Whether a thief or hitman, mobster or villain, everyone needs somewhere they can have a drink in peace. And where there's a demand, there's someone to supply it. Hence the Bad Name Tavern, an establishment where thieves can rub shoulders with assassins and not worry about getting a knife to their back.
Located in the 1312th layer of the Abyss, good-for-nothings, ne'er-do-wells, and sinners alike can enjoy meals and drinks made by our impeccably trained kitchen staff, peruse the books in the library on the second floor, hone their skills for the next heist at the outdoor training center, and book one of the infinite rooms towering on top of the tavern. Outside is a garden, where rare and beautiful plants bloom, carrying deadly poisons in their leaves, and a bare gravel yard used by patrons seeking to settle their differences.
Four evildoers run this establishment and the surrounding layer, in an ungodly triumvirate.
First is Deryk Humbleflaw, a once-living king of the underworld. His formerly coloured coat, scarf, hair, and eyes, are now dyed an ebony black, contrasting against his pure white skin. A bright smile, which was once so perfectly pleasing and persuasive is now a sinister grin that stretches from ear to ear. He has curling goat horns which adds to his devilish appearance.
Karlos Scree is the grizzled dwarf who made a name for himself as a fixer when he first came to the Abyss. With a thousand contacts and years of experience, he always has a story to fit the needs of a passing stranger.
Then, there's Misty. Still unsure what she's doing in a place like the Bad Name, she just wants to help out. You can find her most often tending to the garden or making a mean cherry pie in the kitchen.
And finally, there’s Jeoffrey, the little hyena. No one knows where he came from, and he has a penchant for going overboard with disrespectful patrons. With his strange psychic powers and inhumanhyena strength, he works as the tavern’s bouncer, chef, janitor, and practically every position no one else wants. He also likes head pats, but make sure you ask first. (Yes, he does bite.)
HONOUR AMONG THIEVES. We're evil, not animals! The Bad Name is a civilised place, where courtesies must be observed. As such, arguing between players is disallowed, please don't do it. If a player asks you to change the topic IC or OOC, don't argue. Just do it. Please be nice and welcoming to new people, and listen to the mods (Stephanie, Nikoli, Calo, and Cyno).
CODE OF CONDUCT. Topics that might make people uncomfortable are forbidden in this thread. That includes references to suicide, and character romances. If you do include suicide or explicit gore, please put in a spoiler text with a trigger warning. Character romance is never allowed*.
TAKE IT OUTSIDE. The Bad Name is a place where the worst villains can go to drink in peace, and as such aggression towards characters (from mind control to attack rolls) is frowned upon. If you really want to, both characters (and players) must agree to head into the backyard; and only then can they have a friendly spar or settle their differences.
SOMETHING WICKED. There's nothing more wicked than a long quote chain! They're a huge source of lag and massively inconvenient for mobile users, so if you could try keep them as short as possible that would be great. Regularly trimming them at around three or four posts would be amazing. To show you've read this rule, please put 'I'll try to keep the quote chains short' in your first post.
LOOTERS RESPECT THE LOO. Please remember to flush and wash your hands after using the toilets. The second floor toilets are currently out of order, please use the ground floor WC instead.
A DARK PLACE. The basement is strictly forbidden ground for patrons, do not attempt to enter under any circumstances. Thank you.
MONDAY BLUES. Please do not interact with the delivery people when they come. They are providing completely legitimate supplies, if they're not talkative it has nothing to do with gang affiliations.
JAIL BIRDS. Please ignore any and all intelligent looking birds. these are not trapped souls. Thank you for your patience.
THE PRICE OF DOING BUSINESS. Violating these rules will lead to reminders, warnings or bans from the mods, depending on how serious the rule breaking is (we're not gonna send you a warning over forgetting to cut a quote chain). Characters who are aggressive, forget to wash their hands, or are sexually suggestive in their behaviour will be cleaned up, by staff assassins. This won't be roleplayed, it will just happen and cannot be avoided in any way. If anybody has an issue, dispute, query, or otherwise needs a moderator, please DM Steph (Stephanie252), Calo (Book_Of_Calo), Niko (Nikoli_Goodfellow), or Cyno (cynophobia_) and we'll try to help you ASAP. Steph is in a British time zone, so take that into account if DMing them, the other two are in the USA.
*There's nothing wrong with romance, but it can very quickly lead to more uncomfortable sexual content and 'fade to black' scenes. We're asking that players avoid romance so that those kinds of incidents can be easily avoided. There are kids using this forum and we would like to create a safe space for everybody to roleplay evilly.
An average-looking man arrives at the tavern. He has dark hair, tanned skin, a well-trimmed goatee beard, and is dressed in a white tuxedo and red aviator sunglasses.
'Why else would I be here? The name's Jim Cato, by the way. I have other names, but that's the one I go by now'
"It's opening night, the rest of the might complain but the first drink is on the house." Deryk winks from the doorway, taking out a broom to begin finishing sweeping
"It's opening night, the rest of the might complain but the first drink is on the house." Deryk winks from the doorway, taking out a broom to begin finishing sweeping
Karlos groans. "And this is why we haven't turned a profit yet..."
