Weapon (boomerang), uncommon
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
The boomerang is a ranged weapon, and any creature proficient with the javelin is also proficient with this weapon.
On a miss, a boomerang returns to the thrower's hand.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage, Combat, Range
The boomerang is a ranged weapon, and any creature proficient with the javelin is also proficient with this weapon.
On a miss, a boomerang returns to the thrower's hand.
So the Boomerang is a strength based weapon?
Why does this lack the "thrown" property?
The best weapon for a Blood Hunter.
Why are boomerangs not considered thrown weapons. They have the ranged property but not thrown. So I can use the sharp shooter feat with them and the Archery fighting style. But not the thrown weapon fighting style. Makes no sense.
i know right you can basically be captain boomerang from DC
It returns to you on a miss. Does that implicitly state that on a hit, it doesn't return to you and you are without your boomerang?
correct, if it hits something , you have to go pick it up.
Can always look for an artificer to give Artificer's Returning Weapon Infusion
The Boomerang Shield from BoMT is just a better-functioning version of this