Wish doesn't allow you to create magic items, so RAW, nah son. Unless you know an 8th level spell that you can replicate that creates rings of wishes, but I haven't seen that one.
So after your first wish the ring vanishes, it seems you only imagined you found it in the first place, now you and your alies are free to wish all they want without ANYTHING happening but there is a strange note in your hand that reads "Don't **** with me son.-DM"
Nah, son. You are wrong. you can wish for a magic item. Check out this quote from the wish spell description: "Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner." By RAW, you can not only wish for a magic item, but you can wish for a magic item of legendary or artifact status.
Of course you can do that. But you can’t create a magic item with it RAW. If you wish for a ring of 3 wishes, the ring will vanish and then teleport into your hands. Congrats, you have one fewer charge! Better luck next time.
Also, per RAW the DM can just say “nothing happens” if your wish goes outside the specified allowable effects.
My party had gone to the feywild to acquire a magic item to aid them in stopping the BBEG from taking over the multiverse. They met with an elder archfey, the Lady of Unending Dusk. After explaining their reason for being in her presence and beseeching her for aid, she conjures the bard's beloved instrument (his bond) to his hand, saying he must sacrifice it to her.
Reluctantly, the bard handed it over to her. As she stared at him with her black-scleraed, firey-irised eyes, she crushed it in the palm of her hand (she was large-sized) , fire erupting from between her fingers.
She opened her hand and blew away the powdered ashes, revealing a tiny, metalic object, a ring of three wishes. She warned him that the soul of his instument resides in the ring, and using it would inevitably destroy it.
Mechanically, the first wish would deal him 1d20 psychic damage from causing injury to the ring. The second, half his hit dice in d20s. The final one would do his entire hit dice in d20s for killing his beloved instument, possibly killing him from heartbreak.
The ring was needed twice before the final encounter with the BBEG. The party was mostly down and dying, and the bard was out of spell slots. The bard's player scrunched up his character sheet and said, "I cast wish, using the ring." The table went silent. The bard raised his ringed hand towards the heavens and declared, "I wish for one more chance! A chance to save my friends!"
The party woke up in a white void. The bard was on his knees, crying, while a woman knelt next to him. Both of them were ethereal. She gently raised his face, told him that it's alright, she understands and that she forgives him. She turns to the party and informs them that they should ready themselves to fight.
Using the wish, the woman then cast mass heal, restoring the party to full health, and I gave them back their levels in spell slots (not exceeding 5th level).
As the bard and his beloved faded to the afterlife, the rest of the party were sent back to the fight, refreshed enough to finish off the BBEG.
Wish for another one
I'm sorry my dude or dudet but it cant do that as it way over its power to wish for another one but you can wish to know the location of one.
No it actually follows the rules of a wish 😜
My DM Gave Me A Ring Of Three Wishes And I Don’t Really Know What To Do With It You Can’t Wish For Infinite Wishes
Wish doesn't allow you to create magic items, so RAW, nah son. Unless you know an 8th level spell that you can replicate that creates rings of wishes, but I haven't seen that one.
But you can wish to know the the location and then wish that it would fly to you
So after your first wish the ring vanishes, it seems you only imagined you found it in the first place, now you and your alies are free to wish all they want without ANYTHING happening but there is a strange note in your hand that reads "Don't **** with me son.-DM"
I like to call it the infinity ring
can you wear one on each of your fingers for a total of 30 wishes?
It is highly likely that, since it is a legendary item, there's only one of them in your campaign's world.
Nah, son. You are wrong. you can wish for a magic item. Check out this quote from the wish spell description: "Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner." By RAW, you can not only wish for a magic item, but you can wish for a magic item of legendary or artifact status.
Of course you can do that. But you can’t create a magic item with it RAW. If you wish for a ring of 3 wishes, the ring will vanish and then teleport into your hands. Congrats, you have one fewer charge! Better luck next time.
Also, per RAW the DM can just say “nothing happens” if your wish goes outside the specified allowable effects.
My party had gone to the feywild to acquire a magic item to aid them in stopping the BBEG from taking over the multiverse. They met with an elder archfey, the Lady of Unending Dusk. After explaining their reason for being in her presence and beseeching her for aid, she conjures the bard's beloved instrument (his bond) to his hand, saying he must sacrifice it to her.
Reluctantly, the bard handed it over to her. As she stared at him with her black-scleraed, firey-irised eyes, she crushed it in the palm of her hand (she was large-sized) , fire erupting from between her fingers.
She opened her hand and blew away the powdered ashes, revealing a tiny, metalic object, a ring of three wishes. She warned him that the soul of his instument resides in the ring, and using it would inevitably destroy it.
Mechanically, the first wish would deal him 1d20 psychic damage from causing injury to the ring. The second, half his hit dice in d20s. The final one would do his entire hit dice in d20s for killing his beloved instument, possibly killing him from heartbreak.
The ring was needed twice before the final encounter with the BBEG. The party was mostly down and dying, and the bard was out of spell slots. The bard's player scrunched up his character sheet and said, "I cast wish, using the ring." The table went silent. The bard raised his ringed hand towards the heavens and declared, "I wish for one more chance! A chance to save my friends!"
The party woke up in a white void. The bard was on his knees, crying, while a woman knelt next to him. Both of them were ethereal. She gently raised his face, told him that it's alright, she understands and that she forgives him. She turns to the party and informs them that they should ready themselves to fight.
Using the wish, the woman then cast mass heal, restoring the party to full health, and I gave them back their levels in spell slots (not exceeding 5th level).
As the bard and his beloved faded to the afterlife, the rest of the party were sent back to the fight, refreshed enough to finish off the BBEG.
Wish that you could wish for more wishes or ring of more wishes then use the next wish to wish for more wishes
Can you wish to permanently use or know an 8th level spell or lower
Could you wish for a legendary creature, if so I would wish for those legendary sphinx creatures. Sounds to OP, let me know if it is possible.
you would need to wait an hour.