I want dispel evil and good to not require 2 of your actions to use 1 of its modal effects.
I want swift quiver to let you make the 2 extra attacks when you cast it as well as using your bonus action during your subsequent turns, instead of waiting a turn to use the 2 extra attacks.
I'll also add that greater restoration should be available to paladins, and should state everything it can do right in the text. This spell has been known to cure madness, magical aging, and memory loss. So there has to be a way to state this spell can heal pretty much anything that isn't straight up damage.
I expect Conjure Animals/Celestial/Elemental/Fey/Minor Elementals/Woodland Beings to be either removed (replaced by Tasha's summons) or heavily limited (in particular, conjuring 8 of anything I can't see continuing to exist).
1. Identify- although this has more to do with making the spell as is have more value by eliminating the option of learning a magic item's properties by attuning/focusing over a short rest without a spell.
2. Shield- it's over powered. A popular suggested fix is to change the AC bonus to your Proficiency Bonus, so it scales up with the player. But that's problematic, too, because the spell then becomes more powerful as you gain levels, even though the spell slot stays the same. I dunno. Maybe it could scale up with spell slot level?
3.Cure Wounds- it needs a slight power boost, to make people want to use it. Most people prefer Hesling Word for its range, and then use it to pop up allies when they've been knocked out. Actual healing to restore hit points is often viewed as an inefficient use of resources. Cure Wounds needs to be buffed to change that opinion. I'd suggest just adding another d8 at level 1, and scaling up from there (3d8 at 2nd level, 4d8 at 3rd, etc...)
4. Aid. I hope they revert it to its 2014 version. The playtest version changed it to temporary hp. But EVERYTHING gives temp hp now. And temp hp do not stack.
5. Find Traps. It should actually find traps. It should give the caster exact information about where all traps are within range and what the nature of their trigger mechanisms are, so as to grant advantage to anyone in the party trying to disarm them. As is, this spell is worse than just making a Perception check.
6. Daylight- needs to explicitly say that this spell's light is sunlight, for the purposes of how it interacts with certain creatures (vampires, for example).
7. Enlarge/Reduce- I'd like to see this scale, so that the size & damage die doubles again at spell level 5, and again at spell level 8. So that you're huge & adding a d8 at 5th level, and you're gargantuan with 2d8 at 8th level. Shrinking takes a creature to Tiny at 5th level, and to sub-Tiny (like insect-size) at 8th level. Make this spell a real Ant-Man power.
8. Rope Trick- explicitly state that, as part of the spell, caster & allies are able to climb into it... so I don't have any more wonderful DMs asking my 7 Strength Wizard to make an Athletics check to climb into their own spell and fail- making the casting of it useless.
9. Fabricate. Should have the Ritual tag.
10. Mending. Should be an action. I think the limitations in the spell description are enough of a restraint.
11. Clerics need more cantrips on their list. I get that Wizards are supposed to have the biggest, most diverse list... but Clerics have only 9 cantrips to choose? This makes most clerics have the same cantrips. Which is boring.
12. Other damage cantrips besides Firebolt should explicitly state that they are usable on objects. Like Acid Splash, Frost Bite, Eldritch Blast, etc. I don't know about Radiant or Psychic damage, but the elemental damages & force should work on objects.
13. Weird. Just really bad. It might be an okay 3rd level spell. But 9th? No. I don't think you even try to fix this, just nix this.
14. Mordenkainen's Sword. For 7th level, it should have a 60 ft movement each turn on your bonus action, not 20. And 3d10 damage is not great for 7th level. It IS only a bonus action, but also concentration. 4 or 5 d10 would be better.
15. In general, a bunch of spells need to have their damage adjusted, to entice more people to use those spells. Melf's Acid Arrow comes to mind.
It would be nice if Command occurred immediately instead of on the target's next turn but lasted until the end of it's next turn, and no saving throw.
It would be nice if Invisibility had similar wording to Sanctuary for how it ended instead of making an attack or casting a spell, and lasted for 24 hours.
And Fireball and Lightning Bolt did 10d6 damage (in honor of 1D&D being released a decade after 5e).
(These are just off the top of my head.)
Command is bound by the order of operations of combat; outside of specific exceptions a creature acts only on its turn, and no mind control spell that I'm aware of supersedes that order of operations. All such spells feel a little weird based on the timing, but the effect will still last for a full round if its cast successfully, so it doesn't really need the slight extension of the effect's duration. And 24 hour Invisibility would just be broken.
14. Mordenkainen's Sword. For 7th level, it should have a 60 ft movement each turn on your bonus action, not 20. And 3d10 damage is not great for 7th level. It IS only a bonus action, but also concentration. 4 or 5 d10 would be better.
Not defending the spell, because it is not worthy of a 7th level slot either way, but mordenkainen's sword is actually capable of doing up to 6d10 damage the first turn you cast it. Because you can use your action to cast it (at which point it can then attack), and then use your bonus action that same turn to make another attack.
But beyond that, I agree with you. The damage is still too low for the level, and movement speed is also weirdly low.
It would be nice if Command occurred immediately instead of on the target's next turn but lasted until the end of it's next turn, and no saving throw.
It would be nice if Invisibility had similar wording to Sanctuary for how it ended instead of making an attack or casting a spell, and lasted for 24 hours.
And Fireball and Lightning Bolt did 10d6 damage (in honor of 1D&D being released a decade after 5e).
(These are just off the top of my head.)
Wow... cause spellcasters need a massive buff! (sarcasm). These are all crazy making spellcasters vastly more powerful at lower levels.
1) Tasha's summoning spells to have their damage per attack scale rather than their number of attacks and require a BA to command them.
2) Conjure X & animate objects to be restricted to the option where you summon 1-2 creatures and require a BA to command them.
3) All control spells to get either repeat saves or other ways to break them : - Banishment : repeat save at end of each turn, - Wall of Force : use an action to make a STR check to break it, - Forcecage : use an action to make a check to break it. - Hypnotic Pattern : save at the end of each turn - Fear : remove the fleeing and instead reduce their speed to 0, also save at the end of each turn. - Domination : taking damage breaks it not just allow a save.
4) Nerfing the must-takes : - Misty Step requires an Action - Shield cannot be cast if wearing any armour or using a shield and only lasts until the end of the current creature's turn. - Counterspell : target makes a save with their spellcasting ability against your spell DC. - Polymorph : limited to creatures of CR <=1/2 the creature's level or CR that you have seen before.
5) Fixing spells that don't work: - Find Traps actually finds traps. - Daylight produces sunlight - Flame Blade is an actual weapon that uses the Attack action. - Phantasmal Killer, Weird, Mort's Sword, Vampiric Touch : need to not suck.
By the way, what I want is for spells like Wall of Force to be well explained and not open to interpretation. And while we are at it, let the entire magic system be clear and not open to discussions.
It's funny that the first two answers have been to make the spells more powerful.
Then there will be people who complain that 5e is not balanced, but a large part of the community does not want it to be.
A lot of people just play their character to indulge in a power fantasy and don't care about everyone else or about the DM needing to try and balance things out, news at 11!
Almost no spell needs a buff at the moment (yes yes true strike does hah), but many need nerfs or clarifications. It's not what the power fantasy crowd wants but it's what's best for the overall health of the game IMO.
A lot of people just play their character to indulge in a power fantasy and don't care about everyone else or about the DM needing to try and balance things out, news at 11!
Almost no spell needs a buff at the moment (yes yes true strike does hah), but many need nerfs or clarifications. It's not what the power fantasy crowd wants but it's what's best for the overall health of the game IMO.
I can agree that conjure elemental and conjure fey don't really need a buff, though the buff is more just being able to use it immediately rather than have to prep it ahead of time.
For that matter, why do you think find traps is fine as it is?
And I didn't ask for greater restoration to be buffed; I asked for it to be given to a class that's weirdly missing it, and to clarify all of the things it can do already.
Wish should be removed. Same with the munchkin high level spells like simulacrum and clone and crap. It takes weeks to cast, and nobody does it without doing stupid broken crap like, "I create 20.copies of myself, each knowing the wish spell..." gtfoutta here with that bs.
Polymorph, true polymorph, and so on should have the caveat of a "willing" creature to remove shenanigans of skipping a battle by turning every big evil into a toad and killing it in a strange way or keeping it in a jar.
Same goes for gate, dimension door, etc. No isekai'ing villains for an easy fix.
Edit: yeah, I'm a bit of an idiot. The conjure versus summon bit. I wish the summons were more of a middle ground between the two, with a cr requirement, but specific creatures being summoned, and with a lower spell level so scaling is possible (but at every 2 spell levels).
Swap some spells around to different lists to try and give more class identity.
Magic stone is awesome but it's a bit clunky due to its bonus action and 3 at a time nonsense. Is first level or a cantrip? I can't be bothered to look it up right now. Get rid of it for the warlock and sorcerer spell list. They'll never take it with better blaster cantrips. Stick it with the druid and I like that it works with the sling, but let it be last resort blaster cantrip option and as long as they are using a sling and sling ammo (nothing exotic) , it works fine without affecting their existing sling mechanics.
gate needs you to travel to another plane of existence to use it in that way against a villain without expending any extra effort. The gate spell can be used in combination with demiplane to imprison a BBEG, but that's something you have to deliberately prepare ahead of time. Also, you could have someone try to shove the BBEG through the portal, but that shouldn't be easy.
You're thinking more along the lines of banishment, maze, and plane shift. plane shift at least can be controlled by the DM because of needing the tuning fork, and you have to go through a melee attack roll and a Charisma save for it to actually stick. And maze is only temporary.
gate needs you to travel to another plane of existence to use it in that way against a villain. The gate spell can be used in combination with demiplane to imprison a BBEG, but that's something you have to deliberately prepare ahead of time.
You're thinking more along the lines of banishment, maze, and plane shift. plane shift at least can be controlled by the DM because of needing the tuning fork, and you have to go through a melee attack roll and a Charisma save for it to actually stick. And maze is only temporary.
You are correct
I don't have the spell list in a separate screen and there's too many damned spells that do just SLIGHTLY different things.
Which is another point I'd want: spell list reduction. Combine spells by giving options or by removing redundancy. There's 500 damned spells and remembering the nuance of each one is a bit much.
I don't have the spell list in a separate screen and there's too many damned spells that do just SLIGHTLY different things.
Which is another point I'd want: spell list reduction. Combine spells by giving options or by removing redundancy. There's 500 damned spells and remembering the nuance of each one is a bit much.
If you take out maze from the list (which is more like a different variant of banishment), all of the spells listed are very distinct from each other.
dimension door teleports you (and up to one buddy that's at most the same size as you) to somewhere 500 feet away from you. It doesn't do much else.
plane shift can transport you to another dimension altogether (with all the craziness that comes with that) as well as up to eight buddies. But you can also use offensively to force an enemy to that dimension, and in a setting like the Forgotten Realms, that person is gone for good if you actually land it. However, the caveat is you need a tuning fork attuned to the specific plane that either you're traveling to or that you're trying to yeet the enemy to. And I imagine tuning forks for Carceri or the Negative Energy Plane are not the easiest to come by.
banishment puts someone in a harmless demiplane for as long as you're concentrating on it, but if they're from a different plane entirely, it sends them there instead and they stay there if you manage to keep the spell going for the whole 1-minute duration.
gate opens up a whole portal to another plane. That means a whole army of demons or angels can just pour right through if that's your speed, and you can keep that going for 10 whole rounds. In the Forgotten Realms setting, there are even loopy things you can do with this, like opening up a portal to the Plane of Water to just flood the area around it. And it gives you the option to summon literally anything you know the name of that's in another plane, and you can't control that thing. But if there is a ruler there, they have to allow it. So you could summon Demogorgon with this if the Prince of Demons allows you to.
