Does the Tarrasque have hit dice, and if so, what are they? I'm working on a campaign where the players are given a quest by a wealthy nobleman to retrieve a stolen gem that turns out to have the Tarrasque sealed in it with the imprisonment spell. Since the special component for the form of imprisonment that seals the target inside a gem is a large gemstone worth at least 500 GP per hit die of the target, I want to know what the value of the gem would be so the NPC giving the quest can offer that amount as a reward so the players will be motivated to find it.
All monsters hit points are expressed in the following format:
[average] ([number of hit dice][size of hit dice] + [constitution and other modifiers])
So for example, for the tarrasque, the average is 676, which is based off a d20 hit dice of which they have 33, plus a modifier of 330 derived from their +10 constitution modifier multiplied by the same number as their hit dice.
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All monsters hit points are expressed in the following format:
[average] ([number of hit dice][size of hit dice] + [constitution and other modifiers])
So for example, for the tarrasque, the average is 676, which is based off a d20 hit dice of which they have 33, plus a modifier of 330 derived from their +10 constitution modifier multiplied by the same number as their hit dice.
It sounds like the value of the gem would be 16,500 gp (500 gp times 33 hit dice).
Fun fact: 16500 gp, at 50 gp/pound, is 330 pounds of gold...converting to Troy ounces that’s 4812.5 troy oz (Troy oz is the standard measure for gold IRL and Weighs more than a standard oz). At $1747 per Troy oz, the gem you need it worth about $8.4 million
Does the Tarrasque have hit dice, and if so, what are they? I'm working on a campaign where the players are given a quest by a wealthy nobleman to retrieve a stolen gem that turns out to have the Tarrasque sealed in it with the imprisonment spell. Since the special component for the form of imprisonment that seals the target inside a gem is a large gemstone worth at least 500 GP per hit die of the target, I want to know what the value of the gem would be so the NPC giving the quest can offer that amount as a reward so the players will be motivated to find it.
All monsters hit points are expressed in the following format:
[average] ([number of hit dice][size of hit dice] + [constitution and other modifiers])
So for example, for the tarrasque, the average is 676, which is based off a d20 hit dice of which they have 33, plus a modifier of 330 derived from their +10 constitution modifier multiplied by the same number as their hit dice.
It sounds like the value of the gem would be 16,500 gp (500 gp times 33 hit dice).
Fun fact: 16500 gp, at 50 gp/pound, is 330 pounds of gold...converting to Troy ounces that’s 4812.5 troy oz (Troy oz is the standard measure for gold IRL and Weighs more than a standard oz). At $1747 per Troy oz, the gem you need it worth about $8.4 million
the tarrasque has 33 d20 hit dice + 330