This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ven gets lucky and drops them both in a swift attack with his rapier on Kobold G and a dagger to Kobold D that hit for double damage.
End Combat
You loot the bodies and pile them up out of the way for the time being and the town can dispatch them later. There are just mundane gear on them nothing of value unless its stolen treasure. See below.
Stolen treasure rolls
41 If roll is 1 -50 then roll 10gp stolen treasure value.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax looks around for other dangers and ask the family where they were trying to get to
”we seem to have defeated this group of kobolds, I do not think they would have been as embolden to strike the town with out that dragon above. We need to get out of these open spaces. Where were you all headed. Maybe we can help you get there with out another encounter. Should we head to the keep? Or another area? Also by chance do either of you know a person named Talis “
I use the message cantrip to communicate discretely with party members and ask how we’re splitting the gold and if we are giving the family 1/4 of it or all.
Piotr uses his hands to signal 10 to each, including the family. The he gets his bow back in the ready. There is a dragon flying around and who knows how many minions on the ground, all of which are a threat. He does not add to Pax’s questions and has no particular preference for where to go next.
Ven says, "Perhaps we need to return it to the keep for the Village as it was stolen from Greenest my friends."
Linan says, "We are headed to the Keep. Mind you there are so many cultists and others it is slow going. It's taken us an hour just to get this far. We have to hide and move when we see an opening. Let's move south to the next intersection then East to the Keep. Slow and steady. Thank you for saving us. We are in your debt."
You see the carnage around you and the massive number of cultists and other creatures an hour passes as you make your way to the intersection hiding in buildings in between raiders moving through the streets. You get near the corner and look east and see 3 guards and a robed figure further east about 50 ft away. They seemed to have just exited the building to the north of them.
Pax whispering. “Do we want to attack hooded figure first at range?”
Ooc have we figure out a weapon for linan. If not she can use my moon touched sword and a dagger (I’ll need them back of course- but might be better than a broken spear)
The 18 and 10 were part of me rolling to see if my rolls showed up
the roll for this round is part of the last three rolls and is 16 and 3 so 16
you should see them with 442 and 704time stamp they are part of the last three rolls I made the last one being a d4 (rolled 1) for guidance if we could use it on stealth checks
The 18 and 10 were part of me rolling to see if my rolls showed up
the roll for this round is part of the last three rolls and is 16 and 3 so 16
you should see them with 442 and 704time stamp they are part of the last three rolls I made the last one being a d4 (rolled 1) for guidance if we could use it on stealth checks
The game log doesn't show those rolls. Maybe a lag in the system
Guidance can be used on skill checks.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax on his turn will use bonuse action to cast hex on robe figure and will hex Dex
If i understand about the stealth roll I have stealth and thus advantage on my attack if yes (advantage) my to hit is Nat 20 +6 (26) if I was wrong and do not have adv then my roll was only 21 (not Nat 20)
my damage (2 + 6 ) plus 4 (agonizing blast) + 4 hex = 16
if the acolyte is dead then I’ll attack any guard fleeing first then closest if none fleeing
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ven has Init
MOVE:Venfaen move out to shoot his shortbow then move forward 20ft to engage in melee; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Changes to Rapier/dagger combo ACTION:Shortbow with adv unseen sneak attack: 24 Damage: 9 (Arrow Piercing) + 6 (Sneak attack damage) = 15
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Time stamp 10 pm
Dimly lit conditions.
Venfaen / Init 25 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions: Stealth 16
Pax / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions: stealth 20
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions: Stealth 19
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Pax the Piotr init are next. I'll adjust for their actions after I resolve Ven's if he hits the Acolyte.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven slightly unsteady barely manages to hit the acolyte but it's enough to drop the acolyte in one shot. The stealth was enough to give him the edge in his attack.
Pax goes next and with the Acolyte down he focuses on Guard B with his hex and his eldritch blase hitting with critical damage drops the Guard B with his surprise attack.
Piotr follows up seeing his friends successfully drop two of them right away focuses on the next guard. His attack critically wounds the Guard A as he drops to his knees barely alive.
The third guard seeing the swiftness of the attack soils his outfit, but may not get a chance to do much as Ven advances with rapier and dagger drawn to melee next round.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
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Ven gets lucky and drops them both in a swift attack with his rapier on Kobold G and a dagger to Kobold D that hit for double damage.
End Combat
You loot the bodies and pile them up out of the way for the time being and the town can dispatch them later. There are just mundane gear on them nothing of value unless its stolen treasure. See below.
Stolen treasure rolls
41 If roll is 1 -50 then roll 10gp stolen treasure value.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax looks around for other dangers and ask the family where they were trying to get to
”we seem to have defeated this group of kobolds, I do not think they would have been as embolden to strike the town with out that dragon above. We need to get out of these open spaces. Where were you all headed. Maybe we can help you get there with out another encounter. Should we head to the keep? Or another area? Also by chance do either of you know a person named Talis “
I use the message cantrip to communicate discretely with party members and ask how we’re splitting the gold and if we are giving the family 1/4 of it or all.
Piotr uses his hands to signal 10 to each, including the family. The he gets his bow back in the ready. There is a dragon flying around and who knows how many minions on the ground, all of which are a threat. He does not add to Pax’s questions and has no particular preference for where to go next.
Ven says, "Perhaps we need to return it to the keep for the Village as it was stolen from Greenest my friends."
Linan says, "We are headed to the Keep. Mind you there are so many cultists and others it is slow going. It's taken us an hour just to get this far. We have to hide and move when we see an opening. Let's move south to the next intersection then East to the Keep. Slow and steady. Thank you for saving us. We are in your debt."
You see the carnage around you and the massive number of cultists and other creatures an hour passes as you make your way to the intersection hiding in buildings in between raiders moving through the streets. You get near the corner and look east and see 3 guards and a robed figure further east about 50 ft away. They seemed to have just exited the building to the north of them.
Map session active. Tyranny of Dragons - D&D Beyond (
Time stamp 10:00 pm
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax whispering. “Do we want to attack hooded figure first at range?”
Ooc have we figure out a weapon for linan. If not she can use my moon touched sword and a dagger (I’ll need them back of course- but might be better than a broken spear)
Linan says, "Oh sweetie I have a spear I've been using very well. Thank you though."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven says, "I agree with you Pax. We can attack from range for sure. I'm going to go stealth and hit the one in the back with my bow."
Ven Stealth: 16
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Roll for Initiative Please.
Piotr / Init #/ Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP / PI / PIN/ Conditions:
Venfaen / Init # / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions: Stealth 16
Pax / Init # / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
OOC - If they weren't used the Bardic dice expired for Piotr and Pax...Hex timer has expired too.
Ven Initiative: 18
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Time stamp 10 pm
Dimly lit conditions.
Venfaen / Init 25 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions: Stealth 16
Pax / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions: stealth 20
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions: Stealth 19
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
OOC - Make sure to check the OOC thread too.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Humm will only let me reply vs edit to your initiative post
Pax /int 16 /no active spells/ PP19/PI 11/ PIN14
stealth 20
No worries. I'll update it. Thanks though. The roll log shows 18 and 10 for your init rolls so 18 init?
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The 18 and 10 were part of me rolling to see if my rolls showed up
the roll for this round is part of the last three rolls and is 16 and 3 so 16
you should see them with 442 and 704time stamp they are part of the last three rolls I made the last one being a d4 (rolled 1) for guidance if we could use it on stealth checks
The game log doesn't show those rolls. Maybe a lag in the system
Guidance can be used on skill checks.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax and Piotr are on the West southern part of the house 45-50ft from them. Ven is on the Northeast side of the house about 40ft from them.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions: Stealth 19
When it is his turn, he will Attack acolyte or guard with Longbow: 21
damage: 10
Pax on his turn will use bonuse action to cast hex on robe figure and will hex Dex
If i understand about the stealth roll I have stealth and thus advantage on my attack if yes (advantage) my to hit is Nat 20 +6 (26) if I was wrong and do not have adv then my roll was only 21 (not Nat 20)
my damage (2 + 6 ) plus 4 (agonizing blast) + 4 hex = 16
if the acolyte is dead then I’ll attack any guard fleeing first then closest if none fleeing
Ven has Init
MOVE: Venfaen move out to shoot his shortbow then move forward 20ft to engage in melee; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Changes to Rapier/dagger combo
ACTION: Shortbow with adv unseen sneak attack: 24 Damage: 9 (Arrow Piercing) + 6 (Sneak attack damage) = 15
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Time stamp 10 pm
Dimly lit conditions.
Venfaen / Init 25 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions: Stealth 16
Pax / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions: stealth 20
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions: Stealth 19
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Pax the Piotr init are next. I'll adjust for their actions after I resolve Ven's if he hits the Acolyte.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven slightly unsteady barely manages to hit the acolyte but it's enough to drop the acolyte in one shot. The stealth was enough to give him the edge in his attack.
Pax goes next and with the Acolyte down he focuses on Guard B with his hex and his eldritch blase hitting with critical damage drops the Guard B with his surprise attack.
Piotr follows up seeing his friends successfully drop two of them right away focuses on the next guard. His attack critically wounds the Guard A as he drops to his knees barely alive.
The third guard seeing the swiftness of the attack soils his outfit, but may not get a chance to do much as Ven advances with rapier and dagger drawn to melee next round.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;