Since I brought up the summoning feature of gate, I really want gate to be on the warlock list. Tasha's added it, and I hope that change sticks.
Being able to use your 9th-level Mystic Arcanum to literally summon your patron feels like a natural evolution of the relationship between warlock and patron.
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Which spell’s do you think WotC will change for 1D&D? What spells do you want to see changed? What spells do you not want changed?
I want conjure elemental, conjure fey, and conjure celestial to have a 1 action casting time.
I want dispel evil and good to not require 2 of your actions to use 1 of its modal effects.
I want swift quiver to let you make the 2 extra attacks when you cast it as well as using your bonus action during your subsequent turns, instead of waiting a turn to use the 2 extra attacks.
I want mordenkainen's sword to be a lower level.
I'll also add that greater restoration should be available to paladins, and should state everything it can do right in the text. This spell has been known to cure madness, magical aging, and memory loss. So there has to be a way to state this spell can heal pretty much anything that isn't straight up damage.
I expect Conjure Animals/Celestial/Elemental/Fey/Minor Elementals/Woodland Beings to be either removed (replaced by Tasha's summons) or heavily limited (in particular, conjuring 8 of anything I can't see continuing to exist).
1. Identify- although this has more to do with making the spell as is have more value by eliminating the option of learning a magic item's properties by attuning/focusing over a short rest without a spell.
2. Shield- it's over powered. A popular suggested fix is to change the AC bonus to your Proficiency Bonus, so it scales up with the player. But that's problematic, too, because the spell then becomes more powerful as you gain levels, even though the spell slot stays the same. I dunno. Maybe it could scale up with spell slot level?
3.Cure Wounds- it needs a slight power boost, to make people want to use it. Most people prefer Hesling Word for its range, and then use it to pop up allies when they've been knocked out. Actual healing to restore hit points is often viewed as an inefficient use of resources. Cure Wounds needs to be buffed to change that opinion. I'd suggest just adding another d8 at level 1, and scaling up from there (3d8 at 2nd level, 4d8 at 3rd, etc...)
4. Aid. I hope they revert it to its 2014 version. The playtest version changed it to temporary hp. But EVERYTHING gives temp hp now. And temp hp do not stack.
5. Find Traps. It should actually find traps. It should give the caster exact information about where all traps are within range and what the nature of their trigger mechanisms are, so as to grant advantage to anyone in the party trying to disarm them. As is, this spell is worse than just making a Perception check.
6. Daylight- needs to explicitly say that this spell's light is sunlight, for the purposes of how it interacts with certain creatures (vampires, for example).
7. Enlarge/Reduce- I'd like to see this scale, so that the size & damage die doubles again at spell level 5, and again at spell level 8. So that you're huge & adding a d8 at 5th level, and you're gargantuan with 2d8 at 8th level. Shrinking takes a creature to Tiny at 5th level, and to sub-Tiny (like insect-size) at 8th level. Make this spell a real Ant-Man power.
8. Rope Trick- explicitly state that, as part of the spell, caster & allies are able to climb into it... so I don't have any more wonderful DMs asking my 7 Strength Wizard to make an Athletics check to climb into their own spell and fail- making the casting of it useless.
9. Fabricate. Should have the Ritual tag.
10. Mending. Should be an action. I think the limitations in the spell description are enough of a restraint.
11. Clerics need more cantrips on their list. I get that Wizards are supposed to have the biggest, most diverse list... but Clerics have only 9 cantrips to choose? This makes most clerics have the same cantrips. Which is boring.
