Weapon (longsword), common (requires attunement by a Requires attunment by an an Echo Knight Fighter, a character with 2 or less levels of Fighter, or any other character)

Chronoxiphoi experimental arcane weapons that are known to bond with, and grow more powerful with each user. Those bonded to chronoxiphoi gain an altered perception of time that enables them to react to events faster than usual. They grow more powerful as their use gains experience, and grant them more powers. As the user becomes more attuned to the blade however, their personalities tend to get torn across different timelines, though such users often gain the ability to use those echoes in combat.

At Tier I, the Chronoxiphos grants a +2 to Initiative rolls made while attuned to the weapon.

Those attuned to a Chronoxiphos must, once per month make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, if the user fails, then they must, as soon as possible take levels in fighter sufficient to adopt the Echo Knight Martial Archetype.

The Chronoxiphos may upgrade to a Tier II Weapon if a character of at least 5th level, and who is a Fighter of at least 3rd level, who has adopted the Echo Knight Martial Archetype. In order to upgrade the weapon, the attuned user must perform a ritual whereby they mix some of their blood with soil from another plane and cover the blade in it.

Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Notes: Bonus: Initiative, Requires attunment by an an Echo Knight Fighter, a character with 2 or less levels of Fighter, or any other character, Buff, Combat, Versatile

Item Tags: Buff Combat



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