Wondrous Item, very rare
This book contains memory and logic exercises, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s contents and practicing its guidelines, your Intelligence increases by 2, to a maximum of 30. The manual then loses its magic but regains it in a century.
Notes: Bonus: Intelligence Score, Bonus: Ability Score Maximum, Buff
Just give this to a low-level party but have the cooldown be at least 50 years until it is usable again. Then watch them despair over nobody wanting to buy it for more than a thousand gp. Muahaha.
what? why change it to 50 then? the original has a cooldown of a century.
100 years > 50 years.
My point was that half of the time has elapsed, which is why you can find the book in other hands than the reader's. The party learns how powerful their find is and then immediately afterward they learn it has no value to them for 50 more years. And finding a buyer for a halfway decent price is probably futile :)
the players wouldn't know that is magical or that it recharges every 50 years. seems just like "ok whatever then" moment rather than a "desparing" moment.
I think you would be able to find some people very interested in purchasing it for near full value, especially any of the longer lived races or if there was some sort of wizards school that you could approach.
So in theory a long lived Elf could crack open this book every 100 years and boost his Int and Int limit?
figuring out he acquires this book before his 200 birthday and account for an approximate 750 years of “normal” life his Int could be between 24 - 28 pending starting stat
make him a wizard with a clone spell and after a few rebirths he is sitting on a 30+ Int
Jeopardy anyone????? I’ll take over powered mage stuff for $2000.00 Alex!!!
If you have the time and resources to make them yourself then it's feasible that a PC could have 30+ INT in a campaign if you use Xanathar's crafting rules.
I don't not know what you mean by 30+ but I am guessing you mean that you can go over 30.
Just letting you know that in 5e you can not go over 30 in any stat. Its in the core rules, so hard cap
specific beats general yes you can.
For anyone reading this in the future, when asked if this item can raise a stat above 30, Jeremy Crawford did say that stats can only go from 1 to 30. The item does not say specifically say that it can increase your maximum past 30, only that it raises your normal maximum, which would be 20. So the general rule applies.
Feel free to run a game where this isn't true though, I definitely would make a countless millennia old lich with a INT of 500 teehee.
How do you apply the Tome impact to the character sheet by using it and still be able to sell the used Tome? I clicked use and it increases Intelligence. Then I stow it and the bonus goes away.
*Elves laughing at the short life-spans of the other races*
I would just click on the appropriate stat (INT in this case) and add 2 to the Other Modifier. I don't see any other way to deal with it. Unfortunately you can't put a note on that stat increase, though, so it's probably best to write down where the increase came from in your notes.
When I looked for the answer to the question "Can I use more than one of these and gain the benefit twice" below is a compilation of what I found:
The DMG says:
"But when two or more game features have the same name, only the effects of one of them—the most potent one—apply while the durations of the effects overlap."
The PHB says:
"The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don't combine, however. Instead, the most potent effect — such as the highest bonus — from those castings applies while their durations overlap, or the most recent effect applies if the castings are equally potent and their durations overlap."
Neither of these -specifically- says two identical tomes can't stack, but it appears the D&D Adventurer's League FAQ has chosen to interpret specifically the DMG advice as meaning you can only ever apply one of each of the specific named tomes:
"Permanent Effects. Some items are destroyed when used, but grant permanent effects (e.g. tome of understanding). (...)the Adventurers League staff has interpreted the guidance prescribed in the DMG to mean that you can’t ever benefit from more than one such item—no matter how you come by additional copies."
So at my table, no. One per each. At yours... ?
Correct, you cannot benefit from this tome or similar items more then once. The tome educates the reader once and applying it a second time would simply impart the same teachings a second time.
Would dispel magic remove the effect?
No, as the Int granted from reading this book is not a spell.
Just Become a GOD BUBBY ,With 30 int easy XD
similar items should be fine. it says that the same spell, or effects with identical names, do not stack. for example, if you used the legendary item nether scroll of the azurene(or something similar, I cant quite recall the name) which boosts your intelligence by 2 to a max of 22, then used the tome of clear thought, it would still boost your intelligence by another 2, for a max of 24.
In only 500 years or so, it's so simple!
But then, of course you can't go out adventuring, can you? You might risk dying and losing your accumulated genius, or worse, the book itself!