Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement by a you must have orc blood in you're body.)

a huge black iron great axe, with a serrated edge that looks like teeth.this axe is wielded by Bonebreaker Dorokor, a orc chieftain who is in charge of Broken-spire keep, killer of barons of bedegar and capturer of edmund bedegar the last baron of bedegar, and defender of the secret passage to below.

Wound crits on a 19 or 20, and +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic axe.

wounds. when you crit, you inflict a wound on who you crited, every turn it must make a constitution saving throw of 10 + you strength modifier + you proficiency bonus, if it fails it takes 1d6 bleeding, on a successful one you take no damage and the wound is gone.

when you are attuned to Wound and crit for the first time you unlock the iron hands ability.

iron hands. you can wield Wound with only one hand.

Proficiency with a greataxe allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Notes: Bonus: Magic, originally from Matthew Colville , you must have orc blood in you're body., Damage, Buff, Combat, Heavy, Two-Handed

Item Tags: Damage Buff Combat



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