This magic weapon has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While you carry it, you can expend 1 charge to cast Dominate Beast (save DC 15) from it on a Beast that has a Swim Speed.
Proficiency with a Trident allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
This weapon has the following mastery property. To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.
Topple. If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 plus the ability modifier used to make the attack roll and your Proficiency Bonus). On a failed save, the creature has the Prone condition.
Notes: Damage, Control, Combat, Thrown, Versatile, Topple
Sod be on a sugin
This work perfectly with the character i'm making! :D
The illustration makes it look better than it is.
I hear you can talk to fish ...
*successfully uses on kraken*
Krakens aren’t beasts
You can use this on a polar bear, and that's hilarious to me.
Underrated joke
I'm giving this to my yuan-ti. snakes have swim speeds.
to be fair its not like its an expensive weapon
Perferred by 4 out of 5 Sea Elves, for those who dominate beasts.
I used this item to control a giant crocodile and body a yuan-ti, it is a good item lol
I'm giving this to Hastain for a spelljammer campaign im dming and having it work on the kindori while he wields it, should spice things up.
**There are many beasts that have a swim speed that are not fish (dinosaurs, bears, snakes, giant crab, giant ape, crocodile, elephant) so this item is actually VERY good**