Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
This fine garment is made of black silk interwoven with faint silvery threads. While wearing it, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to poison damage.
- You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
- You can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
- You can't be caught in webs of any sort and can move through webs as if they were difficult terrain.
- You can use an action to cast the web spell (save DC 13). The web created by the spell fills twice its normal area. Once used, this property of the cloak can't be used again until the next dawn.
Notes: Resistance: Poison, Set: Innate Speed (Climbing), Control, Buff, Movement, Warding, Outerwear
Why can you comment on magic items?
To ask questions to clarify things I imagine.
"spider man, spider man, does whatever-- oh no a tarrasque!"
This is on page 158 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, not the Basic Rules as listed.
What does it mean by "twice its normal area"? A 20ft cube is 8000 cubic foot, which means that twice its normal size means 16000 cubic foot, but the cube root of 16000 is 25.198421.
If the goal was for the web to be a 40ft cube, which equals 64000 cubic foot, it should have said 8 times its normal size. Why? Because if you want it to stay a cube you need to double the size of each dimension, and a cube has 3 dimensions, making the size double 3 time. 2Ă—2Ă—2=8.
It's slightly ambiguous, so the DM can decide this in a couple of different ways. Either:
The key piece here is that area is technically two dimensional, while volume is three dimensional and the item explicitly says 'area'. That implies that only the width and length are subject to change, but not the height. If that is true, then since the item is explicitly breaking the "cube" portion of the web spell via the height, it implies that the casting is also no longer constrained by equal dimensions of length and width. However that's not set in stone because it doesn't explicitly say one way or the other.
In that case, I would be much more inclined to rule this as a single 30'(l)x30'(w)x20'(h) web. That would cause it to cover more distance from one corner to the next, but not twice the distance in whichever direction the caster decides to orient it. Additionally, you're not introducing additional flexibility that would be caused by allowing the caster to choose either a 20'x40'x20' web vs a 40'x20'x20' web each time they use it.
However, if you interpret "area" as meaning "volume", then it's a 25'x25'x25' cube. This is also a defensible argument, given the potential ambiguities in the wording because either it stays a cube or it doesn't and the item doesn't explicitly indicate that one way or the other. Personally, I would be more inclined to make it a larger cube than a 30'x30'x20' rectangle, but arguments could be made either way and I think both have merit.
First of all, thank you for your answer.
Second of all, I understand what you're saying and I will most likely treat this item and others like it by the options you have suggested.
Letting the player choose between these options makes the item significantly stronger, so as a DM I guess I'll have to decide what would that mean before granting that item.
Can someone give me an approximate cost for this?
if i was walking on a piece of rock and someone made the rock go up and down, would I stay attached to it or go flying in the air?
if i was dming that situation i would say it depends on if the pc wearing the cloak knew it was coming. if it was planned and expected no issue they would stick. if it was a surprise i would roll acrobatics or straight dex to see if they can react to hold on. also i would think that the pc could choose when to stick and when to not.
How much does this weigh?
So the way it is coded at current it gives you the ability to cast web (dc 13) at will. Does this mean that the part "Once used, this property of the cloak can't be used again until the next dawn." is modifying the double the area part of the property?
No, the user can cast Web once a day.
Can this be used to walk up the side of a living creature? For example, could a player that has this cloak run up the side of an ancient dragon?
I mean, that would be hilarious so I'd rule it as a yes, but I think that just comes down to your DM- afaik though climbing speed is just for inanimate objects/surfaces.
Put this on a monk and you've got a pretty good Spiderman build!
Looks like this still hasn't been fixed a year or so later. I had the same issue today and ended up having to homebrew a magic item that is a copy of the same cloak but added 1 charge, resets on long rest attributes to get it to work correctly.
So, webs are already considered difficult terrain. Shouldn't the bullet point talking about moving through webs have the word "not' before difficult terrain? Otherwise, what's the point of this sentence?
What is the attunement needed for the cloak
This'll be good for a rouge! Or anyone who wants to sneak around!