Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
While holding this Shield, you have Advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spell attack rolls have Disadvantage against you.
Shields require the Utilize action to Don or Doff. You gain the Armor Class benefit of a Shield only if you have training with it.
Notes: Advantage: Saving Throws, Combat, Warding
Perfect for clerics that want to push a wizard's teeth in! 😉
Does this work against breath attacks?
A dragon's breath weapon doesn't count as a magic spell or effect. It's considered an ability or 'breath weapon'. So unfortunately not, afaik.
Where can I find the actual card for this?
Just get the shield master feat and use your reaction to fully negate a dragon’s breath.
Does this give you advantage on saves that must be rolled each turn? Such as fear effects etc?
"you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects"
i would say on each spell or magical effect.
fear is not necessarily a magical effect. some fear is intimidation or ability based. for example a dragon roaring isnt magical but can cause fear to those weak willed within earshot. but a ghost gripping your head to create a fear effect would be magical and thus you would have advantage. it also specifies saving throws so if the fear doesnt have a save attached to it then this would not stop that fear regardless.
That's actually kinda cool.