What is your favorite Magic Item from the core rules?
I'm going actually relatively mundane or I guess technically uncommon with slippers of spider climbing. I feel every player, not just those with casters with the spell, should at some point be able to fight like they're in the Matrix sequels where they wall walked and ceiling walked more, or dance like they're in that Lionel Richie video.
Now that said, I do wish there was a space themed 5e also (and I don't mean Spelljammer) - but something closer to Star Wars or Star Trek, specifically because I really enjoyed Star Frontiers - strangely enough, because it was unlike D&D (with a lot of aliens or classes) to choose from; but it was more centered. So it made teaching someone how to create a character pretty easy. So each has their benefits... a lot of choices means a lot of questions and probably longer to set up.
You're aware of the Star Wars 5e game? It's out there kinda standing right on the border of WotC and Disney's fan content policies? In a different vein, when Spelljammer came out some group of independent 5e writers put together a book that actually presented a bunch of "aliens" for 5e, a lot of them from classic science fiction. Can't remember the title, but I know Dale Kingsmill was one of the contributors.
For general science fiction that's unlike D&D, have you tried Traveller? The current version Mongoose is putting out there is pretty easy to pick up, I think everything is done with 2d6 for the most part. Character generation is done through a life path system. I picked it up because there was a steal of bundle, I had always been intimidated by Traveller because I had (wrongly, very wrongly) you had to have like Apex Trek Fan level knowledge of the Traveller Universe, which consists of volumes of history and stellar cartography - like maybe bigger than Trek's, in order to get any joy out of it. Turns out that's not the case at all. You can pick a spot of the official setting galaxy and it may or may not interact at all with the broader Traveller galaxy, or you can just make things up and totally ignore the official setting (I think I've heard that Mongoose is planning to publish some stuff guiding GMs on world building techniques separate from the official Traveller galaxy, but the official Traveller setting is pretty fun, you can't break it). Anyway, I'm pretty sure Star Frontiers was TSR attempting to muscle in on Traveller's turf, I think Traveller on and off has competed with CoC for the #2 spot in most played TTRPG.
Apropos of nothing, one of my most favorite recent character creating experiences came from Traveller. We were rolling the lifepath and wound up with a university educated psion with low tier nobility status. We wound up deciding she was a scion of a fashion house, involved in the underground psi movement, but was using her family resources to research and develop fabrics that would better support the fashion forward psi-users (some Traveller psions can teleport but can't bring their clothes with them because of Traveller physics that seem right to little I know of physics). In game, a space dwelling psionic megafauna was discovered, which could be harvested for fabrics with the psi-empathy to travel with a teleporting psion, and the game sort of became a sort of debate between Spock and Captain Ahab as to whether destroying the megafauna to advance psionic fashion was really the right thing to do (if Spock was a belter, the other character in the game was training to be a xeno-zoologist, but got drafted into the marines, deserted that so became a sort of belt miner before meeting up with the fabric researcher needing a ship and guide to the fringes, it's sort of funny how these separately made characters wound up meshing at cross purposes). I'm just now realizing I totally dropped the ball in not calling the campaign The Fabric of Space.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
What is your favorite Magic Item from the core rules?
I'm going actually relatively mundane or I guess technically uncommon with slippers of spider climbing. I feel every player, not just those with casters with the spell, should at some point be able to fight like they're in the Matrix sequels where they wall walked and ceiling walked more, or dance like they're in that Lionel Richie video.
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
I vote for a name change to Peitur's Bracelet. (As in Peter Parker) :D
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
I vote for a name change to Peitur's Bracelet. (As in Peter Parker) :D
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
I vote for a name change to Peitur's Bracelet. (As in Peter Parker) :D
So it has been written, so it has been done.
Peiturian Bracelets are a pair of gloves that enable the wearer to spin a thick, dark webbing material that has the same stats as the Wand of Web but causes 1d6 acid damage to those who touched by the webs.
Pallor is about as close as it gets to an absolutely pure evil deity, lol. She is the very jealous, very manipulative, very ambitious partner of William Lyle, who is the leader of the bad gods and once was absolute god of the world. Think Zeus, but if he was a nazi that raped all the women gods. Palloe enabled, encouraged, and controlled him.
I will now make Peitur and Gwenna two of those who stood in opposition to one of her evil plans shortly after the last Skyfall. They can be out of Lyonese.
Seriously. I will even ramp up the bracelets to allow shaping the webs.
Edit for Side Note: I don't have any "Blank's Whatever". is another reason I have rewrite some spells and magic items. And the above is copied into the Encyclopedia Wyrldica for when I get back that section in my edits (bouncing between homelands and Combat tonight)
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
I vote for a name change to Peitur's Bracelet. (As in Peter Parker) :D
So it has been written, so it has been done.
Peiturian Bracelets are a pair of gloves that enable the wearer to spin a thick, dark webbing material that has the same stats as the Wand of Web but causes 1d6 acid damage to those who touched by the webs.
Pallor is about as close as it gets to an absolutely pure evil deity, lol. She is the very jealous, very manipulative, very ambitious partner of William Lyle, who is the leader of the bad gods and once was absolute god of the world. Think Zeus, but if he was a nazi that raped all the women gods. Palloe enabled, encouraged, and controlled him.
I will now make Peitur and Gwenna two of those who stood in opposition to one of her evil plans shortly after the last Skyfall. They can be out of Lyonese.
Seriously. I will even ramp up the bracelets to allow shaping the webs.
Edit for Side Note: I don't have any "Blank's Whatever". is another reason I have rewrite some spells and magic items. And the above is copied into the Encyclopedia Wyrldica for when I get back that section in my edits (bouncing between homelands and Combat tonight)
BWHHAHA! Now I feel like I want to be a fly on the wall (but not caught in any form of webbing!) when one of your players figures out it's a Spider-Man reference. :D
I think, though, above all of the many fantastical and wonderous items in the DMG, I would have to place one above all others. Universal Solvent.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
To homebrew. I have started to add some sort of homebrew thing into almost every game I run. I prefer to homebrew DM options rather than PC options, so most of my characters aren't homebrewed, but my games are full of it.
Appreciator of all things Weird, Wondrous, and/or Yummy
In the Autumn Country, days end quickly, the gloaming hours linger, and the midnights pile one upon the other till the air is thick and flows like twilight syrup.
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
Might as well ask me, "To breathe, or not to breathe?"
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Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous modules, or take arms against a sea of plot hooks, and by composing, birth them? Yeah, homebrew.
My campaigns are 90% homebrew when it comes to the narrative, and the other 10% are ideas I steal from older editions or sourcebooks (e.g., my previous campaign's BBEG was from 2e's Elder Evils). I usually stick to published game content (classes, races and spells) but I very frequently create my own magic items, spells, and feats. I also tend to treat monster stat blocks as suggestions, especially when my players get to upper tier 2 and tier 3.
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous modules, or take arms against a sea of plot hooks, and by composing, birth them? Yeah, homebrew.
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
To let go of homebrew in my games would be to let go of the flimsy branch keeping me on the edge of sanity.
I believe I have always used homebrew in games. From the beginning our first GM had custom magic items and we played a non-module game (still the best game I’ve ever played, even if he left to teach in South Korea before we finished it). I assumed the role of GM after him, and I started out with a homebrew campaign. It did not go well. Me and a small group (albeit one that shifted because of personal tensions sometimes) all tried our hand at GMing with short campaign intros. Eventually I ran a full campaign, though it wasn’t great. From there we made it to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, which was amazing and we still enjoy jokes from the great city. We ran most of Wild Beyond the Witchlight before getting bored. Now I have a game going that begins with the new starter set adventure Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (I just wanted to experiment) and we’ll be headed into Keys From the Golden Vault, and then homebrew. I currently am deep in the process of designing a storyline to connect Toril, my variant Faewild and Shadowfell, and my own world (one of far, far too many) Valøsz, because I hope to bring together two campaigns with the same BBEG. Or rather, BBEG’s who are definitely a team. The Valøsz campaign will begin this summer, hopefully. I also plan to begin the new Dragonlance module for a new group at a local game store, because I enjoy running two campaigns at once.
I don’t love homebrew on my characters. It feels wrong in some way. Nonetheless, my GM has been nice enough to allow me to use Kobold Press material on occasion.
What I love, and what my greatest talent in D&D is, is creating and balancing homebrew. I’ve created classes, subclasses, monsters (but haven’t we all), spells, feats, boons, beyond 20th level, magic items, and plenty of other exciting things.
