Wondrous Item, uncommon
While wearing these dark lenses, you have Darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.
Notes: Sense: Darkvision, Detection, Eyewear
120 feet of darkvision is op
Try devils sight, on a Tiefling, wearing these. 120 of perfect vision in dark, and then another 120 feet of Darkvision on top
I don't think those things stack. If I read it correctly, you would have darkvision to a range of 120 feet and devil's sight to the same range (making the original Darkvision and its buffed range effectively useless)
Drow w/ darkvision & these, you get 240 darkvision
Actually the goggles state: if you already have darkvision the goggles extend it by 60 ft. So you'd have 180ft of darkvision. Still opaf
Actually the darkvision is still of use in dim light. Devil's sight has no effect in dim light so you need darkvision as well to get unimpaired vision whatever the light level.
This makes superior darkvision go from a great ability to ridiculous, if you're a drow or deep gnome, get this.
So, by random roll I wound up with a Drow character... Was wondering if anyone ever made something the reverse... Smoked glass lenses to cut the sun? Would not need to be magical, except perhaps in its crafting? Or a master craftsman? Likely rare. Thoughts?
Would this be able to see through a Shadow Sorcerer's Darkness spell?
how much would you buy these for
Darkvision doesn't let you see through magical darkness, only nonmagical darkness (at night, in a cave, etc).
Finally my human artificer can use her crossbow
What about 180? (Dark elf)??
Anyone got any tips on what my artificer would need to get started crafting these? Not played with crafting magic items before so can chat with my dm.
Will these work as monicals if cut or separated in half for 2 people.?
First of all a Tiefling has Darkvision 60ft not Devil's Sight. These googles would give the Tiefling and additional 60ft for a total of 120ft Darkvision. Devils have Devil's Sight, Tieflings are not Devils. Get your facts right. Secondly; if you get Warlock level 2(which you didn't mention) and choose Devil's Sight as an Eldritch Invocation THEN you get 120ft Devil's Sight but then your Darkvision is obsolete since Devil's sight just is the better version of it. These googles would be wasted on a warlock with Devil's Sight.
Drow have a natural Superior Darkvision (120ft). They'd get an extra 60ft with these googles out to a total of 180ft, not 240ft. Reading is key. These googles do not double the range of your Darkvision you already have, they just add 60ft to it.
Give this to a Gloom Stalker Drow for 210 ft of Darkvision to annoy the shizz out of your DM.
Eh.. Twilight cleric with these anyone? ..360 ft darkvision..