A plague has spread across the world, plunging it into chaos for the past 254 years. Different from simple sickness. Spread through bodily fluids such as blood, the disease is almost always results in one’s doom, one way or another. You either die a slow, painful death, feeling as if you’re rotting from the inside as it destroys your metabolic functions and dissolves your organs. Coughing up blood and hardly able to function. Or you suffer a worse fate. You become transformed into an unholy beast, ravaged by sickness and pain, twisted into an eldritch abomination. Know simply as The Damned. The only thing curing your suffering is the flesh and blood of the uninfected. With The Damned roaming, most major cities have fallen, and smaller settlements are destroyed every day. Only one large city remains. Zeilgasht. Quite the large city. A population in the millions and rising. The city isn’t what you would call decrepit, but it is indeed gloomy, mostly due to the fact of recent developments… But that doesn’t mater those who come to the city usually come for one of two reasons. 1, to join the church and help with relief efforts, helping survivors of destroyed towns and Damned attacks. 2, to become a hunter. The hunters do exactly as one would think, as they are rescued for dispatching any Damned that enter the city, as well as going out in attempts to cull their numbers. Of course, one can do both, becoming what are know as crusaders. You my dear, are one of those people. For reasons likely known to you and you alone, you have come to this city, or maybe you’re from here or maybe you have a completely different past. Whatever reason you’re here for, you better make the best of it. For you never know when your time may be up.
1. Be nice, and don’t try to ruin others fun
2. This is a big one. Whatever I say for lore goes. You cannot change lore or information without my permission. By this I mean, no being related to one of the faction leaders, no having knowledge unknown to anyone else and such. If you want to do something like that, ask and we can work it out together.
3. Put Bloodborne in your first post so that I know you have read the rules
4. less of a rule and more of a fact that you should be aware of. Some people will be using information (such as weapons, classes, subclasses and races) from this book. You are free to use it however you please, and it is advised that you at least check it out (especially the weapons section)
5. Start at level 10 or below
6. You may start with 1 rare trick/magic weapon or 2 uncommon. You may also have another (non weapon) magic item following those same rules
Lore and stuff (There’s a Lot of this)
What are Damned?
Damned is a wide umbrella term for essentially any non humanoid creature with little to no intellectual or sense of self. Damned can vary from undead zombie like creatures colossal animalistic creatures, to a bird. There are also Artificial Damned, which did not occur naturally due to The Plague, and were created in some way. This is usually some form of experimental gone wrong, such as testing to find a cure for The Plague and accidentally pushing the limits of a life form, turning them into a living weapon (This has happened a depressing amount of times). Finally, you might hear Damned used as an insult, usually referring to someone with an unnatural biology, making them appear similar to Lesser Damned. These people are often times mistreated, and struggle to make a living for themselves, as most employers wouldn’t want to deal with all the negative stigma. Though it’s not necessarily uncommon to see them become Hunters, as more are always needed
Hunters and The Church
The Hunters and The Church are the two main organizations in Zeilgasht.Not a government per se, though considering how much authority they hold, they may as well be. While not at odds, their respective leaders…complicated to say the least past can occasionally cause issues, along with their opposing ideologies.
The Church
The Church is the more socially active member of the two, usually working in relief efforts to help people in the aftermath of a Damned attack or other major disaster. They also help the more impoverished people of Zeilgasht, making sure that they always have enough food. The Church believes that true righteousness and good comes from the heart, in an unplanned act of valor. This comes from their belief in their goddess, often called The One Who Waits Above, or She Who Awaits The Brave, who is a goddess of success, bravery, justice and light. There is no agreed upon version of her apparent or name, as you could ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 different answers, if not more. The Church oftentimes gives lessons about The One Who Waits Above to schoolchildren. These lessons often result in a students motivation to join The Church. The Church sees themselves as saviors of both the common folk, as well as The Damned, as they did not wish for their transformation, therefore killing them is truly an act of mercy. Joining the church is relatively simple, though it requires a test that could happen at any moment. The test goes like this: A random person the examinee has never met and has no relation with has a mishap, possibly slipping and hurting themselves, or dropping good, or otherwise messing up their job. According to their teachings, the examinee should help the person, regardless of how it may inconvenience them. If they choose not to, they will not be allowed to fully join The Church.
Alexander Vailamin is the leader of The Church. A 125 year old elf, he would be considered handsome by traditional standards, if you ignore the fact that his left eye was gouged out, and there is an empty socket and scarred flesh where it should be. He refuses to cover it up as: “I am no better than you. I am but a man of faith. We are all people, with scars, blemishes and imperfections. I simply accept mine, and you should do the same”. A powerful spell caster, he isn’t one to engage in combat without good reason, but when he does, all know it’s important and not to get in his way, lest you be struck down by a searing bolt of flame of column of pure light. How he lost his eye is unknown, though it’s commonly speculated that it has something do do with the leader of The Hunters. Finally, The Churches main base of operations is The Temple of Arcadia, a massive cathedral/tower at the very center of Zeilgasht, tall and impressive, it’s said to be one of the largest structures constructed. The Tower has various rooms for prayer and sermons, as well as a large food and clothing bank for the less fortunate and privileged
The Hunters
The Hunters are the main defense force of Zeilgasht, some working as the police force, while the rest (as their name implies) hunt down The Damned. While The Church sees themselves as holy cleansers and mercifully, The Hunters are not, and see The Damned as an evil that must be purged, by any means necessary. The Hunters follow three main tenets 1. No man left behind. It’s either none of us or it’s all of us. The only exception to this is when a commanding officer tells you to retreat, sacrificing themselves. 2. Show no mercy. Rip and tear, until the work is done. 3. When it comes to a choice of slay the beast or save the people, choose the beast. The lives of the many outweighs those of the few. These tenants are often seen as absurd and extreme but most Hunters follow them to a tee. The process of becoming a Hunter is…grueling to say the least. Most Hunters start their dream in their early teenage years, as all enrolled in school must take the Hunter Academy Eligibility Assessment, which is a sequence of physical exams. Passing this assessment makes you eligible to join The Hunter Academy once you reach the age of 16 (or your race’s equivalent) though you can join at any age below 60 (or your race’s equivalent) After 4 years of study and training, you must finally take the Hunter Suitability Exams, an absolutely brutal 24 hours of physical and written tests. 3 2 hour written exams to start, then 18 hours of physical torture (according to participants). In order to pass, you must score a cumulative 70 percent overall, including all of your scores on the physical and written tests. The highest scorer as of now scored an 81. The average score (of those who pass) is 73%. To put into perspective how impressive it is to pass, around 20,000 people take the exams every year, around 200 pass. Of the 200 or so that pass, less than half survive to retirement. Though failing to pass the exams does not mean the end of your career. Those who fail the exam by less than 5% can join the Civilian Division, which works as a traditional police force for less massive issues. And those who seem to have a knack for the more scientific problems (such as equipment and attempting to find a cure for The plague) can join the Research Department, which works more closely with The Church than your average Hunter, as there are always issues that can be solved with a fusion of magic, science and a little bit of faith.
The Hunters are lead by Elenora Zellengrad, a tiefling in her 60s (going on 70) though she remains quite spry for her age, likely due to all the years spent on hunts. Her left arm is missing, replaced with a magical prosthetic, which supposedly doubles as a weapon. As for how she lost it isn’t clear, but many believe that it’s the same reason Alexander only has one eye, and they did lose them at around the same time…anyways, she’s been described as stern and commanding. Incredibly determined, she has the sole wish of eradicating The Damned, regardless of the means by which they do it. Lastly, while many hunters have their own house or apartment, several stay at their base of operations: The Hunter’s den. Which is actually a massive series of tunnels formed from what used to be the catacombs from the early days of The Plague. This quite useful as it has exits throughout the city, allows Hunters to quickly travel across the city without having to deal with civilians or other obstacles. The main entrance and exit to The Hunters Den is located inside The Tower of Valor, resulting in members of The Church and Hunters intersecting paths quite frequently. Though most don’t hold any ill will or grudging to their counterparts.
