Dungeon Masters Only

Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How are YOU using the campaign Page? >>
by Tyson
2 833
Handing out loot/potions >>
by theevilyeti
2 1,564
Magic items >>
by DungenMaster6400
2 673
Ideas to force characters out of Ravenloft before the end. >>
by DMCharlieTib
6 4,047
Keeping the game moving >>
by DMCharlieTib
4 936
Polymorphed Dragon NPC Spell Choices >>
by Abwyn
2 997
Escape from Funk House, or how I learned to ask for cool ideas >>
by LaRue
9 1,317
Table rules with Jeremy Crawford >>
by filcat
2 1,245
In need of a good timeline >>
by TheMcCrippler
7 771
3e to 5e >>
by AmazingAmazon
4 2,791
Best Way to Make a Map for an Artistically Challenged DM >>
by MightyOwl
8 4,865
Spike Damage, Perma-Death; What constitutes fair challenge? >>
by thundering
8 1,408
Looking for sample music tracks for adventures with my kids... >>
by JimmyWB1973
5 931
The Keep on Shadowfell - One Dungeon Master, two players >>
by Ziya
7 836
Immersive Gaming- how do you bring the world to life? >>
by Onitwin
7 2,002
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