Here's my homebrew subclasses. None of these are published, and are merely the current versions of them:
Chronoturgist Artificer:
Chronoturgist Artificer
Shortly after time-shaping magic was discovered by the wizards of the world, who started creating spells and magic items that would allow them to better manipulate the forces of time, the artificers discovered ways to manipulate time as well, with their own arcane devices. Now, artificers have mastered the art of creating time-shaping technology, along with the ability to create magical arcane foci that when infused can allow them to remotely unlock any door, chest or lock. These artificers call themselves Chonoturgists, master infiltrators, masterminds, and expert timekeepers.
Dunamancy has recently been discovered by the people of Wildemount, allowing them to shift possibilities, shape time, create gravity wells, or summon gray duplicates of themselves. On Faerun, chronomancers have existed for millennia, though rare, still existing. In Eberron, many are attempting to figure out the mysteries of time travel to undo the catastrophic Mourning. No matter the world, time-shifters are present. Many different people have discovered the flexibility of time, but none of them as well as a new breed of artificers. Chronoturgists weave time, like Wizards weave magic.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Chronoturgist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class as shown in the Chronoturgist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Artificer Level
shield, gift of alacrity
wristpocket, hold person
slow, pulse wave
dimension door, mordenkainen's private sanctum
temporal shunt, hold monster
Resonant Focus
At 3rd level, you learn how to create a resonant focus. Using tinker's tools you can spend a minute embedding your thieves' tools, or an item that can function as thieves' tools, into a wand, rod, or staff that you are holding to create a resonant focus. At the end of the minute, the thieves' tools magically go inside the wand, rod, or staff, even if they normally couldn't fit inside. Assume that an extradimensional space is created if the focus you chose to become a resonant focus could not regularly fit your thieves' tools inside.
After the minute is up, you've created a magical item that appears to be the original arcane focus that can function as your spellcasting focus. The item also functions as your thieves' tools, but can now extend out to a range. When making a check to use your thieves' tools for unlocking a lock, disarming a trap, or other such actions, you no longer have to be near the target of your thieves' tools.
When making an ability check with your resonant focus you can choose to either use your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to add to the roll. Additionally, the amount of distance you can be from an object you are attempting to use your thieves' tools on is now extended to 30 feet, and you don't need physical contact with it.
Brilliant Mind
Starting at 5th level, when you take a long rest you may switch out one infusion that you know for one that you do not know, instead of just when you level up.
Improved Resonant Focus
Starting at level 9, when you cast a spell that causes the target to make a saving throw, you can give the target disadvantage on the roll. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
Time Master
Starting at level 15, you become a master of manipulating and tracking time. Your study of the track of time has allowed you to know what time of day it is at any moment. If you are aged magically, you know specifically how much you were aged, backwards or forwards. If you travel to a plane of existence or other environment where time is tracked differently, you are able to determine the time of the realm you are on, and what the time is of your home realm.
Additionally, you gain the ability to cast Time Stop as an action, or imbue it into an item, as Spell-Storing Item, but once it is cast in either way, you lose the ability to do so again until you take a long rest.
When the spark of magic that resides in every sorcerer manifests itself due to a connection with the source of arcane magic, an Arcane Soul sorcerer is made. Many origins of this arcane bond are possible, most coming from some ancestral arcane power. Possibly a distant ancestor was a wizard who created a famous spell, maybe now named after them. Or you could have been born at the moment and in near proximity of the casting of an epic spell. Maybe you are reincarnated from a powerful master of magic, with some of that residual energy changing your new form.
An Arcane Soul is seen with contempt by many mages and powerful arcana clerics. As a user of arcane spells, Arcane Spirits sorcerers can be seen as cheaters in the Art of Arcane Magic. They are almost never viewed as true masters of magic due to their power being innate. Clerics, Wizards, and Warlocks who practice arcane magic have to give up time and resources to earn their power, and Arcane Souls were handed this power freely, even if they still must cultivate and train this power.
In some societies, families that have bloodlines of Arcane Soul sorcerers are looked up on, being placed higher in status due to this blessing. In these communities, arcane power is valued, and those who do the least work to achieve this power are honored for their connection to arcane magic.
Arcane Magic
Your link to the arcane allows you to learn spells from the wizard class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a sorcerer cantrip or sorcerer spell of 1st level or highter, you can choose the spell from the wizard list or the sorcerer list. You must otherwise obey all restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
In addition, your inherent arcane abilities allow you to know more spells than usual. Choose two spells of 1st level (or higher at later levels) from the wizard spell list when you first gain this feature. You automatically learn those spells, and they don't count against the amount of spells you can learn. You learn an additional two spells this way at the following levels: 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th.
Spellborn Luck
Starting at 1st level, when you make an ability check, you may add 2d4 to your check total. You may do so after you see the roll, but before the DM determines the outcome. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Empowered Arcana
At 6th level, the arcane energy coursing through your blood can strengthen eldritch power. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls damage dice for a spell, you can expend 1 sorcery point to reroll any amount of those dice of your choice once, provided you aren't incapacitated. You can only use this feature once a turn.
Spell Master
When you gain this feature at level 14, your inherent power over arcane magic allows for you to more easily cast spells. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st-level or higher, you may do so using an amount of sorcery points equal to the spell's level, instead of expending a spell slot.
Additionally, when you cast a spell by expending a spell slot, you can regain 1 sorcery point. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses when you finish a long rest.
Wrought with Power
Starting at 18th level, your fuel of magic increases in times of need. As a bonus action, when your current sorcery points are equal to or less than half your maximum amount, you can regain half of your maximum sorcery points.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you take a long rest.
Your innate magic comes from the aloof magic of the Feywild. An ancestor may have been blessed for aiding the Seelie Court in difficult times, spent time in the Feywild after traveling through a fey-crossing and mingled with seelie fey, or you could be descended from a seelie fey from the Feywild. Though you could be a Seelie Born due to your lineage, you could also have been changed in someway on your own. You could have had a child with a fey, been charmed for years or decades by a seelie, or been infused with the blood of a seelie fey.
Seelie Magic
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Seelie Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.
Starting at level 1, when a creature uses a Wisdom (Insight) check to try to determine your emotions or intentions, they make the check at disadvantage.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the misty step using 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. When you cast it using sorcery points, the distances you may teleport becomes 60 feet.
Seelie Blood
At 1st level, you gain resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm you.
Faerie's Luck
Starting at level 6, when a creature succeeds on a saving throw against a spell you cast, as a reaction, you may expend 3 sorcery points to force them to reroll the saving throw at disadvantage.
Twisted Fey
When you gain this feature at 14th level, you can manipulate the environment around you to become more like the Feywild. A brief image of the wooded lands of the Feywild is projected around you, distorting distance and time. As an action, you can create a 30 foot radius area around you that takes on some properties of the Feywild. This area becomes difficult terrain while creatures are moving closer to you, but they move twice the normal distance their movement would allow while moving away from you in this area. Additionally, at the start of each round after you use this ability, each creature must reroll initiative.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest, or expend a 3rd-level spell slot or higher to regain one use of it.
Beguiling Charm
At level 18, your mastery over the charming powers of the seelie fey allow you to beguile masses of creatures and be protected from the charms of fey creatures as well. You gain immunity to the charmed condition when you gain this feature.
Additionally, you may use an action to charm creatures around you. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or become charmed. For the next minute, or until they succeed on the saving throw, a charmed creature regards you as an ally and does as you command it. If you give no orders to it, it simply does nothing on its turn. A charmed creature gets to repeat the saving throw whenever it takes damage, and at the end of each of its turns.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you take a long rest or expend 7 sorcery points.
Your innate magic comes from the mysterious Feywild, but unlike the Seelie Born, your magic apparently originates from the dark fey powers of the Feywild, classed the Unseelie. You may be descended from a hag, darkling, or some other unseelie fey, or possibly were stolen as a baby and replaced by an unseelie fey and warped by the weird processes of the Feywild you experienced. Maybe, you were created during a ritual by a coven of hags, using cauldrons and strange brews. In any way, you have been warped by dark feyish powers, and can use this magic for many purposes.
Unseelie Magic
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Unseelie Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.
At level 1, your inherent fey blood allows you to have better control over your form. When a creature casts a spell on you that would change your form, if you are unwilling, you make the saving throw against that spell at advantage.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the alter self spell using 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. When you cast it using sorcery points, it requires no concentration for the duration.
Dark Guile
When you gain this feature at level 1, you have advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks.
Trickster's Curse
At 6th level, your unseelie magic allows you to curse others with harmful magic. As a bonus action expend 3 sorcery points and choose one creature within 120 feet of you to magically mark. They must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or gain the following traits:
At the start of each of their turns, you may teleport them up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space on the ground that you can see.
They cannot discern enemies from allies, instead targeting whomever is closes with their attacks, spells, and other harmful effects.
They cannot make reactions.
If they are concentrating on a spell, they have disadvantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on the spell. Additionally, you can force them to repeat the concentration saving throw at the start of each of their turns, losing concentration on a failed saving throw.
A marked creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns and when an ally of yours damages the marked creature. On a successful save, this effect ends on them.
Master of Disguised Deceit
When you gain this feature at level 14, you become a true master of cloaking your inherent abilities. When you cast a spell or use an ability that would charm or frighten a creature, and a creature is not effected by the feature due to an immunity to the charmed or frightened condition, you can expend 4 sorcery points to ignore that immunity for the spell or effect you use.
Additionally, truesight cannot see through your illusions or determine your true form, you cannot be compelled to tell the truth by magic, and your lies cannot be discerned magically.
Gloam Shroud
Starting at level 18, you can wreath yourself in a dark magical cloak of gloomy energy, frightening and confusing others. As an action, each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened by you. This condition lasts for a minute, or until they succeed on the saving throw, which a frightened creature can repeat at the end of each of its turns. A frightened creature is blinded, deafened, and can't speak, thus causing them to not be able of casting spells with verbal components while under this effect. At the start of a frightened creature's turns, it takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage).
Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest, or expend a 6th level spell slot or higher to recharge this ability.
Oath of Souls Paladin:
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at level 3, you gain the following Channel Divinity options.
Cloak of Death. As a bonus action, you may expend your Channel Divinity to wreath yourself in negative energy, allowing you to more easily slay undead. For the next minute, you ignore resistance to necrotic damage, and your melee weapon attacks count as magical. During this duration, when you deal radiant damage, you may switch the damage to necrotic, or vice versa.
Path to the Grave. As an action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you, cursing it until the end of your next turn, using your Channel Divinity. The next time you or an ally of yours hits the cursed creature with an attack, the creature has vulnerability to all of that attack’s damage, and then the curse ends.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of Souls table.
Starting at level 7, an aura of necrotic energy shields you and your allies, while also empowering your own attacks. As long as you are not incapacitated, you and each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you gains resistance to necrotic damage, and their hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
At 18th level, this aura's radius becomes 30 feet.
Harvester of Dying Breath
At 15th level, when an enemy within 60 feet of you dies, you may use your reaction to regain a use of your Channel Divinity. You may use this feature once, and can use it again when you finish a short rest.
Spirit Guide
At level 20, you become a guide of the dead and dying, allowing you to harness the necrotic energy that suffuses your soul and body. As an action, you can surround your form with dying energy of those who have passed on, gaining the following benefits for the next minute:
You gain resistance to all damage.
When you deal necrotic or radiant damage to a creature, you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic or radiant damage dealt.
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You also become incorporeal, allowing you to move through objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside another object or creature's space, you take 1d10 force damage that you are not resistant to.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
The Oath of the Arcane is sworn by those who wish to carry out the goals of those who are true masters of arcane powers, while not wishing to become a master themselves. Often called Arcane Warriors or Eldritch Bulwarks, they who swear the oath vow to protect the mission of eldritch powers and block attacks against their mage masters. Though they are far arcane power from the exemplars that are wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, they do gain some eldritch magic from the oath that they uphold.
Though Eldritch Bulwarks do vow to protect masters of arcana, they do not hold this to be a universal law amongst their orders. Some of these paladins do choose to protect any mage under nearly any conditions, but most are more selective, choosing masters to serve depending on their goals, alignment, ideals, and other important factors. In many worlds there are paladins who devote themselves to divine orders, but it is rare to find paladins who serve arcane powers. In Toril, they may swear themselves to the Weave, Mystra, Azuth, or an ancient Netheril wizard or lich. In Eberron, knights of this order may serve the Ring of Siberys, The Shadow, Sul Khatesh, or the Wizards of Arcanix. IN Exandria, these knights may serve the Cerberus Assembly, the Luxon, or another arcane power. In Tor-eal, the Yikkan Goblinoids have many servants of the Yikare, and Oath of the Arcane paladins are relatively common. Others of this order in Tor-eal may swear themselves to Vecna, Zilya Darkcord, or the master artificers of Lantan.
The tenets of the Oath of the Arcane focus on protecting arcane masters and spreading the touch of eldritch magic.
Resilience. Be the bulwark that deflects the attacks of the forces of chaos when they target masters of the arcane powers.
Eldritch Might. Arcane power will preserve the foundations of the world as long as it has worthy followers. As eldritch magic spreads through the world, it will become a better place, a haven to masters of arcana.
Spread the Word. Be a missionary of the arcane masters, recruit all who are willing to study arcane magic, and strengthen the roots of magic in the realm. Never force and never preach. Instead, be an example to those who do not follow the Art, and practice magic in patience.
Exorcism of Psionics.Crush all those who practice the abomination that is psionics. Psychic powers are alien and must be destroyed before they can disease the land around them. Never allow a psion or aberration to escape your grasp.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. When a creature within 30 feet of you (including you) casts a spell using a spell slot, you may use your reaction to cause the spell to come into effect without expending a spell slot, using your Channel Divinity instead. The spell slot used to cast the spell must be of a level that you can cast.
Eldritch Weapon. As a bonus action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with forceful arcane energy, using your Channel Divinity. For the next minute, when you hit with this weapon, all damage that you deal with its attack deals force damage. Additionally, it deals extra force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
If the weapon ever leaves your hand, you can choose to teleport it instantly back to your hand (no action required). If you are ever incapacitated, this effect ends. Additionally, if you take damage from a creature within 30 feet of you, you may end this effect as a reaction, dealing force damage to the creature equal to 2d10 + your paladin level.
Beginning at level 7, eldritch power surrounds you, causing others to have a more difficult time avoiding spell effects. Each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 10 feet.
Mimic Magic.
Starting at 15th level, when a nearby creature casts a spell, you may quickly learn how to cast that spell, preparing it.
Whenever a creature within 60 feet casts a spell, you may use your reaction to temporarily learn and prepare that spell. This spell must be of a level you can cast, and does not count against your number of prepared spells, and counts as Paladin spells for you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). These spells stay prepared until the end of your next long rest.
While you have these spells prepared you may cast each spell once without material components, and without expending a spell slot. Once you cast a spell in this way, it is no longer prepared.
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet and can hover.
Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of an action, you can instead choose to cast it using a bonus action.
Once on your turn, when you deal damage with an attack, instead of rolling damage, you deal the most damage possible.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
That's it for now. I'll add more subclasses in later posts with links to their threads.
Looking forward to these being published if you plan to. I like how you think.
Thanks! I unfortunately will have to playtest them before I publish them, and I haven't started a new campaign or had the opportunity to use these for awhile, so I don't know the timeline of getting these published.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Tool Proficiency: Makes sense, no real thoughts here.
Spell List: Seems fine, though I'm a little confused about Dimension Door and Private Sanctum. Why are they here? I feel like I read in some post of yours that the subclass is based off of The Doctor, but as that isn't explicitly said, I feel like its a strange spell choice.
Resonant Focus: Sonic Screwdriver! As a "The Doctor" type Subclass, this is great. As a "Time-Shaping Artificer", it doesn't really make sense. I understand that you said in the description that, quote, "artificers have mastered the art of creating time-shaping technology, along with the ability to create magical arcane foci that when infused can allow them to remotely unlock any door, chest or lock", but I feel as though the ability doesn't fit thematically with the class. However, as an Ability, I feel like its a good ability, if maybe a little over powered (Intelligence-Based Thieves' Tools at range, that don't really resemble Thieves' Tools, and can as such be easily disguised).
Brilliant Mind: Hmmmm...not really sure what to think about this ability. If you're using the Class Variants, I'm pretty sure that they allow you to switch Infusions (feel free to correct me, I haven't read the UA in a while). If yes, then that renders this Ability useless. If No, then this Ability's Great! Being able to switch Infusions is incredibly Potent, and very useful.
Improved Resonant Focus: Okay...this is fine. Disadvantage on a Save is nice, and being able to use this multiple times is also fun, but I feel that it's a little underpowered for a Level 9 feature. Maybe add some Damage Bonus when casting with the Resonant Focus? I don't know, just spit-balling here.
Time Master: This is cool. The first paragraph is nice, with some Keen Mind stuff, and a few other Ribbon Effects. That's fine. The Second Paragraph, though...wooh boy. Time Stop is a 9th Level Spell. 'Nuff said. As a 15th level Artificer, gaining access to any 9th Level Spell is overpowered. And Time Stop is a really powerful one. You get 1d4+1 extra turns. You can't affect anyone else directly, but you can still move to an advantageous position, do some quick scouting, or prepare some traps/prepare the battlefield. The spell is crazy. And, you can put it into an Item as if the item was a Spell-Storing Item (I think, the wording is a little unclear), and can cast it once per day. Again, you're at 15thLevel. It's ridiculous. Please, tone this down a lot. I don't know how, but please do.
I'm planning on adding more comments regarding the other Subclasses, I just haven't read them all yet :P
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Spell List: Seems fine, though I'm a little confused about Dimension Door and Private Sanctum. Why are they here? I feel like I read in some post of yours that the subclass is based off of The Doctor, but as that isn't explicitly said, I feel like its a strange spell choice.
Yeah, they're kind of weird choices. Any recommendations to replace them?
Resonant Focus: Sonic Screwdriver! As a "The Doctor" type Subclass, this is great. As a "Time-Shaping Artificer", it doesn't really make sense. I understand that you said in the description that, quote, "artificers have mastered the art of creating time-shaping technology, along with the ability to create magical arcane foci that when infused can allow them to remotely unlock any door, chest or lock", but I feel as though the ability doesn't fit thematically with the class. However, as an Ability, I feel like its a good ability, if maybe a little over powered (Intelligence-Based Thieves' Tools at range, that don't really resemble Thieves' Tools, and can as such be easily disguised).
Yeah, I know. It's kind of weird, and I could probably make a better explanation for it, but I'm not really sure how to do that. I don't think it's overpowered, especially when compared to other level 3 artificer subclass features, but it is extremely useful.
Brilliant Mind: Hmmmm...not really sure what to think about this ability. If you're using the Class Variants, I'm pretty sure that they allow you to switch Infusions (feel free to correct me, I haven't read the UA in a while). If yes, then that renders this Ability useless. If No, then this Ability's Great! Being able to switch Infusions is incredibly Potent, and very useful.
The class feature variants UA does not have any such feature. The one in Tasha's may, but we don't know about if it does. If it does, I will end up changing this, but for now, it's fine.
Improved Resonant Focus: Okay...this is fine. Disadvantage on a Save is nice, and being able to use this multiple times is also fun, but I feel that it's a little underpowered for a Level 9 feature. Maybe add some Damage Bonus when casting with the Resonant Focus? I don't know, just spit-balling here.
I'm not sure. This subclass isn't really themed around damage a ton, kind of like how the Doctor doesn't use weapons, but I could change that a bit. I'll think about it.
Time Master: This is cool. The first paragraph is nice, with some Keen Mind stuff, and a few other Ribbon Effects. That's fine. The Second Paragraph, though...wooh boy. Time Stop is a 9th Level Spell. 'Nuff said. As a 15th level Artificer, gaining access to any 9th Level Spell is overpowered. And Time Stop is a really powerful one. You get 1d4+1 extra turns. You can't affect anyone else directly, but you can still move to an advantageous position, do some quick scouting, or prepare some traps/prepare the battlefield. The spell is crazy. And, you can put it into an Item as if the item was a Spell-Storing Item (I think, the wording is a little unclear), and can cast it once per day. Again, you're at 15thLevel. It's ridiculous. Please, tone this down a lot. I don't know how, but please do.
Time Stop is a good spell, a really good one, but it is not overpowered to give to this artificer at level 15. Full casters with this spell get access to it at 17th level, just two levels away from this. I know, it feels weird giving a half-caster a 9th level spell, but this really isn't overpowered.
I'm planning on adding more comments regarding the other Subclasses, I just haven't read them all yet :P
Great! I will wait for more reviews! Take your time. Thanks!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Okay, I just read the Arcane Soul Subclass. Thoughts:
Description: So...they're Sorcerers that get their Arcane Power from some form of Arcane Power? Yeah, okay.
