Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this hat, you can cast the Disguise Self spell. The spell ends if the hat is removed.
Notes: Deception, Headwear
While wearing this hat, you can cast the Disguise Self spell. The spell ends if the hat is removed.
Notes: Deception, Headwear
If a non caster uses an Action to cast Disguise Self while attuned to this hat, what is the Spell Save DC for the Investigation check DC? Would it be just 8 + Proficiency bonus?
I know this is an old post, and you are correct, but: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/treasure#Spells
Thank you for a graveyard reply to that question because I was about to literally look it up. :D
Best magic item.
At the very least one of the most useful.
Best version is a fedora of disguise self
Our group has a Mind Flayer, but she didn’t know how to describe her character, so I did some quick thinking and gave her one of these.
Intelligence score of 20
This may be a dumb question, but do the effects of the spell continue after death of the wearer? I'm assuming since it just allows the wearer to cast the spell that the spell would end once the person dies, but I just want to clarify.
actually no. The casting time of disguise self is 1 hour, no concentration needed. It can be removed as an action, but unless that is specifies, it persists until its duration ends, technically even after death, unless the DM has specifically decided to rule otherwise.
Wow, just stumbled upon this item. Sure makes the warlock eldritch incantation Mask of Many Faces unnecessary.
Honestly it gives anyone else the equivalent, without having to be a warlock.
From the spell tooltip: casting time is 1 action and duration is 1 hour.
Sure, but it uses up an attunement slot. So a warlock could have that ability AND attune another thing.
id normally have it be Charisma fro this item because they have to pretend to be someone else, but that just me
Would be really useful tailing someone. Every time they go around a corner, change your appearance and it cuts down their chances of spotting the tail.
Would the spell go on forever if you never take of the hat? Also can the hat look like anything?
Spell still has duration, you at minumum would have to keep recasting.
How long does the spell last?
Can I put one of these on a zombie I command and have him expend a charge to cast the spell?
"Technically it's a trilby"