Alright, let's start with the mission briefing: You know, standard procedure.
There exist two thieve's guilds in the city: The Kestrels and the Cormorants. Lately, they've been fighting with each other, and neither side has been winning or losing, so they're both reaching out to local private investigators and spy networks to try and undermine their opponents. Neither side knows the other has the same strategy (and frankly, that information is irrelevant in game terms). Here's the catch: Each guild has a big secret, one that would be absolutely devastating to them if it were to slip out. Whether those secrets remain locked up or not... well, I'm not the person to ask. That's up to all of you, and how things play out...
How the Game Works:
Each Agent (Player) will be assigned to one of two Guilds: The Kestrels or the Cormorants. If you're lucky, you might end up as a Double Agent or... something else.
Each Agent will receive one part of their Guild's Big Secret. These Secrets can be shared with whoever you like... just be careful who's listening.
The game starts when there are at least 3 Agents on each Guild. Secrets will not be given to Agents before then.
The game goes in turns between the two Guilds. Agents can only use Actions during their respective Guild's turn, and the Guild's turn ends when at least half of the Agents in that Guild use an Action. Trades and conversations via PM are not affected by turns, though Savvy Points traded will not be received until the start of the recipient's Guild's next turn. The guild that goes first will be decided by a coin flip.
Each Agent starts with 1 Lucky Break and 3 Savvy Points, and each Agent gains 1 Savvy Point at the start of their Guild's turn. You can trade Savvy Points via PM if you wish, but Lucky Breaks cannot be traded or obtained: You get one, and that's all you get.
On a Guild's turn, Agents of that Guild can take one Action. Some actions require Savvy Points to use, and some... other types of Agent can get unique actions.
Actions that all Agents can take include the following:
Preparation (Free): You gain an additional Savvy Point.
Listen In (Costs 2 Savvy Points): You listen in to a private discussion, hearing the most recent reply on a random PM (This reply will be given to the Acting Agent by me, the Operator)
Research (Costs 3 Savvy Points): You learn more about your mission, asking the Operator (me) one yes-or-no question, which I must answer truthfully.
Sabotage (Costs 3 Savvy Points): You foil the rival Guild's plans, causing a random rival Agent's next Action to fail in some way.
Scheme (Costs 5 Savvy Points): You anticipate an enemy's actions, causing the next Action an Agent on the rival Guild takes to fail completely, and that Agent loses 2 Savvy Points.
Your Lucky Break can be used to perform an Action without spending Savvy Points... or to protect yourself from an ambush. Use it wisely...
If a Guild's Big Secret is found out or solved by their Rival Guild, the exposed Guild loses.
If a Guild has no surviving Agents, the Guild loses.
Be kind to each other, have fun, and keep the foul language (excessive swearing) to a minimum!
When you have read all the rules, and wish to play, include the words 'it's a secret to everybody' in a post here.
That's all the rules I can think of so far. Good luck, Agents.
*edit: I read through the rules again, and made some changes to their wording to avoid confusion. Also, there is one new rule.*
With all these people wanting to join, we just need 1 more person before the game can truly begin... and the scheming and shenaniganerry can begin as well...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
Quick question, for research, is the question in here or PM's?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
Quick question, for research, is the question in here or PM's?
The question is asked in the same PM where I give you your Secret. To keep things, you know, secret.
Speaking of Research, now that everyone has a Secret, the game has now truly begun! There is one condition that I will add to the beginning of the game, though.
For the first 2 rounds of the game (where both Guilds take a turn), the Listen Inaction will be unable to be used. We don't want Secrets being revealed too soon.
Other than that, the game will play as normal. Kestrels, you won the coin flip, so your Guild goes first!
*edit: I made an error. What I meant to say was that the Listen In Action is disabled, not the Research action.*
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
One other thing: I encourage all of you to keep track of your Savvy Points and Lucky Breaks yourselves: It would help me a lot with running the game, and I feel that you all would keep track of them better than me.
Right now, everyone has 3 Savvy Points except cool_dm, who has 4 because of Preparation.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Alright, let's start with the mission briefing: You know, standard procedure.
There exist two thieve's guilds in the city: The Kestrels and the Cormorants. Lately, they've been fighting with each other, and neither side has been winning or losing, so they're both reaching out to local private investigators and spy networks to try and undermine their opponents. Neither side knows the other has the same strategy (and frankly, that information is irrelevant in game terms). Here's the catch: Each guild has a big secret, one that would be absolutely devastating to them if it were to slip out. Whether those secrets remain locked up or not... well, I'm not the person to ask. That's up to all of you, and how things play out...
How the Game Works:
That's all the rules I can think of so far. Good luck, Agents.
*edit: I read through the rules again, and made some changes to their wording to avoid confusion. Also, there is one new rule.*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
This looks so cool!
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
This is awesome Yvonne! I have a literal spy character that would work wonderfully here
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
It’s a secret to everybody.
also, this is super cool.
I don’t have time to play, but this sounds awesome.
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
*can people join after the game started?*
*it's a secret to everybody*
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
I wanna join!!!
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
Yeah! Same!
Wanna rp on the YonStore?
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
*Looks cool, could I join?*
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
*Yes. People can absolutely join after the game begins.*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
*I'm interested, but I don't know what to play. I guess... it's a secret to everybody*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
With all these people wanting to join, we just need 1 more person before the game can truly begin... and the scheming and shenaniganerry can begin as well...
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
OoOoOh, how about advertise it in your signature?
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
This looks fun, why not.
I have plans, but "It's a secret to everybody"
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
-First Ideal of the Knights Radiant
Extended Signature. Real Extended Signature
The Game has begun! You all will be assigned to your respective Guilds and given your secrets soon...
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Quick question, for research, is the question in here or PM's?
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
-First Ideal of the Knights Radiant
Extended Signature. Real Extended Signature
The question is asked in the same PM where I give you your Secret. To keep things, you know, secret.
Speaking of Research, now that everyone has a Secret, the game has now truly begun! There is one condition that I will add to the beginning of the game, though.
Other than that, the game will play as normal. Kestrels, you won the coin flip, so your Guild goes first!
*edit: I made an error. What I meant to say was that the Listen In Action is disabled, not the Research action.*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
My cults are dead, let's talk about myself where they used to be. I am The_cool_Elsecaller, a transfem lesbian who is still in the closet to all but a few people I know IRL. I enjoy video games, reading, writing, and sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want writing advice or just want to talk.
"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination"
-First Ideal of the Knights Radiant
Extended Signature. Real Extended Signature
One other thing: I encourage all of you to keep track of your Savvy Points and Lucky Breaks yourselves: It would help me a lot with running the game, and I feel that you all would keep track of them better than me.
Right now, everyone has 3 Savvy Points except cool_dm, who has 4 because of Preparation.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)