Arcane Magic: Adds Wizard Spells to the Sorcerer Class. That's...okay. Its a lot less powerful than the Divine Soul, as a fair amount of Wizard Spells are already on the Sorcerer Spell List. The custom perma-prepared Spells is nice, though.
Spellborn Luck: Nice bonus to Ability Checks. Maybe a tad op for 1st level, what with it being recharged at a Short Rest, and giving a 2d4 bonus, but I think it helps to balance out the Wizard Spell List addition.
Empowered Arcana: This is pretty good. Being able to reroll damage from spells once per turn by expending a Sorcery Point is a nice ability. Being able to do it for others is also nice. Overall, good ability.
Spell Master: Okay, this is ridiculous, in my opinion. The first part gives you a GREATLY improved flexible casting. I feel like this would be fine on its own, but coupled with the second part, its too much. The second part allows you to regain a Sorcery Point when casting a 1st Level+ Spell, and is usable a number of times equal to your Cha Modifier. When combined, you can cast 1st Level Spells for Free a number of times equal to your Cha Mod (which, by 14th Level, should be at least 18). That's really good. I would tone this down. A lot.
Wrought with Power: Allows you to regain Half your Sorcery Points as a Bonus Action, once between long rests. This is pretty good, and pretty balanced, honestly. It's 18th Level, so stuff can be pretty good at this point.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
In regards to your thoughts on my thoughts on the Chronoturgist:
I don't really know what to suggest for the Spell List. Maybe Death Ward? As like a "turn back the clock" kind of thing?
Thanks for letting me know about the UA thingy, then I think that the ability is fine.
And with the Time Stop, I think that it would be fine if they learned it at 17th level, I just feel like learning it BEFORE the full casters is a little bit much.
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Okay, I just read the Arcane Soul Subclass. Thoughts:
Description: So...they're Sorcerers that get their Arcane Power from some form of Arcane Power? Yeah, okay.
I know, I know. I've gotten that comment a lot. Here are some examples of how someone with this origin could have gotten their powers, just to explain it a bit better:
Not be a Muggle/No-Maj.
You are a simulacrum completely brought to life and granted freedom.
You died and were reincarnated by the Weave of Magic.
Your great, great, great, grandparent was a Chosen of Mystra.
You have undergone a ritual performed by the most powerful wizards in the land, granting you inherent magical powers.
Your soul was created by a mage using some strange experimental magic. Basically, your soul should not exist, and being created by arcane magic grants you magical powers.
You used a Wish spell to give yourself arcane magic (through a genie or ring of wishes, or similar sources).
A parent of yours was/is a legendary wizard of great power.
Arcane Magic: Adds Wizard Spells to the Sorcerer Class. That's...okay. Its a lot less powerful than the Divine Soul, as a fair amount of Wizard Spells are already on the Sorcerer Spell List. The custom perma-prepared Spells is nice, though.
Yep, that's the point. Not overly useful, just a good feature.
Spellborn Luck: Nice bonus to Ability Checks. Maybe a tad op for 1st level, what with it being recharged at a Short Rest, and giving a 2d4 bonus, but I think it helps to balance out the Wizard Spell List addition.
It's very similar to the Divine Soul Sorcerer's "Favored of the Gods" ability, so I don't think it's really OP.
Empowered Arcana: This is pretty good. Being able to reroll damage from spells once per turn by expending a Sorcery Point is a nice ability. Being able to do it for others is also nice. Overall, good ability.
Yeah. It kind of steps on the toes of Empowered Metamagic, but I think it's mostly good.
Spell Master: Okay, this is ridiculous, in my opinion. The first part gives you a GREATLY improved flexible casting. I feel like this would be fine on its own, but coupled with the second part, its too much. The second part allows you to regain a Sorcery Point when casting a 1st Level+ Spell, and is usable a number of times equal to your Cha Modifier.
It is very potent. I probably need to limit it a lot more, but the general idea is probably staying. I could change the first part to Cha. mod. per long rest, and completely get rid of the second part.
Wrought with Power: Allows you to regain Half your Sorcery Points as a Bonus Action, once between long rests. This is pretty good, and pretty balanced, honestly. It's 18th Level, so stuff can be pretty good at this point.
Yep. It's a good feature, and I think it fits the subclass.
Thanks for the comments! I've been making a few more subclasses lately (currently the Dragon Rider Fighter, which I'll add here when I finish it), so I'm mostly focusing on those, but I'll work on revising a few of these that need it.
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Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Thanks for the thoughts! I'm working on the Seelie at the moment, so that should be up in a few minutes.
I like your ideas regarding the gaining of the Arcane Power! They make a lot of sense thematically, and could lead to a lot of fun roleplaying. After reading what you said, I'm thinking about maybe making a Warforged Arcane Sorcerer that was created by a powerful Artificer.
For Spellborn Luck, I didn't realize that the Divine Soul had a similar ability! In that case, its fine, and not overpowered.
For Spell Master, I think that your idea for fixing it is great.
I looked at the Dragon Rider briefly, but didn't read it to thoroughly. I'll have to go check it out again!
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Description: Great Flavor, seems like an Eladrin would be a great fit.
Spells: Thematically Appropriate, nothing really to say.
Aloof Nature: Some protection from Insight is fun. Additionally, being able to cast an improved Misty Step is pretty good.
Seelie Blood: Psychic Resistance and Advantage against being Charmed is also pretty nice, nothing to say.
Faerie's Luck: I'm a fan of this ability. Once again, nothing really to say!
Twisted Fey: I like the whole "slower when moving closer to you, faster when moving away". It's pretty well balanced. However, I do think that rerolling Initiative might be a bit much. More, it would slow down the game a lot, and probably mess up your, your party's, and the DM's plans. Maybe add a Charm effect instead? Being able to regain a use when casting a 3rd level spell is fun.
Beguiling Charm: Really, I think that this is a pretty well balanced ability, and Class overall. I'm a fan! Will definitely create an Eladrin Seelie Sorcerer at some point.
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Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Aloof Nature: Some protection from Insight is fun. Additionally, being able to cast an improved Misty Step is pretty good.
Yeah, it's good. It's kind of like the Shadow Sorcerer's ability.
Twisted Fey: I like the whole "slower when moving closer to you, faster when moving away". It's pretty well balanced. However, I do think that rerolling Initiative might be a bit much. More, it would slow down the game a lot, and probably mess up your, your party's, and the DM's plans. Maybe add a Charm effect instead? Being able to regain a use when casting a 3rd level spell is fun.
Yeah, the rerolling initiative may be a bit problematic. I could replace that with charming or something like that. I just wanted to emulate the time-weirdness of the Feywild, but it may be executed incorrectly.
Beguiling Charm: Really, I think that this is a pretty well balanced ability, and Class overall. I'm a fan! Will definitely create an Eladrin Seelie Sorcerer at some point.
Great! The subclass is one of the better balanced ones that I have made. It's a good sorcerer, and its features make sense for a seelie fey warlock. Eladrin definitely fit this subclass very well.
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Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Description: Same thoughts as the Seelie Born. Great Flavor!
Spells: They're fine. No real complaints.
Shifting Form: Some protection from Polymorph Magic is cool. Alter Self as well.
Dark Guile: Advantage on Deception is nice, though I feel like it could use a bit more, just to keep it in line with Seelie. Maybe add Psychic Resistance as well?
Trickster's Curse: Okay, this is a lot to take in. Bonus Action, 3 Sorc Points, 120ft, creature, Wis Save or be Marked. Okay. You can Teleport them at the start of their turn, they attack the nearest possible creature, no reactions, some Concentration debuffs. That's a lot of stuff. I would remove the Teleport, or at least nerf it to a Reaction, or 15ft, and change the forced Concentration Save to a reaction as well.They are able to repeat the Save at the end of their turn, but, as it is, just one turn would mess this guy up quite a bit.
Master of Disguised Deceit: The ability is great. Ignoring Immunity to Frightened and Charmed is fun, and so is protection from Truesight, Zone of Truth, and magical Lie Detectors.
Gloam Shroud: Again, pretty well balanced. You might even want to increase the Range to 45ft? I don't know, maybe not.
Overall, Seelie and Unseelie Born are pretty well balanced. I'm a big fan! I think I'll try and make a character with one if these Subclasses. Probably an Eladrin, as I don't make those a lot.
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Description: Flavor is Incredible. I love it. I have a reskinned Aarakocra Paladin of the Raven Queen (arisen Kenku), and this would work great for that guy, I think.
For the features of both the Souls and Arcane Paladins, I will be using the reposted version on your Tor-eal Thread, as it is more refined, and has Channel Divinities.
Channel Divinity: Standard. Note: In this thread, the Souls Paladin has no Channel Divinities.
Cloak of the Dead: This is really cool. I don't think that I've ever seen an ability that allows you to not have your Hit Point Maximum Reduced, or your Ability Scores. It's really good, especially against Undead and Intellect Devourers, or stuff along that line.
Path to the Grave: This is exactly the same as the Grave Cleric Channel Divinity. You might want to replace that. I understand that it's thematically appropriate, but it greatly reduces the effectiveness of a Grave Cleric/Souls Paladin Multiclass.
Spells: Good List, nothing to report.
Aura of Necrotic Power: Again, pretty good. You should probably change the "Radiant to Necrotic" to an optional thing, just in case someone wants to not deal this Necrotic damage, but it's still a fun feature.
Harvester of Dying Breath: This is really good. Being able to regain Channel Divinity when a creature within 60ft of you dies is extremely potent. I would change the range to 30ft, maybe even 15ft, just to make it a little more balanced.
Keeper of Spirits: Well balanced, even compared to other 20th level Paladin features.
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Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Dark Guile: Advantage on Deception is nice, though I feel like it could use a bit more, just to keep it in line with Seelie. Maybe add Psychic Resistance as well?
I could do something like that. I'll work on it.
Trickster's Curse: Okay, this is a lot to take in. Bonus Action, 3 Sorc Points, 120ft, creature, Wis Save or be Marked. Okay. You can Teleport them at the start of their turn, they attack the nearest possible creature, no reactions, some Concentration debuffs. That's a lot of stuff. I would remove the Teleport, or at least nerf it to a Reaction, or 15ft, and change the forced Concentration Save to a reaction as well.They are able to repeat the Save at the end of their turn, but, as it is, just one turn would mess this guy up quite a bit.
It is a lot. It's meant to be kind of similar to a Shadow Sorcerer's Hound of Ill Omen. I could make at least one of the features be a reaction, just to balance it out a bit.
Gloam Shroud: Again, pretty well balanced. You might even want to increase the Range to 45ft? I don't know, maybe not.
I think 30 feet is good enough, but I'm not sure. I'll have to playtest it to see.
Overall, Seelie and Unseelie Born are pretty well balanced. I'm a big fan! I think I'll try and make a character with one if these Subclasses. Probably an Eladrin, as I don't make those a lot.
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Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Description: Once more, the Flavor here is amazing.
Channel Divinity: Standard.
Arcane Empowerment: Okay, this is pretty Awesome. Being able to use a Channel Divinity to ignore a Spell Slot is quite good. And, a nice cap with the Prof Bonus, so that it isn't too OP. Well Balanced.
Eldritch Weapon: This is also great. Making a magic weapon that deals Force Damage, and Extra Force Damage, and is great as a thrown weapon, and you can do some fun Burst Damage when you get hit.
Spells: Overall, pretty good. I'm not sure about Absorb Elements, though it is good for a Paladin. I would also switch Mirror Image with Misty Step, or Magic Weapon.
Aura of Arcana: Okay, its fine. Nothing really to add. Mayyybe a minor buff for allies, but I think its fine.
Mimic Magic: This is a MUCH better version of Spell Thief from the Arcane Trickster. It needs a serious nerf. Yes, it doesn't negate the spell, and the target can still cast the spell, but the spell doesn't have to target you, there's no save on their part, and you can use the feature multiple times. Also, it's Passive? It doesn't say that you have to spend a Reaction, soo...add that to the list.
Eldritch Bastion: Well balanced, even compared to other 20th level Paladin features.
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Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Ugh, I thought I fixed that awhile ago. I'll get on it.
Description: Flavor is Incredible. I love it. I have a reskinned Aarakocra Paladin of the Raven Queen (arisen Kenku), and this would work great for that guy, I think.
That character sounds awesome. I actually made a "risen kenku" race for Tor-eal. They're called the Nemrav, and a lot of them are this subclass.
Channel Divinity: Standard. Note: In this thread, the Souls Paladin has no Channel Divinities.
Ah, that's a problem. I'll fix that, too.
Cloak of the Dead: This is really cool. I don't think that I've ever seen an ability that allows you to not have your Hit Point Maximum Reduced, or your Ability Scores. It's really good, especially against Undead and Intellect Devourers, or stuff along that line.
There is a feature for not having your hit point maximum reduced that Necromancer Wizards get, but none for the ability scores. It is extremely useful against shadows, wights, intellect devourers, and other creatures.
Path to the Grave: This is exactly the same as the Grave Cleric Channel Divinity. You might want to replace that. I understand that it's thematically appropriate, but it greatly reduces the effectiveness of a Grave Cleric/Souls Paladin Multiclass.
Do people multiclass between cleric and paladin often? That's very MAD. I don't know if that's a problem, especially as there are other cleric and paladin subclasses that share channel divinities.
Aura of Necrotic Power: Again, pretty good. You should probably change the "Radiant to Necrotic" to an optional thing, just in case someone wants to not deal this Necrotic damage, but it's still a fun feature.
I'll probably do that, just to give a bit of freedom.
Harvester of Dying Breath: This is really good. Being able to regain Channel Divinity when a creature within 60ft of you dies is extremely potent. I would change the range to 30ft, maybe even 15ft, just to make it a little more balanced.