The Old Ones
The Old Ones are a strange race(?)of eldritch beings with immense power, usually appearing alien and bizarre, though some appear more human. Many old ones are known. In Zeilgasht, worshiping or having any affiliation with an Old One is considered heresy and will possibly land you in hot water with The Church, or if you’re lucky, just some looks of disdain and not getting services by any follower of The Church that owns a business. Though with The Hunters, it’s the contrary, as it’s a way of getting power, and they need all they can get.
No one knowns exactly what The Old Ones are, but according to ancient manuscript by an unknown author, the Old Ones are “An Ancient, omnipresent, near omnipotent beings of a higher existence. Simply standing near them can mutate the very body and mind, transforming you into what can only be described as an unholy abomination, standing against the natural order of the world. Assuming they don’t drive you mad and rot you from the inside out first that is.” This had led to many a theories about what they are. Some believe they are humans who mastered magic and gained higher knowledge, causing them to mutate into their eldritch forms. Others think that they came from a separate universe where that is the norm. Others, and this is the most heretical and frowned upon reason, they were always like that, just like The One Who Waits Above, because they are one and the same. The One Who Waits Above is an Old One. Of course, The Church shoots down any attempt to boost this statement’s popularity and reputation, but it always pops up again after a time. Imagery related to The Old Ones can be found all over the city, in forms of graffiti of one of their symbols or entire murals depicting and dedicated to an Old One. These are usually either made by some prankster or more commonly with larger images, is the work of an Old One cult, trying to spread their influence. Old One cults are classified as any group of ten or more dedicated to researching The Old Ones, attempting to gain their knowledge and power, some even trying to become Old Ones themselves. This is technically legal, though any act that causes any one harm is highly punishable, usually by imprisonment for life and in extreme cases, execution
Zeilgasht is a large city and high population, though it always feels packed, due to its tight paths and many alley ways. Unlike your average large city of the past, it was built on verticality when expansions were needed, due to the fact that it’s surrounded by walls and taking them down would have been expensive and time consuming. This design causes multiple unrelated buildings being built on top of each other. The city lacks any defined layout, as your house could be located directly underneath a bar, or have a school building right next to a privately owned property made for Plauge research. The city’s architecture and feelcan best be described as dark using black stone and dark wood.
Life in the city
Life in the city is relatively pleasant and quiet, with crime becoming somewhat uncommon as you have no reason to commit any. Though it has a certain gloom to it, likely due to the atmosphere of impending doom from The Plague, Old One cults, or being torn asunder by a Damned. Not many get The Plague, as anyone who contracts it is swiftly quarantined. Though the possibility of being kidnapped by a cult and being used in an “ancient ritual in order to open a portal to the netherworld and release the Great Old Ones” is surprisingly high, along with the chance of being eaten by a Damned. This has lead to an unspoken code of “Keep your head down and your eyes ahead.” This also has created a tendency for people to be untrusting of anything that can be considered eldritch or unnatural. Refusing to serve them, children making jeering and heckling remarks to their more bizarre classmates and people turning a blind eye to blatant hate. This creates a cycle where those discriminated against act aggressively or take revenge, joining cults promoting simply releasing Damned. This then creates more stigmatization, which leads to more violent behavior in retaliation.
Each section will be updated as more lore is found and revealed
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
After a moment, the hunter glances over at the figure. "Can I help you with something?" The man says, his voice having the hint of an accent common to the nobility of the city.
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
After a moment, the hunter glances over at the figure. "Can I help you with something?" The man says, his voice having the hint of an accent common to the nobility of the city.
“No. I’m simply observing.” His voice is cold and mechanical
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
After a moment, the hunter glances over at the figure. "Can I help you with something?" The man says, his voice having the hint of an accent common to the nobility of the city.
“No. I’m simply observing.” His voice is cold and mechanical
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
After a moment, the hunter glances over at the figure. "Can I help you with something?" The man says, his voice having the hint of an accent common to the nobility of the city.
