I've always liked tinkering with the economics of DnD. I did something similar for my games but I loaded all the items and indexed them in a excel spreadsheet where I could assign blanket economic situations like War; Peace; Good Economy; Bad Economy and some other categories. I think having resources at hand like you have makes DM book keeping much easier.
Hi Everyone
I see alot of DM`s are looking for pricelists that they can use in their towns. Well, here you go. I also use this folder for my Sessions
Please let me know if you have something else then i will add it for you for the rest of the world
Shop Prices
I've always liked tinkering with the economics of DnD. I did something similar for my games but I loaded all the items and indexed them in a excel spreadsheet where I could assign blanket economic situations like War; Peace; Good Economy; Bad Economy and some other categories. I think having resources at hand like you have makes DM book keeping much easier.
Good job. Possibly change the font (arial drives me crazy)
Enjoy my magic items, spells, monsters, my race, and a few feats. And GIVE ME FEEDBACK... or else.
Like what I say?
⬐ Just press this little guy right here.
Thank you very much!
I came here to slay dragons.
This is great! I'm incorporating it into my campaign now!
Hi Guys
Something went wrong with the permissions, and I have moved it to another drive.
Here is the new link
New Shop Link
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Its been over 2 years since you posted it but yo thanks for this!
Such a great reference whenever my players suddenly need a shopping trip.
You friend, are a blessing to this community.
Thanks for this, I always struggle with coming up with prices of things that my players randomly ask for.
Thank you for this resource! This is super helpful
Since ya on break, how about a box-top?
Unable to view, is it posted somewhere else?