Pinion [Tooltip Not Found] his lantern and shines the 60' conebright light in the direction of the hunter. Pinion's other hand's mechanical hand hums awaiting an attack... The small construct uses his patient defense as he advances to root out the hunter.
"Please identify your species so I may catalog it for my record."
Simon and Toa are up! I'll take Adams' turn last before the Hunter goes. Mechanically, I'll say that the Hunter will have disadvantage on his next Stealth check to try to hide from you guys due to Pinion's spotlight pointed at him.
Toa grunts a few syllables to Tāne of the forests for luck during this hunt, in which the quarry clearly believes themselves to be the hunter, not the hunted. Perhaps they are even right. Toa's uncharacteristically contemplative mood prevents his primal rage from rising - for now.
Bonus Action: A neural actuator activates as Toa instinctively swaps places with his echo 30' away, teleporting inside the gate with his companions.
(No action required): Toa then moves his echo from back at the spot where he started up 30' to stand next to him (also inside the gate where it started).
Action: Recognizing that his own weapons lack the range of the quarry's, Toa takes the dodge action.
Movement: Echo-swap costs 15' of movement, but Toa does not use his remaining 20', staying close to his echo for now, hoping to confuse the enemy as to which one is the correct target. Both echo and actual islander stand so as to shield the others (besides Pinion who has already advanced).
For the sake of simplicity, Adams will take the Dodge action for now.
He stands and releases an arrow at Toa...
Attack: 13; Damge: 11
The Hunter may be arrogant, but he isn't stupid. Rather than simply hiding again, with his bonus action he takes the dash action, running towards a stone stairway that leads to somewhere underground.
"So you wish to be the hunters?"he laughs before he disappears into the darkness. "Then come! Let us see who among us truly the more skilled... in the maze of caverns beneath the castle! Just be wary... you might just run into the Brute if you aren't careful..."
Everyone who readied an action to attack him, go ahead and roll your attacks now.
Also, you are all free to attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (history) check. If you succeed:
You notice something odd... the beast referred to what is presumably one of its companions or co-collaborators not by a name, or even by something like a title or a military rank, but by more primal label: 'The Brute.'
Suddenly, you remember an old story about five individuals who swore their allegiance to a mysterious Dark Lord, giving up everything, even their names, to fully devote themselves to the service of Lord Tenebris. After they gave themselves to the service of this Dark Lord, they were known as:
*The Brute: a minotaur consumed by pure rage who lived only for the thrill of battle, renowned for being an unstoppable killing machine on the battle field *The Countess: a woman of elvish heritage and noble birth, beautiful to behold but without mercy in her soul. She was the Dark Lord's chief diplomat, the one who spoke with his authority and wielder of infernal power that was legendary even in her own time *The General: the dragonborn commander of the Dark Lord's military forces, second only to the Dark Lord himself. It was said that he was skilled in both martial and arcane arts; the only thing more feared than his brutal strategies was the terrifying prospect of actually meeting him face-to-face on the battlefield *The Hunter: the Dark Lord's most faithful and trusted assassin, a Leonin tracker legendary for his ability to appear and strike with deadly precision, only to vanish again without a trace *The Vizeer: a tiefling of mage of great skill, said by many to be more feared than even the Dark Lord himself for his sheer sadism and the glee with which he used potent enchantments to force his victims to carry the torture out with their own hands...
History does not say what became of either these five lost souls or their dreaded master, but it is said that all of them vanished suddenly without a trace... it couldn't be, could it...?
The situation, as it stands right now, is that the Hunter has decided to run rather than fight all five of you at once in an open space where he cannot use his legendary stealth to its fullest advantage. He is now in some kind of undergrown tunnel system if you wish to pursue him.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Simon gets a solid hit on the retreating lion-man. It doesn't seem to slow him down significantly, though, as he disappears into the darkness with almost superhuman speed.
Toa instinctively wills his echo to give chase for a moment, but quickly senses the futility of catching the leonine foe. The echo leaves off after about 30', remaining in place as the island barbarian stares after the spot from which the quarry had fled.
Never much for book learning, Toa is nevertheless fascinated by the past, particularly as pertains to ancestry, so he racks his brains for what the creature might be, and what he may have been referring to by "The Brute," but finds that the strange, mountaintop conditions make it difficult to recall specific things in any structured way (a not unfamiliar sensation for Toa, who has always dealt better at the visceral level). History: 8
With his echo standing guard 30' ahead, Toa himself begins inspecting the savaged bodies of The Hunter's nearby victims. Looking at their gear, weapons, possibly any journals. Also whether the bodies have been desecrated in any way (other than being partially eaten).
"He just shot some arrows at me and my echo, then ran away," the barbarian grumbles, somewhat forlornly.
Pinion attempts to hide (14) on the wall while offering strategies. "I can be the bait...difficult to hit and catch...even those arrows."
Pinion scales 50' down and drops the remaining distance (Slow fall) and is alert tododge any arrows.
If Pinion is struck, he'll use his reaction to deflect missiles and absorb up to 16 damage, potentially throwing it back before the beast hides again.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Sounds like Pinion has decided to engage... everyone, go ahead and roll initiative.
I'll go ahead and assume that Adams joined everyone else on the wall and doesn't want to be seen by the beast...
Adams' Stealth: 14
Initiative: 13
And of course the bad going to roll Initiative as well
Hunter's Initiative: 12
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Simon's Init: 20
Simon, seeing the monk bolt done, he will prepare to eliminate the hunter.
Toa's Initiative: 18
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Pinion's init: 23
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Eppie Initiative: 7
Pinion [Tooltip Not Found] his lantern and shines the 60' cone bright light in the direction of the hunter. Pinion's other hand's mechanical hand hums awaiting an attack... The small construct uses his patient defense as he advances to root out the hunter.
"Please identify your species so I may catalog it for my record."
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Simon and Toa are up! I'll take Adams' turn last before the Hunter goes. Mechanically, I'll say that the Hunter will have disadvantage on his next Stealth check to try to hide from you guys due to Pinion's spotlight pointed at him.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Toa grunts a few syllables to Tāne of the forests for luck during this hunt, in which the quarry clearly believes themselves to be the hunter, not the hunted. Perhaps they are even right. Toa's uncharacteristically contemplative mood prevents his primal rage from rising - for now.
Bonus Action: A neural actuator activates as Toa instinctively swaps places with his echo 30' away, teleporting inside the gate with his companions.
(No action required): Toa then moves his echo from back at the spot where he started up 30' to stand next to him (also inside the gate where it started).
Action: Recognizing that his own weapons lack the range of the quarry's, Toa takes the dodge action.
Movement: Echo-swap costs 15' of movement, but Toa does not use his remaining 20', staying close to his echo for now, hoping to confuse the enemy as to which one is the correct target. Both echo and actual islander stand so as to shield the others (besides Pinion who has already advanced).
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Simon will hold his action until the Hunter is seen then he will shoot him.
For the sake of simplicity, Adams will take the Dodge action for now.
He stands and releases an arrow at Toa...
Attack: 13; Damge: 11
The Hunter may be arrogant, but he isn't stupid. Rather than simply hiding again, with his bonus action he takes the dash action, running towards a stone stairway that leads to somewhere underground.
"So you wish to be the hunters?" he laughs before he disappears into the darkness. "Then come! Let us see who among us truly the more skilled... in the maze of caverns beneath the castle! Just be wary... you might just run into the Brute if you aren't careful..."
Everyone who readied an action to attack him, go ahead and roll your attacks now.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Also, you are all free to attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (history) check. If you succeed:
You notice something odd... the beast referred to what is presumably one of its companions or co-collaborators not by a name, or even by something like a title or a military rank, but by more primal label: 'The Brute.'
Suddenly, you remember an old story about five individuals who swore their allegiance to a mysterious Dark Lord, giving up everything, even their names, to fully devote themselves to the service of Lord Tenebris. After they gave themselves to the service of this Dark Lord, they were known as:
*The Brute: a minotaur consumed by pure rage who lived only for the thrill of battle, renowned for being an unstoppable killing machine on the battle field
*The Countess: a woman of elvish heritage and noble birth, beautiful to behold but without mercy in her soul. She was the Dark Lord's chief diplomat, the one who spoke with his authority and wielder of infernal power that was legendary even in her own time
*The General: the dragonborn commander of the Dark Lord's military forces, second only to the Dark Lord himself. It was said that he was skilled in both martial and arcane arts; the only thing more feared than his brutal strategies was the terrifying prospect of actually meeting him face-to-face on the battlefield
*The Hunter: the Dark Lord's most faithful and trusted assassin, a Leonin tracker legendary for his ability to appear and strike with deadly precision, only to vanish again without a trace
*The Vizeer: a tiefling of mage of great skill, said by many to be more feared than even the Dark Lord himself for his sheer sadism and the glee with which he used potent enchantments to force his victims to carry the torture out with their own hands...
History does not say what became of either these five lost souls or their dreaded master, but it is said that all of them vanished suddenly without a trace... it couldn't be, could it...?
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Do we get advantage if we rolled high enough on stealth?
Yes, if you beat his 25 Perception check then you get advantage on your attack.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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By the way, Eppie is up!
The situation, as it stands right now, is that the Hunter has decided to run rather than fight all five of you at once in an open space where he cannot use his legendary stealth to its fullest advantage. He is now in some kind of undergrown tunnel system if you wish to pursue him.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Simon still like a shadow shoots his gun
Attack w/ ADV: 28
Damage: 14
Sneak Damage: 9
Simon gets a solid hit on the retreating lion-man. It doesn't seem to slow him down significantly, though, as he disappears into the darkness with almost superhuman speed.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Toa instinctively wills his echo to give chase for a moment, but quickly senses the futility of catching the leonine foe. The echo leaves off after about 30', remaining in place as the island barbarian stares after the spot from which the quarry had fled.
Never much for book learning, Toa is nevertheless fascinated by the past, particularly as pertains to ancestry, so he racks his brains for what the creature might be, and what he may have been referring to by "The Brute," but finds that the strange, mountaintop conditions make it difficult to recall specific things in any structured way (a not unfamiliar sensation for Toa, who has always dealt better at the visceral level). History: 8
With his echo standing guard 30' ahead, Toa himself begins inspecting the savaged bodies of The Hunter's nearby victims. Looking at their gear, weapons, possibly any journals. Also whether the bodies have been desecrated in any way (other than being partially eaten).
"He just shot some arrows at me and my echo, then ran away," the barbarian grumbles, somewhat forlornly.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
History: 11
Anyone who wants to examine the dead, please make an Investigation check.
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