Characters are always made to fit the theme of the Tavern.
But I thought, "Why don't we turn that on its head?"
"Why don't we make a Tavern that fits the theme of the characters?"
Help me make the Tavern of your dreams. Something we can all work on together.
Maybe you work for the Waterdeep workforce and have been assigned to help with the construction of this Tavern,
Maybe you've been hired by someone to design a part of the Tavern exactly how they want it so they can move in once its done,
Or maybe you're helping build what you want to be your new home.
Intro your characters, put on your gear, roll out your blueprints and get building.
That's the current layout of the Tavern. Please, copy it, scribble your ideas and designs over it (Either digitally or hand drawn) and post them. That way we can work on your ideas, and factor them in with everyone else's.
I know there's a large garden area in the base map of the Tavern, but don't think you have to build there. The garden is only there cause that's where the back door leads too. Design your area and then say where abouts it bolts onto the base map, I can easily put them next to each other and change that to the base map.
You can also build things inside the Tavern. Being an interior designer/decorator could work well. Place anything you want anywhere, make large areas, small areas, cozy areas, secret areas, whatever you want. You could make a second floor, or a basement. Your imagination is the limit.
Make your own rooms, training areas, little businesses, paths, gardens, rose bushes, roller coasters, trampoline parks, farms, arenas, workshops, post office's, portals, laundry shoots, social areas, hidden lounges, buildings for your pickle making empire's, ice cream factories, water parks, IKEA's, bakers stalls, mills, blacksmiths, breweries, and anything in between.
Once the Tavern has got to its absolute best (Which won't be for ages, don't worry) I will end the building and turn this into a normal tavern. Until then, roleplay your heart out as you build you and your characters wildest dreams.
1. No PVP without permission from both people playing the characters. If that is agreed to, then PVP may occur outside, but no such fighting may happen inside the Tavern itself.
2. Please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word)
3. Respect people!
4. If an argument gets out of hand, there is always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread.
5. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gory details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep this stuff down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM.
6. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know in a respectful way.
7. Please put "One must use their imagination" in your first post to show you've read the rules.
8. Have fun!
At its heart this Tavern is supposed to be relatively simple (I'll probably end up eating my words though) so hopefully won't need me to mod it all the time. You can roleplay without limits, just know that you need to consult me, preferably in the PM I will add you to (If I'm not around, ask someone here to add you to it) before you can build anything, and that once built, the walls and actual structure of all buildings are indestructible. Magic does that kind of thing. If you're not sure if something would be okay (In terms of places, how you turn the rollercoaster on, or something like that) and me and the person who built it are not around to answer you, then just do what you thinks right and we can always correct you when we get back. You shouldn't have done too much damage (Hopefully)
If you have any questions, just ask :)
Disclaimer: Any world threatening activities completed here will not be the fault of Drummer_the_Dragon_Slayer.
*I hope this is ok that I am using two characters and characters you have seen before at that. But I think their dynamic will be funny, hopefully*
A tall, skinny, half-elf and a lithe, graceful Tabaxi walk into the tavern. 'This is it. We're actually doing this' the half-elf says. 'Yeah, we are, so try not to mess it up. This is supposed to be a work of architectural genius I can finally use to impress my lady friend' the tabaxi replies. 'Genius? Ya sure about that Dexy?' '100%. One must use their imagination, but soon, my contributions will be great enough to show Nari just what I have become'
The half-elf begins digging a shaft from the main bar area, whilst the tabaxi tries to install a marble fountain statue of himself into the back right corner of the entrance hall.
*I hope this is ok that I am using two characters and characters you have seen before at that. But I think their dynamic will be funny, hopefully*
A tall, skinny, half-elf and a lithe, graceful Tabaxi walk into the tavern. 'This is it. We're actually doing this' the half-elf says. 'Yeah, we are, so try not to mess it up. This is supposed to be a work of architectural genius I can finally use to impress my lady friend' the tabaxi replies. 'Genius? Ya sure about that Dexy?' '100%. One must use their imagination, but soon, my contributions will be great enough to show Nari just what I have become'
The half-elf begins digging a shaft from the main bar area, whilst the tabaxi tries to install a marble fountain statue of himself into the back right corner of the entrance hall.
*It's cool, I was going to say there's a character limit of 2 anyway. And like I said to Baalz, just tell me when your characters constructions are done and then we can add them to the map.*
The garish and egocentric statue has probably been installed now by the Tabaxi, but he's no expert plumber and the water is coming out of its nose rather than from the tip of its sword.
The garish and egocentric statue has probably been installed now by the Tabaxi, but he's no expert plumber and the water is coming out of its nose rather than from the tip of its sword.
*Where abouts do you want it? Give me a rough idea, or even better, a drawing on the map, and I'll add it*
The dungeon is a sprawling yet claustrophobic nightmarescape, build out of shadowstuff to allow it to rearrange itself at will and create unnatural illusions. Any creatures that die down there will sink deeper into the earth to feed... well, we'll get to that.
Talbot stops construction. "Anyone got any treasure they want to keep safe? I've got a place for it."
I can't seem to copy and paste the file very well, but it is in the back of the entrance corridor, just to the right of the door to the restaurant. Meanwhile, the chute the Half-elf is digging is in the bottom left corner of the main bar room
I can't seem to copy and paste the file very well, but it is in the back of the entrance corridor, just to the right of the door to the restaurant. Meanwhile, the chute the Half-elf is digging is in the bottom left corner of the main bar room
I can't seem to copy and paste the file very well, but it is in the back of the entrance corridor, just to the right of the door to the restaurant. Meanwhile, the chute the Half-elf is digging is in the bottom left corner of the main bar room
The half-elf digs out a small room underneath the chute, with a raised area which he puts a few blankets on. Then, he puts a sign above the chute in the bar room reading 'Trash Chute'. The half-elf's eyes light up, for some reason. He has a plan...
