((Syndra would wait to answer any other questions before leaving you to meet his friend, but as of now you are free to wander around in Port Nyanzaru))
The vibrant city of Port Nyanzaru unfolds before the adventurers like a fever dream of color and life, a stark contrast to the grim mission that brought them here. The heat is the first thing they notice—a relentless, humid embrace that clings to their skin and soaks through their clothes within moments. The air is thick with the mingling aromas of salt from the nearby sea, exotic spices wafting from market stalls, and the earthy scent of dense greenery growing unchecked across every surface.
Massive dinosaurs lumber through the streets, their footsteps shaking the ground faintly as they haul two-wheeled carts piled high with crates or tow boats along narrow canals that snake through the city. Medium-sized beasts carry heavy loads to cranes, their handlers shouting commands to direct their labor. Every now and then, a brightly painted racing dinosaur trots by, their scales adorned with streaks of vivid reds, yellows, and blues, their riders struggling to keep the wild creatures in check.
Flowers bloom in riotous profusion, spilling from clay pots, climbing up stone walls, and even sprouting between cobblestones, adding bursts of red, purple, and gold to the cityscape. Vines and creeping plants seem to claim the city as their own, their roots and tendrils finding purchase in every crack and crevice. Crumbling, ancient buildings covered in lichens and moss stand as silent witnesses to the city’s long and storied past.
Above, the walls and towers of the city are topped with colorful awnings, shielding guards from the blazing sun. Archways dividing the city’s districts are painted with vibrant murals depicting dinosaurs in mid-roar, jagged mountain ranges, and mythic heroes frozen in moments of triumph. The streets beneath them are paved with worn cobblestones, their rain gutters deep enough to channel torrents during the region’s sudden and fierce downpours.
Music floats through the air, a lively contrast to the oppressive heat. Tabaxi minstrels—graceful feline figures adorned with simple robes—wander the streets, strumming lutes or tapping hand drums. Their songs are exotic, lilting melodies that draw small crowds eager to toss coins into their baskets.
Everywhere, the hum of life is palpable: the calls of merchants advertising their wares in multiple tongues, the rhythmic clatter of hooves and carts on stone, the squawks of colorful birds perched on high ledges, and the chatter of people of all races and backgrounds. It’s a city alive with trade, ambition, and energy, where the struggles of daily life seem to drown out any hint of the death curse looming over the world beyond.
Petor takes a couple of steps, making sure he can balance. He looks in awe at the bustling town, which in its innocence and joy reminds him of the parties the gnomes of his house used to throw on pay day. The scents, the colors, everything is both so foreign and yet strangely comforting, like there isn't time to have worry.
"Is there anyone or anything in particular to stay away from that you know of? I'm well aware this is a dangerous place, but I'd appreciate some info on who or what may be out to get us. Otherwise, I'm sure we can get everything else we need from the locals."
Thyxius wanders the stalls curiously, buying a few things for the quest ahead.
Buy: 1 antitoxin, 1 waterskin, 2 oil, 1 flail, 1 rope, 10 string, 2 insect repellent-salve, 1 rain catcher. (Leaving him with 23 gp and 6 sp if my math is right.)
((posting the list based on phb it's fine, though I was expecting some RP'ing I'll just let you guys know in advance that there are some special items such as repellent, rain catchers, canoes and the option of hiring a guide and betting on dinosaur races))
Thyxius' interest is piqued when he overhears mention of dinosaur races. The reptile mounts are quite impressive. He wanders over and watches a few races curiously, wondering just how fast the creatures can go.
Cleggor is interested in a tent, another waterskin, a rain catcher, and any varieties of bug repellents. "What're they like down here? Mosquitos as big as your arm, suck you dry or what? Whoooo weeee!" After they have been shopping for a while, he turns to the others and says "This will be a real slog if we're strappin all of this to our backs and trudging all over this continent. Sure to give me the sciatica, I bet! Burning and tingling all down me legs! So... how's aboutin we find a beast of burden, some mule or one of them dinosaurs or somesuch, to carry all of this stuff for us? Canoes? Hah!" He keeps walking, his hand subconsciously shifting to his lower back.