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
I have a thousand pages between the setting and the player's rules.
I strongly suspect I am Godot at this point.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Laughs in villain.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
I'm going actually relatively mundane or I guess technically uncommon with slippers of spider climbing. I feel every player, not just those with casters with the spell, should at some point be able to fight like they're in the Matrix sequels where they wall walked and ceiling walked more, or dance like they're in that Lionel Richie video.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
As a player, have to say the Dawnbringer.
My Dwarf (Slightly Crazy) Fighter got one in Out of the Abyss.
And now, my Tiefling Paladin recently got one in Curse of Strahd.
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
You're aware of the Star Wars 5e game? It's out there kinda standing right on the border of WotC and Disney's fan content policies? In a different vein, when Spelljammer came out some group of independent 5e writers put together a book that actually presented a bunch of "aliens" for 5e, a lot of them from classic science fiction. Can't remember the title, but I know Dale Kingsmill was one of the contributors.
For general science fiction that's unlike D&D, have you tried Traveller? The current version Mongoose is putting out there is pretty easy to pick up, I think everything is done with 2d6 for the most part. Character generation is done through a life path system. I picked it up because there was a steal of bundle, I had always been intimidated by Traveller because I had (wrongly, very wrongly) you had to have like Apex Trek Fan level knowledge of the Traveller Universe, which consists of volumes of history and stellar cartography - like maybe bigger than Trek's, in order to get any joy out of it. Turns out that's not the case at all. You can pick a spot of the official setting galaxy and it may or may not interact at all with the broader Traveller galaxy, or you can just make things up and totally ignore the official setting (I think I've heard that Mongoose is planning to publish some stuff guiding GMs on world building techniques separate from the official Traveller galaxy, but the official Traveller setting is pretty fun, you can't break it). Anyway, I'm pretty sure Star Frontiers was TSR attempting to muscle in on Traveller's turf, I think Traveller on and off has competed with CoC for the #2 spot in most played TTRPG.
Apropos of nothing, one of my most favorite recent character creating experiences came from Traveller. We were rolling the lifepath and wound up with a university educated psion with low tier nobility status. We wound up deciding she was a scion of a fashion house, involved in the underground psi movement, but was using her family resources to research and develop fabrics that would better support the fashion forward psi-users (some Traveller psions can teleport but can't bring their clothes with them because of Traveller physics that seem right to little I know of physics). In game, a space dwelling psionic megafauna was discovered, which could be harvested for fabrics with the psi-empathy to travel with a teleporting psion, and the game sort of became a sort of debate between Spock and Captain Ahab as to whether destroying the megafauna to advance psionic fashion was really the right thing to do (if Spock was a belter, the other character in the game was training to be a xeno-zoologist, but got drafted into the marines, deserted that so became a sort of belt miner before meeting up with the fabric researcher needing a ship and guide to the fringes, it's sort of funny how these separately made characters wound up meshing at cross purposes). I'm just now realizing I totally dropped the ball in not calling the campaign The Fabric of Space.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
I think the third or fourth magic item I created for the new setting, before pretty much any of the lore was set, was Pallor's Braids, a kind of bracelet you wear that gives you the ability to shoot webs, lol. Seeing this just made me realize if I am not careful, someone will end up as The Dungeoning Spider-Adventurer.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I vote for a name change to Peitur's Bracelet. (As in Peter Parker) :D
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
That is hmmm.....
Armor - dragonscale - probably because if nethack
Weapon - Sunblade - I know it's because of Thundarr and Star Wars
Other stuff - Portable Hole
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
So it has been written, so it has been done.
Pallor is about as close as it gets to an absolutely pure evil deity, lol. She is the very jealous, very manipulative, very ambitious partner of William Lyle, who is the leader of the bad gods and once was absolute god of the world. Think Zeus, but if he was a nazi that raped all the women gods. Palloe enabled, encouraged, and controlled him.
I will now make Peitur and Gwenna two of those who stood in opposition to one of her evil plans shortly after the last Skyfall. They can be out of Lyonese.
Seriously. I will even ramp up the bracelets to allow shaping the webs.
