While touching this crystal orb, you can cast Scrying (save DC 17) with it. In addition, you have Truesight with a range of 120 feet centered on the spell’s sensor.
Perhaps they are relying on the built-in limits of the scrying spell? It only lasts ten minutes, then you would have to cast it again. That would mean another save, and a successful save means no more scrying on that target for 24 hours. Law of averages says you’re not going to get too much scrying on a single target before they get lucky and cut you off.
Also if it goes by scrying it's 10 min to cast for 10 min of use. That's 10 min for the target to move and get lost plus attunement taking a slot. It powerful but not op
Is there no charges? In our campaign we basically had unlimited scrying because there was no limit described
Perhaps they are relying on the built-in limits of the scrying spell? It only lasts ten minutes, then you would have to cast it again. That would mean another save, and a successful save means no more scrying on that target for 24 hours. Law of averages says you’re not going to get too much scrying on a single target before they get lucky and cut you off.
My understanding is that that's why it's such a high rarity magic item.
Also if it goes by scrying it's 10 min to cast for 10 min of use. That's 10 min for the target to move and get lost plus attunement taking a slot. It powerful but not op