We never once used the actual Marvel Heroes -- or even DC. It was straight up our own creations. I should still have the ultimate powers book in the storage unit, sitting in a milk crate, lol.
It was indeed FASERIP, lol. We had all tried Champions before that, but it was the speed and simplicity of the TSR one that we all really liked.
Yeah in the games I ran; it was always custom characters too (so I wouldn't have to worry about a Hulk type character and a Nomad type character). I did a the point buy system (for FASERIP and power levels). So you could have more powers, but over all, with point buy they'd be weaker; or focus on less powers, and put more points on focused powers. That's why I was saying they were always like the new New Mutants or the Avengers in Training. So no one ever used actual Marvel (or DC) characters - but as the GM, I for sure used Marvel characters as other heroes and villains.
A few years back, I dug up the books I have for the Marvel FASERIP (it's the original yellow box contents my friend borrowed - so I still have a few of the modules, the X-Men powers book and stuff) - and in there was my wife's character.
Now that said, I do wish there was a space themed 5e also (and I don't mean Spelljammer) - but something closer to Star Wars or Star Trek, specifically because I really enjoyed Star Frontiers - strangely enough, because it was unlike D&D (with a lot of aliens or classes) to choose from; but it was more centered. So it made teaching someone how to create a character pretty easy. So each has their benefits... a lot of choices means a lot of questions and probably longer to set up.
There is a thing called Dark Matter which might float your boat.
So, I asked how folks balance martials with Spellcasters and while I expected some people to really hate my example, I am seriously thinking about removing my example because it really irks the hell out of caster players, lol.
The point of the post was to see how other people balance, not to have someone go off on mine, lol. One thing about DDB -- people really don't like to feel like they are threatened by anything here.
I swear, if I pointed out that there are entire peoples who can't see the color blue because of their culture, folks here would jump and down and scream at me.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
So, I asked how folks balance martials with Spellcasters and while I expected some people to really hate my example, I am seriously thinking about removing my example because it really irks the hell out of caster players, lol.
The point of the post was to see how other people balance, not to have someone go off on mine, lol. One thing about DDB -- people really don't like to feel like they are threatened by anything here.
In certain forums, pretty much any stance you take is an invitation to have it ripped apart and proclaimed inferior, especially if it involves scaling back power instead of increasing it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the positive, encouraging factor among commenters is kind of limited to Arts & Crafts, Story & Lore, Adohand's Kitchen and Dungeon Master's Only (about 60% of the time). The "your fun is wrong" or "my fun is better" gang kind of seeps into the rest on a more frequent basis, I find. It actively discourages me from posting in too many places because I don't like the antagonistic vibe.
Which is why this thread's 1.0 version was so magical. A unicorn, one might say. Eh, Sposta?
The martials vs casters debate can never be settled.
For what it's worth, I think you can solve a lot with two simple rules. 1) The -5/+10 part of the Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter feats. Either remove it or give it to everyone for free. 2) Randomize all your magic items, even the ones for sale.
The majority of magic items are either weapons, armor, or stuff to enhance martial ability. Especially if you make distinctions between a +1 longsword and a +1 shortsword. You pick up a random piece of loot, chances are it's for a martial, and they can use it without having to retrain or fix their build. (Unless you don't do part 1.) (The Fighting Styles are not nearly as influential. They just gently guide you to distributing the gear to the right fighters.) The DMG didn't even offer bonuses to spell save DCs for anybody but Warlocks. Some of these things essentially give you new features to play with, which fills in for the absence of new spells to play with.
Now, the fact that many players these days expect particular magic items to complete their builds is its own concern. If you have players like this and they're not going to change, then this solution isn't for you. Maybe you could still make it work by saying a player only gets to choose one, or only if they're playing a class without spells or something.
Question of the hour and a half before midnight: What's the best polyhedral die? Is it the d20? Or perhaps the humble d6? As someone who likes to spin my dice, the d20 is usually the go-to choice for me, but the d12 isn't bad either.
Question of the hour and a half before midnight: What's the best polyhedral die? Is it the d20? Or perhaps the humble d6? As someone who likes to spin my dice, the d20 is usually the go-to choice for me, but the d12 isn't bad either.
Right now I am liking this d16 I have been playing with, lol.
Overall, I would say my favorite die is the d8, though
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
But the d6 is in so many many many games that they appeal to me in a different way. Probably because of the reminiscent value of enjoying those games with friends.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
The d12 just seems so lonely. Hardly used for anything. Forgotten in the bottom of the bag. You go whole campaigns without touching it. And then you do roll it and you get a 3 and it’s like, anyone could have given me a 3. Where’s the 11? Lonely and disappointing. Easily the most relatable.
The martials vs casters debate can never be settled.
Question of the hour and a half before midnight: What's the best polyhedral die? Is it the d20? Or perhaps the humble d6? As someone who likes to spin my dice, the d20 is usually the go-to choice for me, but the d12 isn't bad either.
Correct about Martials vs Casters to never be settled. Like trying to figure out which is better - Marvel or DC, you're going to get die hards on both sides.
As for the favorite dice...
Mine has to be the D20.
And mostly because when someone rolls it in my games, everyone shouts, "NATUUUURRRRAAAALLLL 20!"
And then when someone rolls a Natural 1, everyone laughs nervously. Because I have a house roll where if you roll a Natural 1 during combat, you critically fail by hitting a companion, doing half the damage rolled on the weapon (so no sneak damage applied or anything).
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol.
nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol. nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Heh - that's the problem though - both sides will argue their points, because there is no clear answer - and some people really get ... passionate... about their answers.
For me I will watch my players - if someone does not look like they had a good session, I will pull them aside (much easier to spot in person games) - and ask. And if it's like, the fighter who says, "Well by the time I run up to the monster, the Ranger and Wizard have already nuked it so I felt useless." Rather than tell the Wizard and Ranger to stop being so effective, I will use monsters that breach under the fighter such as a bulette, ankheg or something similar. Or I just might adjust a monster and make it so the troll is fire resistant - so the wizard's fireball isn't as effective - and they see, once defeated, that these trolls have been muted by magic most foul! Stuff like that to try and ensure, whether melee or magic, ideally everyone can keep playing what they're playing and have a good time.
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol. nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Heh - that's the problem though - both sides will argue their points, because there is no clear answer - and some people really get ... passionate... about their answers.
For me I will watch my players - if someone does not look like they had a good session, I will pull them aside (much easier to spot in person games) - and ask. And if it's like, the fighter who says, "Well by the time I run up to the monster, the Ranger and Wizard have already nuked it so I felt useless." Rather than tell the Wizard and Ranger to stop being so effective, I will use monsters that breach under the fighter such as a bulette, ankheg or something similar. Or I just might adjust a monster and make it so the troll is fire resistant - so the wizard's fireball isn't as effective - and they see, once defeated, that these trolls have been muted by magic most foul! Stuff like that to try and ensure, whether melee or magic, ideally everyone can keep playing what they're playing and have a good time.
and that is an answer to the question, lol.
I mean, I don’t think that balances the classes, but it totally describes how you balance the play of the game and flow.
I am being lectured on how my combat fights must be too long, lol, because no one will use fifth level spells if they take a long time to cast. That wasn’t what I asked, lol. I do t care if they like my solution or not, lol. Hell, they haven’t played in it so they don’t know why my players adore it.
I am up late and whiny. Sorry all.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Hell, they haven’t played in it so they don’t know why my players adore it. I am up late and whiny. Sorry all.
Two things - if you're players enjoy it; then you're doing it right. In the end, as long as you - and those you've gathered around your table - whether in person or virtually - are having a good time and you're creating wonderful adventures as well as wonderful memories - you're blessed to have a good table of folks. Because, that is very rare.
As for being sorry - there's zero need to apologize. Welcome to being human. We're entitled to be whiny from time to time. Savings Throws against Emotions can often be a DC that's impossible to beat.
Follow-up question: what would your dream TTRPG look like? What mechanics would it use, and what would the overall tone be?
The one that everyone playing it is having fun playing, from the game master to the players to the hangers on who wander in and out of the room or the camera shot.
In terms of rule sets, well...
It is a tie for me,. in the 90's, TSR got the license and put out an edition of a game called Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set. It used a universal table and some really nice little mechanics that were more about being a superhero than anything, but I used the hell out of that system and tweaked the crap out of it and I love it because it is just so simple and and allows you to deal with stuff from a normal person to superman and everything in between -- or from a match to a roaring sun.
I even used it for an epic heroic fantasy campaign (and had lycanthropes that healed over time but were not stopped by damage, so I had limping werewolves who had just lost a limb to a tank, but because it wasn't silver they weren't "really hurt".).
I really liked 2e a lot, but when I combine 2e stuff with 5e stuff, I get the closest thing to a fun game for me, at least in the sense of how mechanics work. Like with the Rulings over Rules thing, I need and demand flexibility, but I want a taste of crunch (which is what I ultimately added into MSHAS) and frm basic ground rules to provide that flexibility with limits.
So for the next campaign, after hearing all the stuff my players wanted, I have spent ages rewriting and testing classes, races, magic, proficiency, adding in combat stuff, shifting finesse to a sword skill, allowing wizards to wear armor but with an impact on them that they might not care about at high levels, and really what comes down to all the niggling things that everyone has disliked for like 40 years, lol.
And yet, despite all of that, it is readily identifiable as 5e. I mean, to someone who has played it for a short while, and encounters this, it looks like, plays like, feels like 5e, except "monsters are tougher, spells are cooler, and I am really mad I can't play an artificer".
So it would be a tie between my MSHAS redux and my 5e redux -- but they might not be suitable for every game. MSHAS sucked at magical spells. I want to add in Psionics, but I have to finish and lock down magic stuff and the weird ass way I am doing runes before I can even look at it -- which means it will end up going straight to the website. After I finish this world, I want to make a setting that is good for urban paranormal fantasy -- a blend of gaslamp and steampunk clockworkery in what is otherwise a modern setting but with all the fantasy crittes being around in a big ole city I will probably spend a year on designing by itself.
This 5e based system would work for it, but so would the MSHAS one if I put effort into spells suddenly.
summation: my favorite is going to depend on the kind of game I want to play, but I like what we got right now plenty.
had no idea there was a TSR superhero RPG, let alone a licensed Marvel one. It sounds great, and your werewolf healing mechanic sounds fun.
I've never played 2e (or any edition other than 5e. Unless PF1e counts?). To my knowledge, it's when D&D started leaning towards a slightly more heroic fantasy thing? I've had a look at OSRIC but the tables and limitations scared me off lol.
Your 5e-based system seems kinda similar to what I'm doing, though to a more extreme degree. Taking 5e as a system, changing around the rules and mechanics, but keeping 5e's skeleton.
The martials vs casters debate can never be settled.
For what it's worth, I think you can solve a lot with two simple rules. 1) The -5/+10 part of the Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter feats. Either remove it or give it to everyone for free. 2) Randomize all your magic items, even the ones for sale.
The majority of magic items are either weapons, armor, or stuff to enhance martial ability. Especially if you make distinctions between a +1 longsword and a +1 shortsword. You pick up a random piece of loot, chances are it's for a martial, and they can use it without having to retrain or fix their build. (Unless you don't do part 1.) (The Fighting Styles are not nearly as influential. They just gently guide you to distributing the gear to the right fighters.) The DMG didn't even offer bonuses to spell save DCs for anybody but Warlocks. Some of these things essentially give you new features to play with, which fills in for the absence of new spells to play with.
Now, the fact that many players these days expect particular magic items to complete their builds is its own concern. If you have players like this and they're not going to change, then this solution isn't for you. Maybe you could still make it work by saying a player only gets to choose one, or only if they're playing a class without spells or something.
Question of the hour and a half before midnight: What's the best polyhedral die? Is it the d20? Or perhaps the humble d6? As someone who likes to spin my dice, the d20 is usually the go-to choice for me, but the d12 isn't bad either.
I'm of the opinion that spellcasters need a nerf, rather than buffing martials, because I dislike power creep.
d8 is the best die, followed by d20 and d%. d6s are basic.
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol. nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Heh - that's the problem though - both sides will argue their points, because there is no clear answer - and some people really get ... passionate... about their answers.
For me I will watch my players - if someone does not look like they had a good session, I will pull them aside (much easier to spot in person games) - and ask. And if it's like, the fighter who says, "Well by the time I run up to the monster, the Ranger and Wizard have already nuked it so I felt useless." Rather than tell the Wizard and Ranger to stop being so effective, I will use monsters that breach under the fighter such as a bulette, ankheg or something similar. Or I just might adjust a monster and make it so the troll is fire resistant - so the wizard's fireball isn't as effective - and they see, once defeated, that these trolls have been muted by magic most foul! Stuff like that to try and ensure, whether melee or magic, ideally everyone can keep playing what they're playing and have a good time.
That's a good solution. What do you do if a caster calls foul, though?
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol. nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Heh - that's the problem though - both sides will argue their points, because there is no clear answer - and some people really get ... passionate... about their answers.
