my players are finally reaching waterdeep in tomorrow's session and I'm looking for a quick guide to the city of splendor, something like waterdeep for dummies.
thanks in advance!
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Lords of Waterdeep is a great little board game that can help you give your players some albeit meta-knowledge of the major NPC's of the city. There's also an old AD&D Volo's Guide to Waterdeep that will turn up with a quick google search.
The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide has some juicy info on waterdeep. And if you want to add some history to the city, you could have the players come across some statues of famous heroes of waterdeep, or have them even see a waterdavian loard
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Hell yeah I am going to Polymorph the boss into a Rabbit. I have always wanted a being a pure evil stuffed into a ball of fluff.
I had my party i DM for decide to detour to Waterdeep and had to do a crash course on it. There is literally THOUSANDS of pages of detail written about it. Volo's guide is pretty good for specific spots that you can populate it. I found that the old TSR boxed set (City of Splendor) was the most useful for getting the districts down and the flavor of the different sections of the city. You could do an entire campaign there and never leave the walls.
Incidentally, I had the party get set upon by the local assassins guild and target them to die (as one of the party was a budding assassin rouge i had his mentor be a rival of a gang that was now in the ascendancy) They only survived by the timely intervention of the City Watch (who were tipped off by the afore mentioned mentor to our Rogue). This was not before they had been captured, stripped of all their gear and money. They were soon tossed out of Waterdeep as penniless vagrants and had to make it back to Daggerford with no arms or armor.
They are now very leery of heading back to Waterdeep until the level a bit further which i am pleased about as I have not yet fully fleshed out all of the richness of Waterdeep in my own mind nor done all the backstory reading that is out there!
Waterdeep can only be described as like the most cosmopolitan and large cities of the real world smashed together.
The intrigue, commerce, magic, politics, faith, innovation, creativity, food culture, access to the sea, colleges, academies, royalty, and so so much more.
hello all!
my players are finally reaching waterdeep in tomorrow's session and I'm looking for a quick guide to the city of splendor, something like waterdeep for dummies.
thanks in advance!
Well just few tips here (I would suggest Sword Coast Adventures Guide)
The city of Waterdeep has some critical NPCs:
1) The Open Lord: now is Laeral Silverhand, wife of the late Khelben "BlackStaff" Arunsun. It is like the mediator of the Masked Lords.
2) The masked lords are the rulers of the city. are masked so no one can know who they are.
3) The Blackstaff now is a woman mage by the name of Varja. She is like a protector of the city.
4) The Xanthar guild. It is a criminal guild ruled by a beholder.
I am not able to go more into details but I hope I have been helpful.
Lords of Waterdeep is a great little board game that can help you give your players some albeit meta-knowledge of the major NPC's of the city. There's also an old AD&D Volo's Guide to Waterdeep that will turn up with a quick google search.
The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide has some juicy info on waterdeep. And if you want to add some history to the city, you could have the players come across some statues of famous heroes of waterdeep, or have them even see a waterdavian loard
Hell yeah I am going to Polymorph the boss into a Rabbit. I have always wanted a being a pure evil stuffed into a ball of fluff.
I had my party i DM for decide to detour to Waterdeep and had to do a crash course on it. There is literally THOUSANDS of pages of detail written about it. Volo's guide is pretty good for specific spots that you can populate it. I found that the old TSR boxed set (City of Splendor) was the most useful for getting the districts down and the flavor of the different sections of the city. You could do an entire campaign there and never leave the walls.
Incidentally, I had the party get set upon by the local assassins guild and target them to die (as one of the party was a budding assassin rouge i had his mentor be a rival of a gang that was now in the ascendancy) They only survived by the timely intervention of the City Watch (who were tipped off by the afore mentioned mentor to our Rogue). This was not before they had been captured, stripped of all their gear and money. They were soon tossed out of Waterdeep as penniless vagrants and had to make it back to Daggerford with no arms or armor.
They are now very leery of heading back to Waterdeep until the level a bit further which i am pleased about as I have not yet fully fleshed out all of the richness of Waterdeep in my own mind nor done all the backstory reading that is out there!
"I was led to believe there would be punch and pie?"

Waterdeep can only be described as like the most cosmopolitan and large cities of the real world smashed together.
The intrigue, commerce, magic, politics, faith, innovation, creativity, food culture, access to the sea, colleges, academies, royalty, and so so much more.
City of Splendors indeed.
You can always check the Forgotten Realms wiki page for ideas!
Twitter @berlingsbeard
Is no one going to comment about the Storm Queen's Thunder? Because that is awesome.