I don't think its OP to have the range be 60 feet, but 30 feet could also work.
Keeper of Spirits: Well balanced, even compared to other 20th level Paladin features.
Yep. I typically base all of my paladin capstone abilities off of similar features.
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Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Oh, other Paladins share Channel Divinities with Clerics? I didn't know that, never mind then.
I might actually want to change the Aarakocra/Kenku to a Nemrav, it's a really cool Race, and fits the character I want to create pretty well.
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Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Ah! Sorry, I apparently didn't update this thread with the most current versions of my Paladin subclasses. I've fixed them now. They are both quite different from what you reviewed. I'll respond to your reviews still, but point out what is different.
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Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Here's my homebrew subclasses. None of these are published, and are merely the current versions of them:
Chronoturgist Artificer:
Chronoturgist Artificer
Shortly after time-shaping magic was discovered by the wizards of the world, who started creating spells and magic items that would allow them to better manipulate the forces of time, the artificers discovered ways to manipulate time as well, with their own arcane devices. Now, artificers have mastered the art of creating time-shaping technology, along with the ability to create magical arcane foci that when infused can allow them to remotely unlock any door, chest or lock. These artificers call themselves Chonoturgists, master infiltrators, masterminds, and expert timekeepers.
Dunamancy has recently been discovered by the people of Wildemount, allowing them to shift possibilities, shape time, create gravity wells, or summon gray duplicates of themselves. On Faerun, chronomancers have existed for millennia, though rare, still existing. In Eberron, many are attempting to figure out the mysteries of time travel to undo the catastrophic Mourning. No matter the world, time-shifters are present. Many different people have discovered the flexibility of time, but none of them as well as a new breed of artificers. Chronoturgists weave time, like Wizards weave magic.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Chronoturgist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class as shown in the Chronoturgist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
shield, gift of alacrity
wristpocket, hold person
slow, pulse wave
dimension door, mordenkainen's private sanctum
temporal shunt, hold monster
Resonant Focus
At 3rd level, you learn how to create a resonant focus. Using tinker's tools you can spend a minute embedding your thieves' tools, or an item that can function as thieves' tools, into a wand, rod, or staff that you are holding to create a resonant focus. At the end of the minute, the thieves' tools magically go inside the wand, rod, or staff, even if they normally couldn't fit inside. Assume that an extradimensional space is created if the focus you chose to become a resonant focus could not regularly fit your thieves' tools inside.
After the minute is up, you've created a magical item that appears to be the original arcane focus that can function as your spellcasting focus. The item also functions as your thieves' tools, but can now extend out to a range. When making a check to use your thieves' tools for unlocking a lock, disarming a trap, or other such actions, you no longer have to be near the target of your thieves' tools.
When making an ability check with your resonant focus you can choose to either use your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to add to the roll. Additionally, the amount of distance you can be from an object you are attempting to use your thieves' tools on is now extended to 30 feet, and you don't need physical contact with it.
Brilliant Mind
Starting at 5th level, when you take a long rest you may switch out one infusion that you know for one that you do not know, instead of just when you level up.
Improved Resonant Focus
Starting at level 9, when you cast a spell that causes the target to make a saving throw, you can give the target disadvantage on the roll. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
Time Master
Starting at level 15, you become a master of manipulating and tracking time. Your study of the track of time has allowed you to know what time of day it is at any moment. If you are aged magically, you know specifically how much you were aged, backwards or forwards. If you travel to a plane of existence or other environment where time is tracked differently, you are able to determine the time of the realm you are on, and what the time is of your home realm.
Additionally, you gain the ability to cast Time Stop as an action, or imbue it into an item, as Spell-Storing Item, but once it is cast in either way, you lose the ability to do so again until you take a long rest.
Arcane Soul Sorcerer:
When the spark of magic that resides in every sorcerer manifests itself due to a connection with the source of arcane magic, an Arcane Soul sorcerer is made. Many origins of this arcane bond are possible, most coming from some ancestral arcane power. Possibly a distant ancestor was a wizard who created a famous spell, maybe now named after them. Or you could have been born at the moment and in near proximity of the casting of an epic spell. Maybe you are reincarnated from a powerful master of magic, with some of that residual energy changing your new form.
An Arcane Soul is seen with contempt by many mages and powerful arcana clerics. As a user of arcane spells, Arcane Spirits sorcerers can be seen as cheaters in the Art of Arcane Magic. They are almost never viewed as true masters of magic due to their power being innate. Clerics, Wizards, and Warlocks who practice arcane magic have to give up time and resources to earn their power, and Arcane Souls were handed this power freely, even if they still must cultivate and train this power.
In some societies, families that have bloodlines of Arcane Soul sorcerers are looked up on, being placed higher in status due to this blessing. In these communities, arcane power is valued, and those who do the least work to achieve this power are honored for their connection to arcane magic.
Arcane Magic
Your link to the arcane allows you to learn spells from the wizard class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a sorcerer cantrip or sorcerer spell of 1st level or highter, you can choose the spell from the wizard list or the sorcerer list. You must otherwise obey all restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
In addition, your inherent arcane abilities allow you to know more spells than usual. Choose two spells of 1st level (or higher at later levels) from the wizard spell list when you first gain this feature. You automatically learn those spells, and they don't count against the amount of spells you can learn. You learn an additional two spells this way at the following levels: 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th.
Spellborn Luck
Starting at 1st level, when you make an ability check, you may add 2d4 to your check total. You may do so after you see the roll, but before the DM determines the outcome. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Empowered Arcana
At 6th level, the arcane energy coursing through your blood can strengthen eldritch power. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls damage dice for a spell, you can expend 1 sorcery point to reroll any amount of those dice of your choice once, provided you aren't incapacitated. You can only use this feature once a turn.
Spell Master
When you gain this feature at level 14, your inherent power over arcane magic allows for you to more easily cast spells. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st-level or higher, you may do so using an amount of sorcery points equal to the spell's level, instead of expending a spell slot.
Additionally, when you cast a spell by expending a spell slot, you can regain 1 sorcery point. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses when you finish a long rest.
Wrought with Power
Starting at 18th level, your fuel of magic increases in times of need. As a bonus action, when your current sorcery points are equal to or less than half your maximum amount, you can regain half of your maximum sorcery points.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you take a long rest.
Seelie Born Sorcerer:
Your innate magic comes from the aloof magic of the Feywild. An ancestor may have been blessed for aiding the Seelie Court in difficult times, spent time in the Feywild after traveling through a fey-crossing and mingled with seelie fey, or you could be descended from a seelie fey from the Feywild. Though you could be a Seelie Born due to your lineage, you could also have been changed in someway on your own. You could have had a child with a fey, been charmed for years or decades by a seelie, or been infused with the blood of a seelie fey.
Seelie Magic
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Seelie Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.
Seelie Spells
charm person, color spray
mirror image, misty step
hypnotic pattern, nondetection
compulsion, polymorph
geas, modify memory
Aloof Nature
Starting at level 1, when a creature uses a Wisdom (Insight) check to try to determine your emotions or intentions, they make the check at disadvantage.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the misty step using 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. When you cast it using sorcery points, the distances you may teleport becomes 60 feet.
