Very, very likely. The number of new subclasses coming out aligns nicely with the number of new subclasses showing up in UA. I just hope they fine-tune everything first.
I have a Protector Aasimar Star Druid who is just waiting for his moment to stack both his "magical girl transformations" (or Super Saiyan states if you're a coward) and then turn into a flying shark that shoots lasers. Freaking sharks with freaking lasers...
I have been playing a Satyr Druid of the Stars and she is a lot of fun. She is an astrologer who has visions and predicts the future. Satyr gives her advantage against magic. I rolled well so her Dex, Char, and Con is 16 and Wisdom 18. Only at level 2... so haven't tried out a lot of her cool abilities yet.
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Do you guys think this subclass will be published in the next book? I'd really, reeeeeeeeally love to see it published
It is. All UA except for the most recent (spirit bard and undead warlock) is going into the book, as well as a few revisions from older stuff.
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Just a D&D enjoyer, check out my fiverr page if you need any worldbuilding done for ya!
Very, very likely. The number of new subclasses coming out aligns nicely with the number of new subclasses showing up in UA. I just hope they fine-tune everything first.
This subclass seems like it would fit someone who studied the Draconic Prophecy in Eberron.
I have a Protector Aasimar Star Druid who is just waiting for his moment to stack both his "magical girl transformations" (or Super Saiyan states if you're a coward) and then turn into a flying shark that shoots lasers. Freaking sharks with freaking lasers...
I have been playing a Satyr Druid of the Stars and she is a lot of fun. She is an astrologer who has visions and predicts the future. Satyr gives her advantage against magic. I rolled well so her Dex, Char, and Con is 16 and Wisdom 18. Only at level 2... so haven't tried out a lot of her cool abilities yet.