Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this mask you feel the bewitching powers of a green hag coursing through you. You can cast the following cantrips at will, requiring no material components: dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious mockery. The mask’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12).
This mask has 3 charges. While wearing it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the fear spell (save DC 12). The mask regains 1 expended charge daily at midnight. If you expend the mask’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the mask shrivels away into nothingness and is destroyed.

Appearance: The hag mask looks like the leathery face and head of a green hag with warts and strands of hair. It has eyeholes and a mouth slit. In dim light or darkness, the mask is just realistic enough to fool some people into believing the wearer is an actual hag.

Background: The mask is the sliced off face skin and scalp of a green hag named Auntie Bittersweet. She lost a bet with her coven sisters, and the only way to remain part of the coven was to cut off her own face. Taking it as a trophy, the other hags stitched it into a grotesque mask and imbuing it with magic.
This mask fell out of possession of the hags when their coven was destroyed by adventurers. Morbid collectors and wannabe witches have owned it in the past. The mask is currently on display in an oddity shop, its owner eager to sell it while being completely unaware of its magical properties.

Optional Drawback: Auntie Bittersweet the hag is still alive and still faceless. When a character wears the hag mask, Auntie Bittersweet can see and hear what the wearer does. Whenever the wearer uses its fear spell power, Auntie Bittersweet can speak through the wearer’s mouth. She bides her time, collecting information on the wearer and taking every opportunity to poison their friendships. Auntie Bittersweet wants her face back, and she will eventually claim it once more.

Notes: Utility, Combat, Headwear

Item Tags: Utility Combat Headwear



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