This lord of the rings book is set during the third age, before the war of the ring and after the hobbit. It's basically, AiME. AiME was a port of The One Ring (TOR) to use 5e rules. There's a lot of 5e that gets cut out. Like magic using classes. This book provides you with classes and species that are completely separate from 5e, and it looks as though the game is only expected to be played up to level 10 or so. I have the old AiME books in hard cover, and this digital release looks very similar. What I saw when I was looking through the new book last night was that it appears a lot of the other stuff from AiME was cut out too, there appears to only be some info on the area of Arthedain around the shire. You can play a bardling from Dale, but there didn't appear to be any info ON dale in this book for example. it feels very much a "free rules" version of AiME that I paid 30 bucks for.
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Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
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Quick question, is that new Lord of the rings campaign setting book basically just the silmarillion just translated to a setting book?
It’s a Third Age setting, some time between the Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring.
Sorry: tried to post a link to the article on the front page of D&D Beyond, but failed. Should be easy to find though.
This lord of the rings book is set during the third age, before the war of the ring and after the hobbit. It's basically, AiME. AiME was a port of The One Ring (TOR) to use 5e rules. There's a lot of 5e that gets cut out. Like magic using classes. This book provides you with classes and species that are completely separate from 5e, and it looks as though the game is only expected to be played up to level 10 or so. I have the old AiME books in hard cover, and this digital release looks very similar. What I saw when I was looking through the new book last night was that it appears a lot of the other stuff from AiME was cut out too, there appears to only be some info on the area of Arthedain around the shire. You can play a bardling from Dale, but there didn't appear to be any info ON dale in this book for example. it feels very much a "free rules" version of AiME that I paid 30 bucks for.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.