Armor (studded leather), rare
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. You can also take a Bonus Action to cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor. You decide what it looks like—including color, style, and accessories—but the armor retains its normal bulk and weight. The illusory appearance lasts until you use this property again or doff the armor.
Made from tough but flexible leather, studded leather is reinforced with close-set rivets or spikes.
Notes: Bonus: Armor Class, Utility, Combat, Deception, Warding
Here's hoping my changeling bard gets their hands on a set of this armor.
My interpretation is that a character wearing this would have 13 AC (12 AC normally granted by studded leather, and the +1 bonus), but it seems unclear. Is this how others interpret it?
Also, it seems like a druid wouldn't be able to use this because of the rivets/spikes. Does it seem a fair ruling to either (a) say the rivets/spikes/studs are non-metal, or (b) make it hide instead of studded leather?
What is unclear about it? Whatever your AC is, plus any modifiers, and +1 from wearing this armor. Sounds simple to me, nothing to "interpret". No, druids cannot wear it. rivets/spikes/studs are metallic and it is leather, tanned and treated as such. To say it is hide, changes its AC value.
You're not explaining why you think these things or being very specific, so it makes me think you're not accounting for any of the nuances I pointed out.
To me, for a character with 10 Dex and no class/race/item perks that affect AC, wearing this armor should give that character an AC of 13 (12 for wearing studded leather, +1 for this magical item). Are you agreeing with that, or is your assertion that they should have an AC of 11 (just the +1 listed in this item, since no other AC is listed above)? The latter seems the most literal interpretation of the item description, but it makes this item inferior to non-magical studded leather for combat purposes, which seems very strange.
Hide and studded leather both grant an AC of 12 + Dex modifier, so I'm unsure what you mean when you say changing it to hide changes its AC value. And is there any particular reason you feel that spikes need to be made of metal? There are lots of natural materials that could be used for such a purpose (e.g. obsidian, bone, tooth, tusk) and I don't see any compelling reason why this necessitates metal. I also don't see anywhere in the druid class description that it says they can't use leather, so not sure why that was part of the argument (leather armor is listed in their starting equipment actually).
If you activate it on a created character using dnd beyond it gives you AC 13 plus dex mod, so you would appear to be correct.
Your other point also seems to be debatable; and
Thanks Dajana! These links are useful, and not sure why I didn't try that on a character. This was very helpful.
Literally my exact thoughts...
Literally my exact thoughts...
One difference here is that Hide Armor is Medium Armor. The character will only be able to use up to a maximum of +2 bonus from dexterity. The AC bonus would be the same from the armor, and the limitations on the Dex bonus may or may not affect the character. I think this would be a reasonable tradeoff to allow it to be worn by a druid. You could also say the studs are made out of another substance, such as bone or ironwood.
how much gold pc
same here
if you can change its appearance then can you make yourself invisible?
not you but the armor. lol
fair enough
I find it interesting that a suit of Studded leather +1 is the same rarity as this armor, except this had added utility. Would that indicate maybe the light armor +1 should be reclassified as uncommon as with the shields +1?
D&D Beyond puts this item as a base 13 AC so I think that should settle the issue
I think its a rare item because it has an added effect. its kinda like how legendary weapons have the same plus to damage and attacks as a +3 weapon which is very rare. +1 shields don't have any extras apart from being a +1. the same would go for +1 studded leather. it would be uncommon unless it has something extra like this set has
And on roll 20 it says 12 +1 for AC so it would appear to be a 13 AC
Some people in my group are considering giving this to my Changeling blade singing wizard. will update how that will go.