Deep in the ███████████ Mountains, There is a complex underground faucilty that holds many horrors. You are a part of this site, this small piece of the Foundation. Whether or not you rebel against the Foundation, you are here. Perhaps you are a guard, a prisoner. Maybe you are with the Chaos Insurgency, attempting to raid this secret location. It is your story to tell, so I leave it up to you. Just don't ██████████ ████ ██████████.
1. No PVP (this includes being stolen from) without permission from BOTH people playing the characters. If that is agreed to, then PVP may occur outside but no such roughhousing may happen inside the premises. 2. If you wish to run an encounter or something similar, let's talk about it over in PMs and I will see if you can run it. 2a. While running an Encounter, the DM has the right to ask for stats beforehand and veto power over HB. 2b. (Unless stated otherwise by the DM) characters are automatically resurrected after an encounter. How does this happen? Corbenic must be on the fritz. 3. 'Yes and' with people. Although the SCP Foundation enjoys to play fast and loose with Canon, try to accept parts of Canon they put down. If two things disagree (ex. 682 is the Devil from the Bible vs. 682 is the child of the Scarlet King), then just accept both and say that in one person's universe its one way, and in another a different way. The Multiverse is remarkably large. 4. Although the occasional low-level swear (like the s#@t or c$%p) is allowed, please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word or whatnot). 5. Respect people! 6. If an argument gets out of hand, there is always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread. If it still isn't resolved, a mod may step in 7. Don’t threaten each other. If a player is not willing to follow through with an action that includes his/her character then please respect their wishes. 8. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gorey details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep things down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM 9. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know in a respectful way. 10. Please refrain from playing specific SCPs or characters. This includes (but is not limited to) 173, 682, 72, 76, any O5, LS (serpents hand) Masked Lords of Aldaggada, Mr. Dark (MC&D) and more. General SCPs (such as 939 or 131) which are not specific individuals may be played. This rule does not refer to encounters or to flashbacks. If you really want to play a specific SCP, please contact the mods and we can discuss this.
*General Lore*
Okay, so anomalies exist. Anomalies are things that break the rules of reality. They range from duplicating cakes to keys that can open any lock to world-eating gods. Many organizations exist in relation to these Anomalies. These include the SCP Foundation which works to Secure, Contain, and protect Anomalies, the GOC which works to destroy Anomalies, MC&D which works to sell them, and whatnot. In the SCP universe, there is a city in a demi-plane known as Three Portlands (because it is connected to three cities known as 'Portland' in the real world) where anomalies aren't hidden
The main center of the SCP Stories is the SCP Foundation. SCP stands for Secure, Contain, Protect, the motto said Foundation. The SCP Foundation is a multinational, world-spanning, organization that contains multiple instances of 'anomalies', things that break the rules of reality. Everything that the SCP Foundation does is to Secure, Contain and Protect these anomalies.
SCP: Secure Contain Protect. The motto of the SCP Foundation
SCP: Special Containment Procedures. A type of document used by the SCP Foundation that shows how to contain anomalies and information about said anomalies.
Three Portlands: A Demiplane that doesn't have to hide the anomalies.
*Inspired by Pallghost* <------- *I stole his rules*
Patrolling the halls of the facility is a man in all black. The 9-tailed fox emblem on his shoulder. He carries a M16 assault rifle and a pistol at his hip. He pauses in front of SCP-704's containment area and then walks inside.
*I'm letting yall know, I'm gonna finish up the camp half blood scp thing before i turn to this fully, just so that i don't mix up any details by accident*
Deep in the ███████████ Mountains, There is a complex underground faucilty that holds many horrors. You are a part of this site, this small piece of the Foundation. Whether or not you rebel against the Foundation, you are here. Perhaps you are a guard, a prisoner. Maybe you are with the Chaos Insurgency, attempting to raid this secret location. It is your story to tell, so I leave it up to you. Just don't ██████████ ████ ██████████.
1. No PVP (this includes being stolen from) without permission from BOTH people playing the characters. If that is agreed to, then PVP may occur outside but no such roughhousing may happen inside the premises.
2. If you wish to run an encounter or something similar, let's talk about it over in PMs and I will see if you can run it.
2a. While running an Encounter, the DM has the right to ask for stats beforehand and veto power over HB.
2b. (Unless stated otherwise by the DM) characters are automatically resurrected after an encounter. How does this happen? Corbenic must be on the fritz.
3. 'Yes and' with people. Although the SCP Foundation enjoys to play fast and loose with Canon, try to accept parts of Canon they put down. If two things disagree (ex. 682 is the Devil from the Bible vs. 682 is the child of the Scarlet King), then just accept both and say that in one person's universe its one way, and in another a different way. The Multiverse is remarkably large.
4. Although the occasional low-level swear (like the s#@t or c$%p) is allowed, please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word or whatnot).
5. Respect people!
6. If an argument gets out of hand, there is always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread. If it still isn't resolved, a mod may step in
7. Don’t threaten each other. If a player is not willing to follow through with an action that includes his/her character then please respect their wishes.
8. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gorey details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep things down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM
9. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know in a respectful way.
10. Please refrain from playing specific SCPs or characters. This includes (but is not limited to) 173, 682, 72, 76, any O5, LS (serpents hand) Masked Lords of Aldaggada, Mr. Dark (MC&D) and more. General SCPs (such as 939 or 131) which are not specific individuals may be played. This rule does not refer to encounters or to flashbacks. If you really want to play a specific SCP, please contact the mods and we can discuss this.
*General Lore*
Okay, so anomalies exist. Anomalies are things that break the rules of reality. They range from duplicating cakes to keys that can open any lock to world-eating gods. Many organizations exist in relation to these Anomalies. These include the SCP Foundation which works to Secure, Contain, and protect Anomalies, the GOC which works to destroy Anomalies, MC&D which works to sell them, and whatnot. In the SCP universe, there is a city in a demi-plane known as Three Portlands (because it is connected to three cities known as 'Portland' in the real world) where anomalies aren't hidden
*Inspired by Pallghost* <------- *I stole his rules*
*all yours*
*hey Nolkiss i was wondering if i could make a guard for MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox")?*
Join the Town of Agreal! ----> LINK
Check out my photography on Flickr. ----> LINK
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
*yeah, of course you can*
*Cool cool*
Patrolling the halls of the facility is a man in all black. The 9-tailed fox emblem on his shoulder. He carries a M16 assault rifle and a pistol at his hip. He pauses in front of SCP-704's containment area and then walks inside.
Join the Town of Agreal! ----> LINK
Check out my photography on Flickr. ----> LINK
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
*I'm letting yall know, I'm gonna finish up the camp half blood scp thing before i turn to this fully, just so that i don't mix up any details by accident*
Join the Town of Agreal! ----> LINK
Check out my photography on Flickr. ----> LINK
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
66 wakes up, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He smiles
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
'Morning, 704! So good to be here' 66 hisses
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
'I've had many. That's why I'm here.' he sounds sort of sinister. 'And who said Hell wasn't a good thing?'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
'I was always like this, and will be until the Ender Times. How about you? What do you think you think of this place?'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
'And why would that be? You don't consider yourself a monstrosity?'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature