Okay, here's the game - I list a song, you follow up with a song that is a - not of the same genre, b - not the same artist, and c - begins with the same letter the previous song ends.
Genres - pop: pop, rap (not hip hop, but all that [redacted] you find on the radio), pop country, pop rocks, 70/80/90/00 pop, etc
hip hop: hip hop, hop hip
metal: heavy metal, black metal, death metal, folk metal, thrash metal, industrial metal, glam metal, white metal, melodic folk heavy death metal, skandinavian metal, etc
rock: rock n roll, rock, hard rock, and anything rock except for pop rock.
country: country. (think johnny cash)
dubstep: anything seizure inducing with strobe lights. includes majority of music nowadays
et cetera.
I start - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Iron maiden, metal)
Okay, here's the game - I list a song, you follow up with a song that is a - not of the same genre, b - not the same artist, and c - begins with the same letter the previous song ends.
Genres - pop: pop, rap (not hip hop, but all that [redacted] you find on the radio), pop country, pop rocks, 70/80/90/00 pop, etc
hip hop: hip hop, hop hip
metal: heavy metal, black metal, death metal, folk metal, thrash metal, industrial metal, glam metal, white metal, melodic folk heavy death metal, skandinavian metal, etc
rock: rock n roll, rock, hard rock, and anything rock except for pop rock.
country: country. (think johnny cash)
dubstep: anything seizure inducing with strobe lights. includes majority of music nowadays
et cetera.
I start - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Iron maiden, metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Nocturne (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
E Ti Promettero (Josh Groban, Country (I think))
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
One (Metallica, thrash metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Everyone's a Child at Christmas (Gene Autry, Christmas)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Stranger in a Strange land, (Iron Maiden, heavy metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Dúlaman (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Never trust a woman (Tex Williams, country (it sounds like it's from the 1950's))
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Newgrange (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
El Dorado (Iron Maiden, heavy metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Eye of the Tiger (Survivor, Rock)
Ride On (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Pure (Lost Horizon, Celtic Rock)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
crap sorry I copied the wrong song name....
Not Afraid (Eminem, Rap)
Dubdharra (Lisa Kelly, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
And Justice for All (Metallica, their last good album, metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Like an Angel Passing Through my Room (Celtic Woman, Celtic)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Master of Puppets, (good ol 80s Metallica, thrash metal)
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff