Idalie is just waiting and looking a bit impatient, but she does her best to let the sneaky familiar to do its thing. She may be (over)confident in her abilities, but she is smart enough to understand that reconnaissance is an important part of a successful battle plan.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Etriel Darastrix smiles amusedly at what she believes is just another parting prank from the little Fey; then, her green eyes take on a slightly surprised look as she feels the snow being magically absorbed... but accepting what has happened is not difficult, for an elf who was born and raised in the Feywild. 'After all, we elves are so in tune with our environment, that the place we live in becomes part of us and is able to change us... In this case, the phenomenon was similar, only much faster. I already feel the power of the Icewind Dale snow in me - probably thanks to the faerie nature of this gentle little creature'.
[[ OOC: @DM: Thank you! Even though it's a charm, not an item, I didn't know how to add it to the Character Sheet exactly, so I added 5 instances of the custom item 'Charm of Snowball Strike' in my equipment. So, as I use the 'charges' of the charm I can decrease the instances of the item. And once the last instance is used, I don't have the custom item in equipment anymore. It seemed to me like the most practical approximation to implement the described mechanic (of course, if you had a better way in mind just tell me). ]]
The eladrin huntress blows a parting kiss, accompanied by the illusion of the soothing chirping of the cicadas of the Feywild nights, recommending with a silent and grateful prayer the little Fey to the protection of the Daughter of the Night Skies [[ OOC: One of the various titles of Sehanine Moonbow ]].
"Caution certainly gets you further than haste, Lord Danon," the foreign traveler smiles, admiring, at the elf's words that bring her back to the present hunt "I am pleased with your advice. As a trap, I could set some caltrops. A monster of the size of the Verbeeg will perhaps feel them as little more than Good Mead's bee stings, but it should slow him down anyway, perhaps giving us more time to target him from a distance".
With those rolls, you can certainly find out where the Verbeeg is and how the tunnels connect (see spoiler).
Descriptions from west to east:
To the north along the frozen stream, the tunnel splits, with one way continuing north and the other veering east. The stream follows the dark northward tunnel. Light from a distant fire is visible in the eastern tunnel.
The verbeeg is sitting cross-legged in the tunnel (the wide one going through the ring north of you), a lit torch on the floor nearby, sharpening a stone knife. Leaning against a wall, within easy reach, is his spear.
This eight-foot-high, five-foot-wide passage has a dozen burial niches carved into its walls. (the north entrance)
A bonfire in the middle of this cave keeps it lit and relatively warm. The scent of roasting meat fills the air as a hunk of meat on a spit drips juices into the fire. Goats and sheep are held in a spacious animal pen enclosed by a crude wooden fence. Other features of the cave include a wooden cart with a broken wheel, two old crates, and two barrels.
Hopefully you can match those descriptions up to places on the map. I will say, with your perception check, the tracks you followed led north of the room with the firepit, and seem separate to the tracks of the verbeeg.
"Maybe we can lure it out with the sounds of a lost sheep? I don't have much in the way of traps, Danon, but I can hopefully keep it distracted once it comes out." Neldak moves over by the edge of the stream.
“Since the Verbeeg already has sheep, Lord Neldak’s suggestion to simulate the bleating of a lost one seems very fitting,” Etriel Darastrix sums up, speaking with calm confidence. "We could all hide at a good distance from the cave, even 150' possibly - depending on the range of our ranged attacks. I can help each of us blend in with the environment". [[ OOC: Providing Help+Guidance ]].
"On the path from the cave to us, near us," the eladrin huntress goes on "I can place the caltrops. We attract the Verbeeg's attention with the illusion, and when it comes out we attack it from range. Considering the distance, the fact that the trap will slow it down and the fact that we can move away while it advances, before it reaches us, we should have weakened it a lot, if not down entirely. It shouldn't stand a chance - unless it has ranged attacks that we don't know about".
“Great idea, Etriel. I’ll ready my bow for an arrow or two, then I’ll rush in to wallop him in the nutsa… where it hurts. I think this is an excellent plan. We can pepper him from a distance for as long as we can..” Danon moves into position, finding some cover at the far end of the logs, near the stream. He gets into position and waits.
Neldak glances over at Cirim examining the tracks before saying, "I will need to be closer than 150 feet to cast my magic. Especially for the luring illusion; unless you can cast minor illusion from that far away Etriel. How about you, Idalie? Are you able to attack from a distance or do you like to get up close and personal?"
"I can fling fire 120 feet" Cirim says, "I fear if we lure it/them out and attack from range, they may just run back in the cave, losing our advantage. Perhaps we can try two illusions at onec to try and spit them, if there are more then one. Or lure it out one corridor and we enter a different one? Just some ideas."
The tracks you followed are definitely large enough to be a Verbeeg. Though you did notice that the Verbeeg was wearing shoes, and the tracks you followed have toe prints visible.
"The source of the illusory sound must be within 30' of the caster, Lord Neldak," Etriel Darastrix explains calmly and unhurriedly "but I would not want us to overlook the fact that the sound produced then travels through the environment as a real sound - and can therefore be heard at much greater distance. However, if our prey proves hard of hearing, I will approach (thus causing the source to approach). One of my magical talents allows me to speed up my movement - the creature. once out, will still not be able to reach me before I reach you. So the brilliant strategy we have devised will work equally well".
"If your preferred distance for ranging the pray is 120', Lady Cirim," the foreign traveler graciously agrees with a slight bow of her head "we will hide at that distance from the caves. It is still a good margin of distance, not easy for a creature on foot to cover quickly".
After that, the eladrin huntress, if no one raises further objections, without haste and without showing apprehension, begins to put into action what was agreed: she helps everyone hide within 120' of the caves [[ OOC: Providing Help+Guidance ]], she places her caltrops in an area that the prey, imagining it proceeding from the caves towards the party, must cross, about 30' from the party, then she begins to produce the illusory bleating of the lost sheep... and if the prey does not seem to hear it, she begins to get closer and closer... sooner or later, the Verbeeg should hear - and come out.
Idalie frowns... as much as it might look (and feel) more heroic to rush in and start hitting the monster with her glaive, the halfling knows that keeping it at a distance is probably the smarter idea.
"I think my max range caps out at about 120 feet," she says. "So I guess that sniping the beast works for me."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
"Two creatures, interesting. But your familiar only saw the one, right? Illusions must be relatively close for most people." Neldak will move back with the group 120 feet; then, when the others are ready, use minor illusion to create the image of a sheep and sound of a bleating sheep 90 feet away (about 30 feet from the cave mouth) with his improved illusions ability.
Between both illusions, it is enough that the Verbeeg emerges.
Party initiative: 16 Verbeeg initiative: 14
Assuming that you spent some time hiding (so that Etriel could use the help action and guidance per player, taking time to hide everyone individually) you can roll a stealth check at the start of your turn, DC10 (with guidance and advantage for everyone except Etriel, who just gets the guidance). On a success, your first attack roll will be at advantage for being unseen. Verbeeg is 120ft away from the party, approaching the "sheep". Caltrops are 30ft from the party.
Etriel Darastrix awaits the unfolding of events calmly, completely confident in the abilities her heritage has bestowed upon her... and in the aid of her motley crew of companions—a novelty for her, but a curiously pleasant novelty nonetheless.
When her quarry emerges, the eladrin huntress, camouflaged in the snow has her elegant and powerful Longbow drawn and an arrow nocked. The hiss of the arrow as it leaves mingles with the chill winds of eternal winter; it's merciless steel hurtles, unseen, into the unsuspecting monster...
Idalie is just waiting and looking a bit impatient, but she does her best to let the sneaky familiar to do its thing. She may be (over)confident in her abilities, but she is smart enough to understand that reconnaissance is an important part of a successful battle plan.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Etriel Darastrix smiles amusedly at what she believes is just another parting prank from the little Fey; then, her green eyes take on a slightly surprised look as she feels the snow being magically absorbed... but accepting what has happened is not difficult, for an elf who was born and raised in the Feywild. 'After all, we elves are so in tune with our environment, that the place we live in becomes part of us and is able to change us... In this case, the phenomenon was similar, only much faster. I already feel the power of the Icewind Dale snow in me - probably thanks to the faerie nature of this gentle little creature'.
[[ OOC: @DM: Thank you! Even though it's a charm, not an item, I didn't know how to add it to the Character Sheet exactly, so I added 5 instances of the custom item 'Charm of Snowball Strike' in my equipment. So, as I use the 'charges' of the charm I can decrease the instances of the item. And once the last instance is used, I don't have the custom item in equipment anymore. It seemed to me like the most practical approximation to implement the described mechanic (of course, if you had a better way in mind just tell me). ]]
The eladrin huntress blows a parting kiss, accompanied by the illusion of the soothing chirping of the cicadas of the Feywild nights, recommending with a silent and grateful prayer the little Fey to the protection of the Daughter of the Night Skies [[ OOC: One of the various titles of Sehanine Moonbow ]].
"Caution certainly gets you further than haste, Lord Danon," the foreign traveler smiles, admiring, at the elf's words that bring her back to the present hunt "I am pleased with your advice. As a trap, I could set some caltrops. A monster of the size of the Verbeeg will perhaps feel them as little more than Good Mead's bee stings, but it should slow him down anyway, perhaps giving us more time to target him from a distance".
With those rolls, you can certainly find out where the Verbeeg is and how the tunnels connect (see spoiler).
Descriptions from west to east:
To the north along the frozen stream, the tunnel splits, with one way continuing north and the other veering east. The stream follows the dark northward tunnel. Light from a distant fire is visible in the eastern tunnel.
The verbeeg is sitting cross-legged in the tunnel (the wide one going through the ring north of you), a lit torch on the floor nearby, sharpening a stone knife. Leaning against a wall, within easy reach, is his spear.
This eight-foot-high, five-foot-wide passage has a dozen burial niches carved into its walls. (the north entrance)
A bonfire in the middle of this cave keeps it lit and relatively warm. The scent of roasting meat fills the air as a hunk of meat on a spit drips juices into the fire. Goats and sheep are held in a spacious animal pen enclosed by a crude wooden fence. Other features of the cave include a wooden cart with a broken wheel, two old crates, and two barrels.
Hopefully you can match those descriptions up to places on the map. I will say, with your perception check, the tracks you followed led north of the room with the firepit, and seem separate to the tracks of the verbeeg.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Maybe we can lure it out with the sounds of a lost sheep? I don't have much in the way of traps, Danon, but I can hopefully keep it distracted once it comes out." Neldak moves over by the edge of the stream.
[Are the tracks we followed, Verbeeg size? Wondering if there are two of them]
“Since the Verbeeg already has sheep, Lord Neldak’s suggestion to simulate the bleating of a lost one seems very fitting,” Etriel Darastrix sums up, speaking with calm confidence. "We could all hide at a good distance from the cave, even 150' possibly - depending on the range of our ranged attacks. I can help each of us blend in with the environment". [[ OOC: Providing Help+Guidance ]].
"On the path from the cave to us, near us," the eladrin huntress goes on "I can place the caltrops. We attract the Verbeeg's attention with the illusion, and when it comes out we attack it from range. Considering the distance, the fact that the trap will slow it down and the fact that we can move away while it advances, before it reaches us, we should have weakened it a lot, if not down entirely. It shouldn't stand a chance - unless it has ranged attacks that we don't know about".