Edit for Side Note: I don't have any "Blank's Whatever". is another reason I have rewrite some spells and magic items. And the above is copied into the Encyclopedia Wyrldica for when I get back that section in my edits (bouncing between homelands and Combat tonight)
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
BWHHAHA! Now I feel like I want to be a fly on the wall (but not caught in any form of webbing!) when one of your players figures out it's a Spider-Man reference. :D
Just your friendly neighborhood adventurer!
Check out my publication on DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Tawmis%20Logue
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wr4-u9-zw0&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) - https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591882-Need-a-character-background-written-up
Finally, I found it! I knew somebody would do it, it just took me a while.
Anyways... favorite magic item. That would have to be the Hat of Wizardry. Why? Because it's a frickin' weezord hat.
If we're doing DMG only, I would have to say...
*quickly browses through every magic item in DMG*
oof, that's tough. I love the Ring of Mind Shielding, I like how the Helm of Brilliance has both passive and active effects, the Cape of the Mountebank is pretty sweet, I love cards and the trickster archetype that comes naturally with the Deck of Illusions, I like the special attunement on the Hammer of Thunderbolts, the Immovable Rod is awesome because it necessitates creativity, the Oathbow is simply rad, the Robe and Staff of the Magi are both really great for powerful NPCs, the Wand of Wonder is always good for some fun, and the Holy Avenger, Flame Tongue, and Vorpal Sword are all great classics.
I think, though, above all of the many fantastical and wonderous items in the DMG, I would have to place one above all others. Universal Solvent.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Question of the day: To homebrew, or not to homebrew?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
To homebrew, as long as I vet it before allowing it in my games.
BoringBard's long and tedious posts somehow manage to enrapture audiences. How? Because he used Charm Person, the #1 bard spell!
He/him pronouns. Call me Bard. PROUD NERD!
Ever wanted to talk about your parties' worst mistakes? Do so HERE. What's your favorite class, why? Share & explain
HERE.To homebrew. I have started to add some sort of homebrew thing into almost every game I run. I prefer to homebrew DM options rather than PC options, so most of my characters aren't homebrewed, but my games are full of it.
Might as well ask me, "To breathe, or not to breathe?"
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous modules, or take arms against a sea of plot hooks, and by composing, birth them? Yeah, homebrew.
My campaigns are 90% homebrew when it comes to the narrative, and the other 10% are ideas I steal from older editions or sourcebooks (e.g., my previous campaign's BBEG was from 2e's Elder Evils). I usually stick to published game content (classes, races and spells) but I very frequently create my own magic items, spells, and feats. I also tend to treat monster stat blocks as suggestions, especially when my players get to upper tier 2 and tier 3.
I wish I could like this post twice.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
To let go of homebrew in my games would be to let go of the flimsy branch keeping me on the edge of sanity.
I believe I have always used homebrew in games. From the beginning our first GM had custom magic items and we played a non-module game (still the best game I’ve ever played, even if he left to teach in South Korea before we finished it). I assumed the role of GM after him, and I started out with a homebrew campaign. It did not go well. Me and a small group (albeit one that shifted because of personal tensions sometimes) all tried our hand at GMing with short campaign intros. Eventually I ran a full campaign, though it wasn’t great. From there we made it to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, which was amazing and we still enjoy jokes from the great city. We ran most of Wild Beyond the Witchlight before getting bored. Now I have a game going that begins with the new starter set adventure Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (I just wanted to experiment) and we’ll be headed into Keys From the Golden Vault, and then homebrew. I currently am deep in the process of designing a storyline to connect Toril, my variant Faewild and Shadowfell, and my own world (one of far, far too many) Valøsz, because I hope to bring together two campaigns with the same BBEG. Or rather, BBEG’s who are definitely a team. The Valøsz campaign will begin this summer, hopefully. I also plan to begin the new Dragonlance module for a new group at a local game store, because I enjoy running two campaigns at once.
I don’t love homebrew on my characters. It feels wrong in some way. Nonetheless, my GM has been nice enough to allow me to use Kobold Press material on occasion.
What I love, and what my greatest talent in D&D is, is creating and balancing homebrew. I’ve created classes, subclasses, monsters (but haven’t we all), spells, feats, boons, beyond 20th level, magic items, and plenty of other exciting things.
I have a thousand pages between the setting and the player's rules.
I strongly suspect I am Godot at this point.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
What kind of question is that??
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale