Dungeon Masters Only

Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Spike Damage, Perma-Death; What constitutes fair challenge? >>
by thundering
8 1,403
Looking for sample music tracks for adventures with my kids... >>
by JimmyWB1973
5 930
The Keep on Shadowfell - One Dungeon Master, two players >>
by Ziya
7 835
Immersive Gaming- how do you bring the world to life? >>
by Onitwin
7 1,999
New To Dm >>
by Quotacious
4 827
How to deal with finding players that arent weird >>
by DMQuade
7 1,505
DM Perspective [Good encounter ideas] >>
by TheMcCrippler
7 2,725
NPC Voices >>
by Agogmoth
10 4,497
Multiverse macguffins >>
by TheRealDaveCave
1 880
[DM Helps] Collection of Riddles, tricks and traps for DM - ENG/ITA >>
by Deleted
26 18,103
Favorite flavor item/NPC/place you've used in game >>
by Casket
7 2,282
First Time DM'ing White Plume Mountain! >>
by Linen
3 5,428
How do you design your encounters? >>
by NightsLastHero
38 4,854
Looking for creative ideas for travel assistance... >>
by InsanityRocks
7 862
Duet Campaign (AKA One on One D&D) >>
by clayHead
4 21,284
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