My sister just asked me. What route would one take to get two attacks for a wizard like a dual wield rogue or ranger might have. Not two spell attacks but two with a staff. I didn't have the answer so I'm asking you all. ;)
As far as I am aware you need the extra attack skill from a 5th level in another class for a reliable 2 attacks per round. Or as a wizard cast haste on yourself. Not sure of the other ideas.
1st question is why would you want to have two attacks as a wizard? The Cantrips offer 2d6. 2d8, and 2d10 damage at 5th level. With the ability to target weak points not related to AC (dex saves and the like), one might question the need to have two attacks. Higher level spells than cantrips are also going to offer the benefit of half damage on a miss. Beyond the "it feels good to roll twice" feeling, I don't believe you gain much from making a staff attack. Keep in mind at best staff is going to be doing str damage, which is hopefully not a good stat for her. So her + to hit would be lower than if she attacked with a spell and the bonus strength damage isn't going to that big a deal.
Haste would allow two attacks, but is concentration, and therefore can keep her from doing many more beneficial spells. Also if Haste is going to be cast, it is probably best to cast it on someone else who is going to have a high plus to hit, not simply to roll more dice for yourself.
Besides that, the only way to do so would be to multiclass in another class (not sorcerer, rogue, etc. that don't get a second attack) till level 5. Five levels in another non spell casting class is really going to hurt a wizard, so I would avoid that.
The best part about 5th is that the cantrips are useful once you fun low on spells or need to conserve them. The cantrips are better than the weapon attacks you can make with a wizard, and if you like rolling against AC, you can still do that with a cantrip. The only thing is you can't do it twice. A wizard really shouldn't be attacking with a staff, unless forced to do so by an anti-magic zone.
I'll assume the Wizard doesn't wear armor nor use a shield.
I'll go out on a limb and assume she has a decent Dex and probably higher then her Str.
a level of Monk will give her access to monk weapons and Unarmored Defense, so she can add whatever Wisdom to her defense (probably not a lot, but every bit helps). This means her staff use her dex, which I assume is higher.
She can now attack once with her staff as an Action and once with her staff unarmed as a Bonus Action.
EDIT: As Sloplorian reminded me, you can't make a weapon attack with your bonus.
I'd still argue a single level of monk scarifies only 1 spell level and gives a pretty good trade off vs the Pole Master feat... then again Gauntlets of Ogre Strength are cheap (do eat an Attunement slot and Gauntlet slot), and an enemy would ru the day it got in melee with a Wizard in those gauntlets with that feat!
If it is specifically a staff, Polearm Master is the simplest way. But you could always dual wield weapons and get the bonus attack action the exact same way without a feat (daggers). Though, using that route you are likely to need a feat anyway to not loose your wizard functionality (Warcaster feat). If you are going to have a wizard that wants to be up in the thick of combat Warcaster is a good feat to have anyway.
She can now attack once with her staff as an Action and once with her staff as a Bonus Action.
Monks can't use a monk weapon for the bonus action attack.
"When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action"
This is important, because the quarterstaff can be used as a versatile weapon. Meaning instead of dealing 1d8/1d8 for your main and your bonus action, you only do 1d8/1d4
Also, if a monk (or the wizard in question) gets a magical quarterstaff, the on-hit effects of the quarterstaff can only be used once. For example: a Staff of Striking gives a +3 to attack and damage rolls and you can expend up to 3 charges to deal an extra 1d6 force damage per charge. If you allow monk weapons to be used in place of the unarmed bonus attacks, you'll be looking at using that weapon up to 4x in one round (assuming you have extra attack and use Flurry of Blows). Meaning you could blow through all 10 charges in one round (though you'd probably want to leave 1, charge just to avoid the 5% chance of it breaking). So, assuming a Dex of 16 (and average damage rolls) that's, 64 damage in one round [9 (4d8) + 31 (9d6) + 24] and even if you don't expend a charge, it's still an extra +3 damage for each attack (+6 dpr is a BIG increase)
“It is a better world. A place where we are responsible for our actions, where we can be kind to one another because we want to and because it is the right thing to do instead of being frightened into behaving by the threat of divine punishment.” ― Oramis, Eldest by Christopher Paolini.
I would let player character attack once with a quarterstaff and then a second attack with a Bonus Action (No bonus Strength to damage), just like any basic two-weapon fighting rules. Very swashbuckling ala Robin Hood.
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After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. – Proverb
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My sister just asked me. What route would one take to get two attacks for a wizard like a dual wield rogue or ranger might have. Not two spell attacks but two with a staff. I didn't have the answer so I'm asking you all. ;)
As far as I am aware you need the extra attack skill from a 5th level in another class for a reliable 2 attacks per round. Or as a wizard cast haste on yourself. Not sure of the other ideas.
1st question is why would you want to have two attacks as a wizard? The Cantrips offer 2d6. 2d8, and 2d10 damage at 5th level. With the ability to target weak points not related to AC (dex saves and the like), one might question the need to have two attacks. Higher level spells than cantrips are also going to offer the benefit of half damage on a miss. Beyond the "it feels good to roll twice" feeling, I don't believe you gain much from making a staff attack. Keep in mind at best staff is going to be doing str damage, which is hopefully not a good stat for her. So her + to hit would be lower than if she attacked with a spell and the bonus strength damage isn't going to that big a deal.
Haste would allow two attacks, but is concentration, and therefore can keep her from doing many more beneficial spells. Also if Haste is going to be cast, it is probably best to cast it on someone else who is going to have a high plus to hit, not simply to roll more dice for yourself.
Besides that, the only way to do so would be to multiclass in another class (not sorcerer, rogue, etc. that don't get a second attack) till level 5. Five levels in another non spell casting class is really going to hurt a wizard, so I would avoid that.
The best part about 5th is that the cantrips are useful once you fun low on spells or need to conserve them. The cantrips are better than the weapon attacks you can make with a wizard, and if you like rolling against AC, you can still do that with a cantrip. The only thing is you can't do it twice. A wizard really shouldn't be attacking with a staff, unless forced to do so by an anti-magic zone.
Bladesinger gets Extra Attack at level 6
If it's specifically with a quarterstaff you could take Polearm Master as a feat to get an extra attack as a bonus action
Thats a good answer. Can the first attack be a cantrip and the second be the staff of pole arm master?
No polearm master specifically tells you that first you use your action to attack with the polearm and as bonus action you can deal an extra damage.
1 Level of monk.
I'll assume the Wizard doesn't wear armor nor use a shield.
I'll go out on a limb and assume she has a decent Dex and probably higher then her Str.
a level of Monk will give her access to monk weapons and Unarmored Defense, so she can add whatever Wisdom to her defense (probably not a lot, but every bit helps). This means her staff use her dex, which I assume is higher.
She can now attack once with her staff as an Action and once with her
staffunarmed as a Bonus Action.EDIT: As Sloplorian reminded me, you can't make a weapon attack with your bonus.
I'd still argue a single level of monk scarifies only 1 spell level and gives a pretty good trade off vs the Pole Master feat... then again Gauntlets of Ogre Strength are cheap (do eat an Attunement slot and Gauntlet slot), and an enemy would ru the day it got in melee with a Wizard in those gauntlets with that feat!
If it is specifically a staff, Polearm Master is the simplest way. But you could always dual wield weapons and get the bonus attack action the exact same way without a feat (daggers). Though, using that route you are likely to need a feat anyway to not loose your wizard functionality (Warcaster feat). If you are going to have a wizard that wants to be up in the thick of combat Warcaster is a good feat to have anyway.
Thanks everyone!
"When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action"
This is important, because the quarterstaff can be used as a versatile weapon. Meaning instead of dealing 1d8/1d8 for your main and your bonus action, you only do 1d8/1d4
Also, if a monk (or the wizard in question) gets a magical quarterstaff, the on-hit effects of the quarterstaff can only be used once. For example: a Staff of Striking gives a +3 to attack and damage rolls and you can expend up to 3 charges to deal an extra 1d6 force damage per charge. If you allow monk weapons to be used in place of the unarmed bonus attacks, you'll be looking at using that weapon up to 4x in one round (assuming you have extra attack and use Flurry of Blows). Meaning you could blow through all 10 charges in one round (though you'd probably want to leave 1, charge just to avoid the 5% chance of it breaking). So, assuming a Dex of 16 (and average damage rolls) that's, 64 damage in one round [9 (4d8) + 31 (9d6) + 24] and even if you don't expend a charge, it's still an extra +3 damage for each attack (+6 dpr is a BIG increase)
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“It is a better world. A place where we are responsible for our actions, where we can be kind to one another because we want to and because it is the right thing to do instead of being frightened into behaving by the threat of divine punishment.” ― Oramis, Eldest by Christopher Paolini.
I would let player character attack once with a quarterstaff and then a second attack with a Bonus Action (No bonus Strength to damage), just like any basic two-weapon fighting rules. Very swashbuckling ala Robin Hood.
After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. – Proverb