Characters are always made to fit the theme of the Tavern.
But I thought, "Why don't we turn that on its head?"
"Why don't we make a Tavern that fits the theme of the characters?"
Help me make the Tavern of your dreams. Something we can all work on together.
Maybe you work for the Waterdeep workforce and have been assigned to help with the construction of this Tavern,
Maybe you've been hired by someone to design a part of the Tavern exactly how they want it so they can move in once its done,
Or maybe you're helping build what you want to be your new home.
Intro your characters, put on your gear, roll out your blueprints and get building.
That's the current layout of the Tavern. Please, copy it, scribble your ideas and designs over it (Either digitally or hand drawn) and post them. That way we can work on your ideas, and factor them in with everyone else's.
I know there's a large garden area in the base map of the Tavern, but don't think you have to build there. The garden is only there cause that's where the back door leads too. Design your area and then say where abouts it bolts onto the base map, I can easily put them next to each other and change that to the base map.
You can also build things inside the Tavern. Being an interior designer/decorator could work well. Place anything you want anywhere, make large areas, small areas, cozy areas, secret areas, whatever you want. You could make a second floor, or a basement. Your imagination is the limit.
Make your own rooms, training areas, little businesses, paths, gardens, rose bushes, roller coasters, trampoline parks, farms, arenas, workshops, post office's, portals, laundry shoots, social areas, hidden lounges, buildings for your pickle making empire's, ice cream factories, water parks, IKEA's, bakers stalls, mills, blacksmiths, breweries, and anything in between.
Once the Tavern has got to its absolute best (Which won't be for ages, don't worry) I will end the building and turn this into a normal tavern. Until then, roleplay your heart out as you build you and your characters wildest dreams.
1. No PVP without permission from both people playing the characters. If that is agreed to, then PVP may occur outside, but no such fighting may happen inside the Tavern itself.
2. Please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word)
3. Respect people!
4. If an argument gets out of hand, there is always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread.
5. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gory details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep this stuff down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM.
6. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know in a respectful way.
7. Please put "One must use their imagination" in your first post to show you've read the rules.
8. Have fun!
At its heart this Tavern is supposed to be relatively simple (I'll probably end up eating my words though) so hopefully won't need me to mod it all the time. You can roleplay without limits, just know that you need to consult me, preferably in the PM I will add you to (If I'm not around, ask someone here to add you to it) before you can build anything, and that once built, the walls and actual structure of all buildings are indestructible. Magic does that kind of thing. If you're not sure if something would be okay (In terms of places, how you turn the rollercoaster on, or something like that) and me and the person who built it are not around to answer you, then just do what you thinks right and we can always correct you when we get back. You shouldn't have done too much damage (Hopefully)
If you have any questions, just ask :)
Disclaimer: Any world threatening activities completed here will not be the fault of Drummer_the_Dragon_Slayer.
Back for the sleepover!!!
*Wow, this looks amazing, can't wait to join!*
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
*One must use their imagination*
Talbot, a humanoid-shaped creature covered in black cloth, immediately begins digging a cellar.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*No, there is no further description.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*And there's no need for me to do any kind of DM-y response. Once you think the Cellar is done, come talk to me and we'll have it built*
*Wait, that was sort of a DM-y response*
Back for the sleepover!!!
*I hope this is ok that I am using two characters and characters you have seen before at that. But I think their dynamic will be funny, hopefully*
A tall, skinny, half-elf and a lithe, graceful Tabaxi walk into the tavern. 'This is it. We're actually doing this' the half-elf says. 'Yeah, we are, so try not to mess it up. This is supposed to be a work of architectural genius I can finally use to impress my lady friend' the tabaxi replies. 'Genius? Ya sure about that Dexy?' '100%. One must use their imagination, but soon, my contributions will be great enough to show Nari just what I have become'
The half-elf begins digging a shaft from the main bar area, whilst the tabaxi tries to install a marble fountain statue of himself into the back right corner of the entrance hall.
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
After the cellar is finished, Talbot brings in his (literal) skeleton crew and has them put in the boards and the SECRET TRAPDOOR TO THE DUNGEON.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*It's cool, I was going to say there's a character limit of 2 anyway. And like I said to Baalz, just tell me when your characters constructions are done and then we can add them to the map.*
Back for the sleepover!!!
Back for the sleepover!!!
The garish and egocentric statue has probably been installed now by the Tabaxi, but he's no expert plumber and the water is coming out of its nose rather than from the tip of its sword.
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
*Where abouts do you want it? Give me a rough idea, or even better, a drawing on the map, and I'll add it*
Back for the sleepover!!!
The dungeon is a sprawling yet claustrophobic nightmarescape, build out of shadowstuff to allow it to rearrange itself at will and create unnatural illusions. Any creatures that die down there will sink deeper into the earth to feed... well, we'll get to that.
Talbot stops construction. "Anyone got any treasure they want to keep safe? I've got a place for it."
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I can't seem to copy and paste the file very well, but it is in the back of the entrance corridor, just to the right of the door to the restaurant. Meanwhile, the chute the Half-elf is digging is in the bottom left corner of the main bar room
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
*Cool, I'll add it*
Back for the sleepover!!!
The way down to the cellar is in that weird nook next to the back door outside.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Back for the sleepover!!!
Back for the sleepover!!!
Back for the sleepover!!!
The half-elf digs out a small room underneath the chute, with a raised area which he puts a few blankets on. Then, he puts a sign above the chute in the bar room reading 'Trash Chute'. The half-elf's eyes light up, for some reason. He has a plan...
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
*It's perfect!*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.