12. Other damage cantrips besides Firebolt should explicitly state that they are usable on objects. Like Acid Splash, Frost Bite, Eldritch Blast, etc. I don't know about Radiant or Psychic damage, but the elemental damages & force should work on objects.
13. Weird. Just really bad. It might be an okay 3rd level spell. But 9th? No. I don't think you even try to fix this, just nix this.
14. Mordenkainen's Sword. For 7th level, it should have a 60 ft movement each turn on your bonus action, not 20. And 3d10 damage is not great for 7th level. It IS only a bonus action, but also concentration. 4 or 5 d10 would be better.
15. In general, a bunch of spells need to have their damage adjusted, to entice more people to use those spells. Melf's Acid Arrow comes to mind.
Command is bound by the order of operations of combat; outside of specific exceptions a creature acts only on its turn, and no mind control spell that I'm aware of supersedes that order of operations. All such spells feel a little weird based on the timing, but the effect will still last for a full round if its cast successfully, so it doesn't really need the slight extension of the effect's duration. And 24 hour Invisibility would just be broken.
Not defending the spell, because it is not worthy of a 7th level slot either way, but mordenkainen's sword is actually capable of doing up to 6d10 damage the first turn you cast it. Because you can use your action to cast it (at which point it can then attack), and then use your bonus action that same turn to make another attack.
But beyond that, I agree with you. The damage is still too low for the level, and movement speed is also weirdly low.
Wow... cause spellcasters need a massive buff! (sarcasm). These are all crazy making spellcasters vastly more powerful at lower levels.
1) Tasha's summoning spells to have their damage per attack scale rather than their number of attacks and require a BA to command them.
2) Conjure X & animate objects to be restricted to the option where you summon 1-2 creatures and require a BA to command them.
3) All control spells to get either repeat saves or other ways to break them :
- Banishment : repeat save at end of each turn,
- Wall of Force : use an action to make a STR check to break it,
- Forcecage : use an action to make a check to break it.
- Hypnotic Pattern : save at the end of each turn
- Fear : remove the fleeing and instead reduce their speed to 0, also save at the end of each turn.
- Domination : taking damage breaks it not just allow a save.
4) Nerfing the must-takes :
- Misty Step requires an Action
- Shield cannot be cast if wearing any armour or using a shield and only lasts until the end of the current creature's turn.
- Counterspell : target makes a save with their spellcasting ability against your spell DC.
- Polymorph : limited to creatures of CR <=1/2 the creature's level or CR that you have seen before.
5) Fixing spells that don't work:
- Find Traps actually finds traps.
- Daylight produces sunlight
- Flame Blade is an actual weapon that uses the Attack action.
- Phantasmal Killer, Weird, Mort's Sword, Vampiric Touch : need to not suck.
It's funny that the first two answers have been to make the spells more powerful.
Then there will be people who complain that 5e is not balanced, but a large part of the community does not want it to be.
By the way, what I want is for spells like Wall of Force to be well explained and not open to interpretation. And while we are at it, let the entire magic system be clear and not open to discussions.
A lot of people just play their character to indulge in a power fantasy and don't care about everyone else or about the DM needing to try and balance things out, news at 11!
Almost no spell needs a buff at the moment (yes yes true strike does hah), but many need nerfs or clarifications. It's not what the power fantasy crowd wants but it's what's best for the overall health of the game IMO.
I can agree that conjure elemental and conjure fey don't really need a buff, though the buff is more just being able to use it immediately rather than have to prep it ahead of time.
But when was the last time you saw anyone use dispel evil and good, swift quiver, or mordenkainen's sword? And conjure celestial is usually only a viable option because of one monster: the couatl.
For that matter, why do you think find traps is fine as it is?
And I didn't ask for greater restoration to be buffed; I asked for it to be given to a class that's weirdly missing it, and to clarify all of the things it can do already.
I think Flame Arrows should be a 2nd level spell. Reduce it by like 4 arrows. And a bonus action.
Flame Arrows should either:
1) be a limited number of arrows and not require concentration
2) be unlimited number of arrows while you retain concentration.
Oh.. I want what I am working on homebrewing ..
Wish should be removed. Same with the munchkin high level spells like simulacrum and clone and crap. It takes weeks to cast, and nobody does it without doing stupid broken crap like, "I create 20.copies of myself, each knowing the wish spell..." gtfoutta here with that bs.
Polymorph, true polymorph, and so on should have the caveat of a "willing" creature to remove shenanigans of skipping a battle by turning every big evil into a toad and killing it in a strange way or keeping it in a jar.
Same goes for gate, dimension door, etc. No isekai'ing villains for an easy fix.
Edit: yeah, I'm a bit of an idiot. The conjure versus summon bit. I wish the summons were more of a middle ground between the two, with a cr requirement, but specific creatures being summoned, and with a lower spell level so scaling is possible (but at every 2 spell levels).
Swap some spells around to different lists to try and give more class identity.
Magic stone is awesome but it's a bit clunky due to its bonus action and 3 at a time nonsense. Is first level or a cantrip? I can't be bothered to look it up right now. Get rid of it for the warlock and sorcerer spell list. They'll never take it with better blaster cantrips. Stick it with the druid and I like that it works with the sling, but let it be last resort blaster cantrip option and as long as they are using a sling and sling ammo (nothing exotic) , it works fine without affecting their existing sling mechanics.
dimension door cannot be used offensively.
gate needs you to travel to another plane of existence to use it in that way against a villain without expending any extra effort. The gate spell can be used in combination with demiplane to imprison a BBEG, but that's something you have to deliberately prepare ahead of time. Also, you could have someone try to shove the BBEG through the portal, but that shouldn't be easy.
You're thinking more along the lines of banishment, maze, and plane shift. plane shift at least can be controlled by the DM because of needing the tuning fork, and you have to go through a melee attack roll and a Charisma save for it to actually stick. And maze is only temporary.
You are correct
I don't have the spell list in a separate screen and there's too many damned spells that do just SLIGHTLY different things.
Which is another point I'd want: spell list reduction. Combine spells by giving options or by removing redundancy. There's 500 damned spells and remembering the nuance of each one is a bit much.
If you take out maze from the list (which is more like a different variant of banishment), all of the spells listed are very distinct from each other.
dimension door teleports you (and up to one buddy that's at most the same size as you) to somewhere 500 feet away from you. It doesn't do much else.
plane shift can transport you to another dimension altogether (with all the craziness that comes with that) as well as up to eight buddies. But you can also use offensively to force an enemy to that dimension, and in a setting like the Forgotten Realms, that person is gone for good if you actually land it. However, the caveat is you need a tuning fork attuned to the specific plane that either you're traveling to or that you're trying to yeet the enemy to. And I imagine tuning forks for Carceri or the Negative Energy Plane are not the easiest to come by.
banishment puts someone in a harmless demiplane for as long as you're concentrating on it, but if they're from a different plane entirely, it sends them there instead and they stay there if you manage to keep the spell going for the whole 1-minute duration.
gate opens up a whole portal to another plane. That means a whole army of demons or angels can just pour right through if that's your speed, and you can keep that going for 10 whole rounds. In the Forgotten Realms setting, there are even loopy things you can do with this, like opening up a portal to the Plane of Water to just flood the area around it. And it gives you the option to summon literally anything you know the name of that's in another plane, and you can't control that thing. But if there is a ruler there, they have to allow it. So you could summon Demogorgon with this if the Prince of Demons allows you to.
Since I brought up the summoning feature of gate, I really want gate to be on the warlock list. Tasha's added it, and I hope that change sticks.
Being able to use your 9th-level Mystic Arcanum to literally summon your patron feels like a natural evolution of the relationship between warlock and patron.