This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Lex'seyes go wide as he hears the clown yell "WE HAVE TRESSPASSERS!" Lex looks at the others and says "Cmon, let's get out of here! He's calling for someone and they're gonna be mad we're in here!" The warning they had all received echoes back through his ears: entry without a ticket is strictly forbidden. He looks around for a way back to where they came in. If the others are still standing there, he reaches in his backpack and pulls out a slightly smushed blueberry muffin, tosses it to Scratch, and says, "Here, see if she likes this. Either way, we gotta go!"
DM Discretion - dropping a roll if helpful - Animal Handling Help: 13
Juni wants to stay?!? Well, we better make a run for it. looks around, is this like a back lot kinda place, out of the paying customers way?
The area behind the caravan is more like a back lot, yes. Covered in grass and encircled by the back side of various carnival stalls and caravans that are facing out to their own boardwalks. There are a few bushes and trees around, but this area mainly looks like a place where some carnival employees go to have a moment to themselves.
When you attempt to persuade Juniper to come with you her face saddens. You see a single tear shed down her face as she slowly slumps over and nuzzles Candlefoot's leg.
"Hurry you two! They're around back!" you hear Candlefoot say and assume he is talking to the security he had called for. You feel as if time is running out and if your intentions are still to retrieve Juniper, now might not be the best time. A quick retreat and regroup might be the best option.
"Yes, let's go! But where to? Anywhere we go, they'll see we don't have fairy wings on us. We need to hide!" As she speaks, Chase remembers that all the stalls are mounted on raised boardwalks—tall enough to hide them if they crouch, perhaps? She glances under Candlefoot's wagon. Could it be possible to crawl under the wagon and access the boardwalks? This way, they could move around unseen, maybe even find where the wings are kept!
As Chaselooks under the caravan, she does see that it sits high enough for them to crawl under and make it to the boardwalk and hide there for a moment.
I'll usher everyone in the opposite direction of the clowns wagon, keeping a lookout. go go, find a place to hide! once everyone gets moving I'll make sure the clown and any other carnival workers, if no one has given chase yet then I'll start running in a wide arc around the area. Once someone gives chase then I'll dash in the opposite direction than my friends went, in hopes of buying them some time.
Chandler's move catches Chase already sneaking under the clown's wagon. She doesn't fully understand what is happening, but she motions for the others to follow her, whispering, "Here! We can reach the boardwalk through this way and stay out of sight. Then we can decide what to do next." She begins to move toward the back of Candlefoot's wagon ... but underneath it.
Scratch's frustrated face drops into sadness as Juniper makes her intentions of staying clear. He sighs and extends his arm holding the muffin as far toward her as possible. He places the muffin on the floor and says quietly, "See ya around, Juni." Ducking back outside, the tabaxi makes a note of most of the group crawling underneath the caravan while Chandler is hurrying in the other direction. "Chandler!" he calls. "Where are you going?!" Chase pulls on Scratch's hand, beckoning him to get underneath the boardwalk. Scratch looks at Chandler one last time before making a noise of frustration and getting down to crawl after the others.
Isy, quiet for once that summer, follows Chase underneath the wagon, and tries to find a spot where she can't be seen from the edges. This is beginning to get scary, like swimming into an elemental's territory. As she crawls under, she looks around for the fastest way out of the carnival. If Juniper doesn't want to leave, it might be best they leave.
Illuwenis outright crying now. He got in a lot of trouble for that pie. And now Juniper is just leaving them.
Chaseis as sad as the rest, but as the eldest of eight, she and Scratch have often helped their mum and dad with the younger siblings, including comforting them when they cry. Like that time Shadow Under Moonlight —the youngest— lost her favorite doll, or when Cotton Tail accidentally broke the little wooden sword dad made for him.
She kneels beside Illuwen, puts an arm around his shoulder, and gently says, "Juni will be fine. She’s home now. We’ll remember her forever, and I’m sure she’ll remember us too."
As you crawl under the caravan towards the boardwalk, Scratch looks back towards Chandler and he see's a figure appear behind him. This figure seems to be made of... well darkness. Almost as if it is a shadow without a person. As Chandler is attempting to lead the security away from the rest of you he is stuck frozen. The figure reaches out and touches him as it did with the others, and disappears.
Still stuck frozen Chandler is detained by two very tall, very hairy security guards in overhauls. One is wearing the top half of a jack-o-lantern as a mask, while the other guard wears the bottom half. They tie Chandlers hands with this weird looking rope, and as they do you will notice a weird black mark on his hand that you swore wasn't there before. They begin to lead him away when one of the guards says to the other, "I'm taking this one to the lost and found. You stay here and look for the others."
The other guard replies, "Sure thing, brother. I'll do good. I'll find all the kids. You'll see!" He then begins searching the area.
[I need a group stealth check; everyone rolls stealth and we need a majority of successes to remain quiet]
Scratch turns to look wide-eyed at the others. He starts to ask if anyone else saw the shadow creature that touched Chandler, but Chase, Isy, Illuwen and Lex are all crawling in the opposite direction, so he stays silent. There's time later to talk about it. Right now, they need to get out of the carnival and figure out how to save Chandler. He turns back one second more to make sure the guards hadn't seen them before beginning to crawl after the others.
Chaseis as sad as the rest, but as the eldest of eight, she and Scratch have often helped their mum and dad with the younger siblings, including comforting them when they cry. Like that time Shadow Under Moonlight —the youngest— lost her favorite doll, or when Cotton Tail accidentally broke the little wooden sword dad made for him.
She kneels beside Illuwen, puts an arm around his shoulder, and gently says, "Juni will be fine. She’s home now. We’ll remember her forever, and I’m sure she’ll remember us too."
Illuwen's stealth check (from game log):2
Illuwen buries his face in Chase's fur. "I hope so. I hope the clown and his friends are nice to her." Still, although he knows they need to be quiet now, he's having a hard time stifling his sobs.
Though there were a few less than silent hiccups, you all manage to sneak under the caravan and to the boardwalk quietly and undetected. Be wary the security guard is still on the prowl as you calculate your next move...
As you hide under the boardwalk you see amongst the feet of the carnival goers a fox chasing an odd rabbit down the carnival throughfare. This rabbit seems to be bearing a horn on its forehead.
Chaseexhales in relief. It seems they are safe for now, though for a moment, she worried their noises would attract the guard’s attention. When Illuwen buries his face in her fur, she hugs him a little tighter. She would smile at him, too, but she simply cannot do that anymore. "That pig-masked thief...", she muses. Is that girl the reason she’s feeling so strange? And how could Chase fix it?
When the Tabaxi realizes Chandlerisn’t with them she turns to Scratch, who had been the last to crouch under the wagon, and whispers, “Where is Chandler!?” Then, turning to face the others too, she adds, “What should we do now? Should we leave? Where is the entrance?”She carefully peers out from beneath the boardwalk, trying to figure out which direction they should head if they want to find the carnival’s exit. South? Or north?
"Caught," Scratch whispers. "A shadow person appeared, made him freeze, and then two big guys caught up with him. One took him away, and the other was headed this way, last I saw." He looks with wide eyes at his sister. "What is going on around here?" he asks. "We really need to get out of here before anything else happens."
@DM - Did we come in between 5 and 7 on the map?
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Lex's eyes go wide as he hears the clown yell "WE HAVE TRESSPASSERS!" Lex looks at the others and says "Cmon, let's get out of here! He's calling for someone and they're gonna be mad we're in here!" The warning they had all received echoes back through his ears: entry without a ticket is strictly forbidden. He looks around for a way back to where they came in. If the others are still standing there, he reaches in his backpack and pulls out a slightly smushed blueberry muffin, tosses it to Scratch, and says, "Here, see if she likes this. Either way, we gotta go!"
DM Discretion - dropping a roll if helpful - Animal Handling Help: 13
The area behind the caravan is more like a back lot, yes. Covered in grass and encircled by the back side of various carnival stalls and caravans that are facing out to their own boardwalks. There are a few bushes and trees around, but this area mainly looks like a place where some carnival employees go to have a moment to themselves.
When you attempt to persuade Juniper to come with you her face saddens. You see a single tear shed down her face as she slowly slumps over and nuzzles Candlefoot's leg.
"Hurry you two! They're around back!" you hear Candlefoot say and assume he is talking to the security he had called for. You feel as if time is running out and if your intentions are still to retrieve Juniper, now might not be the best time. A quick retreat and regroup might be the best option.
"Yes, let's go! But where to? Anywhere we go, they'll see we don't have fairy wings on us. We need to hide!" As she speaks, Chase remembers that all the stalls are mounted on raised boardwalks—tall enough to hide them if they crouch, perhaps? She glances under Candlefoot's wagon. Could it be possible to crawl under the wagon and access the boardwalks? This way, they could move around unseen, maybe even find where the wings are kept!
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
As Chase looks under the caravan, she does see that it sits high enough for them to crawl under and make it to the boardwalk and hide there for a moment.
I'll usher everyone in the opposite direction of the clowns wagon, keeping a lookout. go go, find a place to hide! once everyone gets moving I'll make sure the clown and any other carnival workers, if no one has given chase yet then I'll start running in a wide arc around the area. Once someone gives chase then I'll dash in the opposite direction than my friends went, in hopes of buying them some time.
Chandler's move catches Chase already sneaking under the clown's wagon. She doesn't fully understand what is happening, but she motions for the others to follow her, whispering, "Here! We can reach the boardwalk through this way and stay out of sight. Then we can decide what to do next." She begins to move toward the back of Candlefoot's wagon ... but underneath it.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
"Why doesn't Juni want to come with us? We took care of her!"
Illuwen is outright crying now. He got in a lot of trouble for that pie. And now Juniper is just leaving them.
He looks back and forth between Chase and Chandler, confused for a moment, then follows the tabaxi under the wagon.
Scratch's frustrated face drops into sadness as Juniper makes her intentions of staying clear. He sighs and extends his arm holding the muffin as far toward her as possible. He places the muffin on the floor and says quietly, "See ya around, Juni." Ducking back outside, the tabaxi makes a note of most of the group crawling underneath the caravan while Chandler is hurrying in the other direction. "Chandler!" he calls. "Where are you going?!" Chase pulls on Scratch's hand, beckoning him to get underneath the boardwalk. Scratch looks at Chandler one last time before making a noise of frustration and getting down to crawl after the others.
Isy, quiet for once that summer, follows Chase underneath the wagon, and tries to find a spot where she can't be seen from the edges. This is beginning to get scary, like swimming into an elemental's territory. As she crawls under, she looks around for the fastest way out of the carnival. If Juniper doesn't want to leave, it might be best they leave.
Chase is as sad as the rest, but as the eldest of eight, she and Scratch have often helped their mum and dad with the younger siblings, including comforting them when they cry. Like that time Shadow Under Moonlight —the youngest— lost her favorite doll, or when Cotton Tail accidentally broke the little wooden sword dad made for him.
She kneels beside Illuwen, puts an arm around his shoulder, and gently says, "Juni will be fine. She’s home now. We’ll remember her forever, and I’m sure she’ll remember us too."
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
As you crawl under the caravan towards the boardwalk, Scratch looks back towards Chandler and he see's a figure appear behind him. This figure seems to be made of... well darkness. Almost as if it is a shadow without a person. As Chandler is attempting to lead the security away from the rest of you he is stuck frozen. The figure reaches out and touches him as it did with the others, and disappears.
Still stuck frozen Chandler is detained by two very tall, very hairy security guards in overhauls. One is wearing the top half of a jack-o-lantern as a mask, while the other guard wears the bottom half. They tie Chandlers hands with this weird looking rope, and as they do you will notice a weird black mark on his hand that you swore wasn't there before. They begin to lead him away when one of the guards says to the other, "I'm taking this one to the lost and found. You stay here and look for the others."
The other guard replies, "Sure thing, brother. I'll do good. I'll find all the kids. You'll see!" He then begins searching the area.
[I need a group stealth check; everyone rolls stealth and we need a majority of successes to remain quiet]
Seeing Chandler get detained, Isy huddles even smaller.
Unfortunately, while doing so, she knocks into the bottom of the wagon, hard enough to make a sound and knock something down inside,
Rolled an 18 in the game log.
Scratch turns to look wide-eyed at the others. He starts to ask if anyone else saw the shadow creature that touched Chandler, but Chase, Isy, Illuwen and Lex are all crawling in the opposite direction, so he stays silent. There's time later to talk about it. Right now, they need to get out of the carnival and figure out how to save Chandler. He turns back one second more to make sure the guards hadn't seen them before beginning to crawl after the others.
Chase's stealth: 15
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Illuwen's stealth check (from game log): 2
Illuwen buries his face in Chase's fur. "I hope so. I hope the clown and his friends are nice to her." Still, although he knows they need to be quiet now, he's having a hard time stifling his sobs.
Lex's stealth: 15
Lex dives under the caravan, breathing rapidly in a panic.
Though there were a few less than silent hiccups, you all manage to sneak under the caravan and to the boardwalk quietly and undetected. Be wary the security guard is still on the prowl as you calculate your next move...
As you hide under the boardwalk you see amongst the feet of the carnival goers a fox chasing an odd rabbit down the carnival throughfare. This rabbit seems to be bearing a horn on its forehead.
Chase exhales in relief. It seems they are safe for now, though for a moment, she worried their noises would attract the guard’s attention. When Illuwen buries his face in her fur, she hugs him a little tighter. She would smile at him, too, but she simply cannot do that anymore. "That pig-masked thief...", she muses. Is that girl the reason she’s feeling so strange? And how could Chase fix it?
When the Tabaxi realizes Chandler isn’t with them she turns to Scratch, who had been the last to crouch under the wagon, and whispers, “Where is Chandler!?” Then, turning to face the others too, she adds, “What should we do now? Should we leave? Where is the entrance?” She carefully peers out from beneath the boardwalk, trying to figure out which direction they should head if they want to find the carnival’s exit. South? Or north?
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
"Caught," Scratch whispers. "A shadow person appeared, made him freeze, and then two big guys caught up with him. One took him away, and the other was headed this way, last I saw." He looks with wide eyes at his sister. "What is going on around here?" he asks. "We really need to get out of here before anything else happens."
@DM - Did we come in between 5 and 7 on the map?