((I'll add some lists of special items that can be purchased and their prices, feel free to ask stuff to locals and gather more information about the port or the jungle))
A canoe can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru for 50 gp. It holds up to six Medium creatures and has a maximum speed of 2 mph. It is otherwise identical to a rowboat (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
Insect Repellent
Insect repellent can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru in two forms: blocks of incense or a greasy salve. The merchant prince Kwayothé controls the sale of both. Neither kind of repellent protects against giant insects or the vile swarms of insects described in appendix A of the Monster Manual.
A block of incense sells for 1 sp. When lit, it burns for 8 hours and repels normal insects within a 20-foot-radius centered on it.
A gourd or vial of salve, which sells for 1 gp, contains 20 applications of odorless grease. One application protects its wearer against normal insects for 24 hours. The salve is waterproof so it doesn’t wash off in rain.
Rain Catcher
A rain catcher is a simple contraption consisting of a 5-foot-square leather tarp and a wooden frame with legs. When the tarp is stretched across the wooden frame, it forms a basin that can catch 2 gallons of drinking water per inch of rainfall and hold up to 8 gallons. The tarp and wooden frame fold up for easy transport. A rain catcher costs 1 gp and weighs 5 pounds.
Tej is an amber-colored, fermented drink made from honey. It’s more common and popular in Chult than beer or ale. A mug of tej costs 4 cp in Port Nyanzaru or 6 cp in Fort Beluarian. A 1-gallon cask costs 2 sp in the city or 3 sp at the fort.
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
((As you explore the port and browse the market for items or supplies, you may come across rumors or uncover more details about the city. Everyone, please roll an Investigation check and history check))
((you are mostly navigating through the Ground Souk, one of the three beating hearts of Port Nyanzaru — the others being the jewel market and the Red Bazaar. True to its name, the Grand Souk is the grandest of the three.
Traders from up and down the Sword Coast come to this market to buy timber, spices, medicines concocted from jungle plants, dinosaur skulls and claws, iron, tiger pelts, carved ivory, Batiri and grung handiwork, colored feathers, tropical fruit, monkeys, plesiosaurus meat, and all the other riches of Chult.))
Cleggor purchases both kinds of insect repellent, a tent, a rain catcher, and a second waterskin. He would be interested in any mounts available if they needed to carry a canoe. He walks through the market looking at the different items being traded here, looking for anything useful. He would ask locals about suitable mounts for their expedition as well as any guides that could help with their journey.
Looking to Syndra, "There isn't a chance you brought a bag of holding with you that we could have? Some of this equipment is quite heavy and large."
He will purchase 4 gourd salves of insect repellent (4gp) and 5 gallon casks of Tej ale (1gp). He will investigate the stalls to see if anyone is selling armor (chain shirt)
Looking at the yklwa, Rhys asks the merchant, "Are you able to tell me more about this weapon? Is it able to be wielded in one hand?" (looking for specs -- light, finesse, two-handed, etc.)
((Wow! several History great rolls. I'll combine the answers into one post and then go to the individual investigation))
As you gather information around the city, you learn that Port Nyanzaru is controlled by seven merchant princes who each hold a monopoly over a specific trade. While they live in luxurious villas and spend most of their time there, their names come up often in conversations with merchants, especially when buyers try to bargain or ask for discounts. Some princes are easier to approach than others, and Jessamine’s monopoly—centered on poisons and assassination—is only inferred by Cleggor.
Here is what you learn about the merchant princes:
Ekene-Afa: Oversees the trade of weapons, shields, traveling gear, rain catchers, saddles, wagons, and canoes.
Ifan Talro’a: Controls the market for beasts and beast training.
Jessamine: Deals in plants and poisons, with whispers of ties to assassination.
Jobal: Dominates the hiring of guides and sellswords.
Kwayothe: Handles fruit, ale, tej, oil, perfume, and insect repellents.
Wakanga O’tamu: Focuses on magic and lore.
Zhanti: Trades in gems, jewelry, cloth, and armor.
In addition, you’ve noticed the presence of various factions around the city. These include:
The Emerald Enclave
The Order of the Gauntlet
The Flaming Fist
The Zhentarim
The Harpers
Although none of these factions are heavily represented in Port Nyanzaru, you can occasionally spot their members around. Some are openly recruiting reinforcements to operate within the peninsula, while others operate more discreetly.
