Drakkenheim portrays a dark fantasy world. We recommend players and Game Masters have an open conversation at the start of the campaign to discuss their lines and veils. In support of this conversation, please note references to the following are common in this adventure:
Violence, murder, blood, gore, cannibalism, and body horror.
Degenerative mutations that cause physical disfigurement and madness/insanity.
Rats, spiders, insects, demons, undead, ghosts, and other monsters.
Natural disasters, large-scale loss of life, civil war, displaced persons, and refugees.
Moral ambiguity, social/political manipulation, religious zealotry and military nationalism.
This adventure is set in a gothic renaissance ruined city. Malevolent monsters and rival factions clash in a dark city devastated by a mysterious meteor shower!
Create your character by rolling two array sets by using 3d6+6 drop the lowest, reroll all 1's, [ roll]3d6rr1dl1+6[/roll]
Three NPC's with the same character creation rules will join your adventure along the way.
All characters will start at level 1 and progress through XP rewards and other challenges.
The adventure in this book is based on the Dungeons of Drakkenheim live stream campaign broadcast by the Dungeon Dudes
The town of Altberg sits at the edge of the forsaken lands, a last bastion of civilization before the long road to ruin. The buildings are weather-worn, their timbers creaking under a sky that’s perpetually gray. Market stalls sell rusted tools, dry rations, and charms against curses, but there’s an air of resignation, as if even hope has a price here.
A biting wind pushes through the streets, carrying whispers of distant misfortune. You find yourself in the Cracked Cask, a dimly lit tavern whose walls smell of stale ale and desperation. The fire crackles in the hearth, offering feeble warmth, while a few locals hunch over their drinks, eyes flicking up only to study newcomers with suspicion.
The door slams open with a gust of cold air, and in strides Eren Marlowe lean, mid-forties, their shoulder-length brown hair tousled under a worn leather cap. A shabby woolen jacket clings to their frame, and the dust of the road stains their slacks. Eren’s expression is a mixture of frustration and resignation, their eyes shadowed by worry.
They march up to the bar and slap a coin down with a dull clink.
“Something strong, please. I need to drown my trust issues.”
The barkeep, a grizzled man with a permanent scowl, raises an eyebrow. “Bad day, Eren?”
Eren sighs deeply, their shoulders slumping. “Bad year, more like. Those mercenaries I hired? Took my coin and vanished this morning. I’m supposed to be on the road to Emberwood Village, got goods to sell, contacts to meet. But heading that way alone?”They snort bitterly. “Might as well gift-wrap myself for the bandits and beasts.”
He rubs his temples, muttering. “Should’ve known better than to trust anyone who smelled like week-old cheese.”
Eren's voice carries through the low murmur of the tavern. A few patrons cast glances their way, but no one seems inclined to help. Eren takes a sip of their drink, eyes flicking over the room with a mix of hope and desperation.
This is your cue. You’re in the Cracked Cask, and you’ve just overheard Eren Marlowe’s predicament. Whether it’s a sense of duty, the promise of coin, or sheer curiosity, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. How do you respond?
"Mercenaries and stolen coin you say?" A strange tall woman with her face concealed by dark shadows cast by her long green hood step towards Eren. Her body looks human enough but the long rattle-snake tail that tails behind her and the red, monstrous eyes that glow from the inky black shadow of her hood suggests otherwise. Though the hood she wears and the eyes that glow from the shadows give off the aura of someone... something sinister, the golden armor and the blues and whites of her shield and the cloth that drapes down from her chest-piece suggest otherwise. The armor style seems to give off the vibe of some kind of noble knight or holy warrior though she bares no insignia anywhere that might suggest an affiliation with any knight order. She offers, "I can escort you to the village as a guard. You may pay me for my troubles either with a small cut from your profits or if you are a seller of armor and weapons, a piece of armor and rations of my choice from your selection would also suffice. Or if you prefer and have sufficient information, I may be able to hunt down the mercenaries that stole your coin. Though will not go on a wild hunt if you cannot tell me where they may have gone."
Eren eyes the "knight" warily, his fingers tapping against the rim of his mug. The golden armor catches the meager light from the hearth, reflecting flashes of warmth against the cold suspicion in his gaze. The rattle of her tail against the wooden floor draws uneasy glances from the other patrons.
The barkeep’s scowl deepens, but he says nothing, wiping the same spot on the counter as if the tension were just another stain to clean away.
Eren's lips press into a thin line before he speaks, carefully weighing the words.
“Hello warrior. You look like you belong to some holy order, but... Are you a free agent?”His eyes flicker over her shield and armor, noting the lack of insignia. “Trust is thin in Altberg, but at least you’re upfront about what you want.”
He pauses with the weight of indecision settling heavily on his shoulders. Finally, with a deep breath, he nods.
“Alright. Alright. Alright." "Yeah, no gold up front," "I'm going to change my luck, starting right now."
"My name is Eren. Eren Marlowe. If you can escort me to Emberwood Village then I can pay you 25 gold pieces."He holds up a small pouch that jingles and seemingly catches the eyes of a handful of patrons sitting about. "You will receive payment upon arrival and it’s a three week journey. I would feel more comfortable if it weren't just you alone in my escort."
A thin half-elf woman, seemingly responding to the jingle of the coins, suddenly stands up from her small table.
"Excuse me," "I couldn't help but overhear that you have work," "Work for coins?" "I myself am traveling to Darkkenheim with my cohort here, Yoku and Tayvon." "What can you offer us in compensation for the escort... we are satisfied to be paid upon arrival." "And my name is Domi. We've been resting in this town for a few days and are ready to hit the road."
Eren looks back at the "snake knight,"
"Are these folks with you? And what is your name, good knight? What say you? I have just enough coin to promise each of you 25 pieces once we get there. I am already behind schedule and would like to leave as soon as possible."
Jasmine looks at the group of adventurers that approached and then looks back to Eren. She says, "I am... Jasmine. And you can say that I am a free agent. I do not belong to any holy order." She then sighs and says, "You are right that trust is quite a rare commodity these days. But while caution is good, too much paranoia can paralyze one with indecision. I do not mind being paid upon completion. It is... understandable given the recent misfortune. However there is one more thing about the price I wish to negotiate." She gestures to the other adventurers and says, "I cannot speak for them as this is also the first time I have met them but for myself... I do not have the food for the journey and I'd rather not spend all my gold for that. So I require that as part of payment, you also provide the food for the duration of our travel. If that will stretch your budget thin, then I am willing to negotiate a lower payment price in exchange for the food to be provided."
Jasmine looks at the group of adventurers that approached and then looks back to Eren. She says, "I am... Jasmine. And you can say that I am a free agent. I do not belong to any holy order." She then sighs and says, "You are right that trust is quite a rare commodity these days. But while caution is good, too much paranoia can paralyze one with indecision. I do not mind being paid upon completion. It is... understandable given the recent misfortune. However there is one more thing about the price I wish to negotiate." She gestures to the other adventurers and says, "I cannot speak for them as this is also the first time I have met them but for myself... I do not have the food for the journey and I'd rather not spend all my gold for that. So I require that as part of payment, you also provide the food for the duration of our travel. If that will stretch your budget thin, then I am willing to negotiate a lower payment price in exchange for the food to be provided."
"Oh, I plan on feeding you on the road. Meals consist of porridge, dried beans, and whatever strips of dried meat we have in the shipment. When you mix them all together in a pot, it can taste nice. It won’t be a feast, but it’ll keep you on your feet. In return, your fee stays the same, 25 gold pieces each... When we reach Emberwood Village."
Eren leads the group to the wagons, where you prepare for the long journey ahead. Eight horses are harnessed to four heavily loaded wagons, their cargo packed to the brim. The only space left to rest is the driver's seat. The wagons move slowly down the trail as you leave Altberg.
