who isn’t incapacitated.
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #20 Pax
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
pax positions him self between kobolds and man
12 to hit and 9 damage to kobold closest to woman
ic in draconic” you will die here today”
(Ooc not I’ve move initiative tracker to the second kobold but when I refresh it goes back to me)
turn over
Pax moves in taking a stance in front of the injured man and sends an eldritch bolt at the next kobold chasing the family.
The bolt hits the kobold square in the chest forcing air and blood out of the creature's mouth dropping if face down. Hearing Pax speak to them in their native tongue passes them for a brief moment and then 2 advance on Piotr and one uses a sling at Pax. 2 more kobolds are just a bit behind them.
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #16 Kobold F Attacks Poitr Dagger Attack 11 misses.
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #14 Kobold E Attacks Piotr Dagger adv Attack 19 hits Dam 4
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #10 Kobold A Attacks Pax Sling Attack 17 misses.
Round #1 Turn #1 Initiative #10 Ven
MOVE: Venfaen moves up to 30 ft to engage Kobold E with advantage and surprise; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger: 11 Damage: 1 (Piercing)
ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 : 26 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing)
Damage: 3 (Sneak attack Piercing) Applied to any attack that hits.
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Commoner Husband / Init 9/ Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN
Kobold G / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Kobold D / Init 5 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN
Linan / Init 4 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN
The Husband Cuth corrals the kids scooping them up as much as possible to keep going.
Kobold G and D attack the new threat who just emerged and swiflty killed Kobold A.
The kobolds both missed Ven with their attacks. Linan attacks Kobold F with her spear and damages it for 2hp.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Time stamp 9 pm
Round 2 Turn #1 Init 30
conditions moon light small fires = dimly lit
PP = Passive perception, PI = Passive Investigation, PIN = Passive Insight
Piotr / Init 30 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 melee with Kobold F and E
Pax / int 20 / Hex started 9:00pm duration 1hr (Concentration)/ Passive info PP 19 / PI 11/ PIN 14
Kobold C / Init 19 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Kobold B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Kobold F / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - injured - Melee with Piotr and Linan
Kobold E / Init 14 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Melee with Piotr and Linan - Dead
Kobold A / Init 10 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Dead
Venfaen / Init 10 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 - Melee with Kobold G and D
Commoner Husband / Init 9/ Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN
Kobold G / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Melee with Ven
Kobold D / Init 5 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 8 / PI / PIN - Melee with Ven
Linan / Init 4 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN - melee with Kobold F and E
Piotr has initiative:
Then Pax:
There are two melee groups. Ven is with KG and KD while Piotr and Linan are with KF and KE. Ven is 10ft from KF and KE. Pax is 10ft from Piotr.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Hey, that wasn’t cool,” yells Piotr at the kobold that stabbed him. He swings at the kobold in the hope that the blade is more biting than his words.
Attack 11+7=18
damage 5+5=10
Ge then positions himself between the woman and the other nearby kobold.
Piotr positions himself after swinging at the kobold who stabbed him.
The shortsword kills the kobold where it stood collapsing to the ground with a bark.
Pax / int 20 / Hex started 9:00pm duration 1hr (Concentration)/ Passive info PP 19 / PI 11/ PIN 14
Pax has init:
OOC - map link posted in PM if it will stay in session.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax in draconian - “why are you attacking this village? Who gave the order? “
cast Eldritch blast at the kobold who the woman attacked and didn’t kill to hit 6+6= 12 and 7 damage (1from hex)
looks around to ensure the father and kids are still (relatively safe) I’m anticipating something jumping out at them so move in center of them and keep pace Tell the man we will help them
The kobold replies in draconic, "The Cult of the Dragon and our allies are taking what we need. This is bigger than you or I. You shall perish even if I die tonight. You doom will be assured. hahhahahahahah"
Pax sends an eldritch blast at the kobold striking it with force damage completing the job the woman started. All that is left is the two fighting Ven Kobold D and G.
MOVE: Venfaen moves 0 ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger Kobold G or D if G is dead: 25 Damage: 2 (Piercing)
ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 Kobold G : 10 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing)
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;