you have the basic witch is just hp amount chosen is converted into temp hp
then you have the higher level witch is chose amount of max hp to convert and get two times that amount note other features in the class will help you get back your max hp to its normal level also for overkill dose not take your new hp amount it will still work of your base hp
for multi class you can only take a up the % of your hp in this class so for example if you had in 15 fighter an 5 this class the most hp you could convert would be 1/4 of your max
this class is not a spell caster and has a hit dice of a d10
so the core feature is converting hp to temp hp
there are two levels to this
you have the basic witch is just hp amount chosen is converted into temp hp
then you have the higher level witch is chose amount of max hp to convert and get two times that amount note other features in the class will help you get back your max hp to its normal level also for overkill dose not take your new hp amount it will still work of your base hp
for multi class you can only take a up the % of your hp in this class so for example if you had in 15 fighter an 5 this class the most hp you could convert would be 1/4 of your max
this class is not a spell caster and has a hit dice of a d10
any feed back would be appreciated
Seems kinda boring. Swapping around HP/tmpHP isn't very exciting nor cinematic. What is the archetype / concept of the class?