“No. I’m simply observing.” His voice is cold and mechanical
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
“I’m appraising your skill as a Hunter. You are skilled.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
A plump Belua (for those who don't have Steinhardt's, a Belua is a cursed wolf-man) is whistling jollily as he's doing his rounds through the city, a keg on one shoulder and an old cauldron on the other. His clothing identifies him as a member of the church, but they're ill-fitting and patched in many places, not to mention completely unarmored.
Despite the disdain of the rest of the crowd, the homeless seem drawn to him. Poor men, women, and children follow him until he sets down his little cauldron in front of an alley. He waves his arms as the cauldron swells in size to be almost 5 feet tall. He takes out many wooden bowls and snaps his claws in a dramatic display. Nothing happens. Anxiety falls over the crowd. He snaps again. Still nothing.
The monk grabs his ladle and begins banging on the cauldron. It begrudgingly fills with hearty stew, to the younger audience's awe and the older ones' relief. He begins to dole out the food in generous portions, to the cheers of the homeless... and the annoyance of the better-off residents who were hoping these unwashed masses would leave quickly.
The streets reek of blood and death, some try to run from it, free themselves from their fears in one way other or another. The hunters do not, they face such terrors head on, but not without consequence, some find the fears too much to bear and they quit, but those who do not feel their minds begin to unravel underneath the pressures. One of those who endured the unraveling is John Blutborne, although being turned into a psychopathic and violent cackling mad man by such terrors he continues his work as a hunter, the only things that bring him real pleasure in this world anymore being the smell of a newly dead beast, or knowing that his fellow hunters are safe from being slaughtered by such a creature. He uses his scythe trick weapon (Just a +2 halberd.) and his insights into the arcane to combat the blood corrupted creatures.
He is currently in his barracks, rambling to himself, his sentences so far from sanity that only someone as lost as he would ever have a hope of understanding as he hold’s the cleanly carved skull of a beast in his palm, looking upon it with glee and madness. He is wearing the traditional hunter’s attire, although surprisingly clean. He is muscular but hides it underneath his loose clothes, few have seen what his face truly looks like, but most can assume a smile of a shattered man behind the mask.
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
“I’m appraising your skill as a Hunter. You are skilled.”
"The compliment is appreciated. I take it you are a hunter as well?" The man says turning to face the figure properly. "You certainly look like one, but I don't think we have been introduced."
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
“I’m appraising your skill as a Hunter. You are skilled.”
"The compliment is appreciated. I take it you are a hunter as well?" The man says turning to face the figure properly. "You certainly look like one, but I don't think we have been introduced."
“Indeed. I am Roman. For those who enjoy alliteration, Roman the Ronin.” His voice remains empty and emotionless, unlike other who would normally sound polite and respectful
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
“I’m appraising your skill as a Hunter. You are skilled.”
"The compliment is appreciated. I take it you are a hunter as well?" The man says turning to face the figure properly. "You certainly look like one, but I don't think we have been introduced."
“Indeed. I am Roman. For those who enjoy alliteration, Roman the Ronin.” His voice remains empty and emotionless, unlike other who would normally sound polite and respectful
"I see. I'm Alabastor Paon, though some have taken to calling me The Black Peacock. They think it would insult me, the black sheep of my family." He says, laughing a bit, the faintest hint of madness coloring his mirth. "But I find that I like the title personally. However, Al is fine for a fellow hunter. Wealth and status doesn't matter much to the Damned anyways."
The fat belua is carving a little wooden chess piece, singing under his breath.
"...Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night. I still get a little scared of something new, But I feel a little safer when I'm with you. Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too..."
