One of my players had his character eat a Primal Fruit and got the 'become a lycanthrope' option. I've made it more difficult to cure than just remove curse, and I've done some of the "lol you have to fight a bear before you go to sleep" stuff, but how do I regulate the abilities and stuff?
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I make homebrew subclasses, usually fixes of existing ones.
First off, remove the whole "immune to non-silvered damage" thing. Instead, consider that they cannot be killed by non-silvered nonmagical damage. So they can be dropped to 0hp, and if they do then they stabilise but have to recover as per succeeding on 3 death saves. If they are dropped by Magic (or hurt by it whilst death saving) then that can kill them, and if they are dropped by silver, the death saves are at disadvantage.
Transformations should be limited, perhaps 1/2 proficiency per day, rounding down. The shouldn't be using it as the main feature of their character.
Full moons should be completely out of their control. Technically, were-bears are lawful good, but remember - "Lawful" doesn't mean "Obeys the law". It means "Has a strict set of rules they follow". Think of it as "Predictable Good". So if the werebear manifests in the town of a corrupt noble that the party hates and whose death would be concievably good for the townsfolk... That might be where the Lawful Good Bloodthirsty Beast goes to make things better that night.
Avoid letting it be a positive thing without a lot of work and sacrifice. It'll take years of full moons to learn how to control it, and that with dedication. Unless the player puts in the roleplay, the "Curse of Lycanthropy" should be just that - a curse!
The person is a druid; I'm thinking they get a free Wild Shape once per day but only if it's into a bear. Full moons at first they just fly off the handle and... ooo, what if the bear has a slightly different moral code from the druid?
Also the werebear seems to increase its user's strength to 19, but maybe it only does so in hybrid/bear form. Otherwise it's silly.
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I make homebrew subclasses, usually fixes of existing ones.
One of my players had his character eat a Primal Fruit and got the 'become a lycanthrope' option. I've made it more difficult to cure than just remove curse, and I've done some of the "lol you have to fight a bear before you go to sleep" stuff, but how do I regulate the abilities and stuff?
I make homebrew subclasses, usually fixes of existing ones.
Way of the Ascendant Dragon but better:
I'm a social pessimist.
First off, remove the whole "immune to non-silvered damage" thing. Instead, consider that they cannot be killed by non-silvered nonmagical damage. So they can be dropped to 0hp, and if they do then they stabilise but have to recover as per succeeding on 3 death saves. If they are dropped by Magic (or hurt by it whilst death saving) then that can kill them, and if they are dropped by silver, the death saves are at disadvantage.
Transformations should be limited, perhaps 1/2 proficiency per day, rounding down. The shouldn't be using it as the main feature of their character.
Full moons should be completely out of their control. Technically, were-bears are lawful good, but remember - "Lawful" doesn't mean "Obeys the law". It means "Has a strict set of rules they follow". Think of it as "Predictable Good". So if the werebear manifests in the town of a corrupt noble that the party hates and whose death would be concievably good for the townsfolk... That might be where the Lawful Good Bloodthirsty Beast goes to make things better that night.
Avoid letting it be a positive thing without a lot of work and sacrifice. It'll take years of full moons to learn how to control it, and that with dedication. Unless the player puts in the roleplay, the "Curse of Lycanthropy" should be just that - a curse!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Great. Really helpful! Thanks!
The person is a druid; I'm thinking they get a free Wild Shape once per day but only if it's into a bear. Full moons at first they just fly off the handle and... ooo, what if the bear has a slightly different moral code from the druid?
Also the werebear seems to increase its user's strength to 19, but maybe it only does so in hybrid/bear form. Otherwise it's silly.
I make homebrew subclasses, usually fixes of existing ones.
Way of the Ascendant Dragon but better:
I'm a social pessimist.
As an aside, I have just published a supplement for this - this thread coming up spurred me to finish it!
You can find it on my thread in the advertising forum on here!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!