The supplies consist of bags of flour, bags of oats, bags of grains, bags of dried beans, bags of salt, barrels of dried fruits, jars of preserved meats, jars of sauerkraut, casks of mead, a case of cheap wine, barrels of fresh water. Each night Eren starts a campfire and uses cook’s utensils to boil a pot filled with oats and beans. On some night he dips into one of the barrels of dried fruit or jars of meats to change up the menu.
After two weeks travelling on the road, the countryside turns dreary and desaturated. You pass many abandoned villages with dilapidated homes, crumbling farmsteads with sallow empty fields, and forests of dead trees. Thorny brambles and harsh scrubgrass are all that grow along the mud-slick road. Drizzling rain fills most days, and the wind howls at night. Aside from the creaking wagon wheels, you only hear the cawing of crows.
During one afternoon on the road, several cutthroats emerge from the ditches and rubble of a nearby farmhouse with crossbows at the ready.
A man on horseback (riding horse) rides up to the caravan, his expression a mix of smug confidence and menace. His mount paws at the dirt restlessly as he raises a hand to halt the group.
“Oi, oi! Hold there, friends. You’re traveling on a royal road, eh?”he calls out, his voice dripping with false courtesy. “In these troubled times, it falls to loyal servants like ourselves to keep these highways free of reprobates and outlaws, eh? I’m afraid we’ll need to collect a fee to ensure your safe passage to the capital.”
He gestures to his companions, a rough-looking bunch who smirk and brandish their weapons.
“We’re the Queen’s Men, the authorities in these parts,” the man continues. “Name’s Bogdan.” He smirks as he introduces the others: “The one behind you is Hosh, and over there are Mildred, Sanna, and...”He clears his throat, his face twisting into reluctant amusement. “...and Mudface.”
Bogdan’s eyes gleam as he lists his terms.
“Here are the terms: we’ll need about one pound of food each.”
Before he can say more, Hosh pipes up eagerly. “Ask for gold!”
Bogdan shrugs and adds with feigned indifference, “Right, and 25 gold pieces from each of you.”
As if suddenly struck by inspiration, he adds another condition.“Oh right, and for each one of us without a horse, we’ll take one of yours.”
“Ask for booze!”Hosh shouts again, a greedy glint in his eyes. “Yeah, all the booze you got in those wagons. But that’s it. No more, no less.”
Bogdan draws a scimitar, the blade glinting in the faint light, and points it steadily at Eren. The others, standing on foot, level their crossbows at the rest of you. The tension is thick, the threat palpable. Eren’s face tightens with fear, but Bogdan remains unnervingly calm, a predator toying with his prey.
DM Note: If you manage to negotiate, then ignore the initiative. If combat breaks out, roll initiative and we will begin in rounds. You can negotiate by giving them less than what is asked with a successful skill check. If you give nothing or fail too many skill checks, the bandits will attack. Try using Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, or another skill, in combination with a different offer. Depending on how much you are willing to part with, the Difficulty is set to DC 10, otherwise your skill checks will be set at DC 15.
During the trip, Jasmine had kept her hood on. It wasn't something too odd since the hood does protect against the rain and the cold. Though as a consequence, no one truly got to see the lady knight's face during all this, just the red eyes glowing from the black shadows over her face. She ate the porridge normally but when the fruits and meats were given, she'd simply wait for them to cool enough and then grab whole chunks in her hand and move them to the shadows of her hood. When she'd withdraw her hand, the food would be gone, as if they were swallowed up by the void.
Initiative (in advance): 11
She had been riding close by Eren during the whole journey. Her job was to protect him and so she stayed close so anyone trying to get to him would have to go through her. The day the bandits showed up wasn't any different. When the caravan is stopped by Bogdan and his men, Jasmine makes sure to stop her wagon between the men and Eren to give him some cover. She slowly ushers Eren to get down for safety. If a fight breaks out, she doesn't want him to be hurt by stray arrows or bolts.