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Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
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A plague has spread across the world, plunging it into chaos for the past 254 years. Different from simple sickness. Spread through bodily fluids such as blood, the disease is almost always results in one’s doom, one way or another. You either die a slow, painful death, feeling as if you’re rotting from the inside as it destroys your metabolic functions and dissolves your organs. Coughing up blood and hardly able to function. Or you suffer a worse fate. You become transformed into an unholy beast, ravaged by sickness and pain, twisted into an eldritch abomination. Know simply as The Damned. The only thing curing your suffering is the flesh and blood of the uninfected. With The Damned roaming, most major cities have fallen, and smaller settlements are destroyed every day. Only one large city remains. Zeilgasht. Quite the large city. A population in the millions and rising. The city isn’t what you would call decrepit, but it is indeed gloomy, mostly due to the fact of recent developments… But that doesn’t mater those who come to the city usually come for one of two reasons. 1, to join the church and help with relief efforts, helping survivors of destroyed towns and Damned attacks. 2, to become a hunter. The hunters do exactly as one would think, as they are rescued for dispatching any Damned that enter the city, as well as going out in attempts to cull their numbers. Of course, one can do both, becoming what are know as crusaders. You my dear, are one of those people. For reasons likely known to you and you alone, you have come to this city, or maybe you’re from here or maybe you have a completely different past. Whatever reason you’re here for, you better make the best of it. For you never know when your time may be up.
1. Be nice, and don’t try to ruin others fun
2. This is a big one. Whatever I say for lore goes. You cannot change lore or information without my permission. By this I mean, no being related to one of the faction leaders, no having knowledge unknown to anyone else and such. If you want to do something like that, ask and we can work it out together.
3. Put Bloodborne in your first post so that I know you have read the rules
4. less of a rule and more of a fact that you should be aware of. Some people will be using information (such as weapons, classes, subclasses and races) from this book. You are free to use it however you please, and it is advised that you at least check it out (especially the weapons section)
5. Start at level 10 or below
6. You may start with 1 rare trick/magic weapon or 2 uncommon. You may also have another (non weapon) magic item following those same rules
Lore and stuff (There’s a Lot of this)
What are Damned?
Damned is a wide umbrella term for essentially any non humanoid creature with little to no intellectual or sense of self. Damned can vary from undead zombie like creatures colossal animalistic creatures, to a bird. There are also Artificial Damned, which did not occur naturally due to The Plague, and were created in some way. This is usually some form of experimental gone wrong, such as testing to find a cure for The Plague and accidentally pushing the limits of a life form, turning them into a living weapon (This has happened a depressing amount of times). Finally, you might hear Damned used as an insult, usually referring to someone with an unnatural biology, making them appear similar to Lesser Damned. These people are often times mistreated, and struggle to make a living for themselves, as most employers wouldn’t want to deal with all the negative stigma. Though it’s not necessarily uncommon to see them become Hunters, as more are always needed
Hunters and The Church
The Hunters and The Church are the two main organizations in Zeilgasht. Not a government per se, though considering how much authority they hold, they may as well be. While not at odds, their respective leaders…complicated to say the least past can occasionally cause issues, along with their opposing ideologies.
The Church
The Church is the more socially active member of the two, usually working in relief efforts to help people in the aftermath of a Damned attack or other major disaster. They also help the more impoverished people of Zeilgasht, making sure that they always have enough food. The Church believes that true righteousness and good comes from the heart, in an unplanned act of valor. This comes from their belief in their goddess, often called The One Who Waits Above, or She Who Awaits The Brave, who is a goddess of success, bravery, justice and light. There is no agreed upon version of her apparent or name, as you could ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 different answers, if not more. The Church oftentimes gives lessons about The One Who Waits Above to schoolchildren. These lessons often result in a students motivation to join The Church. The Church sees themselves as saviors of both the common folk, as well as The Damned, as they did not wish for their transformation, therefore killing them is truly an act of mercy. Joining the church is relatively simple, though it requires a test that could happen at any moment. The test goes like this: A random person the examinee has never met and has no relation with has a mishap, possibly slipping and hurting themselves, or dropping good, or otherwise messing up their job. According to their teachings, the examinee should help the person, regardless of how it may inconvenience them. If they choose not to, they will not be allowed to fully join The Church.
Alexander Vailamin is the leader of The Church. A 125 year old elf, he would be considered handsome by traditional standards, if you ignore the fact that his left eye was gouged out, and there is an empty socket and scarred flesh where it should be. He refuses to cover it up as: “I am no better than you. I am but a man of faith. We are all people, with scars, blemishes and imperfections. I simply accept mine, and you should do the same”. A powerful spell caster, he isn’t one to engage in combat without good reason, but when he does, all know it’s important and not to get in his way, lest you be struck down by a searing bolt of flame of column of pure light. How he lost his eye is unknown, though it’s commonly speculated that it has something do do with the leader of The Hunters. Finally, The Churches main base of operations is The Temple of Arcadia, a massive cathedral/tower at the very center of Zeilgasht, tall and impressive, it’s said to be one of the largest structures constructed. The Tower has various rooms for prayer and sermons, as well as a large food and clothing bank for the less fortunate and privileged
The Hunters
The Hunters are the main defense force of Zeilgasht, some working as the police force, while the rest (as their name implies) hunt down The Damned. While The Church sees themselves as holy cleansers and mercifully, The Hunters are not, and see The Damned as an evil that must be purged, by any means necessary. The Hunters follow three main tenets 1. No man left behind. It’s either none of us or it’s all of us. The only exception to this is when a commanding officer tells you to retreat, sacrificing themselves. 2. Show no mercy. Rip and tear, until the work is done. 3. When it comes to a choice of slay the beast or save the people, choose the beast. The lives of the many outweighs those of the few. These tenants are often seen as absurd and extreme but most Hunters follow them to a tee. The process of becoming a Hunter is…grueling to say the least. Most Hunters start their dream in their early teenage years, as all enrolled in school must take the Hunter Academy Eligibility Assessment, which is a sequence of physical exams. Passing this assessment makes you eligible to join The Hunter Academy once you reach the age of 16 (or your race’s equivalent) though you can join at any age below 60 (or your race’s equivalent) After 4 years of study and training, you must finally take the Hunter Suitability Exams, an absolutely brutal 24 hours of physical and written tests. 3 2 hour written exams to start, then 18 hours of physical torture (according to participants). In order to pass, you must score a cumulative 70 percent overall, including all of your scores on the physical and written tests. The highest scorer as of now scored an 81. The average score (of those who pass) is 73%. To put into perspective how impressive it is to pass, around 20,000 people take the exams every year, around 200 pass. Of the 200 or so that pass, less than half survive to retirement. Though failing to pass the exams does not mean the end of your career. Those who fail the exam by less than 5% can join the Civilian Division, which works as a traditional police force for less massive issues. And those who seem to have a knack for the more scientific problems (such as equipment and attempting to find a cure for The plague) can join the Research Department, which works more closely with The Church than your average Hunter, as there are always issues that can be solved with a fusion of magic, science and a little bit of faith.
The Hunters are lead by Elenora Zellengrad, a tiefling in her 60s (going on 70) though she remains quite spry for her age, likely due to all the years spent on hunts. Her left arm is missing, replaced with a magical prosthetic, which supposedly doubles as a weapon. As for how she lost it isn’t clear, but many believe that it’s the same reason Alexander only has one eye, and they did lose them at around the same time…anyways, she’s been described as stern and commanding. Incredibly determined, she has the sole wish of eradicating The Damned, regardless of the means by which they do it. Lastly, while many hunters have their own house or apartment, several stay at their base of operations: The Hunter’s den. Which is actually a massive series of tunnels formed from what used to be the catacombs from the early days of The Plague. This quite useful as it has exits throughout the city, allows Hunters to quickly travel across the city without having to deal with civilians or other obstacles. The main entrance and exit to The Hunters Den is located inside The Tower of Valor, resulting in members of The Church and Hunters intersecting paths quite frequently. Though most don’t hold any ill will or grudging to their counterparts.
The Old Ones
The Old Ones are a strange race(?)of eldritch beings with immense power, usually appearing alien and bizarre, though some appear more human. Many old ones are known. In Zeilgasht, worshiping or having any affiliation with an Old One is considered heresy and will possibly land you in hot water with The Church, or if you’re lucky, just some looks of disdain and not getting services by any follower of The Church that owns a business. Though with The Hunters, it’s the contrary, as it’s a way of getting power, and they need all they can get.