“Great idea, Etriel. I’ll ready my bow for an arrow or two, then I’ll rush in to wallop him in the nutsa… where it hurts. I think this is an excellent plan. We can pepper him from a distance for as long as we can..” Danon moves into position, finding some cover at the far end of the logs, near the stream. He gets into position and waits.
They were certainly large. Make a survival check
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Survival: 11
Neldak glances over at Cirim examining the tracks before saying, "I will need to be closer than 150 feet to cast my magic. Especially for the luring illusion; unless you can cast minor illusion from that far away Etriel. How about you, Idalie? Are you able to attack from a distance or do you like to get up close and personal?"
"I can fling fire 120 feet" Cirim says, "I fear if we lure it/them out and attack from range, they may just run back in the cave, losing our advantage. Perhaps we can try two illusions at onec to try and spit them, if there are more then one. Or lure it out one corridor and we enter a different one? Just some ideas."
The tracks you followed are definitely large enough to be a Verbeeg. Though you did notice that the Verbeeg was wearing shoes, and the tracks you followed have toe prints visible.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"The source of the illusory sound must be within 30' of the caster, Lord Neldak," Etriel Darastrix explains calmly and unhurriedly "but I would not want us to overlook the fact that the sound produced then travels through the environment as a real sound - and can therefore be heard at much greater distance. However, if our prey proves hard of hearing, I will approach (thus causing the source to approach). One of my magical talents allows me to speed up my movement - the creature. once out, will still not be able to reach me before I reach you. So the brilliant strategy we have devised will work equally well".
"If your preferred distance for ranging the pray is 120', Lady Cirim," the foreign traveler graciously agrees with a slight bow of her head "we will hide at that distance from the caves. It is still a good margin of distance, not easy for a creature on foot to cover quickly".
After that, the eladrin huntress, if no one raises further objections, without haste and without showing apprehension, begins to put into action what was agreed: she helps everyone hide within 120' of the caves [[ OOC: Providing Help+Guidance ]], she places her caltrops in an area that the prey, imagining it proceeding from the caves towards the party, must cross, about 30' from the party, then she begins to produce the illusory bleating of the lost sheep... and if the prey does not seem to hear it, she begins to get closer and closer... sooner or later, the Verbeeg should hear - and come out.
Idalie frowns... as much as it might look (and feel) more heroic to rush in and start hitting the monster with her glaive, the halfling knows that keeping it at a distance is probably the smarter idea.
"I think my max range caps out at about 120 feet," she says. "So I guess that sniping the beast works for me."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
"I think we have two beasts, at a minimum" Cirim says.
"Two creatures, interesting. But your familiar only saw the one, right? Illusions must be relatively close for most people." Neldak will move back with the group 120 feet; then, when the others are ready, use minor illusion to create the image of a sheep and sound of a bleating sheep 90 feet away (about 30 feet from the cave mouth) with his improved illusions ability.
Between both illusions, it is enough that the Verbeeg emerges.
Party initiative: 16
Verbeeg initiative: 14
Assuming that you spent some time hiding (so that Etriel could use the help action and guidance per player, taking time to hide everyone individually) you can roll a stealth check at the start of your turn, DC10 (with guidance and advantage for everyone except Etriel, who just gets the guidance). On a success, your first attack roll will be at advantage for being unseen. Verbeeg is 120ft away from the party, approaching the "sheep". Caltrops are 30ft from the party.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Etriel's 'Guided' Stealth: 26
Round 1
Etriel Darastrix awaits the unfolding of events calmly, completely confident in the abilities her heritage has bestowed upon her... and in the aid of her motley crew of companions—a novelty for her, but a curiously pleasant novelty nonetheless.
When her quarry emerges, the eladrin huntress, camouflaged in the snow has her elegant and powerful Longbow drawn and an arrow nocked. The hiss of the arrow as it leaves mingles with the chill winds of eternal winter; it's merciless steel hurtles, unseen, into the unsuspecting monster...
Longbow Attack: 16 Damage: 10 (piercing)