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I create a supercomputer that transfers your body and soul into Minecraft. Your body is now cubed shaped.
So this isn't math class? Right. It's science. What's the fastest way to blow something up?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Inject it with the strongest acid ever and the strongest base in existence.
Can someone give me an excuse to make a mech suit?
Kasrik Argentum Stellaris Fiddlesticks the Wizard, Lord of Stars, Master Trickster, and Creator of both the Mosh of Stardust Hornets and Mimiczilla.
"You're never fully dressed without a smile!" >:3
Sure! *Begins destroying the world which is now in need of a hero*
Can anyone stop me? Find out in the next issue!
Buts that glob that cubical into you
can I become an arockara
i tar and feather you
i want a displacer kitten
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
You recieve a kitten who enjoys displacing your keys
Make me a SAMMICH
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
I rename a guy named Sam to Mich
Quote from Dalinar2015 >> Buts that glob that cubical into you
Can I understand this please?
I deem you understanding. you understand this
Can I own a car before 16?
I wonder how plummeting hundreds of feet feels
Yes, but depending on your location you may not be able to drive it.
Would somebody give feedback on all of my homebrews?
Top tier. Banana/10
Give me the ability to fly
I stuff you in a plane for all eternity
Can I find the meaning of life?
I want a spell scroll
Ok. S-c-r-o-l-l.
A ranger rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, then left on Friday. How is this possible?
Friday is the horse
*also there might have been other paranormal things involved*
I want another day in the week
Ok, but at most it will only last 1 millisecond.
Can you do this small side quest for me? (Estimated time: your whole life)
most estimated times are wrong
I want to get my darkened twist on the game Mafia to work
I don't know what you mean, either way you have to wait until night time
Wish me luck on running the next mafia game?
good luck
I am almost done putting it together. can I pm it to you when I am done to look over?
*what is it? communication talking about the actual game isn't allowed, is it about that or no?*
Uh idk
Ideas for requests to help with?
I use ChatGPT to come up with a situation for you
i don’t want to die alone
I create a supercomputer that transfers your body and soul into Minecraft. Your body is now cubed shaped.
So this isn't math class? Right. It's science. What's the fastest way to blow something up?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Inject it with the strongest acid ever and the strongest base in existence.
Can someone give me an excuse to make a mech suit?
Kasrik Argentum Stellaris Fiddlesticks the Wizard, Lord of Stars, Master Trickster, and Creator of both the Mosh of Stardust Hornets and Mimiczilla.
"You're never fully dressed without a smile!" >:3
Sure! *Begins destroying the world which is now in need of a hero*
Can anyone stop me? Find out in the next issue!
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Buts that glob that cubical into you
can I become an arockara
i tar and feather you
i want a displacer kitten
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
You recieve a kitten who enjoys displacing your keys
Make me a SAMMICH
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
I rename a guy named Sam to Mich
Can I understand this please?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
I deem you understanding. you understand this
Can I own a car before 16?
I wonder how plummeting hundreds of feet feels
Yes, but depending on your location you may not be able to drive it.
Would somebody give feedback on all of my homebrews?
Top tier. Banana/10
Give me the ability to fly
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
I stuff you in a plane for all eternity
Can I find the meaning of life?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
I want a spell scroll
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
Ok. S-c-r-o-l-l.
A ranger rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, then left on Friday. How is this possible?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Friday is the horse
*also there might have been other paranormal things involved*
I want another day in the week
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
Ok, but at most it will only last 1 millisecond.
Can you do this small side quest for me? (Estimated time: your whole life)
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
most estimated times are wrong
I want to get my darkened twist on the game Mafia to work
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
I don't know what you mean, either way you have to wait until night time
Wish me luck on running the next mafia game?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
good luck
I am almost done putting it together. can I pm it to you when I am done to look over?
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
*what is it? communication talking about the actual game isn't allowed, is it about that or no?*
Uh idk
Ideas for requests to help with?
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
I use ChatGPT to come up with a situation for you
i don’t want to die alone