No one knowns exactly what The Old Ones are, but according to ancient manuscript by an unknown author, the Old Ones are “An Ancient, omnipresent, near omnipotent beings of a higher existence. Simply standing near them can mutate the very body and mind, transforming you into what can only be described as an unholy abomination, standing against the natural order of the world. Assuming they don’t drive you mad and rot you from the inside out first that is.” This had led to many a theories about what they are. Some believe they are humans who mastered magic and gained higher knowledge, causing them to mutate into their eldritch forms. Others think that they came from a separate universe where that is the norm. Others, and this is the most heretical and frowned upon reason, they were always like that, just like The One Who Waits Above, because they are one and the same. The One Who Waits Above is an Old One. Of course, The Church shoots down any attempt to boost this statement’s popularity and reputation, but it always pops up again after a time. Imagery related to The Old Ones can be found all over the city, in forms of graffiti of one of their symbols or entire murals depicting and dedicated to an Old One. These are usually either made by some prankster or more commonly with larger images, is the work of an Old One cult, trying to spread their influence. Old One cults are classified as any group of ten or more dedicated to researching The Old Ones, attempting to gain their knowledge and power, some even trying to become Old Ones themselves. This is technically legal, though any act that causes any one harm is highly punishable, usually by imprisonment for life and in extreme cases, execution
Zeilgasht is a large city and high population, though it always feels packed, due to its tight paths and many alley ways. Unlike your average large city of the past, it was built on verticality when expansions were needed, due to the fact that it’s surrounded by walls and taking them down would have been expensive and time consuming. This design causes multiple unrelated buildings being built on top of each other. The city lacks any defined layout, as your house could be located directly underneath a bar, or have a school building right next to a privately owned property made for Plauge research. The city’s architecture and feel can best be described as dark using black stone and dark wood.
Life in the city
Life in the city is relatively pleasant and quiet, with crime becoming somewhat uncommon as you have no reason to commit any. Though it has a certain gloom to it, likely due to the atmosphere of impending doom from The Plague, Old One cults, or being torn asunder by a Damned. Not many get The Plague, as anyone who contracts it is swiftly quarantined. Though the possibility of being kidnapped by a cult and being used in an “ancient ritual in order to open a portal to the netherworld and release the Great Old Ones” is surprisingly high, along with the chance of being eaten by a Damned. This has lead to an unspoken code of “Keep your head down and your eyes ahead.” This also has created a tendency for people to be untrusting of anything that can be considered eldritch or unnatural. Refusing to serve them, children making jeering and heckling remarks to their more bizarre classmates and people turning a blind eye to blatant hate. This creates a cycle where those discriminated against act aggressively or take revenge, joining cults promoting simply releasing Damned. This then creates more stigmatization, which leads to more violent behavior in retaliation.
Each section will be updated as more lore is found and revealed
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
*Bloodborne my beloved!*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*Bloodborne, looks like he wasn’t capping. Looks like Himy is turning a new leaf.*
Outside the Tower of Valor, in a courtyard that acts as a training area, thwumping sounds can be heard amidst the calm of the area. Should one investigate the sound, they would find a blond haired and blue eyed man practicing his archery. He wears a masterly crafted hunter's attire dyed black and dark forest green with golden embroidering and accents that hint at a noble status. His hunter's cap is adorn with a few pure and pristine black peacock feathers and his cape also seems to be made of similar feathers as well. One's gaze would then be drawn to the beautiful and elegantly crafted bow made of moongold and some unrecognizable black metallic material. As the man pulls the string, a drop of blood seems to flow from one of his fingers before it seems to morph into an arrow that he then fires, striking at the target that is currently pelted with several blood red arrows.
A figure watches him from a distance. Seemingly masculine, but other than that he can’t tell much. Quite tall, almost 7ft if not already there. They seem to be a Hunter as well, though his attire is much different. His cape is more like a cloak or jacket, crudely made of various materials. Animal skin, fur, metal, canvas and cotton. His hat is wide brimmed, adorned with horns at the front. His face is hidden by a grimacing hannya half mask on the lower half, the upper half hidden by goggles, their bright red lenses staring directly at the man
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
*Still working on my character, but I shouldn't take too long... I hope.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The figure either doesn't notice or chooses not to notice the figure watching him. At one point, he misses the target. The man only shows a brief flash of annoyance before he makes a motion with his hand and the arrow flies straight back into his hand. He then would fire the arrow for a second time, hitting a bullseye on the target.
