[religion check of 13, to know if Cirim knows of Sehanine and the song she hears muttering, going with yes!]
Cirim gathers her belongings and as the others do the same, she moves up next to the elf Etriel, "For what its worth" she says to the elf, "I understand what you meant back there, about being an elf. Most people hear Orc and they think, strong, relentless and mean. Well, the first two are pretty accurate for me, now that I think about it, but I am certainly not mean. But in a fight, ..." she looks at the battleaxe in her hand, "yeah..."
"So that song you were humming, It seems familiar, can you tell me more about it?" She stops talking as the elf starts searching the ground for clues, and looks back for the others, hoping they are near so they can begin. She is excited to have something to do, that doesn't involve books, shelves, and reading, though she also can't wait to read later that evening.
"I take no offense, Etriel, and mean no offense. I'd wager there's more about all of us than meets the eye. And I'll look forward to see a demonstration of you abilities beyond cantrips."
Neldak looks across the table to Idalie, "Shall we follow them? There's no better test for one's bravely than the wilds. And I think Etriel is on the scent."
Neldak bundles up his cloak and follows the others.
There are not really any tracks you can follow, the snow having settled and covered most tracks. As you reach the treeline, a figure in cold weather clothing lurches out of the woods into plain view, running as fast as he can through the deep snow. Slung over his back are a pair of animal traps, one of which appears to contain a panicked fox. "Stop! Danger that way! I just found five members of our militia, their skulls and chests stove in. I came straight back to alert the town."
"Don't worry, we are here to eliminate the 'danger' you speak of" the musical voice of Etriel Darastrix tries to reassure the newcomer. "Please, be so kind to go ahead and notify the town, so that the bodies of the poor victims can be provided. We will follow your tracks to the place of the crime and from there we will continue the pursuit of the culprit".
[[ OOC: And if no one has any further ideas or suggestions, that is precisely what the eladrin huntress seeks to do... ]]
"We won't keep you, but have you been trapping in this area long?" Neldak gestures toward the fox. "A verbeeg was seen going this way after killing Kendrick Rielsbarrow. Those militia members were chasing it. Have you seen any large creatures in this area or just little things like that fox?"
"Yes, we're currently on the hunt for the monster!" Idalie says with a grin. "We'll have it cut to ribbons by suppertime! No need to worry, we're going to take care of it for you! But... it sounds like you have been through quite the ordeal... is there anything we can do to help you before we continue on our way?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
"I am regularly trapping this area and never before had an issue with anything larger than a bear. I didn't manage to check all my traps, and these creatures are my livelihood, so if you can make the area safe again I can go and check the rest of my traps. The fox should fetch me a nice sum as it is still alive so the pelt is good condition. But it won't last me too long so I really need to get out as soon as I can." The fox does look in quite a good condition, despite the trap it is free from injury and therefore what this man is saying has a ring of truth to it. (just in case anyone was suspicious of him)
Etriel Darastrix does not doubt the poor trapper in the least and she is just waiting that everyone is ready to resume the hunt - especially while the trapper's footprints are still fresh and easy to follow...
As the trapper finishes his story, a small black bird, an owl, lands on Cirim’s shoulder. She pets it without even looking at it. When the trapper leaves, she looks at her new companions. “This is Sparks, he is my familiar.”
At this the bird let’s out a small yawn and closes his eyes. When his mouth opens, a bee flies out and away.
“Looks like he has been out chasing the bees again!” She then whispers to the owl, “stay close to me now, we have a job to do with our new friends.”
The small bird doesn’t react, just sits there with his eyes closed.
“Hullo, Sparks! We can use your keen eyes, that's for sure. Well, on with the hunt?” Danon is ready to keep moving and ready to hunt down the verbeeg, he walks along with his spear strapped to his back, he pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow as they move forward.
"Oh, a familiar" Etriel Darastrix turns to admire the owl for a moment. "A spirit that takes an animal form. And you have chosen a form that symbolizes wisdom. Very well done, Cirim; wisdom is a good traveling companion".
The spectral hand (whose summoning she renews each time it is about to expire) floats toward Sparks, slowly so as not to frighten him, and, if he allows it, begins to caress him with its slender fingers and scratch him delicately under the feathers: "Welcome among us, Sparks" the foreign traveler greets him, bowing her head gracefully.
