While playing an Bard. Cast major image on yourself to take on a divine form and jump down from a tall building/tree declaring yourself an angel of judgement unto the bandit filth that has plagued this land.
I don't entirely disagree, but a brooch that gave you unlimited uses of Shield (also a 1st level spell), even with attunement, would probably be overpowered. You can't just look at the spell equivalent.
General principle for attenement is if you can pass it around your team to benefit your party it would substitue for a caster who has featherfall. Hence why a lot of wands and so on require attunement and why some seemingly underpowered items require it. Seems somewhat reasonable with that in mind.
Run into an enemy near a ledge and throw both off then feather fall mid air before impact ;)
Jump from a pegasus at 30,000 feet, activate ring at appropriate height, sneak into (or past) enemy camp, begin mission.
While playing an Bard. Cast major image on yourself to take on a divine form and jump down from a tall building/tree declaring yourself an angel of judgement unto the bandit filth that has plagued this land.
Values at 1,100gp
If I jump out a window while carrying someone else are we both safe?
Looks like a Ring of Zoolander's Hair
Great plan, but the ring's effects are passive. So you might want to bring something to amuse yourself while you fall. Since it'd take you 50 minutes.
Does it work if it is in your pocket? If not just put it on like a parachute when ready.
That'd be fine... Probably. But I'd say you'd have to wear it on your finger, not as a parachute. ;)
Rouge, remember the basics of CQC...
love it
if you take the ring off mid - fall it deactivates. just make sure you don't drop it, you would have a pretty bad time.
i just got this in the same campaign where my party will soon have a flying ship. i trust it might save my life.
I wanna use this while being drakewarden ranger.
Just imagine if your drake dies you just dont die
Does this ring have a limited number of uses per turn/day or is it permanent as long as you wear it
Lmao that's hilarious math
Permanent, as long as you're attuned and wearing it
This should not require attunement. It’s a first level spell.
I don't entirely disagree, but a brooch that gave you unlimited uses of Shield (also a 1st level spell), even with attunement, would probably be overpowered. You can't just look at the spell equivalent.
General principle for attenement is if you can pass it around your team to benefit your party it would substitue for a caster who has featherfall. Hence why a lot of wands and so on require attunement and why some seemingly underpowered items require it. Seems somewhat reasonable with that in mind.