Now she turns her attention to Bogdan. She head been getting agitated by the man's claims of "Protecting people" and when she spoke, her s-sounds had a more drawn out hissing tone to them. This was quirk of Jasmine's speech whenever she was agitated or excited. "We will do no such thing." Jasmine finally pulls her hood down to reveal not a human head but a snake head with long fins. The knight was never human but rather a Malison, a monstrous snake-human creature known for their cruelty and heartlessness. She hisses at them, her fins extend like that of an angry reptile and her fangs, dripping with venom, bared at them. "You will leave ussss alone if you value your lives. I shall tear each of you apart!"
As the fight begins to break out, Jasmine will point and announce to her allies, "Those of you who can fire from range, try and take out the bandits with crossbows! Limit their chances to fire."
As the fight begins to break out, Jasmine will point and announce to her allies, "Those of you who can fire from range, try and take out the bandits with crossbows! Limit their chances to fire."
Domi seems to be leader of the bunch, she acknowledges Jasmine, "Right. Send a volley, then regroup."
Initiative Order Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (32/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (90/90), Sanna bandit (11/11), Mudface bandit (11/11), Eren (4/4)
Round 1 Domi casts shatter, A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts around Sanna and Mudface Sanna Constitution Save DC 14 vs 6 Mudface Constitution Save DC 14 vs 11
Yoku casts hunter's mark on Hosh, then shoots his bow, Yoku targets Hosh, longbow Attack: 25 Damage: 10
Round 1 Domi casts shatter, A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts around Sanna and Mudface Sanna Constitution Save DC 14 vs 6 Mudface Constitution Save DC 14 vs 11
Sanna and Mudface each fail their save and take 12 thunder damage.
Yoku casts hunter's mark on Hosh, then shoots his bow, Yoku targets Hosh, longbow Attack: 25 Damage: 10
Hosh takes 10 piercing damage and laughs. Hosh (22/32)
Round 1 (continue, continued) Tayvon begins shifting (as a bonus action) to gain 6 temps and +1 AC He uses the dash action and leaps out of the wagon and runs up to stand in front of Eren.
Bogdan rides up on his riding horse to make three melee attacks: two with its scimitar and one with his dagger. Because of Tayvon's interference, Bogdan targets him, Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar1 Attack: 10 Damage: 4 Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar2 Attack: 14 Damage: 5 Bogdan targets Tayvon, dagger3 Attack: 7 Damage: 7
Round 1 (continue, continued) Tayvon begins shifting (as a bonus action) to gain 4 temps and +1 AC He uses the dash action and leaps out of the wagon and runs up to stand in front of Eren.
Tayvon gains 4 temp hit points. Tayvon (30/30, 4 temps)
Bogdan rides up on his riding horse to make three melee attacks: two with its scimitar and one with his dagger. Because of Tayvon's interference, Bogdan targets him, Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar1 Attack: 25 Damage: 10 Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar2 Attack: 24 Damage: 8 Bogdan targets Tayvon, dagger3 Attack: 6 Damage: 4
Tayvon is hit with a critical hit for 10 damage, then takes 8 more damage, total 18. He loses all 4 temp hit points and takes 14 real damage. Tayvon (16/30)
Jasmine Hisses. She is confident that they could dispatch these bandits but she is worried for Tayvon and Eren. She quickly jumps over to Eren's side to shield him from further attacks. She reaches over and touches him. Ancient healing magic pour from Jasmine's hand into Eren, healing him fully. She then turns to Tayvon and faster than any wizard, she begins chanting a strange tongue and drawing runes in the air with her arm. Tayvon glows slightly and a light magical barrier protects him.
Move: Next to Eren. Action: Lay on Hands heal 3 HP BA: Shield of Faith on Tayvon, giving him +2 AC.
Dungeons of Drakkenheim
Content Warning
Drakkenheim portrays a dark fantasy world. We recommend players and Game Masters have an open conversation at the start of the campaign to discuss their lines and veils. In support of this conversation, please note references to the following are common in this adventure:
This adventure is set in a gothic renaissance ruined city. Malevolent monsters and rival factions clash in a dark city devastated by a mysterious meteor shower!
