You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the Thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d8 Force damage, or an extra 2d8 Force damage if the target is a Giant. Immediately after hitting or missing, the weapon flies back to your hand.
Proficiency with a Warhammer allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
This weapon has the following mastery property. To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.
Push. If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can push the creature up to 10 feet straight away from yourself if it is Large or smaller.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage: Additional, Damage: Additional, Dwarf, Damage, Combat, Versatile, Push
I love this thing.
this is diferent to others but i don't understand it.
You can only Attune to one item, so you'll have to choose between the 2.
Incorrect... here is the rule regarding attunement:
"a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item fails"
Belt of Dwarvenkind doesn't turn you into a Dwarf. Thrower requires attunement by a Dwarf, unless your DM hand waves it :D
I think I read something in rogue that ignores that entirely
level 13 thief rogue feature, “use magical device” is the something- allows rogues of that particular subclass to ignore the racial requirements
Hey will the hammer always fly back to your hand? if we say that Fx: there are a trap or objekt that have a magical magnetic field. will the magic of the hammer be stronger, or will the magnetic field just trap the hammer. I know its up too the DM, but this i the 2. time we came a cross the same type of trap. the laste 1 destroyed all metal items that got pulled in. even magic items. So I would like to know if you just lost the hammer.
This is literally Thor’s Mjolnir from the Marvel Movies
This has been around far longer than the Marvel movies. It's at east 3.5 old I'm sure.
One day this will be mine. Then all those other dwarfs that laughed at me will be envious.
I'm dreaming of a Dwarf Abjuration Wizard..."Booming Blade" with this warhammer as a d10...
...and hurling it at foes after super-charging an "Absorb Elements" spell when you want to chuck it into a monster's snout.
Just dreams, for now...for now...
Thor from the Marvel Movies has been around longer than D&D, having been created as a comic book character in August 1962. D&D hit shelves in 1974. And Thor and Mjolnir have been around far longer than either, being a god from Norse mythology dating back at least to the early centuries A.D.. Thor is actually probably older than this, but we don't know anything about the Germanic peoples before the Romans encountered them.
My Dwarf Evocation Wizard, Pasha, could make good use of this...
Of course its up to the DM but I would say if the hammer left the wielder's hand because it was pulled away by a trap or object it would remain stuck (or even be destroyed depending on the trap) since it was not thrown. If the hammer was thrown in an attack and was caught by a magnetic field I would say after hitting its target it would be strong enough to return to it's wielder. If the magical magnetic field specifically pulled in and destroyed magical items, however, I would say the hammer is gone. But I also like to imagine that the hammer instead of flying back to the wielder's hand would look cool if it just appeared in the hands of the wielder, maybe that would change things.
I managed to get a +3 Thrower of Giantslaying in one campaign and I was a 10th level War Cleric
This thing makes giants cry
Question if you throw it 2 handed does all damage increase to d10s
The Thrown property, I would think, negates the two-handed property. Once it leaves your hands it's no-handed.
This is why Artificers are my favorite class.