The sound of buzzing flies faintly sounds from the doors of the tavern as a creature casting a large, monstrous shadow steps through the doors. It’s almost wendigoian in shape- its head resembles a vulture’s skull, several eye sockets embedded in it, a candle melded into its forehead casting a soft golden glow with its ghostly flame. Around its neck is a large, black, furry mane, hiding another set of around 50 eyes that run from its neck to its shoulderblades. It has a long sinewy body of white flesh stretched over bone, two massive white feathered wings curled close to its body. Its tail is long and thick, ending with a scorpion-like stinger. The ghastly creature slinks forward, taking in the sights of the tavern, purring quietly.
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— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ — “sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.” ——————| EXTENDED SIG |—————— Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
The sound of buzzing flies faintly sounds from the doors of the tavern as a creature casting a large, monstrous shadow steps through the doors. It’s almost wendigoian in shape- its head resembles a vulture’s skull, several eye sockets embedded in it, a candle melded into its forehead casting a soft golden glow with its ghostly flame. Around its neck is a large, black, furry mane, hiding another set of around 50 eyes that run from its neck to its shoulderblades. It has a long sinewy body of white flesh stretched over bone, two massive white feathered wings curled close to its body. Its tail is long and thick, ending with a scorpion-like stinger. The ghastly creature slinks forward, taking in the sights of the tavern, purring quietly.
'You're in the way of my seeping. Go take a seat somewhere, and good lord wipe your feet next time. I just finished cleaning that spot..." Deryk grumbles
The sound of buzzing flies faintly sounds from the doors of the tavern as a creature casting a large, monstrous shadow steps through the doors. It’s almost wendigoian in shape- its head resembles a vulture’s skull, several eye sockets embedded in it, a candle melded into its forehead casting a soft golden glow with its ghostly flame. Around its neck is a large, black, furry mane, hiding another set of around 50 eyes that run from its neck to its shoulderblades. It has a long sinewy body of white flesh stretched over bone, two massive white feathered wings curled close to its body. Its tail is long and thick, ending with a scorpion-like stinger. The ghastly creature slinks forward, taking in the sights of the tavern, purring quietly.
Karlos blinks. Then he rubs his eyes and takes a closer look. Then he sighs, as it has all those extra body parts but still only one mouth to buy food for. "Hello there, how can we help you?"
"It's opening night, the rest of the might complain but the first drink is on the house." Deryk winks from the doorway, taking out a broom to begin finishing sweeping
Karlos groans. "And this is why we haven't turned a profit yet..."
"Let the man have his bloody drink, Karlos. We've opened! That's a cause for celebration enough." Misty slings a towel over her shoulder, passing him a bowl to start wiping down as well. She picks the towel back up and snaps it playfully at his shoulder. "And it's just one drink. It's harmless."
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Darold the Mud Dauber says: _ _ it's still spooky season | )/ ) \\ |//,' it's always spooky season (")(_)---"()=--(\\ \)
The sound of buzzing flies faintly sounds from the doors of the tavern as a creature casting a large, monstrous shadow steps through the doors. It’s almost wendigoian in shape- its head resembles a vulture’s skull, several eye sockets embedded in it, a candle melded into its forehead casting a soft golden glow with its ghostly flame. Around its neck is a large, black, furry mane, hiding another set of around 50 eyes that run from its neck to its shoulderblades. It has a long sinewy body of white flesh stretched over bone, two massive white feathered wings curled close to its body. Its tail is long and thick, ending with a scorpion-like stinger. The ghastly creature slinks forward, taking in the sights of the tavern, purring quietly.
'You're in the way of my seeping. Go take a seat somewhere, and good lord wipe your feet next time. I just finished cleaning that spot..." Deryk grumbles
The creature regards him curiously. “Perhaps if you had a footmat, it would be much easier to prevent dirt tracking.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ — “sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.” ——————| EXTENDED SIG |—————— Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
'And when I say the red stuff, I could mean either. You choose- both are good for me'
Archon fluffs its feathers. “Cato. A lovely surprise!” It chuffs quietly.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ — “sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.” ——————| EXTENDED SIG |—————— Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
"It's opening night, the rest of the might complain but the first drink is on the house." Deryk winks from the doorway, taking out a broom to begin finishing sweeping
Karlos groans. "And this is why we haven't turned a profit yet..."
"Let the man have his bloody drink, Karlos. We've opened! That's a cause for celebration enough." Misty slings a towel over her shoulder, passing him a bowl to start wiping down as well. She picks the towel back up and snaps it playfully at his shoulder. "And it's just one drink. It's harmless."
§ A Villain Tavern
Whether a thief or hitman, mobster or villain, everyone needs somewhere they can have a drink in peace. And where there's a demand, there's someone to supply it. Hence the Bad Name Tavern, an establishment where thieves can rub shoulders with assassins and not worry about getting a knife to their back.
Located in the 1312th layer of the Abyss, good-for-nothings, ne'er-do-wells, and sinners alike can enjoy meals and drinks made by our impeccably trained kitchen staff, peruse the books in the library on the second floor, hone their skills for the next heist at the outdoor training center, and book one of the infinite rooms towering on top of the tavern. Outside is a garden, where rare and beautiful plants bloom, carrying deadly poisons in their leaves, and a bare gravel yard used by patrons seeking to settle their differences.
Four evildoers run this establishment and the surrounding layer, in an ungodly triumvirate.
humanhyena strength, he works as the tavern’s bouncer, chef, janitor, and practically every position no one else wants. He also likes head pats, but make sure you ask first. (Yes, he does bite.)§§§
*There's nothing wrong with romance, but it can very quickly lead to more uncomfortable sexual content and 'fade to black' scenes. We're asking that players avoid romance so that those kinds of incidents can be easily avoided. There are kids using this forum and we would like to create a safe space for everybody to roleplay evilly.
: Systems Online : Nikoli_Goodfellow Homebrew : My WIP Homebrew Class :
( u u)
o/ \🥛🍪 Hey, take care of yourself alright?
Karlos grumbles as he wipes down some dirty glasses. "Business has been slow recently. Hopefully we get some new customers soon, eh Deryk?"
He takes some more glasses from Misty and starts washing those too
Chilling kinda vibe.
An average-looking man arrives at the tavern. He has dark hair, tanned skin, a well-trimmed goatee beard, and is dressed in a white tuxedo and red aviator sunglasses.
'Good afternoon'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
Karlos brightens up noticeably. "Hey there. Don't suppose you're here for a drink?"
Chilling kinda vibe.
'Why else would I be here? The name's Jim Cato, by the way. I have other names, but that's the one I go by now'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
"Karlos. Karlos Scree." He heads behind the bar. "What can I get for you, Jim?"
Chilling kinda vibe.
Deryk nods, cleaning off some stools, and flipping the sign to show the tavern is open for business
: Systems Online : Nikoli_Goodfellow Homebrew : My WIP Homebrew Class :
( u u)
o/ \🥛🍪 Hey, take care of yourself alright?
'What sort of drinks do you do? I'm guessing you do the red stuff'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
"It's opening night, the rest of the might complain but the first drink is on the house." Deryk winks from the doorway, taking out a broom to begin finishing sweeping
: Systems Online : Nikoli_Goodfellow Homebrew : My WIP Homebrew Class :
( u u)
o/ \🥛🍪 Hey, take care of yourself alright?
"Blood or wine. Or both? We stock the full range here."
Chilling kinda vibe.
Karlos groans. "And this is why we haven't turned a profit yet..."
Chilling kinda vibe.
The sound of buzzing flies faintly sounds from the doors of the tavern as a creature casting a large, monstrous shadow steps through the doors. It’s almost wendigoian in shape- its head resembles a vulture’s skull, several eye sockets embedded in it, a candle melded into its forehead casting a soft golden glow with its ghostly flame. Around its neck is a large, black, furry mane, hiding another set of around 50 eyes that run from its neck to its shoulderblades. It has a long sinewy body of white flesh stretched over bone, two massive white feathered wings curled close to its body. Its tail is long and thick, ending with a scorpion-like stinger. The ghastly creature slinks forward, taking in the sights of the tavern, purring quietly.
— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ —
“sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.”
——————| EXTENDED SIG |——————
Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
'You're in the way of my seeping. Go take a seat somewhere, and good lord wipe your feet next time. I just finished cleaning that spot..." Deryk grumbles
: Systems Online : Nikoli_Goodfellow Homebrew : My WIP Homebrew Class :
( u u)
o/ \🥛🍪 Hey, take care of yourself alright?
'Archon, old buddy? Is that you?'
'And when I say the red stuff, I could mean either. You choose- both are good for me'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
Karlos blinks. Then he rubs his eyes and takes a closer look. Then he sighs, as it has all those extra body parts but still only one mouth to buy food for. "Hello there, how can we help you?"
Chilling kinda vibe.
"Let the man have his bloody drink, Karlos. We've opened! That's a cause for celebration enough." Misty slings a towel over her shoulder, passing him a bowl to start wiping down as well. She picks the towel back up and snaps it playfully at his shoulder. "And it's just one drink. It's harmless."
The creature regards him curiously. “Perhaps if you had a footmat, it would be much easier to prevent dirt tracking.”
— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ —
“sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.”
——————| EXTENDED SIG |——————
Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
Archon fluffs its feathers. “Cato. A lovely surprise!” It chuffs quietly.
— δ ψινο • the croc master • hε/hιm δ —
“sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ, ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴜs.”
——————| EXTENDED SIG |——————
Φ • happily married to • ☁️ℝ𝔼𝔻ℙ𝔼𝕃𝕋☁️ • As vast as the sun, stars, and the sky itself, so is my promise to you • Φ
"How about a blend?" Karlos mixes him a tall glass of the stuff and hands it over. "Enjoy"
Chilling kinda vibe.
'Bloody drink. Good one' Cato smiles
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature