A stout and sturdy bong made of wood and glass, it looks almost like it was grown rather than made, and is decorated with a carving of an Ent. The bong is lovely to look at, and almost looks like a natural thing; you can't tell if it was carved or grown. It's got the face of an ent on the front and what look like tree roots curling up around the main glass pipe part. Some real like Minnesota hippie shit; you just know that whoever owns that probably has some classic Tolkien posters up in their bedroom, has been to more than one Renn Faire, and probably owns a big Elfquest collection.
Smoke leaks from themouth of this bong. When you use an action to take a Massive Bong Rip on it, a cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 60-foot radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle remains open and within the cloud, the radius increases by 10 feet until it reaches its maximum radius of 120 feet.
The cloud persists as long as the bottle is open. Closing the bottle requires you to speak its command word as an action. Once the bottle is closed, the cloud disperses after 10 minutes. A moderate wind (11 to 20 miles per hour) can also disperse the smoke after 1 minute, and a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) can do so after 1 round.
Optional mechanic: Creatures within the area of the smoke must make a CON save, or suffer a -2 penalty to WIS and INT and +2 bonus to CHA.
(This is a skin of the Eversmoking Bottle, and functions the same mechanically.)
Notes: Control, Utility, Deception