Wondrous Item, very rare
This book contains coordination and balance exercises, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s contents and practicing its guidelines, your Dexterity increases by 2, to a maximum of 30. The manual then loses its magic but regains it in a century.
Notes: Bonus: Dexterity Score, Bonus: Ability Score Maximum, Buff
ur welcome peanut
What? who's peanut?? I have so many questions
so theoretically if a made a warforged battlemaster that (due to being a warforged) would not die of old age
could i read this and the other stat manuals/tomes every century to become blindingly fast astronomically intelligent and inconceivably strong
asking for a friend
There will be a day when I will explain my friend
Up to 30 Dex, yeah, assuming nobody finds the cave you are hiding in
yes but it would take a long time and probs derail a campian
there is no specified max it goes forever
Could make a really cool villian or an NPC. A crazed Warforged who has studied these books for centuries, while plotting a Sigma/Ultron-style Warforged takeover of the world.
Incorrect, 30 is the cap per a twitter thread from Crawford where that was asked and Crawford stated specifically that 30 is the highest any attribute can go. So no, you cannot get an infinite attribute.
can't you just put the manuals in an archfey realm and wait for a century to pass there in like a week in your adventurers time
That's.... Plausible
Yes plane shift time
How do I send this to my DM with out sending it to my DM
Crawford twits are not official rulings.
In this case, it is official as it was a rule clarification from the DMG.
Being a clarification doesn't make it official. His tweets reflect RAI at most. That actual rule (which I believe is PHB, not DMG) is what counts here. Calling his twits official under any circumstance leads to confusion. It is explicitly said so in the Sage Advice column.
Am I wrong, or is there nothing preventing a person from using more than one of these manuals? I mean, is there anything stopping a person who finds a trove of several of these books from reading them one after another?
Whenever any of the the manuals of stat bonuses are takes about everyone says “can I wait 100 years and read it again to get 30s and few millennia later?” But I don’t understand this ask. Are these unique items? I am near 100% certain they aren’t and unless I’m reading it wrong you could just find 15 of these books for every stat then boost up to a 30 in under a year
Haha I just commented this then saw yours. I’m sure it doesn’t list a restriction in any of the item descriptions so I’m fairly certain you could read 10 of these back to back and get a +20 to dex
First off even a 20th level character is only going to have access to a few very rare items in their life. These are more powerful than a wish, you won't be finding "troves" of them. You will be lucky to run across one of these between your whole party. One extra stat boost in an adventuring career is more than enough.