Create your character by rolling two array sets by using 3d6+6 drop the lowest, reroll all 1's, [ roll]3d6rr1dl1+6[/roll]
Three NPC's with the same character creation rules will join your adventure along the way.
All characters will start at level 1 and progress through XP rewards and other challenges.
The adventure in this book is based on the Dungeons of Drakkenheim live stream campaign broadcast by the Dungeon Dudes
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Drakkenheim Campaign Introduction
The town of Altberg sits at the edge of the forsaken lands, a last bastion of civilization before the long road to ruin. The buildings are weather-worn, their timbers creaking under a sky that’s perpetually gray. Market stalls sell rusted tools, dry rations, and charms against curses, but there’s an air of resignation, as if even hope has a price here.
A biting wind pushes through the streets, carrying whispers of distant misfortune. You find yourself in the Cracked Cask, a dimly lit tavern whose walls smell of stale ale and desperation. The fire crackles in the hearth, offering feeble warmth, while a few locals hunch over their drinks, eyes flicking up only to study newcomers with suspicion.
The door slams open with a gust of cold air, and in strides Eren Marlowe lean, mid-forties, their shoulder-length brown hair tousled under a worn leather cap. A shabby woolen jacket clings to their frame, and the dust of the road stains their slacks. Eren’s expression is a mixture of frustration and resignation, their eyes shadowed by worry.
They march up to the bar and slap a coin down with a dull clink.
“Something strong, please. I need to drown my trust issues.”
The barkeep, a grizzled man with a permanent scowl, raises an eyebrow. “Bad day, Eren?”
Eren sighs deeply, their shoulders slumping. “Bad year, more like. Those mercenaries I hired? Took my coin and vanished this morning. I’m supposed to be on the road to Emberwood Village, got goods to sell, contacts to meet. But heading that way alone?” They snort bitterly. “Might as well gift-wrap myself for the bandits and beasts.”
He rubs his temples, muttering. “Should’ve known better than to trust anyone who smelled like week-old cheese.”
Eren's voice carries through the low murmur of the tavern. A few patrons cast glances their way, but no one seems inclined to help. Eren takes a sip of their drink, eyes flicking over the room with a mix of hope and desperation.

This is your cue. You’re in the Cracked Cask, and you’ve just overheard Eren Marlowe’s predicament. Whether it’s a sense of duty, the promise of coin, or sheer curiosity, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. How do you respond?
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
"Mercenaries and stolen coin you say?" A strange tall woman with her face concealed by dark shadows cast by her long green hood step towards Eren. Her body looks human enough but the long rattle-snake tail that tails behind her and the red, monstrous eyes that glow from the inky black shadow of her hood suggests otherwise. Though the hood she wears and the eyes that glow from the shadows give off the aura of someone... something sinister, the golden armor and the blues and whites of her shield and the cloth that drapes down from her chest-piece suggest otherwise. The armor style seems to give off the vibe of some kind of noble knight or holy warrior though she bares no insignia anywhere that might suggest an affiliation with any knight order. She offers, "I can escort you to the village as a guard. You may pay me for my troubles either with a small cut from your profits or if you are a seller of armor and weapons, a piece of armor and rations of my choice from your selection would also suffice. Or if you prefer and have sufficient information, I may be able to hunt down the mercenaries that stole your coin. Though will not go on a wild hunt if you cannot tell me where they may have gone."
Eren eyes the "knight" warily, his fingers tapping against the rim of his mug. The golden armor catches the meager light from the hearth, reflecting flashes of warmth against the cold suspicion in his gaze. The rattle of her tail against the wooden floor draws uneasy glances from the other patrons.
The barkeep’s scowl deepens, but he says nothing, wiping the same spot on the counter as if the tension were just another stain to clean away.
Eren's lips press into a thin line before he speaks, carefully weighing the words.