Seelie Blood
At 1st level, you gain resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm you.
Faerie's Luck
Starting at level 6, when a creature succeeds on a saving throw against a spell you cast, as a reaction, you may expend 3 sorcery points to force them to reroll the saving throw at disadvantage.
Twisted Fey
When you gain this feature at 14th level, you can manipulate the environment around you to become more like the Feywild. A brief image of the wooded lands of the Feywild is projected around you, distorting distance and time. As an action, you can create a 30 foot radius area around you that takes on some properties of the Feywild. This area becomes difficult terrain while creatures are moving closer to you, but they move twice the normal distance their movement would allow while moving away from you in this area. Additionally, at the start of each round after you use this ability, each creature must reroll initiative.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest, or expend a 3rd-level spell slot or higher to regain one use of it.
Beguiling Charm
At level 18, your mastery over the charming powers of the seelie fey allow you to beguile masses of creatures and be protected from the charms of fey creatures as well. You gain immunity to the charmed condition when you gain this feature.
Additionally, you may use an action to charm creatures around you. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or become charmed. For the next minute, or until they succeed on the saving throw, a charmed creature regards you as an ally and does as you command it. If you give no orders to it, it simply does nothing on its turn. A charmed creature gets to repeat the saving throw whenever it takes damage, and at the end of each of its turns.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you take a long rest or expend 7 sorcery points.
Unseelie Blood Sorcerer:
Your innate magic comes from the mysterious Feywild, but unlike the Seelie Born, your magic apparently originates from the dark fey powers of the Feywild, classed the Unseelie. You may be descended from a hag, darkling, or some other unseelie fey, or possibly were stolen as a baby and replaced by an unseelie fey and warped by the weird processes of the Feywild you experienced. Maybe, you were created during a ritual by a coven of hags, using cauldrons and strange brews. In any way, you have been warped by dark feyish powers, and can use this magic for many purposes.
Unseelie Magic
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Unseelie Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.
Unseelie Spells
bane, disguise self
alter self, phantasmal force
bestow curse, fear
confusion, greater invisibility
dream, mislead
Shifting Form
At level 1, your inherent fey blood allows you to have better control over your form. When a creature casts a spell on you that would change your form, if you are unwilling, you make the saving throw against that spell at advantage.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the alter self spell using 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. When you cast it using sorcery points, it requires no concentration for the duration.
Dark Guile
When you gain this feature at level 1, you have advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks.
Trickster's Curse
At 6th level, your unseelie magic allows you to curse others with harmful magic. As a bonus action expend 3 sorcery points and choose one creature within 120 feet of you to magically mark. They must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or gain the following traits:
A marked creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns and when an ally of yours damages the marked creature. On a successful save, this effect ends on them.
Master of Disguised Deceit
When you gain this feature at level 14, you become a true master of cloaking your inherent abilities. When you cast a spell or use an ability that would charm or frighten a creature, and a creature is not effected by the feature due to an immunity to the charmed or frightened condition, you can expend 4 sorcery points to ignore that immunity for the spell or effect you use.
Additionally, truesight cannot see through your illusions or determine your true form, you cannot be compelled to tell the truth by magic, and your lies cannot be discerned magically.
Gloam Shroud
Starting at level 18, you can wreath yourself in a dark magical cloak of gloomy energy, frightening and confusing others. As an action, each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened by you. This condition lasts for a minute, or until they succeed on the saving throw, which a frightened creature can repeat at the end of each of its turns. A frightened creature is blinded, deafened, and can't speak, thus causing them to not be able of casting spells with verbal components while under this effect. At the start of a frightened creature's turns, it takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage).
Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest, or expend a 6th level spell slot or higher to recharge this ability.
Oath of Souls Paladin:
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at level 3, you gain the following Channel Divinity options.
Cloak of Death. As a bonus action, you may expend your Channel Divinity to wreath yourself in negative energy, allowing you to more easily slay undead. For the next minute, you ignore resistance to necrotic damage, and your melee weapon attacks count as magical. During this duration, when you deal radiant damage, you may switch the damage to necrotic, or vice versa.
Path to the Grave. As an action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you, cursing it until the end of your next turn, using your Channel Divinity. The next time you or an ally of yours hits the cursed creature with an attack, the creature has vulnerability to all of that attack’s damage, and then the curse ends.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of Souls table.
Oath of Souls Spells
Aura of Necrotic Shielding
Starting at level 7, an aura of necrotic energy shields you and your allies, while also empowering your own attacks. As long as you are not incapacitated, you and each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you gains resistance to necrotic damage, and their hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
At 18th level, this aura's radius becomes 30 feet.
Harvester of Dying Breath
At 15th level, when an enemy within 60 feet of you dies, you may use your reaction to regain a use of your Channel Divinity. You may use this feature once, and can use it again when you finish a short rest.
Spirit Guide
At level 20, you become a guide of the dead and dying, allowing you to harness the necrotic energy that suffuses your soul and body. As an action, you can surround your form with dying energy of those who have passed on, gaining the following benefits for the next minute:
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Oath of the Arcane Paladin:
The Oath of the Arcane is sworn by those who wish to carry out the goals of those who are true masters of arcane powers, while not wishing to become a master themselves. Often called Arcane Warriors or Eldritch Bulwarks, they who swear the oath vow to protect the mission of eldritch powers and block attacks against their mage masters. Though they are far arcane power from the exemplars that are wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, they do gain some eldritch magic from the oath that they uphold.
Though Eldritch Bulwarks do vow to protect masters of arcana, they do not hold this to be a universal law amongst their orders. Some of these paladins do choose to protect any mage under nearly any conditions, but most are more selective, choosing masters to serve depending on their goals, alignment, ideals, and other important factors. In many worlds there are paladins who devote themselves to divine orders, but it is rare to find paladins who serve arcane powers. In Toril, they may swear themselves to the Weave, Mystra, Azuth, or an ancient Netheril wizard or lich. In Eberron, knights of this order may serve the Ring of Siberys, The Shadow, Sul Khatesh, or the Wizards of Arcanix. IN Exandria, these knights may serve the Cerberus Assembly, the Luxon, or another arcane power. In Tor-eal, the Yikkan Goblinoids have many servants of the Yikare, and Oath of the Arcane paladins are relatively common. Others of this order in Tor-eal may swear themselves to Vecna, Zilya Darkcord, or the master artificers of Lantan.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. When a creature within 30 feet of you (including you) casts a spell using a spell slot, you may use your reaction to cause the spell to come into effect without expending a spell slot, using your Channel Divinity instead. The spell slot used to cast the spell must be of a level that you can cast.
Eldritch Weapon. As a bonus action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with forceful arcane energy, using your Channel Divinity. For the next minute, when you hit with this weapon, all damage that you deal with its attack deals force damage. Additionally, it deals extra force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
If the weapon ever leaves your hand, you can choose to teleport it instantly back to your hand (no action required). If you are ever incapacitated, this effect ends. Additionally, if you take damage from a creature within 30 feet of you, you may end this effect as a reaction, dealing force damage to the creature equal to 2d10 + your paladin level.