After that, the eladrin huntress begins to follow the tracks again. 'When we find the miserable remains of the guards, I should be able to find the monster's trail easily. It's large and we're in a forest... even if the snow had managed to cover its tracks, it should be possible to trace its path by the dry twigs it must have broken on its way through the vegetation'.
No check is needed to follow the trappers footprints as they are all recent enough. Deep in the woods, after about half an hour, amid the snow-covered pines, you discover the remains of the five militia members, who look like they were clubbed to death. New-fallen snow has already begun to settle on their corpses. There are some large tracks away that you can still follow without a check (though if you want to try and determine anything additional to "which way do they go" that will be a survival check).
I also need a marching order (or more accurately, the person in the lead, who I assume is Etriel)
As they see the bodies, Danon walks over to investigate, looking at the nature of their injuries, trying to determine if there were any hacks or slashes, anything that indicates more than one assailant. Or is it all damage from a club - Also he searches the pockets of the militia, looking for anything useful. Investigation : 13
After that, other than seeing the prints, he looks for anywhere nearby that could have been a hiding place, “Were they surprised here, ambushed, or did the verbeeg just happen upon them?” Survival : 10
[[ OOC: Yes, Etriel takes the lead, since she should be pretty good at tracking ]]
The sweet features on Etriel Darastrix's face become saddened as she sees the definitive proof of the tragic end of the guards, whose only 'fault' was not to shirk their duties and duties, even in the face of an enemy too strong and brutal for them.
"May your last journey be pleasant, oh brave ones..." the foreign traveler murmurs, closing their eyes and continuing with a few short prayers in which she recommends them to Sehanine Moonbow - they were not elves, but... is it not the responsibility of the most fortunate race of all, to take care as much as possible of those who are less fortunate? And so she hopes that the Lady of Travels will not disdain to keep an eye on the path that their souls will take, during their journey towards the Realms of Spirit...
Seeing her companions investigating the scene of violence, the eladrin huntress tries to lend everyone her help, both natural and supernatural. The first one to investigate seems to be Danon and she comes to his side, assisting him with full commitment.
[[ OOC: @Danon & All: Feel free to roll with Advantage and with +1d4 to the roll, for Etriel will Help and use Guidance to your benefit ]]
Neldak would be towards the back/middle as they travel. He would be somber as he walks among the carnage. "Even the guards weren't enough." He mutters to himself. He'll wait for Danon's assessment and survey their surroundings.
When Etriel is done, Cirim will say her own prayer for the fallen guards. While the others look at the tracks and for signs to help pursuit, Cirim will focus on how they died, seeing if there is more to discover to it.
There is nothing useful on the militia. They seem to have left all their belongings at home, having had no need for money while chasing down a Verbeeg. There is nothing indicating an ambush either.
The guards were bludgeoned by a large instrument, possibly with some spikes in it. It looks like it is a greatclub swung by something with considerable strength.
You finish your investigations (Idalie, if you have anything to add, I will add in a response in my next post) and continue on. 3 hours later, Etriel is hit with a small snowball. You look around for the source and see a small figure (image in spoiler) dancing on a snow mound and waving at you. It doesn't speak but seems to be enjoying itself.
Etriel Darastrix is happy to lighten the mood of the hunt for a moment and smiles at the creature who threw the snowball at her.
"Oh, do you want to play, little one?" the eladrin huntress asks in her musical voice, raising an eyebrow inquiringly. Then without waiting for an answer and without stopping smiling, she makes a ball of very colorful flowers appear in her hand and throws it in response at the little being. The object is completely harmless - as well as illusory - so it will not do any harm to the creature, even if it were to hit it; at most it will pass through it!
"If I play with you a little, will you be so good to give me a little information in return?" the foreign traveler advances slowly, with a playful expression, while she already has a new ball of flowers (no less brightly colored than before) ready to throw...
[religion check of 13, to know if Cirim knows of Sehanine and the song she hears muttering, going with yes!]
Cirim gathers her belongings and as the others do the same, she moves up next to the elf Etriel, "For what its worth" she says to the elf, "I understand what you meant back there, about being an elf. Most people hear Orc and they think, strong, relentless and mean. Well, the first two are pretty accurate for me, now that I think about it, but I am certainly not mean. But in a fight, ..." she looks at the battleaxe in her hand, "yeah..."
"So that song you were humming, It seems familiar, can you tell me more about it?" She stops talking as the elf starts searching the ground for clues, and looks back for the others, hoping they are near so they can begin. She is excited to have something to do, that doesn't involve books, shelves, and reading, though she also can't wait to read later that evening.
"I take no offense, Etriel, and mean no offense. I'd wager there's more about all of us than meets the eye. And I'll look forward to see a demonstration of you abilities beyond cantrips."
Neldak looks across the table to Idalie, "Shall we follow them? There's no better test for one's bravely than the wilds. And I think Etriel is on the scent."
Neldak bundles up his cloak and follows the others.
There are not really any tracks you can follow, the snow having settled and covered most tracks. As you reach the treeline, a figure in cold weather clothing lurches out of the woods into plain view, running as fast as he can through the deep snow. Slung over his back are a pair of animal traps, one of which appears to contain a panicked fox. "Stop! Danger that way! I just found five members of our militia, their skulls and chests stove in. I came straight back to alert the town."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Don't worry, we are here to eliminate the 'danger' you speak of" the musical voice of Etriel Darastrix tries to reassure the newcomer. "Please, be so kind to go ahead and notify the town, so that the bodies of the poor victims can be provided. We will follow your tracks to the place of the crime and from there we will continue the pursuit of the culprit".
[[ OOC: And if no one has any further ideas or suggestions, that is precisely what the eladrin huntress seeks to do... ]]
"We won't keep you, but have you been trapping in this area long?" Neldak gestures toward the fox. "A verbeeg was seen going this way after killing Kendrick Rielsbarrow. Those militia members were chasing it. Have you seen any large creatures in this area or just little things like that fox?"
"Yes, we're currently on the hunt for the monster!" Idalie says with a grin. "We'll have it cut to ribbons by suppertime! No need to worry, we're going to take care of it for you! But... it sounds like you have been through quite the ordeal... is there anything we can do to help you before we continue on our way?"
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
"I am regularly trapping this area and never before had an issue with anything larger than a bear. I didn't manage to check all my traps, and these creatures are my livelihood, so if you can make the area safe again I can go and check the rest of my traps. The fox should fetch me a nice sum as it is still alive so the pelt is good condition. But it won't last me too long so I really need to get out as soon as I can." The fox does look in quite a good condition, despite the trap it is free from injury and therefore what this man is saying has a ring of truth to it. (just in case anyone was suspicious of him)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Etriel Darastrix does not doubt the poor trapper in the least and she is just waiting that everyone is ready to resume the hunt - especially while the trapper's footprints are still fresh and easy to follow...
As the trapper finishes his story, a small black bird, an owl, lands on Cirim’s shoulder. She pets it without even looking at it. When the trapper leaves, she looks at her new companions. “This is Sparks, he is my familiar.”
At this the bird let’s out a small yawn and closes his eyes. When his mouth opens, a bee flies out and away.
“Looks like he has been out chasing the bees again!” She then whispers to the owl, “stay close to me now, we have a job to do with our new friends.”
The small bird doesn’t react, just sits there with his eyes closed.
“Well, shall we begin?”
"A lovely familiar." Neldak regards the small owl appraisingly. He waves farewell to the trapper as he follows Etriel.
“Hullo, Sparks! We can use your keen eyes, that's for sure. Well, on with the hunt?” Danon is ready to keep moving and ready to hunt down the verbeeg, he walks along with his spear strapped to his back, he pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow as they move forward.
"Oh, a familiar" Etriel Darastrix turns to admire the owl for a moment. "A spirit that takes an animal form. And you have chosen a form that symbolizes wisdom. Very well done, Cirim; wisdom is a good traveling companion".
The spectral hand (whose summoning she renews each time it is about to expire) floats toward Sparks, slowly so as not to frighten him, and, if he allows it, begins to caress him with its slender fingers and scratch him delicately under the feathers: "Welcome among us, Sparks" the foreign traveler greets him, bowing her head gracefully.