"That's what I thought."
The figure gets closer, being only a few feet away in mere moments
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
After a moment, the hunter glances over at the figure. "Can I help you with something?" The man says, his voice having the hint of an accent common to the nobility of the city.
“No. I’m simply observing.” His voice is cold and mechanical
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
"I see. Not much to observe I feel but who a I to judge what someone does in their spare time." He says with a shrug as he draws another blood arrow and fires it, striking the target in the lower right side.
*Ah, I'll intro later. John will be committing atrocities beyond sanity, luckily none of them will be human murders.*
What's life without a little war to spice things up? Anyone who worries about the little things should notice the bigger picture.
I am (As drummerboy stated) The master of many faces, The unseen puppeteer, The illumination, & The unnoticed influence.
Favorite games series: Dark Souls. Shirtless Solaire. Best best game series of all time: Paper Mario. Fight me about it.
Etiam im librum scribo
“I’m appraising your skill as a Hunter. You are skilled.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
A plump Belua (for those who don't have Steinhardt's, a Belua is a cursed wolf-man) is whistling jollily as he's doing his rounds through the city, a keg on one shoulder and an old cauldron on the other. His clothing identifies him as a member of the church, but they're ill-fitting and patched in many places, not to mention completely unarmored.
Despite the disdain of the rest of the crowd, the homeless seem drawn to him. Poor men, women, and children follow him until he sets down his little cauldron in front of an alley. He waves his arms as the cauldron swells in size to be almost 5 feet tall. He takes out many wooden bowls and snaps his claws in a dramatic display. Nothing happens. Anxiety falls over the crowd. He snaps again. Still nothing.
The monk grabs his ladle and begins banging on the cauldron. It begrudgingly fills with hearty stew, to the younger audience's awe and the older ones' relief. He begins to dole out the food in generous portions, to the cheers of the homeless... and the annoyance of the better-off residents who were hoping these unwashed masses would leave quickly.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The streets reek of blood and death, some try to run from it, free themselves from their fears in one way other or another. The hunters do not, they face such terrors head on, but not without consequence, some find the fears too much to bear and they quit, but those who do not feel their minds begin to unravel underneath the pressures. One of those who endured the unraveling is John Blutborne, although being turned into a psychopathic and violent cackling mad man by such terrors he continues his work as a hunter, the only things that bring him real pleasure in this world anymore being the smell of a newly dead beast, or knowing that his fellow hunters are safe from being slaughtered by such a creature. He uses his scythe trick weapon (Just a +2 halberd.) and his insights into the arcane to combat the blood corrupted creatures.
He is currently in his barracks, rambling to himself, his sentences so far from sanity that only someone as lost as he would ever have a hope of understanding as he hold’s the cleanly carved skull of a beast in his palm, looking upon it with glee and madness. He is wearing the traditional hunter’s attire, although surprisingly clean. He is muscular but hides it underneath his loose clothes, few have seen what his face truly looks like, but most can assume a smile of a shattered man behind the mask.
"The compliment is appreciated. I take it you are a hunter as well?" The man says turning to face the figure properly. "You certainly look like one, but I don't think we have been introduced."
“Indeed. I am Roman. For those who enjoy alliteration, Roman the Ronin.” His voice remains empty and emotionless, unlike other who would normally sound polite and respectful
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
"I see. I'm Alabastor Paon, though some have taken to calling me The Black Peacock. They think it would insult me, the black sheep of my family." He says, laughing a bit, the faintest hint of madness coloring his mirth. "But I find that I like the title personally. However, Al is fine for a fellow hunter. Wealth and status doesn't matter much to the Damned anyways."
The fat belua is carving a little wooden chess piece, singing under his breath.
"...Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night.
I still get a little scared of something new,
But I feel a little safer when I'm with you.
Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too..."
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.