Cleggor purchases both kinds of insect repellent, a tent, a rain catcher, and a second waterskin. He would be interested in any mounts available if they needed to carry a canoe. He walks through the market looking at the different items being traded here, looking for anything useful. He would ask locals about suitable mounts for their expedition as well as any guides that could help with their journey.
Lucian wanders about the three markets picking up the supplies (listed above plus) and information.
He also sees if he can learn more about the jungle they are about to explore.
Additional purchases (tot=4gp): block of incense (10), vials of salve (2), rain catcher, sack (2)
He will also get the pros/cons for getting a guide
He will also look for a map.
Investigation: 17
History: 18
About Guides:
Guides can be invaluable for navigating the dangerous wilderness outside Port Nyanzaru. They can lead you to specific locations in the jungle, as detailed in the handouts I’ll share, and they possess valuable knowledge about the land, its lore, and the creatures you may encounter.
Once you leave the port, you’ll be surrounded by untamed jungle for several days as you travel in search of the curse’s origin. Having a skilled guide at your side can make the journey safer and more efficient. However, whether or not you choose to invest in hiring a guide is entirely up to you. (However, they still need to make some checks to navigate through the unknown parts of the jungle)
((Syndra would wait to answer any other questions before leaving you to meet his friend, but as of now you are free to wander around in Port Nyanzaru))
Petor takes a couple of steps, making sure he can balance. He looks in awe at the bustling town, which in its innocence and joy reminds him of the parties the gnomes of his house used to throw on pay day. The scents, the colors, everything is both so foreign and yet strangely comforting, like there isn't time to have worry.
"Is there anyone or anything in particular to stay away from that you know of? I'm well aware this is a dangerous place, but I'd appreciate some info on who or what may be out to get us. Otherwise, I'm sure we can get everything else we need from the locals."
(1. For purchases should we RP it out or just do it. 2. Do we use PHB costs?)
Purchase: Tent, Pouch, Caltrops, Crowbar. Maybe a healing potion.
D&D since 1984
Thyxius wanders the stalls curiously, buying a few things for the quest ahead.
Buy: 1 antitoxin, 1 waterskin, 2 oil, 1 flail, 1 rope, 10 string, 2 insect repellent-salve, 1 rain catcher. (Leaving him with 23 gp and 6 sp if my math is right.)
((posting the list based on phb it's fine, though I was expecting some RP'ing I'll just let you guys know in advance that there are some special items such as repellent, rain catchers, canoes and the option of hiring a guide and betting on dinosaur races))
Lucian would look into those speciality items. What does he find?
"So, tell me more about the repellent. How much?"
D&D since 1984
Thyxius' interest is piqued when he overhears mention of dinosaur races. The reptile mounts are quite impressive. He wanders over and watches a few races curiously, wondering just how fast the creatures can go.
Rhys is particularly interested in the repellent and water craft. (Is there information on these?)
Ive very limited funds so I may just purchase 1 antitoxin for the 50g depending on the above info.
Cleggor is interested in a tent, another waterskin, a rain catcher, and any varieties of bug repellents. "What're they like down here? Mosquitos as big as your arm, suck you dry or what? Whoooo weeee!" After they have been shopping for a while, he turns to the others and says "This will be a real slog if we're strappin all of this to our backs and trudging all over this continent. Sure to give me the sciatica, I bet! Burning and tingling all down me legs! So... how's aboutin we find a beast of burden, some mule or one of them dinosaurs or somesuch, to carry all of this stuff for us? Canoes? Hah!" He keeps walking, his hand subconsciously shifting to his lower back.
((I'll add some lists of special items that can be purchased and their prices, feel free to ask stuff to locals and gather more information about the port or the jungle))
A canoe can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru for 50 gp. It holds up to six Medium creatures and has a maximum speed of 2 mph. It is otherwise identical to a rowboat (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
Insect Repellent
Insect repellent can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru in two forms: blocks of incense or a greasy salve. The merchant prince Kwayothé controls the sale of both. Neither kind of repellent protects against giant insects or the vile swarms of insects described in appendix A of the Monster Manual.
A block of incense sells for 1 sp. When lit, it burns for 8 hours and repels normal insects within a 20-foot-radius centered on it.
A gourd or vial of salve, which sells for 1 gp, contains 20 applications of odorless grease. One application protects its wearer against normal insects for 24 hours. The salve is waterproof so it doesn’t wash off in rain.
Rain Catcher
A rain catcher is a simple contraption consisting of a 5-foot-square leather tarp and a wooden frame with legs. When the tarp is stretched across the wooden frame, it forms a basin that can catch 2 gallons of drinking water per inch of rainfall and hold up to 8 gallons. The tarp and wooden frame fold up for easy transport. A rain catcher costs 1 gp and weighs 5 pounds.
Tej is an amber-colored, fermented drink made from honey. It’s more common and popular in Chult than beer or ale. A mug of tej costs 4 cp in Port Nyanzaru or 6 cp in Fort Beluarian. A 1-gallon cask costs 2 sp in the city or 3 sp at the fort.
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
((As you explore the port and browse the market for items or supplies, you may come across rumors or uncover more details about the city. Everyone, please roll an Investigation check and history check))
((you are mostly navigating through the Ground Souk, one of the three beating hearts of Port Nyanzaru — the others being the jewel market and the Red Bazaar. True to its name, the Grand Souk is the grandest of the three.
Traders from up and down the Sword Coast come to this market to buy timber, spices, medicines concocted from jungle plants, dinosaur skulls and claws, iron, tiger pelts, carved ivory, Batiri and grung handiwork, colored feathers, tropical fruit, monkeys, plesiosaurus meat, and all the other riches of Chult.))

Don’t think I can carry a 100lb boat. A beast of burden might be useful indeed.
((Cleggor investigation : 12, history : Nat 20))
Cleggor purchases both kinds of insect repellent, a tent, a rain catcher, and a second waterskin. He would be interested in any mounts available if they needed to carry a canoe. He walks through the market looking at the different items being traded here, looking for anything useful. He would ask locals about suitable mounts for their expedition as well as any guides that could help with their journey.
Thyxius investigation and history: 3 and 21 respectively.
Thyxius will ask around about the history and current power structure of Port Nyanzaru.
He is also willing to chip in for a canoe/beast of burden to carry stuff, especially if said beast can be a dinosaur.
(Rhys investigation and history both 8s.)
Looking to Syndra, "There isn't a chance you brought a bag of holding with you that we could have? Some of this equipment is quite heavy and large."
He will purchase 4 gourd salves of insect repellent (4gp) and 5 gallon casks of Tej ale (1gp). He will investigate the stalls to see if anyone is selling armor (chain shirt)
Looking at the yklwa, Rhys asks the merchant, "Are you able to tell me more about this weapon? Is it able to be wielded in one hand?" (looking for specs -- light, finesse, two-handed, etc.)
Lucian wanders about the three markets picking up the supplies (listed above plus) and information.
Investigation: 17
History: 18
D&D since 1984
((Wow! several History great rolls. I'll combine the answers into one post and then go to the individual investigation))
As you gather information around the city, you learn that Port Nyanzaru is controlled by seven merchant princes who each hold a monopoly over a specific trade. While they live in luxurious villas and spend most of their time there, their names come up often in conversations with merchants, especially when buyers try to bargain or ask for discounts. Some princes are easier to approach than others, and Jessamine’s monopoly—centered on poisons and assassination—is only inferred by Cleggor.
Here is what you learn about the merchant princes:
In addition, you’ve noticed the presence of various factions around the city. These include:
Although none of these factions are heavily represented in Port Nyanzaru, you can occasionally spot their members around. Some are openly recruiting reinforcements to operate within the peninsula, while others operate more discreetly.
Magic Shields and Weapons for Sale
Beasts for Sale
Magic Items for Sale
About Guides:
Guides can be invaluable for navigating the dangerous wilderness outside Port Nyanzaru. They can lead you to specific locations in the jungle, as detailed in the handouts I’ll share, and they possess valuable knowledge about the land, its lore, and the creatures you may encounter.
Once you leave the port, you’ll be surrounded by untamed jungle for several days as you travel in search of the curse’s origin. Having a skilled guide at your side can make the journey safer and more efficient. However, whether or not you choose to invest in hiring a guide is entirely up to you. (However, they still need to make some checks to navigate through the unknown parts of the jungle)