After that, the eladrin huntress begins to follow the tracks again. 'When we find the miserable remains of the guards, I should be able to find the monster's trail easily. It's large and we're in a forest... even if the snow had managed to cover its tracks, it should be possible to trace its path by the dry twigs it must have broken on its way through the vegetation'.
[Sparks offers a soft hoot when scratched, his eyes remain closed]
No check is needed to follow the trappers footprints as they are all recent enough. Deep in the woods, after about half an hour, amid the snow-covered pines, you discover the remains of the five militia members, who look like they were clubbed to death. New-fallen snow has already begun to settle on their corpses. There are some large tracks away that you can still follow without a check (though if you want to try and determine anything additional to "which way do they go" that will be a survival check).
I also need a marching order (or more accurately, the person in the lead, who I assume is Etriel)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
((Danon walks behind Etriel in marching order.))
As they see the bodies, Danon walks over to investigate, looking at the nature of their injuries, trying to determine if there were any hacks or slashes, anything that indicates more than one assailant. Or is it all damage from a club - Also he searches the pockets of the militia, looking for anything useful. Investigation : 13
After that, other than seeing the prints, he looks for anywhere nearby that could have been a hiding place, “Were they surprised here, ambushed, or did the verbeeg just happen upon them?” Survival : 10
[[ OOC: Yes, Etriel takes the lead, since she should be pretty good at tracking ]]
The sweet features on Etriel Darastrix's face become saddened as she sees the definitive proof of the tragic end of the guards, whose only 'fault' was not to shirk their duties and duties, even in the face of an enemy too strong and brutal for them.
"May your last journey be pleasant, oh brave ones..." the foreign traveler murmurs, closing their eyes and continuing with a few short prayers in which she recommends them to Sehanine Moonbow - they were not elves, but... is it not the responsibility of the most fortunate race of all, to take care as much as possible of those who are less fortunate? And so she hopes that the Lady of Travels will not disdain to keep an eye on the path that their souls will take, during their journey towards the Realms of Spirit...
Seeing her companions investigating the scene of violence, the eladrin huntress tries to lend everyone her help, both natural and supernatural. The first one to investigate seems to be Danon and she comes to his side, assisting him with full commitment.
[[ OOC: @Danon & All: Feel free to roll with Advantage and with +1d4 to the roll, for Etriel will Help and use Guidance to your benefit ]]
Neldak would be towards the back/middle as they travel. He would be somber as he walks among the carnage. "Even the guards weren't enough." He mutters to himself. He'll wait for Danon's assessment and survey their surroundings.
When Etriel is done, Cirim will say her own prayer for the fallen guards. While the others look at the tracks and for signs to help pursuit, Cirim will focus on how they died, seeing if there is more to discover to it.
Medicine: 19 (w/ Gudiance)
[Cirim is fine anywhere in the marching order, the middle makes sense for her I believe]
There is nothing useful on the militia. They seem to have left all their belongings at home, having had no need for money while chasing down a Verbeeg. There is nothing indicating an ambush either.
The guards were bludgeoned by a large instrument, possibly with some spikes in it. It looks like it is a greatclub swung by something with considerable strength.
You finish your investigations (Idalie, if you have anything to add, I will add in a response in my next post) and continue on. 3 hours later, Etriel is hit with a small snowball. You look around for the source and see a small figure (image in spoiler) dancing on a snow mound and waving at you. It doesn't speak but seems to be enjoying itself.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Etriel Darastrix is happy to lighten the mood of the hunt for a moment and smiles at the creature who threw the snowball at her.
"Oh, do you want to play, little one?" the eladrin huntress asks in her musical voice, raising an eyebrow inquiringly. Then without waiting for an answer and without stopping smiling, she makes a ball of very colorful flowers appear in her hand and throws it in response at the little being. The object is completely harmless - as well as illusory - so it will not do any harm to the creature, even if it were to hit it; at most it will pass through it!
"If I play with you a little, will you be so good to give me a little information in return?" the foreign traveler advances slowly, with a playful expression, while she already has a new ball of flowers (no less brightly colored than before) ready to throw...