“Hello warrior. You look like you belong to some holy order, but... Are you a free agent?” His eyes flicker over her shield and armor, noting the lack of insignia. “Trust is thin in Altberg, but at least you’re upfront about what you want.”
He pauses with the weight of indecision settling heavily on his shoulders. Finally, with a deep breath, he nods.
“Alright. Alright. Alright."

"Yeah, no gold up front,"
"I'm going to change my luck, starting right now."
"My name is Eren. Eren Marlowe. If you can escort me to Emberwood Village then I can pay you 25 gold pieces." He holds up a small pouch that jingles and seemingly catches the eyes of a handful of patrons sitting about. "You will receive payment upon arrival and it’s a three week journey. I would feel more comfortable if it weren't just you alone in my escort."
A thin half-elf woman, seemingly responding to the jingle of the coins, suddenly stands up from her small table.
"Excuse me,"
"I couldn't help but overhear that you have work,"
"Work for coins?"
"I myself am traveling to Darkkenheim with my cohort here, Yoku and Tayvon."
"What can you offer us in compensation for the escort... we are satisfied to be paid upon arrival."
"And my name is Domi. We've been resting in this town for a few days and are ready to hit the road."
Eren looks back at the "snake knight,"
"Are these folks with you? And what is your name, good knight? What say you? I have just enough coin to promise each of you 25 pieces once we get there. I am already behind schedule and would like to leave as soon as possible."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine looks at the group of adventurers that approached and then looks back to Eren. She says, "I am... Jasmine. And you can say that I am a free agent. I do not belong to any holy order." She then sighs and says, "You are right that trust is quite a rare commodity these days. But while caution is good, too much paranoia can paralyze one with indecision. I do not mind being paid upon completion. It is... understandable given the recent misfortune. However there is one more thing about the price I wish to negotiate." She gestures to the other adventurers and says, "I cannot speak for them as this is also the first time I have met them but for myself... I do not have the food for the journey and I'd rather not spend all my gold for that. So I require that as part of payment, you also provide the food for the duration of our travel. If that will stretch your budget thin, then I am willing to negotiate a lower payment price in exchange for the food to be provided."
"Oh, I plan on feeding you on the road. Meals consist of porridge, dried beans, and whatever strips of dried meat we have in the shipment. When you mix them all together in a pot, it can taste nice. It won’t be a feast, but it’ll keep you on your feet. In return, your fee stays the same, 25 gold pieces each... When we reach Emberwood Village."
Eren leads the group to the wagons, where you prepare for the long journey ahead. Eight horses are harnessed to four heavily loaded wagons, their cargo packed to the brim. The only space left to rest is the driver's seat. The wagons move slowly down the trail as you leave Altberg.
The supplies consist of bags of flour, bags of oats, bags of grains, bags of dried beans, bags of salt, barrels of dried fruits, jars of preserved meats, jars of sauerkraut, casks of mead, a case of cheap wine, barrels of fresh water. Each night Eren starts a campfire and uses cook’s utensils to boil a pot filled with oats and beans. On some night he dips into one of the barrels of dried fruit or jars of meats to change up the menu.
After two weeks travelling on the road, the countryside turns dreary and desaturated. You pass many abandoned villages with dilapidated homes, crumbling farmsteads with sallow empty fields, and forests of dead trees. Thorny brambles and harsh scrubgrass are all that grow along the mud-slick road. Drizzling rain fills most days, and the wind howls at night. Aside from the creaking wagon wheels, you only hear the cawing of crows.
During one afternoon on the road, several cutthroats emerge from the ditches and rubble of a nearby farmhouse with crossbows at the ready.
A man on horseback (riding horse) rides up to the caravan, his expression a mix of smug confidence and menace. His mount paws at the dirt restlessly as he raises a hand to halt the group.
“Oi, oi! Hold there, friends. You’re traveling on a royal road, eh?” he calls out, his voice dripping with false courtesy. “In these troubled times, it falls to loyal servants like ourselves to keep these highways free of reprobates and outlaws, eh? I’m afraid we’ll need to collect a fee to ensure your safe passage to the capital.”
He gestures to his companions, a rough-looking bunch who smirk and brandish their weapons.
“We’re the Queen’s Men, the authorities in these parts,” the man continues. “Name’s Bogdan.” He smirks as he introduces the others: “The one behind you is Hosh, and over there are Mildred, Sanna, and...” He clears his throat, his face twisting into reluctant amusement. “...and Mudface.”
Bogdan’s eyes gleam as he lists his terms.
“Here are the terms: we’ll need about one pound of food each.”
Before he can say more, Hosh pipes up eagerly. “Ask for gold!”
Bogdan shrugs and adds with feigned indifference, “Right, and 25 gold pieces from each of you.”
As if suddenly struck by inspiration, he adds another condition. “Oh right, and for each one of us without a horse, we’ll take one of yours.”
“Ask for booze!” Hosh shouts again, a greedy glint in his eyes. “Yeah, all the booze you got in those wagons. But that’s it. No more, no less.”
Bogdan draws a scimitar, the blade glinting in the faint light, and points it steadily at Eren. The others, standing on foot, level their crossbows at the rest of you. The tension is thick, the threat palpable. Eren’s face tightens with fear, but Bogdan remains unnervingly calm, a predator toying with his prey.
Bogdan Bandit Captain init 14
Hosh Thug init 20
MildredBandit init 18
Sanna Bandit init 10
Mudface Bandit init 7
DM Note: If you manage to negotiate, then ignore the initiative. If combat breaks out, roll initiative and we will begin in rounds. You can negotiate by giving them less than what is asked with a successful skill check. If you give nothing or fail too many skill checks, the bandits will attack. Try using Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, or another skill, in combination with a different offer. Depending on how much you are willing to part with, the Difficulty is set to DC 10, otherwise your skill checks will be set at DC 15.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
During the trip, Jasmine had kept her hood on. It wasn't something too odd since the hood does protect against the rain and the cold. Though as a consequence, no one truly got to see the lady knight's face during all this, just the red eyes glowing from the black shadows over her face. She ate the porridge normally but when the fruits and meats were given, she'd simply wait for them to cool enough and then grab whole chunks in her hand and move them to the shadows of her hood. When she'd withdraw her hand, the food would be gone, as if they were swallowed up by the void.
Initiative (in advance): 11
She had been riding close by Eren during the whole journey. Her job was to protect him and so she stayed close so anyone trying to get to him would have to go through her. The day the bandits showed up wasn't any different. When the caravan is stopped by Bogdan and his men, Jasmine makes sure to stop her wagon between the men and Eren to give him some cover. She slowly ushers Eren to get down for safety. If a fight breaks out, she doesn't want him to be hurt by stray arrows or bolts.
Now she turns her attention to Bogdan. She head been getting agitated by the man's claims of "Protecting people" and when she spoke, her s-sounds had a more drawn out hissing tone to them. This was quirk of Jasmine's speech whenever she was agitated or excited. "We will do no such thing." Jasmine finally pulls her hood down to reveal not a human head but a snake head with long fins. The knight was never human but rather a Malison, a monstrous snake-human creature known for their cruelty and heartlessness. She hisses at them, her fins extend like that of an angry reptile and her fangs, dripping with venom, bared at them. "You will leave ussss alone if you value your lives. I shall tear each of you apart!"
Intimidation: 12
Yoku init 21, Domi 21, Tayvon init 17
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
As the fight begins to break out, Jasmine will point and announce to her allies, "Those of you who can fire from range, try and take out the bandits with crossbows! Limit their chances to fire."
Amazing rolls for the NPC init!
Domi seems to be leader of the bunch, she acknowledges Jasmine, "Right. Send a volley, then regroup."
Initiative Order
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (32/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (90/90), Sanna bandit (11/11), Mudface bandit (11/11), Eren (4/4)
Round 1
Domi casts shatter, A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts around Sanna and Mudface
Sanna Constitution Save DC 14 vs 6
Mudface Constitution Save DC 14 vs 11
Yoku casts hunter's mark on Hosh, then shoots his bow,
Yoku targets Hosh, longbow Attack: 25 Damage: 10
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Sanna and Mudface each fail their save and take 12 thunder damage.
Hosh takes 10 piercing damage and laughs. Hosh (22/32)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (22/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4)
Round 1 (continued)
Hosh thug fires his heavy crossbow at Eren,
Hosh targets Eren, heavy crossbow Attack: 21 Damage: 3
Mildred bandit fires her light crossbow at Jasmine, up in the front wagon
Mildred targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 22 Damage: 7
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Eren gets stuck with a bolt and is bleeding badly,
Eren cries out, "Augh! Help, I've been shot!" Eren (1/4)
Jasmine has AC 19, so the bolt "tinks" off her armor.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (22/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (1/4)
Round 1 (continue, continued)
Tayvon begins shifting (as a bonus action) to gain 6 temps and +1 AC
He uses the dash action and leaps out of the wagon and runs up to stand in front of Eren.
Bogdan rides up on his riding horse to make three melee attacks: two with its scimitar and one with his dagger.
Because of Tayvon's interference, Bogdan targets him,
Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar1 Attack: 10 Damage: 4
Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar2 Attack: 14 Damage: 5
Bogdan targets Tayvon, dagger3 Attack: 7 Damage: 7
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Tayvon gains 4 temp hit points. Tayvon (30/30, 4 temps)
Tayvon is hit with a critical hit for 10 damage, then takes 8 more damage, total 18. He loses all 4 temp hit points and takes 14 real damage. Tayvon (16/30)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (22/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (16/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (1/4)
Round 1 (still going)
Jasmine << your turn
Sanna (5/11)
Mudface (5/11)
Eren (1/4)
End of Round 1
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine Hisses. She is confident that they could dispatch these bandits but she is worried for Tayvon and Eren. She quickly jumps over to Eren's side to shield him from further attacks. She reaches over and touches him. Ancient healing magic pour from Jasmine's hand into Eren, healing him fully. She then turns to Tayvon and faster than any wizard, she begins chanting a strange tongue and drawing runes in the air with her arm. Tayvon glows slightly and a light magical barrier protects him.
Move: Next to Eren.
Action: Lay on Hands heal 3 HP
BA: Shield of Faith on Tayvon, giving him +2 AC.
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (22/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (16/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4)
Round 1 (last set of actions)
Sanna bandit fires her light crossbow at Jasmine
Sanna targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 22 Damage: 8
Mudface bandit fires her light crossbow at Tayvon
Mudface targets Tayvon, light crossbow Attack: 4 Damage: 3
Eren uses the dodge action.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (22/32), Mildred bandit (11/11), Tayvon (16/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61, pending 8 damage), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4)
Round 2
Domi casts magic missile from a 2nd level slot, four missiles hit Mildred: 4, 3, 3, 4, she quips, "Dodge This!
Yoku targets Hosh, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 15 Damage: 11
Hosh thug fires his heavy crossbow at Tayvon,
Hosh targets Tayvon, heavy crossbow Attack: 8 Damage: 5
Mildred bandit fires her light crossbow at Jasmine
Mildred targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 4 Damage: 6
Tayvon uses his channel divinity: preserve life to heal himself 15 hit points.
Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar1 Attack: 23 Damage: 6
Bogdan targets Tayvon, scimitar2 Attack: 19 Damage: 5
Bogdan targets Tayvon, dagger3 Attack: 22 Damage: 7
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Mildred takes 14 damage and dies. Mildred (-3/11)
Hosh takes 12 damage. Hosh (10/32)
Mildred's attack is canceled because she is dead.
Tayvon heals up to full. Tayvon (30/30)
Nothing but misses.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)