That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Strength bonus == Strength modifier?
Quote from SCAG, page 122, Totemic Attunement, Elk
It's a mistake probably from repetition after reversing proficiency bonus it should have say modifier as it's not necessarily a bonus, it can be a malus.
It doesn't follow the usual method of DC listing which is normally DC = X + your proficiency bonus + your ability score modifier
Intimidating Presence: If the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier)
Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
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I can't figure out what Strength bonus is.
Strength bonus == Strength modifier?
Quote from SCAG, page 122, Totemic Attunement, Elk
Birgit | Shifter | Sorcerer | Dragonlords
Shayone | Hobgoblin | Sorcerer | Netherdeep
It's a mistake probably from repetition after reversing proficiency bonus it should have say modifier as it's not necessarily a bonus, it can be a malus.
It doesn't follow the usual method of DC listing which is normally DC = X + your proficiency bonus + your ability score modifier