Oath Spells
Oath of the Arcane Spells
find familiar, magic missile
hold person, misty step
fly, magic circle
dimension door, mordenkainen's faithful hound
bigby's hand, steel wind strike
Aura of Arcana
Beginning at level 7, eldritch power surrounds you, causing others to have a more difficult time avoiding spell effects. Each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 10 feet.
Mimic Magic.
Starting at 15th level, when a nearby creature casts a spell, you may quickly learn how to cast that spell, preparing it.
Whenever a creature within 60 feet casts a spell, you may use your reaction to temporarily learn and prepare that spell. This spell must be of a level you can cast, and does not count against your number of prepared spells, and counts as Paladin spells for you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). These spells stay prepared until the end of your next long rest.
While you have these spells prepared you may cast each spell once without material components, and without expending a spell slot. Once you cast a spell in this way, it is no longer prepared.
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
That's it for now. I'll add more subclasses in later posts with links to their threads.
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Looking forward to these being published if you plan to. I like how you think.
Thanks! I unfortunately will have to playtest them before I publish them, and I haven't started a new campaign or had the opportunity to use these for awhile, so I don't know the timeline of getting these published.
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I'm planning on adding more comments regarding the other Subclasses, I just haven't read them all yet :P
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Thanks for the review! I made this subclass a long time ago. Here's my response to your comments:
Yeah, they're kind of weird choices. Any recommendations to replace them?
Yeah, I know. It's kind of weird, and I could probably make a better explanation for it, but I'm not really sure how to do that. I don't think it's overpowered, especially when compared to other level 3 artificer subclass features, but it is extremely useful.
The class feature variants UA does not have any such feature. The one in Tasha's may, but we don't know about if it does. If it does, I will end up changing this, but for now, it's fine.
I'm not sure. This subclass isn't really themed around damage a ton, kind of like how the Doctor doesn't use weapons, but I could change that a bit. I'll think about it.
Time Stop is a good spell, a really good one, but it is not overpowered to give to this artificer at level 15. Full casters with this spell get access to it at 17th level, just two levels away from this. I know, it feels weird giving a half-caster a 9th level spell, but this really isn't overpowered.
Great! I will wait for more reviews! Take your time. Thanks!
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Okay, I just read the Arcane Soul Subclass. Thoughts:
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
I enjoy the flavor of all these subclasses! I'm bookmarking this page so I can find it later.
In regards to your thoughts on my thoughts on the Chronoturgist:
I don't really know what to suggest for the Spell List. Maybe Death Ward? As like a "turn back the clock" kind of thing?
Thanks for letting me know about the UA thingy, then I think that the ability is fine.
And with the Time Stop, I think that it would be fine if they learned it at 17th level, I just feel like learning it BEFORE the full casters is a little bit much.
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
I know, I know. I've gotten that comment a lot. Here are some examples of how someone with this origin could have gotten their powers, just to explain it a bit better:
Yep, that's the point. Not overly useful, just a good feature.
It's very similar to the Divine Soul Sorcerer's "Favored of the Gods" ability, so I don't think it's really OP.
Yeah. It kind of steps on the toes of Empowered Metamagic, but I think it's mostly good.
It is very potent. I probably need to limit it a lot more, but the general idea is probably staying. I could change the first part to Cha. mod. per long rest, and completely get rid of the second part.
Yep. It's a good feature, and I think it fits the subclass.
Thanks for the comments! I've been making a few more subclasses lately (currently the Dragon Rider Fighter, which I'll add here when I finish it), so I'm mostly focusing on those, but I'll work on revising a few of these that need it.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
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Thanks! I'm glad you like them. I'll add a few more later.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Thanks for the thoughts! I'm working on the Seelie at the moment, so that should be up in a few minutes.
I like your ideas regarding the gaining of the Arcane Power! They make a lot of sense thematically, and could lead to a lot of fun roleplaying. After reading what you said, I'm thinking about maybe making a Warforged Arcane Sorcerer that was created by a powerful Artificer.
For Spellborn Luck, I didn't realize that the Divine Soul had a similar ability! In that case, its fine, and not overpowered.
For Spell Master, I think that your idea for fixing it is great.
I looked at the Dragon Rider briefly, but didn't read it to thoroughly. I'll have to go check it out again!
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Seelie Born!
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Yeah, it's good. It's kind of like the Shadow Sorcerer's ability.
Yeah, the rerolling initiative may be a bit problematic. I could replace that with charming or something like that. I just wanted to emulate the time-weirdness of the Feywild, but it may be executed incorrectly.
Great! The subclass is one of the better balanced ones that I have made. It's a good sorcerer, and its features make sense for a seelie fey warlock. Eladrin definitely fit this subclass very well.
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Unseelie Born!
Overall, Seelie and Unseelie Born are pretty well balanced. I'm a big fan! I think I'll try and make a character with one if these Subclasses. Probably an Eladrin, as I don't make those a lot.
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Order of Souls
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
I could do something like that. I'll work on it.
It is a lot. It's meant to be kind of similar to a Shadow Sorcerer's Hound of Ill Omen. I could make at least one of the features be a reaction, just to balance it out a bit.
I think 30 feet is good enough, but I'm not sure. I'll have to playtest it to see.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Oath of the Arcane
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Ugh, I thought I fixed that awhile ago. I'll get on it.
That character sounds awesome. I actually made a "risen kenku" race for Tor-eal. They're called the Nemrav, and a lot of them are this subclass.
Ah, that's a problem. I'll fix that, too.
There is a feature for not having your hit point maximum reduced that Necromancer Wizards get, but none for the ability scores. It is extremely useful against shadows, wights, intellect devourers, and other creatures.
Do people multiclass between cleric and paladin often? That's very MAD. I don't know if that's a problem, especially as there are other cleric and paladin subclasses that share channel divinities.
I'll probably do that, just to give a bit of freedom.
I don't think its OP to have the range be 60 feet, but 30 feet could also work.
Yep. I typically base all of my paladin capstone abilities off of similar features.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
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Oh, other Paladins share Channel Divinities with Clerics? I didn't know that, never mind then.
I might actually want to change the Aarakocra/Kenku to a Nemrav, it's a really cool Race, and fits the character I want to create pretty well.
Seven there shall be/In the halls of the eighth/Eights shall witness/Eight and eight and eight and eight/Blood of the father/Blood of the sun/Endless darkness/Day is done
Savior/Sovereign/Saint Foresworn/Traitor/Trusted/Tortured Truthborn/Chosen/Cursed
Created by deities/Created by mortals/Created by powers unseen/Unheard of
Fate speaks of one/Fate speaks to none/Eternal shadows/Day is Done.
Ah! Sorry, I apparently didn't update this thread with the most current versions of my Paladin subclasses. I've fixed them now. They are both quite different from what you reviewed. I'll respond to your reviews still, but point out what is different.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms