"Then, we have no ti-" Suddenly, the walls break down as rubble flies in all directions. Monstrous, ogrelike faces are present as the ceiling caves in. Despite your best efforts to flee, fight, or defend, the flying rubble, collapsing building, and waving arms nocks everyone out in a manner of seconds.
You all awaken, groggy as to what exactly happened. You are all in a grey, dusty room, with no windows which may pertain a location. On the opposite side of the room you see two brown wooden doorways with black metal latches. On your right and left are two stairs which lead to a sort of balcony behind you. Inhabiting the room are several barrels, a emptied out fountain which now contains an assortment of items, and a sturdy-build man with a crossbow, looking rather bored. You all then realize that Those items in the dried out fountain are most of your items! (With the exeption of peytons emptied out satchel, a missed dagger held by Sirrus, and manacles held by Apolock.) As one or more of you attempt to move, you realize you have all been chained together while sitting on the floor. (considering all of you were already chained, who ever chained you all decided that leaving Apolock's manacles would be a sort of irony).
Now, for the most famous DM quote: What do you do?
Despite being a little bruised up, you all still have all of your HP if that's what you are asking. In terms of chains, you all have your backs to each other, and chains wrap around each of your torsos, with a the lock in between Apolock and Sirrus. Also thanks for the heads up kirby121
Could we whisper to each other without alerting the guard? Also, would it be feasible for Sirrus too reach for his dagger and attempt to pick the lock without the guard knowing immediately? (Naturally I'd still make a check or two)
(Apologies for replying late) "Heh, you all woke up, eh?" The man says, with a thick accent. "So long you don't try anything funny, I suppose you bein' awake wont hurt. The boss found out that a little mouse was tryin' to uncover his operation, so he had em captured, as well as you lot for speakin' with em. So far my only orders are to guard you. I dunno whether he wants to question you, or kill you. Heh heh heh,". (For whispering, I would have the whisperer roll a deception check for hiding the fact that they're whispering, and you could try to use your dagger to try to unlock the chain, with a mere dex check for trying to unlock the chain, but an additional stealth check if you want to do it discreetly. (you don't have to do it discreetly))
Another question, where compared to Sirrus is Vaelin? Actually, can I get the positions of where everyone is? ... (This might take a short while, I'm cooking up something.)
I'm assuming you meant Peyton, Vaelin is in the other party. Sirrus is to Peyton's left, with Apolock to Peyton's right, with Peyton mostly facing the thug.
Right, my bad lol. Shoot, nobody has a good DEX. Sirrus will get his dagger to Peyton, whispering to his new mates at the same time. "I believe you have the best bet at picking that lock my friend. Now, can take out this guard silently, risking him sounding the alarm. Or can try a slightly louder route, risking any others nearby hearing. Or, we could see what happens if we leave him alone."
The thug raises his hand to his head in confusion, before walking over to the chains. "What's bloody goin' on?!" He asks, visible fear on his face. He takes out his key, and, while doing his best to hold his arm back, unlocks the chains. "No! Stop it! No!", He yells, as he leaps back. He watches with fear in his eyes as you three stand up, unchained. "Fine! You got some magic?! I'll just beat it outta you!" He grabs his mace and rolls for initiative: 12
I suggest you all roll initiative too even if you do not wish to fight, so we have a turn system.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As soon as you all break through the chains, Sirrus acts first, and as he said, casts charm person. As he says the verbal components while using the somatic hand gestures, the thug attempts to resist the magic which alters his mind; 12
the thugs face seems frozen for a moment as his eyes glaze over, then his anger to you all seems to fade. "Right then, I suppose those chains were uncomfortable, eh, deer?" He directs this at Peyton, so you are unsure whether he meant 'deer' or 'dear'. "I suppose I made a bit of a fuss over nothing, I mean, I was the one who unlocked those chains."
Sirrus dos his best to put on a smile. "Actually, believe it or not we aren't the ones your commanders were looking for. THey mixed us up with the real targets. In fact, it would be a huge help if you could tell us how to get out of here without alerting anyone!" Deception/persuasion: 21 (They both have the same bonus)
"Then, we have no ti-" Suddenly, the walls break down as rubble flies in all directions. Monstrous, ogrelike faces are present as the ceiling caves in. Despite your best efforts to flee, fight, or defend, the flying rubble, collapsing building, and waving arms nocks everyone out in a manner of seconds.
You all awaken, groggy as to what exactly happened. You are all in a grey, dusty room, with no windows which may pertain a location. On the opposite side of the room you see two brown wooden doorways with black metal latches. On your right and left are two stairs which lead to a sort of balcony behind you. Inhabiting the room are several barrels, a emptied out fountain which now contains an assortment of items, and a sturdy-build man with a crossbow, looking rather bored. You all then realize that Those items in the dried out fountain are most of your items! (With the exeption of peytons emptied out satchel, a missed dagger held by Sirrus, and manacles held by Apolock.) As one or more of you attempt to move, you realize you have all been chained together while sitting on the floor. (considering all of you were already chained, who ever chained you all decided that leaving Apolock's manacles would be a sort of irony).
Now, for the most famous DM quote: What do you do?
I won't be able to post until tomorrow nigh, FYI.
OOC: What is our condition? Are we hurt? Are we chained together behind our backs?
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Despite being a little bruised up, you all still have all of your HP if that's what you are asking. In terms of chains, you all have your backs to each other, and chains wrap around each of your torsos, with a the lock in between Apolock and Sirrus. Also thanks for the heads up kirby121
"You there....What is the meaning of this?" Apa calls out to the bored crossbowman.
Could we whisper to each other without alerting the guard?
Also, would it be feasible for Sirrus too reach for his dagger and attempt to pick the lock without the guard knowing immediately? (Naturally I'd still make a check or two)
(Apologies for replying late) "Heh, you all woke up, eh?" The man says, with a thick accent. "So long you don't try anything funny, I suppose you bein' awake wont hurt. The boss found out that a little mouse was tryin' to uncover his operation, so he had em captured, as well as you lot for speakin' with em. So far my only orders are to guard you. I dunno whether he wants to question you, or kill you. Heh heh heh,". (For whispering, I would have the whisperer roll a deception check for hiding the fact that they're whispering, and you could try to use your dagger to try to unlock the chain, with a mere dex check for trying to unlock the chain, but an additional stealth check if you want to do it discreetly. (you don't have to do it discreetly))
Another question, where compared to Sirrus is Vaelin? Actually, can I get the positions of where everyone is? ...
(This might take a short while, I'm cooking up something.)
I'm assuming you meant Peyton, Vaelin is in the other party. Sirrus is to Peyton's left, with Apolock to Peyton's right, with Peyton mostly facing the thug.
Right, my bad lol.
Shoot, nobody has a good DEX.
Sirrus will get his dagger to Peyton, whispering to his new mates at the same time.
"I believe you have the best bet at picking that lock my friend. Now, can take out this guard silently, risking him sounding the alarm. Or can try a slightly louder route, risking any others nearby hearing.
Or, we could see what happens if we leave him alone."
Peyton looks at the man and nods, then clears her throat.
"You know sir, this place is very uncomfortable. And these chains, they are quite cramping. Could you please unlock them?"
unlock being the key word for Command spell DC 14 WIS save.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
(Hm, that could work as well lol.)
As your spell takes place, you notice something happening...
His save: 13.
The thug raises his hand to his head in confusion, before walking over to the chains. "What's bloody goin' on?!" He asks, visible fear on his face. He takes out his key, and, while doing his best to hold his arm back, unlocks the chains. "No! Stop it! No!", He yells, as he leaps back. He watches with fear in his eyes as you three stand up, unchained. "Fine! You got some magic?! I'll just beat it outta you!" He grabs his mace and rolls for initiative: 12
I suggest you all roll initiative too even if you do not wish to fight, so we have a turn system.
Initiative: 19
IF I'm first, I'll cast charm person
WIS saving throw DC 14 or be charmed by me for 1 hour.
Peyton Initiative 18
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
As soon as you all break through the chains, Sirrus acts first, and as he said, casts charm person. As he says the verbal components while using the somatic hand gestures, the thug attempts to resist the magic which alters his mind; 12
the thugs face seems frozen for a moment as his eyes glaze over, then his anger to you all seems to fade. "Right then, I suppose those chains were uncomfortable, eh, deer?" He directs this at Peyton, so you are unsure whether he meant 'deer' or 'dear'. "I suppose I made a bit of a fuss over nothing, I mean, I was the one who unlocked those chains."
Sirrus dos his best to put on a smile.
"Actually, believe it or not we aren't the ones your commanders were looking for. THey mixed us up with the real targets. In fact, it would be a huge help if you could tell us how to get out of here without alerting anyone!"
Deception/persuasion: 21 (They both have the same bonus)