For me I will watch my players - if someone does not look like they had a good session, I will pull them aside (much easier to spot in person games) - and ask. And if it's like, the fighter who says, "Well by the time I run up to the monster, the Ranger and Wizard have already nuked it so I felt useless." Rather than tell the Wizard and Ranger to stop being so effective, I will use monsters that breach under the fighter such as a bulette, ankheg or something similar. Or I just might adjust a monster and make it so the troll is fire resistant - so the wizard's fireball isn't as effective - and they see, once defeated, that these trolls have been muted by magic most foul! Stuff like that to try and ensure, whether melee or magic, ideally everyone can keep playing what they're playing and have a good time.
That's a good solution. What do you do if a caster calls foul, though?
I'm not SirTawmis, but my answer to that would be to kindly and pointedly remind my player to stop metagaming and celebrate the martial. Stat blocks are mine to mold.
I'm also in the camp that says you balance martials by throwing encounters at the party that let them shine. If you think about it, throwing fireballs is cool, but being able to stare down an ancient dragon with just a stick and a can-do attitude is where the real cool factor comes in. I'm gonna narrate the crap out of that bravery.
Also, d8s are where it's at. I like the diamond shape.
Yeah in the games I ran; it was always custom characters too (so I wouldn't have to worry about a Hulk type character and a Nomad type character). I did a the point buy system (for FASERIP and power levels). So you could have more powers, but over all, with point buy they'd be weaker; or focus on less powers, and put more points on focused powers. That's why I was saying they were always like the new New Mutants or the Avengers in Training. So no one ever used actual Marvel (or DC) characters - but as the GM, I for sure used Marvel characters as other heroes and villains.
A few years back, I dug up the books I have for the Marvel FASERIP (it's the original yellow box contents my friend borrowed - so I still have a few of the modules, the X-Men powers book and stuff) - and in there was my wife's character.
I even posted about it back in 2020 on my podcast site - Why My Wife Loves Dazzler.
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
There is a thing called Dark Matter which might float your boat.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
So, I asked how folks balance martials with Spellcasters and while I expected some people to really hate my example, I am seriously thinking about removing my example because it really irks the hell out of caster players, lol.
The point of the post was to see how other people balance, not to have someone go off on mine, lol. One thing about DDB -- people really don't like to feel like they are threatened by anything here.
I swear, if I pointed out that there are entire peoples who can't see the color blue because of their culture, folks here would jump and down and scream at me.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
In certain forums, pretty much any stance you take is an invitation to have it ripped apart and proclaimed inferior, especially if it involves scaling back power instead of increasing it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the positive, encouraging factor among commenters is kind of limited to Arts & Crafts, Story & Lore, Adohand's Kitchen and Dungeon Master's Only (about 60% of the time). The "your fun is wrong" or "my fun is better" gang kind of seeps into the rest on a more frequent basis, I find. It actively discourages me from posting in too many places because I don't like the antagonistic vibe.
Which is why this thread's 1.0 version was so magical. A unicorn, one might say. Eh, Sposta?
The martials vs casters debate can never be settled.
For what it's worth, I think you can solve a lot with two simple rules. 1) The -5/+10 part of the Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter feats. Either remove it or give it to everyone for free. 2) Randomize all your magic items, even the ones for sale.
The majority of magic items are either weapons, armor, or stuff to enhance martial ability. Especially if you make distinctions between a +1 longsword and a +1 shortsword. You pick up a random piece of loot, chances are it's for a martial, and they can use it without having to retrain or fix their build. (Unless you don't do part 1.) (The Fighting Styles are not nearly as influential. They just gently guide you to distributing the gear to the right fighters.) The DMG didn't even offer bonuses to spell save DCs for anybody but Warlocks. Some of these things essentially give you new features to play with, which fills in for the absence of new spells to play with.
Now, the fact that many players these days expect particular magic items to complete their builds is its own concern. If you have players like this and they're not going to change, then this solution isn't for you. Maybe you could still make it work by saying a player only gets to choose one, or only if they're playing a class without spells or something.
Question of the hour and a half before midnight: What's the best polyhedral die? Is it the d20? Or perhaps the humble d6? As someone who likes to spin my dice, the d20 is usually the go-to choice for me, but the d12 isn't bad either.
Right now I am liking this d16 I have been playing with, lol.
Overall, I would say my favorite die is the d8, though
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Personally I like d10s and d12s
But the d6 is in so many many many games that they appeal to me in a different way. Probably because of the reminiscent value of enjoying those games with friends.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
The d12 just seems so lonely. Hardly used for anything. Forgotten in the bottom of the bag. You go whole campaigns without touching it. And then you do roll it and you get a 3 and it’s like, anyone could have given me a 3. Where’s the 11? Lonely and disappointing. Easily the most relatable.
d4s because I just have to many uses for it
⌜╔═════════════ The Board ══════════════╗⌝
...took me in, showed compassion, and prepared me...
⌞╚════════════ Extended Signature ════════════╝⌟
I see what you did there. Like I was Sposta not notice?
Correct about Martials vs Casters to never be settled. Like trying to figure out which is better - Marvel or DC, you're going to get die hards on both sides.
As for the favorite dice...
Mine has to be the D20.
And mostly because when someone rolls it in my games, everyone shouts, "NATUUUURRRRAAAALLLL 20!"
And then when someone rolls a Natural 1, everyone laughs nervously. Because I have a house roll where if you roll a Natural 1 during combat, you critically fail by hitting a companion, doing half the damage rolled on the weapon (so no sneak damage applied or anything).
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
Bah. All I want to know is how other people solve the balance issue for their games. It ain’t a new thing — pretty much since the Repub of 2e with all the chapbooks and such, casters just took over the game, and 3 turned it into fantasy superheroes, lol.
nevermind me, being grumpy because I am not having my curiosity sated…
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Heh - that's the problem though - both sides will argue their points, because there is no clear answer - and some people really get ... passionate... about their answers.
For me I will watch my players - if someone does not look like they had a good session, I will pull them aside (much easier to spot in person games) - and ask. And if it's like, the fighter who says, "Well by the time I run up to the monster, the Ranger and Wizard have already nuked it so I felt useless." Rather than tell the Wizard and Ranger to stop being so effective, I will use monsters that breach under the fighter such as a bulette, ankheg or something similar. Or I just might adjust a monster and make it so the troll is fire resistant - so the wizard's fireball isn't as effective - and they see, once defeated, that these trolls have been muted by magic most foul! Stuff like that to try and ensure, whether melee or magic, ideally everyone can keep playing what they're playing and have a good time.
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
and that is an answer to the question, lol.
I mean, I don’t think that balances the classes, but it totally describes how you balance the play of the game and flow.
I am being lectured on how my combat fights must be too long, lol, because no one will use fifth level spells if they take a long time to cast. That wasn’t what I asked, lol. I do t care if they like my solution or not, lol. Hell, they haven’t played in it so they don’t know why my players adore it.
I am up late and whiny. Sorry all.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Two things - if you're players enjoy it; then you're doing it right. In the end, as long as you - and those you've gathered around your table - whether in person or virtually - are having a good time and you're creating wonderful adventures as well as wonderful memories - you're blessed to have a good table of folks. Because, that is very rare.
As for being sorry - there's zero need to apologize. Welcome to being human. We're entitled to be whiny from time to time. Savings Throws against Emotions can often be a DC that's impossible to beat.
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
had no idea there was a TSR superhero RPG, let alone a licensed Marvel one. It sounds great, and your werewolf healing mechanic sounds fun.
I've never played 2e (or any edition other than 5e. Unless PF1e counts?). To my knowledge, it's when D&D started leaning towards a slightly more heroic fantasy thing? I've had a look at OSRIC but the tables and limitations scared me off lol.
Your 5e-based system seems kinda similar to what I'm doing, though to a more extreme degree. Taking 5e as a system, changing around the rules and mechanics, but keeping 5e's skeleton.
By the way, what is MSHAS an acronym for?
I'm of the opinion that spellcasters need a nerf, rather than buffing martials, because I dislike power creep.
d8 is the best die, followed by d20 and d%. d6s are basic.
Yeah, like using them as caltrops 👌
That's a good solution. What do you do if a caster calls foul, though?
I'm not SirTawmis, but my answer to that would be to kindly and pointedly remind my player to stop metagaming and celebrate the martial. Stat blocks are mine to mold.
I'm also in the camp that says you balance martials by throwing encounters at the party that let them shine. If you think about it, throwing fireballs is cool, but being able to stare down an ancient dragon with just a stick and a can-do attitude is where the real cool factor comes in. I'm gonna narrate the crap out of that bravery.
Also, d8s are where it's at. I like the diamond shape.
I’m so glad this thread has been started up again. I don’t post here but love to lurk here and was bummed to see the last one had been locked.